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Re: Forum gossip thread by Herman


RIP Canada

Started by Anonymous, October 21, 2019, 11:28:48 PM

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A very strong Justine minority propped up by the ultra prog NDP. Justine copied Paul Martin of fifteen years ago. Demonize the Tories and marginalize the Dippers. Adios oil and gas, hello sky high taxes, deficits and of course the carbon tax on Canadian working stiffs to save the planet while China builds coal fired power plants.

Andrew Scheer is updating his resume on Indeed.


The Tories won more votes than the Grits.


2 terms of that twattwhaffle = Canada as we knew it and desire it .... down the shitter the rest of the day

Our Con gal came through in my riding ... although a last minute independent flash caused us to vote for Max's guy as a protest or a spit in the eye of the intolerable status quo libs and cons (actually lib lite) .. or something like that.

I feel better about myself having done it
I really tried to warn y\'all in 49  .. G. Orwell


Lisa Raitt lost her seat. :shock:


Since becoming leader of the Tories, Andrew Scheer has spent more time fighting Mad Max than Trudeau.


My MP, John Brassard was reelected by a healthy margin. That is one silver lining.


Eastern Canadians want to keep less of their money, want foreign instead of domestic oil and a government that maxes out the national credit card.



Quote from: "Shen Li"">



I could not vote. If I was eligible, it would not have been for Justin Trudeau. What do Canadians see in him? Israelis would consider him a joke.
The Russian Rock It


It's like a bad dream, I feel bad for all the people's who's career, life, and future is ruined by this idiot.
Permanently off his rocker


Quote from: "Zetsu"It's like a bad dream, I feel bad for all the people's who's career, life, and future is ruined by this idiot.

My husband could be one of those people destroyed by the Trudeau government.


Quote from: "Fashionista"
Quote from: "Zetsu"It's like a bad dream, I feel bad for all the people's who's career, life, and future is ruined by this idiot.

My husband could be one of those people destroyed by the Trudeau government.

Trudeau seems awfully ignorant giving away an impression it's all fun and games to him.  Can only take but never give or offer any productivity ever in return.   ac_unsure
Permanently off his rocker


People in Toronto and the 905 area code wanted him. Soon you will be Mr Dressup's bill.

By Lorrie Goldstein of Sun News Media

Open up your wallet, Canada

Electing Trudeau means more carbon taxes

With Prime Minister Justin Trudeau winning the most seats in Monday's election, Canadians will pay escalating carbon taxes for years to come.

That was always true, whether he won a majority government, or a minority one.

Since the NDP, Bloc Quebecois and Greens all support carbon pricing, Trudeau can rely on them to back his carbon pricing regime in a minority Parliament.

Trudeau's carbon tax on provinces that do not have their own federally-approved carbon pricing plans sets the minimum price on industrial greenhouse gas emissions at $20 per tonne this year, rising by $10 annually to $50 per tonne, in 2022.

The Trudeau government provides rebates, which it insists covers all the added costs to the public.

Critics are not only skeptical of this claim, they point out that even carbon taxes that start out as revenue neutral — as British Columbia's did in 2008 — eventually abandon revenue neutrality and become cash grabs for government.

What happens to Trudeau's carbon tax after 2022 is unclear, as Environment Minister Catherine Mckenna initially said the Trudeau government would freeze it at $50 in 2022, but later backed off, saying the Liberals haven't made a decision, meaning it could go higher.

Since the NDP, Bloc and Greens all outlined more stringent climate polices than Trudeau during the campaign, if Trudeau needs their support in a minority Parliament, they could demand he raise his carbon tax much higher than $50 per tonne in 2022, to anywhere from $100 to $300 per tonne of emissions by 2030.

The only way this would not happen is if Conservative leader Andrew Scheer had won an absolute majority of seats in Parliament — at least 170 — since he had promised to scrap the tax as his first order of business.

Alternatively, if Scheer had been within a few seats of 170, he might have been able to beat back carbon taxation because in that case, a Liberal, NDP, Bloc, Green alliance against Scheer, allowing Trudeau to continue as PM, even though he lost the election, while constitutionally legal, would anger many Canadians.

That's what happened in 2008 when then-conservative PM Stephen Harper won the election and increased his seat count in a minority Parliament, but the Liberals, NDP and Bloc cooked up a deal to install the unpopular Liberal leader Stephane Dion as prime minster, even though the Liberals lost the election and ended up with fewer seats than they had in 2006.

The plan was thwarted when then-governor general Michaëlle Jean granted Harper's request to prorogue Parliament, meaning the opposition parties could not pass a non-confidence motion causing Harper's government to fall.

But at that point, the attempted coup was already highly unpopular with the public.

But that's all water under the bridge now.

Given a Trudeau government, the last stand of the provinces that oppose his carbon tax will be in court challenges to his legislation.

Ontario and Saskatchewan have lost their legal cases against it in split decisions in provincial courts, but the issue will ultimately be decided by the Supreme Court of Canada.

As for the effectiveness of Trudeau's carbon tax, no credible body that has examined it believes that in its current form it will achieve the commitments to reduce emissions the PM made on behalf of Canada in the 2015 Paris climate accord.

This includes the United Nations, Canada's environment commissioner, and nine of 10 provincial auditors general, the parliamentary budget officer and the government's own study.

Liberal and Conservative governments have been setting and failing to meet their emission reduction targets for 30 years. That won't change.


In the dying days of the election, Trudeau was running ads saying that the Conservatives wanted to make the election about him. No, Trudeau wanted to make the election about him.

The entire government, the entire Liberal Party has become all about Justin Trudeau. It's not a political party anymore, it's a movement as Trudeau calls it or a cult as his detractors call it. Most Canadians it seems, don't want to join a cult.

In Quebec, where the Liberals had hoped to win more seats and save their majority status, voters turned overwhelmingly to the Bloc Quebecois. It's one of the stains of Trudeau's record that separatism is on the rise again. The Bloc were left for dead and just 10 months ago didn't even have a leader.

Now the party that wants to take Quebec out of Canada is a powerhouse again.

Even with Trudeau's Liberals being reduced to a minority we can expect a separatist sentiment to rise up in another part of the country, Western Canada. Alberta and Saskatchewan overwhelmingly backed the Conservatives and voted for their own future and the future of their oil and gas industry.

The future of that industry is now in jeopardy as the Liberals hold government but must turn to the NDP and Greens for support. Both of those parties hold the view that there should be no more pipelines built and oil should stay in the ground.

Voters in Western Canada will now look with disdain on their fellow Canadians who have turned their backs on a key driver of Canada's wealth. There has been increasing talk of turning off the equalization taps to Eastern Canada if the oil industry is not supported.

Monday's vote says the majority of people in Eastern Canada want oil money without the oil.

Under Trudeau we are seeing the rise of both Quebec separatism and the birth of Western separatism.

The calls of the "West Wants Out" will only get louder now.

Despite Trudeau's purchase of a pipeline and claims that he will get it built, that is unlikely to happen. As his own star candidate Steven Guilbeault said just the other day, pipelines are a thing of the past in Canada.

"I think that now that we have a real evaluation and impact assessment for projects, we will come to the conclusion that many of these projects are incompatible with the goals we have for 2030," Guilbeault said.

Can you ever imagine that Western provinces would vote to put an end to the auto industry or to Quebec's dairy or forestry industries?

That would never happen, nor should it happen to Alberta and Saskatchewan.

We have been through a very nasty, bitter and divisive campaign. What we have seen over the last 40 days is nothing compared to what we will see over the coming months if Trudeau and the other parties act on their promises.

Canada is a truly divided country now."> ... ded-canada">

Depending how far and how fast the Trudeau and the NDP crutch decide to move, Justin Trudeau could be the last pm of a united Canada.