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Dang!! Another Asian Invasion - ‘Murder hornets’ in My Area

Started by cc, May 04, 2020, 04:42:45 PM

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Quote from: "Herman"
Quote from: "Oak"
Quote from: "seoulbro"
Quote from: "cc"I was aware and went a bit panic when China gave us this virus

And then faulty masks. What a reliable partner.

The 1918 "Spanish Flu" originated in Kansas City.  What did we Americans do?  We called it the Spanish Flu.  

Typical American BS.  Yet, the anti-Chinese sentiment in the US hasn't been this high since the American immigration act of the 19th century.

What on earth has that got to do with the insane situation that Canada has put itself in which was the Seoul brother's point.

We are at the mercy of one country for our medical supplies. The same damned country that lied and covered it up this pandemic that allowed it to spread. The same country that used it's diaspora to hoard medical supplies while denying the virus spread person to person. The same country that has sent us defective supplies while we were facing a desperate shortage.

This situation that globalists in Canada and their wily Chinese allies have put us in is suicidal. Any current or future pm that does not promise to change this ASAP is unfit for office. If you want to interpret that as anti Chinese bigotry, than be my guest. But, my China born wife disagrees with you.

And don't forget that Taiwan warned the WHO in late December about this, but China doesn't let the WHO talk to Taiwan let alone let Taiwan inform the world what China is up to.


Quote from: "Herman"
Quote from: "Oak"
Quote from: "seoulbro"
Quote from: "cc"I was aware and went a bit panic when China gave us this virus

And then faulty masks. What a reliable partner.

The 1918 "Spanish Flu" originated in Kansas City.  What did we Americans do?  We called it the Spanish Flu.  

Typical American BS.  Yet, the anti-Chinese sentiment in the US hasn't been this high since the American immigration act of the 19th century.

What on earth has that got to do with the insane situation that Canada has put itself in which was the Seoul brother's point.

We are at the mercy of one country for our medical supplies. The same damned country that lied and covered it up this pandemic that allowed it to spread. The same country that used it's diaspora to hoard medical supplies while denying the virus spread person to person. The same country that has sent us defective supplies while we were facing a desperate shortage.

This situation that globalists in Canada and their wily Chinese allies have put us in is suicidal. Any current or future pm that does not promise to change this ASAP is unfit for office. If you want to interpret that as anti Chinese bigotry, than be my guest. But, my China born wife disagrees with you.

The PRC government threatened to cut off drug supplies. Dependence on China for medical mask production forced the U.S. and Canadian governments to lie about the efficacy of masks so that a shortage (from Chinese government hoarding) did not produce a run on supplies that left nothing for medical professionals. While it is undesirable for the U.S. and Canada to withdraw from international trade, we should take steps to limit our dependence on an ambitious and unfriendly rival government. This cannot continue.


Quote from: "seoulbro"
Quote from: "Herman"
Quote from: "Oak"
Quote from: "seoulbro"
Quote from: "cc"I was aware and went a bit panic when China gave us this virus

And then faulty masks. What a reliable partner.

The 1918 "Spanish Flu" originated in Kansas City.  What did we Americans do?  We called it the Spanish Flu.  

Typical American BS.  Yet, the anti-Chinese sentiment in the US hasn't been this high since the American immigration act of the 19th century.

What on earth has that got to do with the insane situation that Canada has put itself in which was the Seoul brother's point.

We are at the mercy of one country for our medical supplies. The same damned country that lied and covered it up this pandemic that allowed it to spread. The same country that used it's diaspora to hoard medical supplies while denying the virus spread person to person. The same country that has sent us defective supplies while we were facing a desperate shortage.

This situation that globalists in Canada and their wily Chinese allies have put us in is suicidal. Any current or future pm that does not promise to change this ASAP is unfit for office. If you want to interpret that as anti Chinese bigotry, than be my guest. But, my China born wife disagrees with you.

The PRC government threatened to cut off drug supplies. Dependence on China for medical mask production forced the U.S. and Canadian governments to lie about the efficacy of masks so that a shortage (from Chinese government hoarding) did not produce a run on supplies that left nothing for medical professionals. While it is undesirable for the U.S. and Canada to withdraw from international trade, we should take steps to limit our dependence on an ambitious and unfriendly rival government. This cannot continue.

And that's why we're cattle to our government farmer overlords... the lies didn't stop with masks but continue to happen with existing medication trials (think NYC hoarding a gastric drug that showed promise as late) or promises that the food chain (abattoirs in particular) aren't or will not be affected...

Then there is the whole hoarding bollocks... there are plenty of supply, underlings... stay calm and do whatever we say type of thing...

Full snorkel masks with the plans to 3D print appropriate alterations for a BiPAP and CPAP machines (preferable in use over a generic ventilator) are being snapped up...

We have been and will continue to be lied to because our dark overlords see us as herd to be managed versus mad cows who might manage to kick out a fence or two towards safety and freedom... all in or all out...there is no room for rugged individualism...

...and it stinks. I'm disgusted with the whole situation... our masters could have leveled with us early on about potential outcomes and appealed to our sense of ethics with one another...

...but they didn't, we've already eclipsed the GFC, are hurtling to 1929 levels (except with no outright home ownership this time around, mostly digital and non physical wealth, and for the most part, no common sense skills yet a sense of self entitlement)

We've already irreparably altered our lives for a generation or two... health and economy wise... but what will this mean for free will....freedom of movement... how many tracking apps are being floated around the world? How much do you believe they'll ever go away?

I call BS...


Who doesnt hate chinese people..

They are the foot soldiers of a mass-murdering commie slave regime and they need to be destroyed.


Quote from: "Odinson"Who doesnt hate chinese people..

They are the foot soldiers of a mass-murdering commie slave regime and they need to be destroyed.

I've liked a number of Chinese people... but none that aligned with the CCP... those idiots can rot...

You either wear your big boy human pants (or dress), or you get the FOOMF...


Quote from: "Dinky Dazza"
Quote from: "Odinson"Who doesnt hate chinese people..

They are the foot soldiers of a mass-murdering commie slave regime and they need to be destroyed.

I've liked a number of Chinese people... but none that aligned with the CCP... those idiots can rot...

You either wear your big boy human pants (or dress), or you get the FOOMF...

Chinese have been conditioned to be nationalistic, and that includes the descendents of the KMT supporters who followed Chiang Kai Shek to Taiwan after he lost the mainland..

The CCP exploits this nationalism when it suits them.


Quote from: "Fashionista"
Quote from: "Dinky Dazza"
Quote from: "Odinson"Who doesnt hate chinese people..

They are the foot soldiers of a mass-murdering commie slave regime and they need to be destroyed.

I've liked a number of Chinese people... but none that aligned with the CCP... those idiots can rot...

You either wear your big boy human pants (or dress), or you get the FOOMF...

Chinese have been conditioned to be nationalistic, and that includes the descendents of the KMT supporters who followed Chiang Kai Shek to Taiwan after he lost the mainland..

The CCP exploits this nationalism when it suits them.

The CCP can eat my arse...

...I hope they invade so I can burn alive as many of those fuckwits as possible...

I may only get 5-10 of them but I'll be happy with that...

(Though I'd hope for 100-1000 of those little cowards...)


North America needs these murder bees like a hole in our frickin heads.

'I Don't Want To Scare Anyone, But' — Dr. Marc Siegel Explains Why Murder Hornets Must Be Stopped"> ... EAt11A4Pb3">

"As if we didn't have enough trouble ... these 2-inch long murder hornets are vicious and they attack honeybees," Siegel said before describing how the hornets use their talons to decapitate a honeybee in seconds.

"Meanwhile, these hornets also attack humans," he continued. "They kill about 15 people in Japan and 50 in China every year and they have this terrible venom that can affect the liver, the kidneys, the heart. It causes heart problems."

Although their sting is treatable and "most people survive," people still should still be aware of the danger.

"The biggest problem with them is that they fly fast," Siegel said. "The queen hornet can fly up to 20 miles an hour. Imagine trying to catch it. So it's only a matter of time before it takes root in the United States and then you got to be on the lookout for it."

"I don't want to scare anyone — it's only starting to take root here — but we've got to nip it in the bud before it becomes an even bigger problem and destroys our bees," Siegel concluded. "Our bees pollinate flowers, plants. We need our bees."


All true. Here's what seems inevitable.

To spread in today's world, all they need is a truck. The concern is that they will end up throughout N Am soon

They were first spotted last fall and are waking from winter sleep about now... about to start another cycle, increase their numbers  and spread out
I really tried to warn y\'all in 49  .. G. Orwell


Quote from: "cc"All true. Here's what seems inevitable.

To spread in today's world, all they need is a truck. The concern is that they will end up throughout N Am soon

They were first spotted last fall and are waking from winter sleep about now... about to start another cycle, increase their numbers  and spread out

I hope our long cold winters are not to their liking.


Quote from: "seoulbro"
Quote from: "cc"All true. Here's what seems inevitable.

To spread in today's world, all they need is a truck. The concern is that they will end up throughout N Am soon

They were first spotted last fall and are waking from winter sleep about now... about to start another cycle, increase their numbers  and spread out

I hope our long cold winters are not to their liking.

Maybe that's why they are here along the coast and will not spread to cold areas. Dunno

Past winter was extremely mild here, so I expect major spring action
I really tried to warn y\'all in 49  .. G. Orwell


Quote from: "cc"Asian invader is death on wings for bees in Canada, U.S. is known widely as  'Murder hornets'

They can totally destroy a bee hive in hours ... biting off the heads and carrying off the thoraxes back to their nest

We already have a mysterious  bee shortage the past few years (vital for pollination)

The Asian giant hornet typically lives in countries like Japan and China, but several specimens were found in in our area - Blaine in Upper Washington and now SW BC including White Rock and Surrey.

Worse, they are also highly poisonous. Over 50 died from them in Japan last year. The stinger is very long and very strong

It's a AA battery-sized (2 inch long) juggernaut on wings, with a massive, toxic stinger, an armored body and a penchant for biting the heads off bees .. The very long and strong stinger is able to penetrate beekeeper garments easily

Wildlife officials are now investigating fresh reports of the insects on both sides of the border, as the giant hornet queens come out of hibernation to venture out for food.

No way to know how far they will spread .. nor how rapidly

One link -"> ... et-canada/">

Not us... we have more bees than we know what to do with... in fact, I was photographing them before our storm..

Bees on coral vine... Nature will balance things out itself. They always exaggerate problems. Your authorities will just have to track them down and eradicate them.
"I think having land and not ruining it is the most beautiful art that anybody could ever want."
- Andy Warhol


Quote from: "Herman"
Quote from: "Oak"
Quote from: "Fashionista"
Quote from: "cc"Asian invader is death on wings for bees in Canada, U.S. is known widely as  'Murder hornets'

They can totally destroy a bee hive in hours ... biting off the heads and carrying off the thoraxes back to their nest

We already have a mysterious  bee shortage the past few years (vital for pollination)

The Asian giant hornet typically lives in countries like Japan and China, but several specimens were found in in our area - Blaine in Upper Washington and now SW BC including White Rock and Surrey.

Worse, they are also highly poisonous. Over 50 died from them in Japan last year. The stinger is very long and very strong

It's a AA battery-sized (2 inch long) juggernaut on wings, with a massive, toxic stinger, an armored body and a penchant for biting the heads off bees .. The very long and strong stinger is able to penetrate beekeeper garments easily

Wildlife officials are now investigating fresh reports of the insects on both sides of the border, as the giant hornet queens come out of hibernation to venture out for food.

No way to know how far they will spread .. nor how rapidly

One link -"> ... et-canada/">

There's already a shortage of honey bees.

There's a nutrition shortage for bees along with the use of pesticides and also foreign infections.

Although, the honey bee isn't on the endangered list, many are still under the impression that they soon will go extinct. Since this species is known for its role in agriculture, the blame is often placed on the ag industry for Colony Collapse Disorder, specifically related pesticide use. This blame is misguided, however, according to many reports.

An extensive analysis done by The Washington Post and published in 2017 show bee numbers sitting at close to historical highs. The research showed that since 2006, when CCD was identified, the number of honeybee colonies has risen, from 2.4 million that year to 2.7 million in 2014.

Don't you just get so sick of hysterical scientific claims?

Even if our honey bees died off, (which they won't) Australia has 1500 native varieties of bees to do their job. You don't hear them talk about that fact, do ya?

I don't know about Canada but am sure you don't just have one variety of bee.
"I think having land and not ruining it is the most beautiful art that anybody could ever want."
- Andy Warhol


Quote from: "cc"With China showing us its true colors, NO goods we use or need should be built there

but meds is a deplorable and unforgivable situation .. as you just said "suicidal"

I agree...

Twiggy Forrest doesn't think so though... Billionaire Andrew 'Twiggy' Forrest reveals how he used his Chinese contacts to secure $160MILLION worth of desperately-needed medical supplies for coronavirus victims"> ... plies.html">
"I think having land and not ruining it is the most beautiful art that anybody could ever want."
- Andy Warhol


Great pic

An interesting item: Japanese honey bees have learned to "cook" the hornets to death by forming a vibrating ball around one of them, creating an oven that can reach up to 115 degrees, according to the NYT.

Amazing how nature has given its creatures the ability to adapt to new threats
I really tried to warn y\'all in 49  .. G. Orwell