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Swiss government found to be spending millions on anti-Israel lawfare

Started by Gaon, April 25, 2019, 10:13:11 PM

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Contracts signed by Switzerland, pro-Palestinian groups show Bern financing efforts to build cases against Israel at the International Criminal Court

The Swiss government has been directly funding legal activity targeting Israel over the past year. The funding, estimated at $2 million at least, was transferred by the Swiss Foreign Ministry through its diplomatic mission in Ramallah to a series of Israeli and Palestinian organizations one year ago.

The transfer of funds took place shortly after the Swiss government ended its support for the Ramallah-based Human Rights and International Law Secretariat over its support for the boycott, divestment and sanctions movement. Ultimately, though, the funds went towards financing similar projects.

The contracts were signed by both the Swiss diplomatic mission in Ramallah and six pro-Palestinian organizations in 2018.

Other Swiss-funded activities include interfering with Israel's demolition of terrorists' homes.

The contract further notes that the Swiss funds will go toward financing radio broadcasts aimed at enlisting support for a Bedouin community facing eviction. While the contract does not specify the Bedouin community in question or the radio stations that will aid in this effort, it does clearly constitute blatant meddling in Israel's internal affairs.  Among the other activities to be financed by the Swiss are assistance for imprisoned terrorists, participation in weekly protests demanding their release, legal representation of terrorists, legal counsel for their families and the filing of complaints demanding the return of terrorists' bodies."> ... l-lawfare/">

Europe's left and pro Islamist groups have formed an unholy alliance. They have a common enemy: Israel lead by the populist right wing Netanyahu.
The Russian Rock It


Western Europe's leftist-Islamist alliance and the Neo Nazis

In a tweet on the eve of the Kristallnacht anniversary, Sweden's foreign minister Margot Wallström vowed to fight antisemitism in Sweden and globally. "Antisemitism and intolerance is spreading again in many places. We must fight the threats and hatred, in Sweden and globally", Wallström said. In practice, Wallström has been busy fighting and slandering the Jewish state for defending itself against Muslim Arab anti-Semitic terrorism.

At an event marking Kristallnacht, Germany's Chancellor Angela Merkel condemned the resurgence of antisemitism in Europe. Merkel has been described as a friend of Jews and Israel. However, more than any other current European leader, Merkel played a key role in opening up Europe's borders to uncontrolled mass immigration from the Middle East and North Africa. In 2015, around one million immigrants arrived to Germany alone. The vast majority of these immigrants hailed from Muslim-majority countries plagued by rampant antisemitism.

Whereas European leaders such as Merkel have claimed that their pro-immigration policy was guided by humanism, it has increased Jew-hatred and crime levels in Europe. Polls reveal that anti-Semitic attitudes among Muslims are significantly higher than among non-Muslims in Europe.

Established politicians have unsuccessfully tried to cover-up one of Western Europe's worst kept secrets for years, namely that the leftist-Islamist alliance – and not fringe Neo Nazis – are responsible for the majority of anti-Semitic attacks in Europe, which have been conveniently mislabeled as "Israel criticism.""> ... neo-nazis/">

Scouse has a misguided opinion that all Jews want Europe flooded with mass migrants with alien values. But the reality is that a leftist-Islamist alliance wants Muslims in Europe to do the dirty work of alienating European Jews in their own countries.
The Russian Rock It


I know the state of Israel has a lot of enemies in the West..

Perhaps more so with a nationalist like Benjamin Netanyahu as prime minister.


he Western socialist left detests the United States and its capitalist economic structure, and seeks to facilitate that structure's downfall by any means necessary -- including the formation of whatever alliances will further that ultimate objective. One seemingly unlikely alliance that the socialist left has forged is its alliance with radical, fundamentalist Islam, which emphatically and unambiguously rejects virtually everything for which the socialist left claims to stand: the peaceful resolution of international conflict; respect and tolerance for other cultures and faiths; civil liberties; freedom of expression; freedom of thought; human rights; democracy; women's rights; gay rights; and the separation of church and state.

There could be no stranger bedfellows than Western leftists and Islamic extremists. Yet they have been brought together by the one overriding trait they do share -- their hatred for America; their belief that the U.S. is the very embodiment of evil on earth and must consequently be destroyed.

As Osama bin Laden told a CNN interviewer in 1997, "We declared jihad against America because America is unjust, criminal and tyrannical." This pronouncement does not differ at all, either in substance or tone, from the declarations of the West's radical left, whose ill will toward America is similarly detectable in the following excerpt from an al Qaeda manifesto:

"America is the head of heresy in our modern world, and it leads an infidel democratic regime that is based upon separation of religion and state and on ruling the people by the people via legislating laws that contradict the way of Allah and permit what Allah has prohibited. This compels the other countries to act in accordance with the same laws in the same ways . . . and punishes any country [that rebels against these laws] by besieging it, and then by boycotting it. By so doing [America] seeks to impose on the world a religion that is not Allah's."

While Western leftists make no similar religious references, they do contend, like radical Islamists, that the United States is determined to overrun other nations and dominate the world.

Radical Islam seeks purification and "social justice" by means of jihad, or holy war, whose highest ideal is martyrdom achieved while attempting to conquer an evil worldly power such as the United States, the Great Satan (and Israel, the Little Satan). The radical Islamist's ultimate goal is to subdue the "infidel" nations and therein institute sharia, or Islamic law, so as to redeem the world for Allah.

The radical left, similarly, advocates revolution as the means of achieving its ends -- eliminating capitalism and creating a socialist paradise on earth.

While Islamic radicals seek to purge the world of heresies and of the infidels who practice them, leftist radicals seek to purge society's collective "soul" of the vices allegedly spawned by capitalism -- those being racism, sexism, imperialism, and greed.

Just as Islamic radicals aim to impose their religion on the rest of the world in a totalitarian fashion requiring unwavering obedience, so do radical leftists strive to create an omnipotent socialist state that will control every aspect of daily life and will impose a universal brand of "social justice" on all mankind.

Central to both radical Islam and the radical Western left is an inclination to overthrow the existing order by any means necessary, so as to create a paradise on earth. Leftists may find the bigotry and intolerance of Islamic radicals repugnant, but their desire to rid the world of U.S. "imperialism" and capitalism overrides this revulsion and beckons them to forge the unholy alliance.

In the early stages of the Iraq War, George Galloway -- a British Member of Parliament and an inveterate America-hater -- gave voice to the mindset underlying the socialist left's alliance with radical Islam. Galloway was asked: "You often call for uniting Muslim and progressive forces globally. How far is it possible under current situation?" He replied:

"Not only do I think it's possible but I think it is vitally necessary and I think it is happening already. It is possible because the progressi ve movement around the world and the Muslims have the same enemies. Their enemies are the Zionist occupation, American occupation, British occupation of poor countries mainly Muslim countries. They have the same interest in opposing savage capitalist globalization which is intent upon homogenizing the entire world turning us basically into factory chickens which can be forced fed the American diet of everything from food to Coca-Cola to movies and TV culture. And whose only role in life is to consume the things produced endlessly by the multinational corporations. And the progressive organizations & movements agree on that with the Muslims.... So on the very grave big issues of the day-issues of war, occupation, justice, opposition to globalization-the Muslims and the progressives are on the same side."

The leftist Australian journalist John Pilger, who denounced "American imperialism" even as he praised Fidel Castro's Communist dictatorship, has been another vocal exponent of the alliance between the socialist left and radical Islam. Pilger publicly endorsed the killing of American troops in Iraq during the war that began in 2003. "[T]hey're legitimate targets," he said of those troops. "They're illegally occupying a country." Pilger openly supported the Iraqi resistance on the grounds that "we can't afford to be choosy" in acquiring much-needed allies. His sentiment clearly expressed the governing principle of the Islam-leftist alliance: The enemy of my enemy is my friend [whomever he may be]."> ... asp?id=291">

The leftist-Islamist alliance 101.
The Russian Rock It


The alliance between the British Left and extreme Islam

The alliance between the Labour Party (and other moieties of the British Left) and the subset of Muslims that is anti-Leftist in rejecting apostates, free speech, gays, and women's rights.

This second unholy alliance occurs in the U.S., too, and is the outcome of the Left's misguided decision when two aspects of liberal philosophy collide: sympathy for oppressed people of color, and sympathy for the plight of other marginalized or "second class" people like gays, nonbelievers, and women. Many Muslims, even those in the West, have regressive views on homosexuality, atheism, apostasy, blasphemy, and women's rights, and yet because Muslims have somehow acquired the status of OPOC (oppressed people of color), the pigmentation trumps the misogyny, censoriousness, and homophobia. This is THE great philosophical schism of today's Western Left, and Nick Cohen (a national treasure of British journalism) has expended a lot of words exposing it."> ... eme-islam/">
The Russian Rock It


Quote from: "Gaon"Contracts signed by Switzerland, pro-Palestinian groups show Bern financing efforts to build cases against Israel at the International Criminal Court

The Swiss government has been directly funding legal activity targeting Israel over the past year. The funding, estimated at $2 million at least, was transferred by the Swiss Foreign Ministry through its diplomatic mission in Ramallah to a series of Israeli and Palestinian organizations one year ago.

The transfer of funds took place shortly after the Swiss government ended its support for the Ramallah-based Human Rights and International Law Secretariat over its support for the boycott, divestment and sanctions movement. Ultimately, though, the funds went towards financing similar projects.

The contracts were signed by both the Swiss diplomatic mission in Ramallah and six pro-Palestinian organizations in 2018.

Other Swiss-funded activities include interfering with Israel's demolition of terrorists' homes.

The contract further notes that the Swiss funds will go toward financing radio broadcasts aimed at enlisting support for a Bedouin community facing eviction. While the contract does not specify the Bedouin community in question or the radio stations that will aid in this effort, it does clearly constitute blatant meddling in Israel's internal affairs.  Among the other activities to be financed by the Swiss are assistance for imprisoned terrorists, participation in weekly protests demanding their release, legal representation of terrorists, legal counsel for their families and the filing of complaints demanding the return of terrorists' bodies."> ... l-lawfare/">

Europe's left and pro Islamist groups have formed an unholy alliance. They have a common enemy: Israel lead by the populist right wing Netanyahu.
The Russian Rock It


Quote from: "Gaon"
The leftist Australian journalist John Pilger, who denounced "American imperialism" even as he praised Fidel Castro's Communist dictatorship, has been another vocal exponent of the alliance between the socialist left and radical Islam. Pilger publicly endorsed the killing of American troops in Iraq during the war that began in 2003. "[T]hey're legitimate targets," he said of those troops. "They're illegally occupying a country." Pilger openly supported the Iraqi resistance on the grounds that "we can't afford to be choosy" in acquiring much-needed allies. His sentiment clearly expressed the governing principle of the Islam-leftist alliance: The enemy of my enemy is my friend [whomever he may be]."> ... asp?id=291">

The leftist-Islamist alliance 101.

Oddly, Pilger is largely unknown in Australia, and those that know him know him to be a hardline Communist shill.

His most recent piece of garbage was venerating Chavez's Venezuela as a shining light of socialism.



This is an open secret Gaon. The only country in the Middle East that respects human rights is the only country singled out by the left for perceived human rights abuses.


Quote from: "seoulbro"This is an open secret Gaon. The only country in the Middle East that respects human rights is the only country singled out by the left for perceived human rights abuses.

That's how the leftards do lots of things these days-- they turn reality upside down.  Most of the ones who criticize Israel also act like Western countries are the worst when it comes to racism misogyny etc when they are, for the most part, the best.


Quote from: "Wazzzup"
Quote from: "seoulbro"This is an open secret Gaon. The only country in the Middle East that respects human rights is the only country singled out by the left for perceived human rights abuses.

That's how the leftards do lots of things these days-- they turn reality upside down.  Most of the ones who criticize Israel also act like Western countries are the worst when it comes to racism misogyny etc when they are, for the most part, the best.

Reality has been turned upside down..

Are women and religious minorities safer and have more legal protections in Israel and the West or in the Middle East and Africa.


Quote from: "Gaon" leftist-Islamist alliance

I like the term Leftists Islamist alliance.  I've been using it (and variations of it) for a while.">

(Yes I am going to be an arrogant prick and point it out :laugh: )


Quote from: "Fashionista"
Quote from: "Wazzzup"
Quote from: "seoulbro"This is an open secret Gaon. The only country in the Middle East that respects human rights is the only country singled out by the left for perceived human rights abuses.

That's how the leftards do lots of things these days-- they turn reality upside down.  Most of the ones who criticize Israel also act like Western countries are the worst when it comes to racism misogyny etc when they are, for the most part, the best.

Reality has been turned upside down..

Are women and religious minorities safer and have more legal protections in Israel and the West or in the Middle East and Africa.
Well done. :thumbup:  

That straight forward question quickly reveals the truth.


Quote from: "Wazzzup"
Quote from: "Gaon" leftist-Islamist alliance

I like the term Leftists Islamist alliance.  I've been using it (and variations of it) for a while.">

(Yes I am going to be an arrogant prick and point it out :laugh: )

I don't think Gaon would object if you claimed ownership of it..

But, would that be cultural appropriation.



I could have posted this in the Leftist Hypocrisy thread too.

QuoteThe leftist media and other American liberals insist on portraying President Trump's position as a fight against Islam and Muslims. In fact, most moderate Muslims are not offended by the phrase "radical Islam," because they are very distressed by the fact that their religion has been commandeered by the radicals and transformed from a religion of peace into a more radical version.

I just wonder where those feminists and John Kerry were when millions of Egyptian women needed their support when they marched against the Muslim Brotherhood, asking for America's help. Where were they when thousands of Syrian and Iraqi women were enslaved and raped by radical ISIS militants?

While not a single voice among these liberal feminists spoke out against these inhumane acts perpetrated against Muslim women by radical Islamists, a Hamas and Muslim Brotherhood sympathizer, Linda Sarsour, co-organized the anti-Trump Women's March on Washington. What's worse, these liberal feminists want Sarsour to represent all Muslim women, while in fact she speaks for nobody except herself and those who fund her."> ... ts-aligned">