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There Already is A Cure For COVID-19 And It's Not Lock Downs

Started by Anonymous, May 17, 2020, 04:15:18 PM

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Quote from: "caskur"
Quote from: "seoulbro"
Quote from: "caskur"
Quote from: "seoulbro"
Quote from: "deadskinmask"
Quote from: "caskur"At least we'll survive... you? Maybe not so much.

i've been out everyday.... eating inside restaurants.... going to stores unmasked.... where as you have deprived your immune system, i've maintained mine.... good luck, little lady....

I am glad I got it and got it over with. If statistics are correct, people like me infected three other people. That is three more people that will realize a dry cough for a week is not more serious than coronary heart disease.

Haven't you read it causes strokes in young healthy people?

Of the young people that caught the virus in the zone of Ontario that I did, not one required hospitalization. And I can find no cases of this from anywhere outside the big apple area.

But this is what you don't get... it's not just about YOU or young ones. It is about the entire community.

Don't talk about community you selfish uneducated fat pig. You want people to die from cancelled surgeries and treatments so you won't get a cough for a week.

The coronavirus might do you some good. Besides becoming immune, it might suppress your appetite and you lose weight.


Quote from: "Shen Li"
Quote from: "caskur"
Quote from: "seoulbro"
Quote from: "caskur"
Quote from: "seoulbro"
Quote from: "deadskinmask"
Quote from: "caskur"At least we'll survive... you? Maybe not so much.

i've been out everyday.... eating inside restaurants.... going to stores unmasked.... where as you have deprived your immune system, i've maintained mine.... good luck, little lady....

I am glad I got it and got it over with. If statistics are correct, people like me infected three other people. That is three more people that will realize a dry cough for a week is not more serious than coronary heart disease.

Haven't you read it causes strokes in young healthy people?

Of the young people that caught the virus in the zone of Ontario that I did, not one required hospitalization. And I can find no cases of this from anywhere outside the big apple area.

But this is what you don't get... it's not just about YOU or young ones. It is about the entire community.

Don't talk about community you selfish uneducated fat pig. You want people to die from cancelled surgeries and treatments so you won't get a cough for a week.

The coronavirus might do you some good. Besides becoming immune, it might suppress your appetite and you might lose weight.

It is going to be funny after you kill all your medical people or they quit because they cannot protect themselves from their critical patients... then how are all your postponed patients going to get the surgeries they need?...

Stop talking bulldust... you people carry on like wet blankets.
"I think having land and not ruining it is the most beautiful art that anybody could ever want."
- Andy Warhol


That didn't take long  .. Cumon Shen -  WTF are you trying to prove today?

I've never seem you try to fuck up the main site before ... not "this" site
I really tried to warn y\'all in 49  .. G. Orwell


I have a good idea for out 'educated' shen li...

why don't you run for government and see how far you get?

You'll be a little carp in a big pond.
"I think having land and not ruining it is the most beautiful art that anybody could ever want."
- Andy Warhol


Quote from: "cc"That didn't take long  .. Cumon Shen -  WTF are you trying to prove today?

I've never seem you try to fuck up the main site before ... not "this" site

I keep hitting nerves.
"I think having land and not ruining it is the most beautiful art that anybody could ever want."
- Andy Warhol


S'OK, it's gone. There's nothing to fight back against now .. so let's all cool it down "on main board"

I really tried to warn y\'all in 49  .. G. Orwell


Quote from: "cc"S'OK, it's gone. There's nothing to fight back against now .. so let's all cool it down "on main board"


I'm going on a trip within the hour..

I'll post pictures tomorrow or next day.
"I think having land and not ruining it is the most beautiful art that anybody could ever want."
- Andy Warhol


Anyway, doctors know lock downs are not a solution to this pandemic. They bought us a bit of time, and that is all. The virus is still around. It will probably be a bad fall in the Northern hemisphere with influenza and COVID hitting at the same time.


Quote from: "seoulbro"Anyway, doctors know lock downs are not a solution to this pandemic. They bought us a bit of time, and that is all. The virus is still around. It will probably be a bad fall in the Northern hemisphere with influenza and COVID hitting at the same time.

Dr say indeed here that the lockdown brought us time.

we're easing back into "normal' BUT if there is the slightest hint of an increase they're going to lockdown again and our borders are going to be locked for some time. And NO ONE wants to repeat this lockdown.

I'm going to use a restaurant today with any luck... Only 20 people are allowed in restaurants.
"I think having land and not ruining it is the most beautiful art that anybody could ever want."
- Andy Warhol


Quote from: "seoulbro"Anyway, doctors know lock downs are not a solution to this pandemic. They bought us a bit of time, and that is all. The virus is still around. It will probably be a bad fall in the Northern hemisphere with influenza and COVID hitting at the same time.

Our provincial public health officer said the same thing..

We've had 6700 cases of the virus in Alberta, but less than a thousand have yet to recover..

Each day, more people recover than catch the virus..

But, without a vaccine or immunity, we know it's coming back.


History will judge if these temporary lock downs were a disastrous overreaction to a virus over ninety nine per cent of people who catch, recover from. We cannot deny lock downs here have caused death at home and in developing countries. Not to mention the economic plunder they have caused. We also cannot deny that the justification for lock downs in the first place, overwhelming hospitals, never happened.

I think the approach we are taking now as we open up, is probably a more proportional response to the pandemic. It seems Dr Ron Paul is of a similar opinion."> ... -ron-paul/">

Across the U.S., millions of businesses have been shut down by "executive order" and the unemployment rate has skyrocketed to levels not seen since the Great Depression. Americans, who have seen their real wages decline thanks to Federal Reserve monetary malpractice, are finding themselves thrust into poverty and standing in breadlines.

It is like a horror movie, but it's real.

Last week, the UN Secretary General warned that a global recession resulting from the worldwide coronavirus lockdown could cause "hundreds of thousands of additional child deaths per year."

Many Americans have also died this past month because they were not able to get the medical care they needed. Cancer treatments have been indefinitely postponed. Life-saving surgeries have been put off to make room for coronavirus cases. Meanwhile, hospitals are laying off thousands because the expected coronavirus cases have not come and the hospitals are partially empty.

What if the "cure" is worse than the disease?

Kentucky, a strict lockdown state, is five times more populated than South Dakota, yet it has some 8 times more coronavirus deaths. If lockdown and house arrest are the answer, shouldn't those numbers be reversed, with South Dakota seeing mass death while Kentucky dodges the coronavirus bullet?

Countries like Sweden that did not lock down their economy and place the population under house arrest are faring no worse than countries that did. Sweden's deaths-per-million from coronavirus is lower than in many lockdown countries.

Imagine if we had used even a fraction of the resources spent to lock down the entire population and focused on providing assistance and protection to the most vulnerable – the elderly and those with serious medical conditions. We could have protected these people and still had an economy to go back to when the virus had run its course. And it wouldn't have cost us six trillion dollars either.


I went along with lock downs at first, but now I see they're being used for political purposes and have little basis in science..

We know lockdowns are not a cure, they were meant to buy us time, which they did..

They are in causing horrendous collateral damage and hospitals are not overwhelmed..

I agree with Seoul's article, it would have made more sense scientifically to use our resources to protect the most vulnerable rather than quarantine the healthy.

Derry doctor who describes aspects of the ongoing coronavirus lockdown as 'non-evidence-based insanity'

Everywhere is the constant reiteration of the now disproven narrative that the lock up is saving lives.

Our politicians vie with one another to virtue signal their intent to prolong the misery and impoverishment of our people, and of future generations.

Our elderly are told they are being kept alive, but denied all of the simple pleasures which make life worth living-family, friends, society and their religious practices.

Meanwhile, the entire healthy population is under house arrest, policed by the state, but more worryingly by their neighbours in a social media shamefest.

Those who "follow the science" know that this foul disease is behaving as many such seasonal viral illnesses have done for millions of years.

They travel through communities, and wreak havoc on the elderly and infirm.

In Ireland, the median age of death is 84 years. 86% of those dying have other, often multiple medical problems, like cancer heart disease and strokes.

In most of the community, viral illnesses cause illness and misery to many, but most have a mild illness, recover completely and are conferred with immunity to further infection.

Each death is a personal loss for those left behind, but death is a necessary and inevitable part of the human condition. Many older people do not fear it.

The science also suggests that this virus was in Europe much earlier than previously thought-possibly in December and January, that the peak of deaths was on 8th April, which given an incubation period of 10-14 days, meant the lockup came too late to influence outcomes.

The evidence for this timeline is growing daily, but doesn't seem to have reached the politicians who are deciding the fate and future of our very civilization.

The dire predictions of tens, even hundreds of thousands of deaths in the UK alone were based on computer models which have been heavily criticized by independent statisticians and mathematicians.

The original aim of protecting the NHS, and flattening the curve has been achieved.

But now we see the narrative changing, with dread warnings of second waves and the new normal, indeed no return to an open society until there is a vaccine.

The rules around social distancing, plucked from the ether, without any evidence base are internalized by the population.

The media, which is essentially an arm of government, eagerly reinforces the narrative.

We should realise that the search for a vaccine for HIV/AIDS is now entering its fourth decade. Also safety trials for any vaccine historically take years, and rightly so, given the exposure of entire populations to potential harm.

It is clear, as I pointed out in a previous article for this paper about a month ago, that countries who have imposed lockdowns have outcomes comparable to those who took more moderate steps to protect their people.

Also, since around half of the fatalities occur in the care home sector, the total failure to protect these facilities with whatever resources were available has cost many lives.

It is also clear that the lockup policy is causing at least half of the excess mortality we are seeing, and that this proportion is likely to increase significantly as people are being denied treatment and diagnostics in the other areas.

Heart disease, strokes, cancer and mental health problems haven't gone away, but their recognition and treatment have.

I've been working in the NHS throughout this period.

On my one shift in the GP Covid assessment centre, I counted fifteen staff, including three doctors and many highly skilled nurses, who in a four-hour shift saw three patients, none of whom has Covid.

Hospitals are half empty, highly skilled staff idle.

There are no elective surgical lists, nor routine outpatient appointments, so people wait in pain for surgery or in anxiety and stress for tests to find out if they have serious illnesses such as cancer.

Meantime in the out-of-hours GP service, we see people in mental health crises, deal with people isolated and displaced, those suffering from a relapse of addictions under control for years, and an elderly population terrified and reluctant to seek help, because they have been repeatedly told that their NHS is in danger of being overwhelmed, and because they dread separation from loved ones.

The distress of those families with children with behavioural or learning difficulties, or additional physical needs is truly heartbreaking.

Discussion of the economic consequences of all of this are beyond my remit, but experts say there is not a linear, but exponential effect on the crash which is certainly coming as a result of the almost total cessation of economic activity.

In other words, a four-month lockup isn't twice as bad as a two month one, but many, many times worse.

Here in the developed world we are unlikely to starve, although there will be widespread austerity the likes of which we have not seen in generations.

But in the global south, where millions live on subsistence wages, the abrupt loss of economic activity and markets for produce will cause catastrophic starvation and cost the lives of millions.

Disease is a constant challenge to societies and governments.

But the unprecedented response to this one takes us to uncharted and very dangerous waters.

There is no evidence that the political decision makers have done any intelligent cost/benefit analysis, looking at the big picture of the physical, mental, social and economic outcomes for those whose lives they are entrusted to improve.

They are either inept beyond imagining, or willfully colluding in the destruction of society, especially for future generations."> ... E.facebook">


QuoteHospitals are half empty, highly skilled staff idle.

That is the hospital in my city. It is has never seen fewer patients. People that should be going to hospitals for illnesses, some of them serious, are not. There are even reminders now that if you are ill or hurt yourself in an accident, go to emerg.  Lock downs made the population sicker.


Quote from: "deadskinmask"
Quote from: "caskur"
Quote from: "deadskinmask"well.... looking at the ages of these ppl, it isn't even a mild threat till 50 and up.... old folks are cool and all but is it worth destroying your economy and crashing your way of life.... i mean really....


Since when has a western economy crashed that hasn't recovered?

So instead of taking 2 years to recover it takes 3 or 4 years... big deal...

If you listen to economists you'll go mad.

since when has anybody ever quarantined healthy ppl??? ever??? this isn't about 'health and safety'.... this is about destroying the constitution and making way for the new world order.... lab-grown 'meat' and 24 hour surveillance incoming....

Lockdowns were based on panic, not hard based science. Italy was the first country that implemented a nation wide lockdown because they panicked. Like travel bans, they bought us some time. But, it is time to end them.

In my province, 94% of deaths are in senior's care facilities. If we had been smart, instead of quarantining the healthy and thereby destroying our way of life, we should have put our resources into protecting those facilities. The outcomes would be the same, but without the economic and health collateral damage.

A friend of mine had her joint replacement surgery indefinitely postponed. She is in agony.


Quote from: "deadskinmask"
Quote from: "cc"Be gentle deader ... The poor Aussies have already fallen off the edge of the earth

see? i told ya it was fuckin flat....

 :roll:  :roll:  :roll:

Damn good to see ya man  ac_drinks
I've come here to chew bubble gum, and kick ass. And I'm all out of bubblegum.