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Re: Forum gossip thread by Sloan


Covid and lock downs in a nutshell

Started by Frood, September 06, 2020, 11:09:28 AM

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Quote from: "Shen Li" post_id=449253 time=1651952914 user_id=56
Quote from: "Dinky Dazza" post_id=449250 time=1651952445 user_id=1676">


She has a massive forehead.

Seriously. Her forehead looks completely normal?


Quote from: cw_ post_id=449255 time=1651953060 user_id=3226
Quote from: "Shen Li" post_id=449253 time=1651952914 user_id=56
Quote from: "Dinky Dazza" post_id=449250 time=1651952445 user_id=1676">


She has a massive forehead.

Is that Dove(y)?

She's too pretty to ever be mistaken for that white piece of trash. Plus she doesn't seem to act like a drug fiend. Put that narrative in your pipe and smoke it!  :laugh3:


Man,, I hope the Republicans take both chambers of congress and investigate the deep corrupt state around Fauci.

Emails reveal top US scientist warned Chinese colleagues that Republicans wanted to investigate Wuhan lab for COVID-19 origins"> ... Daily%20PM">

A top U.S. scientist at a lab in Texas that shared close ties with the Wuhan Institute of Virology was offered a job at a Chinese university about one year after warning Chinese scientists that members of Congress were likely to start an investigation of the COVID-19 lab-leak theory, records obtained by Judicial Watch reveal.

In emails from April 2020, Dr. James W. LeDuc, a professor and former director of Galveston National Laboratory at the University of Texas Medical Branch, warned the top scientist at the Wuhan lab, Dr. Zhengli Shi, that Republican lawmakers were pushing for an investigation of her lab, which received funding from the U.S. government to conduct research into coronaviruses.

"These startling documents show that China had partners here in the United States willing to go to bat for them on the Wuhan lab controversy," said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton.

Judicial Watch obtained these email records through a public records request issued to the University of Texas Medical Branch. The Galveston National Laboratory at UTMB is among the largest active bio-containment facilities in the United States, hosting several biosafety level 4 labs where deadly diseases are studied under tight security restrictions.

LeDuc is a renowned expert on biosafety with decades of experience operating BSL-4 labs — the highest safety level designation, reserved for labs that work with the most dangerous pathogens, like the Ebola or Marburg viruses. His lab in Galveston has partnered with China since at least 2013, when construction on the Wuhan Institute began, and he has made several trips to Wuhan to train staff since at least 1986. LeDuc's Galveston lab also hosted two Chinese post-doctoral students, who were trained to work safely in BSL-4 facilities and who returned to China to work in the Wuhan lab.


Preliminary findings from the World Health Organization's second investigative team examining the origins of the Wuhan coronavirus pandemic leave open the possibility that the virus was leaked from a lab and say further investigation is needed.

In its first report, the WHO's Scientific advisory group for the origins of novel pathogens said that "further investigations" are necessary to determine whether the virus that caused the COVID-19 pandemic escaped from a laboratory in Wuhan, China. This group is the second investigative group put together by the U.N. health agency after the first advisory group was hampered by interference from the Chinese government and accusations that the investigation had been politicized.


Quote from: Herman post_id=458775 time=1654911191 user_id=1689
Preliminary findings from the World Health Organization's second investigative team examining the origins of the Wuhan coronavirus pandemic leave open the possibility that the virus was leaked from a lab and say further investigation is needed.

In its first report, the WHO's Scientific advisory group for the origins of novel pathogens said that "further investigations" are necessary to determine whether the virus that caused the COVID-19 pandemic escaped from a laboratory in Wuhan, China. This group is the second investigative group put together by the U.N. health agency after the first advisory group was hampered by interference from the Chinese government and accusations that the investigation had been politicized.

The WHO are liars. They work for China.


A University of Louisville study released in May 2022 found that mask mandates and greater compliance resulting from them "did not predict lower growth rates when community spread was low (minima) or high (maxima)." The study, which used CDC data across several seasons, found that mask usage and mandates "are not associated with lower SARS-CoV-2 spread among US states."

Anonymous"> ... ame-united">

Attaran then lashed out at Americans, "Don't like Canada's laws? Then keep your American companies in your own country. Our country, our rules. That's why your COVID death rate is triple ours, a**holes."

He added, "Canada is not the USA, you f***ers."

The professor then called Republicans a "death cult," and seethed, "See Americans, you get crazy mad about COVID safety and attack science—and then you die. You drank the GOP Kool Aid and it's mass suicide, basically. We in Canada did a lot better. So when you pout and cry about our rules—well, it's kind of cute. Ratio that, motherf***ers."

"Oh, and if you Republican Reptiles dislike Canada's COVID safety laws, you'll TOTALLY HATE our gun safety laws—if you're not already shot and dead," he feverishly ranted. "Cuz Yankees murder their own far more than Canadians. Even kids. It's awful. I'm so glad I emigrated from California to Canada."

For hours, Attaran raged on Twitter as he battled anyone who criticized him for trying to mask-shame the flight attendant.


A group of doctors is urging top government officials to quickly reverse recommendations that have left children in isolation for days and advice that virtually every child get a COVID-19 vaccine.

"We strongly urge you to revise the CDC's COVID-19 guidelines with regards to testing, isolation, and vaccine recommendations for children to ensure that public health policies are not doing more harm than good," the group, Urgency of Normal, wrote in a June 21 open letter to Dr. Ashish Jha, the White House's COVID-19 response coordinator, and Dr. Rochelle Walensky, the director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

The CDC's guidelines say that people, including children, who are exposed to COVID-19 should quarantine for at least five days, and encourage widespread COVID-19 testing.

The agency also recommends that all children 6 months of age or older get a COVID-19 vaccine, following the recent authorization of the Moderna and Pfizer shots for kids under 5.

The doctors noted that many European countries, U.S. states, and other areas have updated COVID-19 policies to greatly reduce periods of quarantine, COVID-19 testing frequency, and forced vaccination.

They're asking U.S. officials to adapt to a "test-to-treat" approach, which would focus on recommending vaccination and treatments to those at the highest risk from COVID-19, which are primarily the elderly and others with serious underlying health conditions.

The CDC should also change its vaccine recommendations, which have led to vaccination mandates at colleges and even some lower-level schools, to state that children getting a vaccine should be discussed between the individual and their doctor.

"The emergency phase of COVID-19 is over. We call upon the CDC to update current guidelines to reflect the era of endemic management in which COVID-19 infections are treated similarly to other seasonal respiratory viruses, which do not require routine testing or isolation. It is time to join our peer countries in recognizing the importance of restoring equitable and maximal access to education, sports, and social connectedness for all children. Their health and well-being depend on it," the group said.

The White House and the CDC did not return requests for comment.


About 40,000 National Guard and 22,000 reserve soldiers will be blocked from service for rejecting the COVID vaccines, U.S. Army officials said on July 8.


The director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has acknowledged publicly for the first time that the agency gave false information about its COVID-19 vaccine safety monitoring.

Dr. Rochelle Walensky, the agency's director, said in a letter made public on Sept. 12 that the CDC did not analyze certain types of adverse event reports at all in 2021, despite the agency previously saying it started in February 2021.

"CDC performed PRR analysis between March 25, 2022, through July 31, 2022," Walensky said. "CDC also recently addressed a previous statement made to the Epoch Times to clarify PRR were not run between February 26, 2021, to September 30, 2021."

Walensky's agency had promised in several documents, starting in early 2021, to perform a type of analysis called Proportional Reporting Ratio (PRR) on reports submitted to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System, which it helps manage.

But the agency said in June that it did not perform PRRs. It also said that performing them was "outside th[e] agency's purview."

Confronted with the contradiction, Dr. John Su, a CDC official, told The Epoch Times in July that the agency started performing PRRs in February 2021 and "continues to do so to date."

But just weeks later, the CDC said Su was wrong.

"CDC performed PRRs from March 25, 2022 through July 31, 2022," a spokeswoman told The Epoch Times in August."> ... 9kHg%3D%3D">

The CDC admits more lies.

Walensky's new letter, dated Sept. 2 and sent on Sept. 6 to Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.), shows that Walensky is aware that her agency gave false information.

Anonymous"> ... on-rodgers">


Quote from: seoulbro post_id=474856 time=1663165058
The director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has acknowledged publicly for the first time that the agency gave false information about its COVID-19 vaccine safety monitoring.

Dr. Rochelle Walensky, the agency's director, said in a letter made public on Sept. 12 that the CDC did not analyze certain types of adverse event reports at all in 2021, despite the agency previously saying it started in February 2021.

"CDC performed PRR analysis between March 25, 2022, through July 31, 2022," Walensky said. "CDC also recently addressed a previous statement made to the Epoch Times to clarify PRR were not run between February 26, 2021, to September 30, 2021."

Walensky's agency had promised in several documents, starting in early 2021, to perform a type of analysis called Proportional Reporting Ratio (PRR) on reports submitted to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System, which it helps manage.

But the agency said in June that it did not perform PRRs. It also said that performing them was "outside th[e] agency's purview."

Confronted with the contradiction, Dr. John Su, a CDC official, told The Epoch Times in July that the agency started performing PRRs in February 2021 and "continues to do so to date."

But just weeks later, the CDC said Su was wrong.

"CDC performed PRRs from March 25, 2022 through July 31, 2022," a spokeswoman told The Epoch Times in August."> ... 9kHg%3D%3D">

The CDC admits more lies.

Walensky's new letter, dated Sept. 2 and sent on Sept. 6 to Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.), shows that Walensky is aware that her agency gave false information.

Remember we were told to trust the science. The scientists are liars.


Quote from: seoulbro post_id=474865 time=1663166468"> ... on-rodgers">

Those crazy conspiracies that came true.


They weren't crazy conspiracies at the time or now.

People like cc called us crazy conspiracy theorists though.

People's objectivity really suffered right from the start, but a lot of that was programming by governments and media.

Some weren't susceptible to it but most least to some degree.

What can I say? I tried as did a number of other posters to point out how illogical and potentially dangerous "trusting the science" being rubber stamped at the time might be down the road.

I'm not gloating about it. Many of my jabbed relatives or wife's relatives are coming down with strange ailments and diagnoses never seen before in their lines. My quadruple jabbed father in law (nearly 85) suddenly came down with Parkinsons disease. His parents and grandparents were fighting fit until their late nineties and simply passed away in their sleep. One day mobile, one day gone.

I expect this to go on for many generations.... premature deaths, rare diseases.... :(


Everybody I know is vaccinated, and not one has gotten sick from any other ailment except for COVID..

The current vaccines don't work for omicron variants.