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COVID-19 >>"True and Helpful" Covid Information Thread

Started by cc, March 13, 2020, 04:44:51 PM

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Oh you Silly Goose, sigh

1 or even  100s of of cherry-picked examples have no scientific meaning and no legitimacy toward a meaningful conclusion

To legitimately determine any cause / effect, one does not start by coming to a conclusion and then setting out searching for effect and then work backward in failed attempts to prove their pre-conclusion, sigh

Only conspiracists operate in reverse to creditable determination .. because their failed efforts are pre-designed to prove their pre-determined result. That is how outfits like Stormfront operate ffs .. start at the "end" and try to work your way backward  to prove a false conclusion  

Only rigid and random studies starting with "nothing to prove" (i.e. neutral, but in search of whatever result turns out to be)  ..  involving very large numbers, usually  1000s of "randomly chosen"  people carefully studied over time can determine a believable  cause / effect of anything
I really tried to warn y\'all in 49  .. G. Orwell


Quote from: cc post_id=406371 time=1616869001 user_id=88
Quote from: Fashionista post_id=406344 time=1616841307 user_id=3254
Poland had 35,000 cases yesterday, France had 41,000.


Yes, and far more highly  vaccinated UK  has slowly worked it's way from a max of 70,000 / day around New Years  down to 5000 and falling today

Looking at all similar countries makes it impossible to come to any other sincere conclusion than that vaccine is saving 1000s of lives weekly in the UK alone ... like 5,708 lives for the week of Jan 1 to 500 this past week, most all of whom have not been vaccinated and or( had not had sufficient time for vaccine to build enough antibodies)

Vaccines are winning against variants.


Quote from: Fashionista post_id=406375 time=1616874498 user_id=3254
Quote from: cc post_id=406371 time=1616869001 user_id=88
Quote from: Fashionista post_id=406344 time=1616841307 user_id=3254
Poland had 35,000 cases yesterday, France had 41,000.


Yes, and far more highly  vaccinated UK  has slowly worked it's way from a max of 70,000 / day around New Years  down to 5000 and falling today

Looking at all similar countries makes it impossible to come to any other sincere conclusion than that vaccine is saving 1000s of lives weekly in the UK alone ... like 5,708 lives for the week of Jan 1 to 500 this past week, most all of whom have not been vaccinated and or( had not had sufficient time for vaccine to build enough antibodies)

Vaccines are winning against variants.

From the numbers we see lately, vaccines appear to be winning bigtime. Britain is the prime example to observe because  it has vaccinated such a large % of its people

Legit mass studies (most all vaccinated) are being done constantly and will demonstrate the effect in exact numbers
I really tried to warn y\'all in 49  .. G. Orwell


Alberta reported 668 cases today and one more death..

Four in ten cases are from household transmission where people who have the virus are not isolating from other people they live with.


Quote from: cc post_id=406372 time=1616869506 user_id=88
Oh you Silly Goose, sigh

1 or even  100s of of cherry-picked examples have no scientific meaning and no legitimacy toward a meaningful conclusion

To legitimately determine any cause / effect, one does not start by coming to a conclusion and then setting out searching for effect and then work backward in failed attempts to prove their pre-conclusion, sigh

Only conspiracists operate in reverse to creditable determination .. because their failed efforts are pre-designed to prove their pre-determined result. That is how outfits like Stormfront operate ffs .. start at the "end" and try to work your way backward  to prove a false conclusion  

Only rigid and random studies starting with "nothing to prove" (i.e. neutral, but in search of whatever result turns out to be)  ..  involving very large numbers, usually  1000s of "randomly chosen"  people carefully studied over time can determine a believable  cause / effect of anything

One just need look at official reporting numbers of deaths and injuries for covid, multiply them by a reasonable estimate of an under-reporting factor, to see this stuff is bad short term for many and potentially more long term...

Dry your eyes, Vaxhole...


Quote from: "Dinky Dazza" post_id=406389 time=1616885603 user_id=1676
Quote from: cc post_id=406372 time=1616869506 user_id=88
Oh you Silly Goose, sigh

1 or even  100s of of cherry-picked examples have no scientific meaning and no legitimacy toward a meaningful conclusion

To legitimately determine any cause / effect, one does not start by coming to a conclusion and then setting out searching for effect and then work backward in failed attempts to prove their pre-conclusion, sigh

Only conspiracists operate in reverse to creditable determination .. because their failed efforts are pre-designed to prove their pre-determined result. That is how outfits like Stormfront operate ffs .. start at the "end" and try to work your way backward  to prove a false conclusion  

Only rigid and random studies starting with "nothing to prove" (i.e. neutral, but in search of whatever result turns out to be)  ..  involving very large numbers, usually  1000s of "randomly chosen"  people carefully studied over time can determine a believable  cause / effect of anything

One just need look at official reporting numbers of deaths and injuries for covid, multiply them by a reasonable estimate of an under-reporting factor, to see this stuff is bad short term for many and potentially more long term...

Dry your eyes, Vaxhole...

Well, that was  embarrassingly pathetic

I am disappoint
I really tried to warn y\'all in 49  .. G. Orwell


Quote from: cc post_id=406403 time=1616895189 user_id=88
Quote from: "Dinky Dazza" post_id=406389 time=1616885603 user_id=1676
Quote from: cc post_id=406372 time=1616869506 user_id=88
Oh you Silly Goose, sigh

1 or even  100s of of cherry-picked examples have no scientific meaning and no legitimacy toward a meaningful conclusion

To legitimately determine any cause / effect, one does not start by coming to a conclusion and then setting out searching for effect and then work backward in failed attempts to prove their pre-conclusion, sigh

Only conspiracists operate in reverse to creditable determination .. because their failed efforts are pre-designed to prove their pre-determined result. That is how outfits like Stormfront operate ffs .. start at the "end" and try to work your way backward  to prove a false conclusion  

Only rigid and random studies starting with "nothing to prove" (i.e. neutral, but in search of whatever result turns out to be)  ..  involving very large numbers, usually  1000s of "randomly chosen"  people carefully studied over time can determine a believable  cause / effect of anything

One just need look at official reporting numbers of deaths and injuries for covid, multiply them by a reasonable estimate of an under-reporting factor, to see this stuff is bad short term for many and potentially more long term...

Dry your eyes, Vaxhole...

Well, that was  embarrassingly pathetic

I am disappoint

I can't help it if you've got Swiss cheese in the noggin...  :001_rolleyes:

***and previous post should have said injections related to death and adverse reactions...autocomplete...***


Current Variant Cases in Canada

.............B.1.1.7 - B.1.351 - P.1

Alberta....   2,808......   20 ... 5

BC .........1,666 .....   47....   199

Ontario ..   1,625 ......   63 ....   67
I really tried to warn y\'all in 49  .. G. Orwell


Quote from: cc post_id=406479 time=1616965158 user_id=88
Current Variant Cases in Canada

.............B.1.1.7 - B.1.351 - P.1

Alberta....   2,808......   20 ... 5

BC .........1,666 .....   47....   199

Ontario ..   1,625 ......   63 ....   67



I forgot to link it - Note, up since I posted above - I guess Alta today results just came in"> ... -1.5296141">
I really tried to warn y\'all in 49  .. G. Orwell


They are trying a mix & match test underway in UK (800+ people - different vaccines each shot))

Concept is that many vaccines (polio, Ebola etc.) are all already using this concept to cover  a broader spectrum of the slightly different virus particle types   by using different follow-up vaccines (theoretically more effective as a result & in fact proven to be very much so on past vaccines .. so much so that it has become deliberate standard practice for many viruses)

No link yet - was on TV. I'm sure we will hear much more on this

Canada is starting a similar trial & they will compare notes on results with UK (participants are volunteers in both tests)

UPDATE - here's a link"> ... d-kingdom/">
I really tried to warn y\'all in 49  .. G. Orwell


Quote from: cc post_id=406484 time=1616969125 user_id=88
They are trying a mix & match test underway in UK (800+ people - different vaccines each shot))

Concept is that many vaccines (polio, Ebola etc.) are all already using this concept to cover  a broader spectrum of the slightly different virus particle types   by using different follow-up vaccines (theoretically more effective as a result & in fact proven to be very much so on past vaccines .. so much so that it has become deliberate standard practice for many viruses)

No link yet - was on TV. I'm sure we will hear much more on this

Canada is starting a similar trial & they will compare notes on results with UK (participants are volunteers in both tests)

UPDATE - here's a link"> ... d-kingdom/">



Alberta reported 644 new cases, 235 new variant cases, and 3 deaths today.

cc">'A very clear shift': Younger people getting sicker, faster with COVID, doctors say

It's not clear what's driving that shift, but doctors say highly contagious variants of the SARS-CoV-2 virus are undoubtedly playing a role

Younger people are getting more severely ill with COVID, and more quickly, prompting desperate "rescue"  interventions for people as young as 22 at one Toronto Hospital.

On Monday morning, 17 people with COVID-19 were connected to extracorporeal membrane oxygenation, or ECMO, at Toronto General Hospital, the highest number since the pandemic began. Their ages ranged from  22 to 61. Four are in their 20s or 30s.

"Certainly, we've seen a shift in the kinds of patients that we're seeing coming to the ICU in this wave," said Dr. Eddy Fan, medical director of the Extracorporeal Life Support Program at Toronto's University Health Network, or UHN. HIs ECMO unit, the largest in Canada, is also a provincial referral centre

In wave one and two, most of those put on ECMO because of COVID-ravaged lungs were older, in their 50s and 60s, with chronic health problems. Now, they're younger, many previously healthy.
I really tried to warn y\'all in 49  .. G. Orwell


We are back to indoor regs almost total

We have been rising in numbers steadily - and Bonnie & her team pin it down to indoor gettogethers enhanced by many variants

We get no weekend reports made public, but last  days now out



I really tried to warn y\'all in 49  .. G. Orwell