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Obama And Dems Are As Responsible For Government Shutdown

Started by Anonymous, October 04, 2013, 06:06:51 PM

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I want to start by saying if I was an American I would not be a Rep or a Dem. They are both incredibly inept parties in a race to the bottom. The 90's Reps under Gingrich and Dems under Clinton provided the US with a steady hands at the wheel. I would never have voted  for Dubya's big spending, overreaching government initiatives either.  

However, this current prez is NO Bill Clinton. I expected a little Clinton pragmatism, but he is so hyper-partisan and uncompromising it is sickening.

QuoteHe's fond of insisting that because Obamacare passed along strict party lines back in 2010, when the Democrats had majorities in the House and the Senate, that it's a done deal. Will of the people, that sort of thing. Even the Supreme Court upheld it. Suck it, Republicans. I won - get over it. His pique is understandable, even as I wish Obamacare had never been passed, much less upheld.

But Obamacare also helped spark a Republican resurgence in the 2010 midterms and the Democrats lost the House. They didn't lose in spite of your programs, Mr. President. They lost because of your first two years in office, when you signed on to Bush's TARP plan, expanded unpopular military actions, pushed a stimulus that failed by your own predicted measures of success, and forced through a health-care plan that people still don't like.

Then you compounded legislative issues by failing to kick the asses of sorry little functionaries like John Boehner and Harry Reid to pass budgets on a regular basis. At this point, you're one for five, batting .200 on budgets. If you had forced the budget process, most Americans would never have learned of the debt limit, whose increase you used to rail against so eloquently. It's hard, after all, for Congress not to pass increases to pay for spending it budgeted through the normal budget process.

From Reuters
QuoteA Reuters/Ipsos poll indicated that 24 percent of Americans blamed Republicans for the shutdown, while 19 percent blamed Obama or Democrats. Another 46 percent said everyone was to blame.

That 46% are indeed correct. This is a failure on both sides of the aisle.


From Reuters;

QuoteWith the federal government expected to hit its debt limit in mid-October, 70 percent of Americans oppose raising the debt ceiling, the latest Reason-Rupe poll finds. In fact, 55 percent of Americans say they do not support raising the debt ceiling even if it causes the U.S. to default on its debt.

If equal spending cuts accompany an increase in the debt ceiling, 45 percent say they'd support raising it and 46 percent would oppose. Thirty-five percent favor raising the debt ceiling in exchange for cutting off funding to the Affordable Care Act, also known as Obamacare, with 56 percent opposed.

Nearly two-thirds, 63 percent, of Americans feel members of Congress are out of touch with their constituents when it comes to federal spending.  Seventy-six percent of Americans believe the federal government spends too much money, 11 percent say it spends the right amount, and 7 percent say it spends too little.

In response to open-ended questions, Americans told Reason-Rupe the government wastes 60 cents out of every dollar they pay in federal taxes and they'd cut federal spending by 30 percent across the board.

Rep. Paul Ryan's (R-WI) 2013 budget plan aims to balance the federal budget over 10 years, but Reason-Rupe finds the public wants it done sooner than that. In fact, 40 percent of Americans say Congress should balance the budget immediately, 32 percent say the budget should be balanced over five years, 16 percent feel it should be balanced over 10 years, and 7 percent say Congress should not worry about balancing the budget.

Obama and congress are out of touch with Americans.


QuoteRep. Paul Ryan's (R-WI) 2013 budget plan aims to balance the federal budget over 10 years

Lolz. Paul Ryan's budget plan balances in part because it includes savings from Obamacare.">//

Republicans, mainly the Tea Party faction, are definitely responsible. All they had to do was vote for no shutdown. They could stop the shutdown tomorrow. There are enough votes, there are now enough moderate(not cruel and insane) Republican votes, and Obama would sign it immediately. Spineless John Boehner won't do it.

Most Americans rightfully blame Republicans and the number is growing by the day. Even many prominent Republicans are sick of this mess. There's a bit of a war going on between moderate Republicans and the extremists. We haven't seen any Democrats criticizing other Democrats for wanting to keep the government going and stop hurting America!

Obamacare is the law. It's not only going to happen, it is happening. Tens of thousands have signed up. Millions will finally be able to obtain and afford health care. What's the Republican alternative? "They can go to emergency".

Republican fail. Obama was re-elected. Obamacare passed the House and the Senate. The right-leaning Supreme Court ruled it constitutional. The Republicans have tried to repeal it 42 times and have failed every single time.

"Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." - Albert Einstein

The whole "but but but we just wanna delay it for a year" is a bunch of baloney. We all know they want Obamacare gone. They're outright lying. And that's nothing:

"Obamacare is the most dangerous piece of legislation ever passed in Congress." - Republican Congressman John Fleming

"Repeal this failure before it literally kills women, kills children, kills senior citizens." - Republican Congresswoman Michele Bachmann

"A law as destructive to personal and individual liberty as the Fugitive Slave Act of 1850." - Republican Representative William L. O'Brien

"Armageddon." - Republican House Speaker John Boehner

Tell me they're not friggin' crazy.

But here's some rare honesty:

"We're not going to be disrespected. We have to get something out of this. And I don't know what that even is." - Republican Congressman Marlin Stutzman

And now they act all concerned and shocked with their outcome. But do they care about the 800,000 Americans who aren't working and getting paid? All the military veterans who have lost assistance and Meals on Wheels? All the families and children who are going to go hungry? All the people who are losing their needed health care?

No! They're only upset about some parks and memorials being closed!

The Tea Party hates government. They're loving this and they got exactly what they wanted. In fact, many Tea Partiers and Republicans say the government isn't shutdown enough. Fox News calls this a "slimdown", not a shutdown.

Republican's fault. They'll cave in and come to some of their senses eventually. Hopefully they won't ruin the economy and American lives too much in the meantime.


Funny stuff. @ 4:06, Republican after Republican after Republican: "government is the problem", "get government out of the way", "get government out of our lives", "get government off our backs", "if only the government would leave us alone".

@ 5:26: "this is about the happiest I've seen our [Republican] members in a long time". Says it all.

A bunch of government employees being paid handsomely to be a problem and, um, not govern. They wanted it, they got it!


Obama and the Democrats wanted this shutdown and have the most to gain by it.
QuoteWhite House Press Secretary Jay Carney was left playing damage control Friday after a "senior administration official" told The Wall Street Journal that the administration doesn't care how long the government shutdown continues.

"We are winning,"
the unnamed official told the Journal. "It doesn't really matter to us" how long the shutdown lasts "because what matters is the end result," the official said.

QuoteMembers of the two parties did get together later in the week, but only so the Democrats could again emphasize they wouldn't budge. President Barack Obama invited Boehner over to the White House to deliver the same message.
I am not some hyper-partisan hack and I don't like either US political party, but the DEMS and Obama are at least as intransigent as the Reps. As we can see Obama has more to gain by playing hardball.


The politics of this shutdown gets even more silly. This is the kind of billionaire capitalist sugardaddy sleazeball that butters Obama's bread and holds Americans hostage to his greed. Us politics is about money and hyperbole. Each party is as guilty as the other.

QuoteTom Steyer, a San Francisco billionaire and a major Democratic party fundraiser, chastises Harper for saying he would not "take 'no' for an answer" from U.S. President Barack Obama on TransCanada's Keystone XL.

In a question-and-answer session with the Canadian American Business Council last week in New York, Harper took a hard line on how Canada would respond if the Keystone XL project is rejected by the White House."> ... -pipeline/

Not only did Mr. Steyer make lots of money out of investing in fossil fuels, but through his new organization, NextGen he is involved in clean energy investment funds whose fortunes depend significantly on legislation that cripples fossil fuels.

Rambo Wong


QuoteWhite House Press Secretary Jay Carney was left playing damage control Friday after a "senior administration official" told The Wall Street Journal that the administration doesn't care how long the government shutdown continues.

"We are winning,"
the unnamed official told the Journal. "It doesn't really matter to us" how long the shutdown lasts "because what matters is the end result," the official said.

Just hearsay. An unnamed official? How convenient. Jay Carney wasn't playing "damage control". He said the allegation that anybody said the administration doesn't care how long the government shutdown continues was false and "absurd".

QuoteMembers of the two parties did get together later in the week, but only so the Democrats could again emphasize they wouldn't budge. President Barack Obama invited Boehner over to the White House to deliver the same message. In the hours since the government shut down, House Republicans have slowly but steadily been coming forward to say they're ready to pass a bill to fund the government with no strings attached.

As of Wednesday afternoon, the number of those Republicans hit 21 -- surpassing the magic 17 votes needed to pass a clean funding bill if all 200 Democrats stick together and team up with them. Of course, House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) would have to be willing to put that bill on the floor in the first place. But if he did, the votes appear to be there for passage, at which point the bill would sail through the Senate and be signed by President Barack Obama, ending the shutdown.

Here's who those House Republicans are, and why they say they're done with trying to force through provisions to delay or defund Obamacare in order to keep the government running.">//

QuoteRep. Dennis Ross (R-Fla.) said Friday that Republicans have "lost" the battle over attaching Obamacare-related provisions to the continuing resolution to fund the government, and said they should move on to negotiations over raising the debt ceiling.

"We've lost the CR battle," he told Bloomberg. "We need to move on and take whatever we can find in the debt limit."

"There are a whole lot of other issues that haunted us at the election other than Obamacare," he said. "I would hope there's at least enough of us to constitute a majority of reasonable people that realize we need to give and take."">//

QuoteThe suggestion that Democrats aren't willing to negotiate ignores that they've already given Republicans a major win. The continuing resolution that the White House and congressional Democrats have agreed to funds the government at sequestration levels.

"It is a concession, I acknowledge that," Rep. Doug Lamborn (R-Colo.) told The Huffington Post on Saturday. "I was glad to see that lower number. It didn't take defense spending into account. There has been some compromise and I acknowledge that."

(Lamborn, for what it's worth, is no centrist. He signed on to a letter saying a government shutdown was preferable to the implementation of Obamacare.)">//

QuoteWith the government shutdown in its fifth day, many Republicans have conceded the fight is no longer about Obamacare. Rep. Dennis Ross (R-Fla.) added his name to the list on Saturday, saying the matter now boils down to "pride."

"Republicans have to realize how many significant gains we've made over the last three years, and we have, not only in cutting spending but in really turning the tide on other things," Ross told The New York Times. "We can't lose all that when there's no connection now between the shutdown and the funding of Obamacare."

"I think now it's a lot about pride," he added.">//

Moderate Republicans are sick of this and want to it to end. Extremist Tea Partiers are holding them back and we all know they love the government being shutdown. The less government the better, the no government the best. Again, they wanted it and they got it!


QuoteJust hearsay. An unnamed official? How convenient. Jay Carney wasn't playing "damage control". He said the allegation that anybody said the administration doesn't care how long the government shutdown continues was false and "absurd".

The White House is distancing itself from the remark, but they do NOT deny it was made.

It was most likely a cabinet member who made the this remark to someone from the Wall Street Journal/

"We are winning...It doesn't really matter to us" how long the shutdown lasts "because what matters is the end result."

Obama is taking a high stakes gamble and so far it's working.
QuotePresident Barack Obama is sticking to his stance that he won't negotiate with Republicans over the government shutdown or the higher-stakes fight over the federal debt ceiling.

The question, for Republicans and White House allies alike: How long will that resolve last?"> ... 40284.html">

Only hyper partisan hacks will deny that Obama bears at least some responsibility for this political mess.


Jay Carney did deny the remark was made and said "we utterly disavow idea White House doesn't care when it ends". Still, it was hearsay. Who is this mysterious unnamed official? And even if it was said, one person does not speak for Obama, the White House or the Democratic Party.

The Democrats have already negotiated and compromised. The Senate-passed Continuing Resolution is set at the Republican's own budget and includes the sequester. The Democrats wanted a higher budget and an end to the sequester.">

See? Compromise! Funding is set at Paul Ryan's own budget! The Republicans got exactly what they wanted, have offered up absolutely nothing in return and are demanding even more.

Earlier today John Boehner said he doesn't have enough votes to put an end to this nonsense. He's lying yet again! 21 Republicans are on record saying they would vote for the bill.


Quote from: "Romero"Jay Carney did deny the remark was made and said "we utterly disavow idea White House doesn't care when it ends". Still, it was hearsay. Who is this mysterious unnamed official? And even if it was said, one person does not speak for Obama, the White House or the Democratic Party.

The Democrats have already negotiated and compromised. The Senate-passed Continuing Resolution is set at the Republican's own budget and includes the sequester. The Democrats wanted a higher budget and an end to the sequester.">

See? Compromise! Funding is set at Paul Ryan's own budget! The Republicans got exactly what they wanted, have offered up absolutely nothing in return and are demanding even more.

Earlier today John Boehner said he doesn't have enough votes to put an end to this nonsense. He's lying yet again! 21 Republicans are on record saying they would vote for the bill.

[size=200]Not Found[/size]

[size=150]Sorry, but you are looking for something that isn't here.[/size]

Explain this to me Romero...



Explain this also - It and 100s like it back up Loch's thread as to how this tit operates

Amber Alert Taken Down, But Michelle's "Let's Move" Still Up

Former Amber Alert -">

But the bitch's site is up"> ................. fkkkkkkkk -

In a White House of skewed priorities, who in their right mind could possibly think that helping to save missing children was 'less essential"?

This guy surpasses Nixon for spite and for do anything ... anything
I really tried to warn y\'all in 49  .. G. Orwell


Quote from: "Romero"Huh? Are you not seeing the image I posted?

I didnĀ“t mean that.

I sometimes cannot send a reply. A new page comes up from memebee and it says not found.


Quote from: "cc li tarte"Explain this also - It and 100s like it back up Loch's thread as to how this tit operates

Amber Alert Taken Down, But Michelle's "Let's Move" Still Up

Former Amber Alert -">

But the bitch's site is up"> ................. fkkkkkkkk -

In a White House of skewed priorities, who in their right mind could possibly think that helping to save missing children was 'less essential"?

A lot of .gov web sites are still up. Obama and the Democrats can't pick and choose which web sites, departments and services will keep running, or which workers will be furloughed. Though both parties have agreed to recall 400,000 Defense Department workers as they'll be paid retroactively once the government reopens.

Obama and the Democrats certainly didn't choose to shut down the Department of Justice's Amber Alert web site.

A lot of damage is being done. Hundreds of thousands of families are suffering and tens of thousands of children are suffering. Boehner can end this nonsense with a vote tomorrow!

QuoteI've been asked if all the social chatter about the DOJ shutting down its Amber Alert website ("> is true, and the answer is yes, the site has been taken down and unceremoniously replaced with a notice stating, "Due to the lapse in federal funding this Office of Justice Programs (OJP) website is unavailable."

This does not mean the Amber Alert system itself has been shut down, however. Amber Alerts are issued by the states, not the federal government. As of this past weekend, the system still seemed to be working fine.

Even with offline, a constantly updated list of current Amber Alerts nationwide remains accessible day and night via the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children.">//