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Re: Forum gossip thread by Herman

Sentenced!! - Finally Justice for "SMALL"ETT vile acts - a Busted Hatefull Plot

Started by cc, February 11, 2020, 07:29:32 PM

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Quote from: cc post_id=430030 time=1639099329 user_id=88
Yes!!!!!!!!!!!! Convicted

Quote from: Bricktop post_id=430027 time=1639099190 user_id=1560
Lie. Cheat. Deceive. Deny.

The mantra of the left.


Justice twice in a row. The States' justice system does get it right once in a while. Has he been sentenced yet?


And this is where the socialists fail.

They can scream and rant, manipulate and lie all they want, but when the crunch comes truth and reality will always prevail in a western democracy.


Quote from: Bricktop post_id=430036 time=1639100448 user_id=1560
And this is where the socialists fail.

They can scream and rant, manipulate and lie all they want, but when the crunch comes truth and reality will always prevail in a western democracy.



Quote from: "iron horse jockey" post_id=430033 time=1639099970 user_id=2015
Quote from: cc post_id=430030 time=1639099329 user_id=88
Yes!!!!!!!!!!!! Convicted

Quote from: Bricktop post_id=430027 time=1639099190 user_id=1560
Lie. Cheat. Deceive. Deny.

The mantra of the left.


Justice twice in a row. The States' justice system does get it right once in a while. Has he been sentenced yet?

Not yet.

Those charges are listed as class 4 felonies, which are among the least serious felonies in Illinois, but can still carry potential prison time of up to three years. Experts have said Smollett will likely be placed on probation and ordered to perform community service due to his lack of criminal history.


I have a question.

Does the conviction of Smollett guarantee a rout of Democrats at the next elections?


Quote from: Bricktop post_id=430055 time=1639105406 user_id=1560
I have a question.

Does the conviction of Smollett guarantee a rout of Democrats at the next elections?

No, but the record of Biden and the democRAT congress does.


He committed a disgusting fraud and other kinds of crimes.

He is a complete scumbag.


Quote from: Odinson post_id=430064 time=1639106864 user_id=136
He committed a disgusting fraud and other kinds of crimes.

He is a complete scumbag.

Damn straight. But, at worst he probably will get a suspended sentence or community service.


Quote from: Bricktop post_id=430055 time=1639105406 user_id=1560
I have a question.

Does the conviction of Smollett guarantee a rout of Democrats at the next elections?

I just wonder if his conviction proves that the Left thrive on lies and deception to the extent that any credibility they had is now evaporating faster than vodka in the Australian sun.

I'm curious as to how significant the impact of their commitment to deception and distortion if not outright falsehoods will have on their electoral appeal. They rode the Russia Hoax, the Ukraine travesty and Trump's impeachment as well as their President calling a white male a supremacist for shooting other white males who were threatening him. Will the America voter put an end to their duplicity and dissimilation with a resounding rejection at the ballot box, as UK voters did to their Labour Party last year?


Quote from: Bricktop post_id=430078 time=1639110927 user_id=1560
Quote from: Bricktop post_id=430055 time=1639105406 user_id=1560
I have a question.

Does the conviction of Smollett guarantee a rout of Democrats at the next elections?

I just wonder if his conviction proves that the Left thrive on lies and deception to the extent that any credibility they had is now evaporating faster than vodka in the Australian sun.

I'm curious as to how significant the impact of their commitment to deception and distortion if not outright falsehoods will have on their electoral appeal. They rode the Russia Hoax, the Ukraine travesty and Trump's impeachment as well as their President calling a white male a supremacist for shooting other white males who were threatening him. Will the America voter put an end to their duplicity and dissimilation with a resounding rejection at the ballot box, as UK voters did to their Labour Party last year?

The democRATs will likely get trounced in the midterms in November and lose the House.



Quote from: Herman post_id=429830 time=1638998139 user_id=1689
Interesting take on why Jussie Smollett faked a hate crime."> ... ing%20News">

Popular culture's puppet masters — academia, Big Tech's social media apps, the executives running the TV, movie, music, and sports industries, and the political left — have established victimhood as the highest form of blackness. Attaining victim status is the primary expectation placed on American black men.

Meeting this expectation is especially important for mixed-race, wealthy celebrities. In the culture created by the left, victimhood is their rite of passage into the fraternity of blackness.

As much as I despise Smollett for the 2019 racial hoax he staged in Chicago, the alleged crime that currently has him on trial, my disdain for the culture that baited him into the act far exceeds my disgust for Smollett.

Smollett, the child of a black woman and a white Jewish man, did what the culture told him to do and what the culture puts enormous pressure on half-black, half-white kids to do: prove their blackness. In modern American culture, there's nothing blacker than being worthy of a white man's aggression. Smollett isn't worthy. So he allegedly paid two black men to pose as white and attack him.

The whole scenario is funny until you consider the sadness of the mental state that would devise such a scheme and a culture that would entice it.

Smollett and Kaepernick, the self-made national anthem martyr, are victims. They're victims of the racist expectations imposed on them by a sick, secular culture. At different levels, all American black people are victims of this culture.

Human beings respond to expectations. Expectations can be and should be the greatest gift imposed on human beings. Expectations inspire behavior and shape mindsets.

Tuesday night, I had dinner with two friends. We engaged in a debate about white privilege. What is it? Does it exist? Can it be fixed?

I argued that white privilege certainly exists in America and that the greatest white privilege is expectations that align with success. White people are expected to achieve academically. They're expected to master the English language. They're expected to have good credit. They're expected to show up on time. They're expected not to use the N-word. They're expected to make an effort to avoid racist thoughts and actions. They're expected to wed the mothers or fathers of their children.

Do all white people meet these expectations? Absolutely not. But being born into a world that expects you to adopt principles and behaviors that lead to success is a privilege that puts you far ahead of people who don't have those expectations on them.

Black people, as a collective, don't have those expectations on them. Popular culture, as controlled by liberals, removes virtually all expectations from black people, particularly black men. We're expected to excel at football and basketball. And we're expected to meet the liberal standard of blackness. Anything we do or achieve beyond that is considered a bonus.

The lack of expectations imposed on black people is the most racist act in America. It's far more racist than Derek Chauvin kneeling on George Floyd's neck and back. Had George Floyd entered a world that expected him to achieve beyond the athletic field, he would have been much less likely to find himself needing to be restrained by police.

The lack of expectations placed on black people is systemic racism. Victimhood being the highest level of blackness is systemic racism.

Jussie Smollett is a victim of the systemic racism maintained by white liberals.

White liberal racism is the most odious and ubiquitous form of racism in North America.


Quote from: Herman post_id=430067 time=1639107539 user_id=1689
Quote from: Odinson post_id=430064 time=1639106864 user_id=136
He committed a disgusting fraud and other kinds of crimes.

He is a complete scumbag.

Damn straight. But, at worst he probably will get a suspended sentence or community service.

That is a suitable sentence for convicted shoplifters, but not what he did.
The Russian Rock It


Quote from: Gaon post_id=430256 time=1639252392 user_id=3170
Quote from: Herman post_id=430067 time=1639107539 user_id=1689
Quote from: Odinson post_id=430064 time=1639106864 user_id=136
He committed a disgusting fraud and other kinds of crimes.

He is a complete scumbag.

Damn straight. But, at worst he probably will get a suspended sentence or community service.

That is a suitable sentence for convicted shoplifters, but not what he did.

It's basically a misdemeanor.

cc"> ... b8d6806cba">
I really tried to warn y\'all in 49  .. G. Orwell