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Re: Forum gossip thread by Herman


Trump supporters were mischaracterized by the media-what else is new

Started by Anonymous, January 08, 2021, 11:36:58 AM

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Congress wants to impeach Trump with less than rwo weeks left in his presidency because some people, possibly his supporters, possibly Antifa stormed the capitol building. I find it ironic they don't hold the president-elect and VP-elect responsible for their supporters burning down cities, attacking police and taking over cities.

Trump Supporters Take Stock of Jan. 6, Feel Mischaracterized by Media

Marine veteran Tony Good traveled from Florida and walked to the Ellipse to hear President Donald Trump speak in the morning. He said Trump didn't incite violence in his speech.

"No, absolutely not. There's a line between inciting to riot and standing on convictions," Good told The Epoch Times. "He wasn't telling anybody to riot, he was just telling them it's our right to protest. That's a right we have in America."

Good became separated from his group and returned to his hotel to regroup after the speech. He didn't go to the Capitol, but said he wishes he had.

"I call yesterday the first day in the 10-year war," he said. "It's going to be 10 years before this gets turned around. It's going to take that long. War in the sense of ... getting things to where they should be in America, as far as fair and free elections, election integrity.

"We just got to regroup. We're fighting an evil system. When you have all the mainstream media against you and you have all the money going against you, it's not going to be that easy," he said.

'Stand Up for This Country'

Elizabeth Rowell flew alone from Fort Lauderdale, Florida, to join the protests. She found Trump's speech to be "passionate," but not to the point of incitement to riot.

"I never once felt unsafe. I met a lot of great patriots on the way. The entire time we were there, we chanted 'U-S-A' and sang the national anthem," she said.

'Very Disillusioned'

Martha Todd, a retiree from Lynchburg, Virginia, said she felt good about the Jan. 6 protest rally, but didn't hear about the fatal shooting of Ashli Babbitt or the storming of the building until after she left.

"I feel bad about the way things worked out, and I really feel bad the way the media is portraying everything.  Of course they're making it all sound terrible ... we're mobsters and mobs and violent. That's not true," she said.

"I'm very disillusioned. But I do not support Biden. His family is a crime family. I just feel like we're screwed. I don't feel like I've lost hope—there's always hope. There's so many people out there that are so against Trump. They lie and cheat and steal—how are you going to fight against that—when they cheat? And they all support each other."

Today, however, Rowell said she's feeling "kind of bummed, because I don't like the way we were portrayed."

"I feel like the media makes it look like the ... people that went inside have now made the rest of us outside look like we're a bunch of hoodlums. But we didn't do anything. We were all there just to be patriotic and support our president," she said."> ... 2021-01-08">


'On the Verge'

Self-described conservative Carol Logreco traveled from New Orleans and was at both the Ellipse and the Capitol. She said she wanted to be there to support freedom and the ability to have free and fair elections.

"[We] feel like we're losing a lot of our rights, and that we're on the verge of becoming more of a socialist or Marxist society," she said. "You can see the indoctrination of our children and students and in our communities, and I really felt like this was the last real stance to speak up before we don't have a chance to do that anymore."

She said yesterday felt festive in general, but [size=150]she saw some agitators within the crowd, which she believes infiltrated the protest.[/size]

"People can go to Portland and Seattle and burn buildings down and take over police stations and everything else, and it's called Summer of Love."

'This Is a Bad Situation'

Mike Morejon, a self-employed Floridian, said he feels "broken" today.

"Because of what my parents lived, I understand the gravity of this—this is a bad situation," he said.

Morejon said his parents lived in Cuba as Fidel Castro took power and lived a difficult life until their escape in the early 1970s.

"They made [my mother] work in agriculture and work her way out of Cuba for four years. She had to go cut sugar cane and pick fruit and vegetables for 14 hours a day as a 17-year-old woman ... away from her family. They would put maggots in their food and rats in their water supply," he said.

Morejon said he fears a similar future is possible in the United States under the control of the globalist elites and the Chinese communist regime. He said Trump has stood up to the Chinese regime, after it got a pass for decades under previous U.S. presidents.


Many of Trump's supporters are former Tea Party supporters. Acts of vandalism or violence are completely out of character for them. Unlike enviro protesters, they would clean up after themselves when their demonstrations were finsished.

The date of this demonstration was known. This looks more and more like the work of leftist rent a thugs, ie Antifa/BLM.

Was the False Flag Raised in Washington?

I don't have concrete evidence—although a lot is floating around—but my instincts tell me what transpired in Washington Wednesday was almost entirely a "false flag" operation and, if I am correct, among the most successful in history.

If Antifa, Black Lives Matter, or whoever else did this, they, and especially whoever controls them, because they are pawns in a much larger game, are to be congratulated.

They managed to change American politics literally in minutes, encouraging many of President Trump's supporters, in and out of Congress, to flee like a flock of panicked birds when a shotgun ratchets, and in the process destroying any possibility of even investigating what transpired in election 2020.

Now I have to admit I wasn't there to witness this. I was on the road between Atlanta and Nashville, listening to the events transpire over satellite radio, but I have attended nearly two dozen Trump rallies over the years and not once—repeat, not once—have I seen any violence initiated by the president's supporters towards persons or material.

I have seen a bit, once or twice, directed towards the MAGA people, with attendant brief scuffles breaking out.

But Trump rallies, as anyone who has attended them knows, are extraordinarily peaceful assemblies of tens of thousands of people, quite remarkable in that sense.

Everything that happened in the Capitol, all the destruction, is characteristic of BLM and Antifa (see Portland, Seattle, Minneapolis, New York, Los Angeles, Washington and on and on), not, until now apparently, Trump supporters.

Something fishy?

More than that. The timing of how and when this transpired is notable, similar, in an odd way, to when Roger Stone was indicted and CNN miraculously appeared at the crack of dawn with full television crew to record the arrest of the "dangerous right-wing criminal" for posterity.

When the "Trump supporters" stormed the Capitol, the media was again Johnny-on-the-spot to cover it with alacrity even before much had happened, immediately branding what was occurring as MAGA people running amuck and finally revealing who they really are.

The rapid, almost instantaneous, nature of this conclusion was clear to me over the radio while driving, although it didn't surprise me, given this is the same media that repeatedly excused or ignored violence by left-wing activists.

I was just as quickly thinking—not taking special credit here, it seemed obvious—that a "false flag" operation could be in progress.

If I was speculating about that, I would assume President Donald J. Trump and some of those around him were too. (Others were clearly ready to jump ship at the slightest prompting.)

This may account for some of the delay in Trump's response for which he is being so heavily criticized.

What actually seems to have occurred we could call a combination of Antifa and Antifa-envy. Led on by disguised leftists, some—not many, considering the immense size of the demonstration—Trump supporters followed the provocateurs into the Capitol almost as if along for a joy ride.

This was foolish, but in some sense understandable. The leftists shouldn't get to have all the teenage fun.

Of course, this wasn't teenage and the leftists are enemies of the state. Meanwhile, the vast majority of the Trump supporters were urging against the entry to the Capitol.

The role of the police in all this, Capitol and D.C., was peculiar to say the least. How were any of these people able to penetrate the corridors of power so easily in the first place?

In some photographs, the Capitol Police seem to be waving the demonstrators into the building. But which demonstrators and why? In other shots they appear to be joking with BLM-types inside the building.

Everything had the whiff of a Banana Republic, only a Banana Republic like no other with 330 million citizens.

So who is behind all this?

It's difficult to know, although we could make some guesses. But facts are necessary and who will investigate? The Department of Justice? The FBI? Not likely these days and even less likely in the coming days.

Perhaps an independent investigation team will do it, if the funding can be found.

Meanwhile, speaking of the "when" of all this, a fascinating article by political scientist Claes Ryn just was published that includes this tidbit:

"In Sweden of all places, an expert on American elections published a series of articles showing that Biden's win in the swing states simply could not be explained without assuming major fraud. Since Donald Trump is even more disdained by the media in Europe than he is here, I was surprised to hear a few European commentators refer to the presidential election as if its fraudulence should be obvious to all."

Perhaps an independent investigation team will do it, if the funding can be found.

Meanwhile, speaking of the "when" of all this, a fascinating article by political scientist Claes Ryn just was published that includes this tidbit:

"In Sweden of all places, an expert on American elections published a series of articles showing that Biden's win in the swing states simply could not be explained without assuming major fraud. Since Donald Trump is even more disdained by the media in Europe than he is here, I was surprised to hear a few European commentators refer to the presidential election as if its fraudulence should be obvious to all."

Perhaps an independent investigation team will do it, if the funding can be found.

Meanwhile, speaking of the "when" of all this, a fascinating article by political scientist Claes Ryn just was published that includes this tidbit:

"In Sweden of all places, an expert on American elections published a series of articles showing that Biden's win in the swing states simply could not be explained without assuming major fraud. Since Donald Trump is even more disdained by the media in Europe than he is here, I was surprised to hear a few European commentators refer to the presidential election as if its fraudulence should be obvious to all.""> ... 2021-01-08">


Another thing the media might do well to remember, though nobody has so far as I am aware, has to do with that now-famous photograph taken in the Capitol last summer of Nancy Pelosi and several of her fellow congressional Democrats all draped in kente cloth and kneeling in homage to rioters in the name of "Black Lives Matter" in the District of Columbia.


Im surprised this is one of the only threads on what has transpired Wednesday lol.

You bring up very valid points Seoul, and covered a lot.

My eyes have been fixed on this since lunch time on Wednesday. Its been a tiring couple days. I did all my reporting on BF.

It was Antifa, they were bused in, with a police escort. Video of this. They were dressed as Trump supporters. Fliers were going around prior to the event, saying "we will look like you, act like you, and smell like you". Several have been identified, even as early as Wednesday night. These were the instigators that were riling people up to go into the building. Most did not want to do that. Video even of Trumpers condemning any of the destruction, like the guy trying to break the front window, they took him down. The pic of the guy making off with Pelosi's podium was antifa.

I saved some pics.

I also agree man, that the SUMMER OF LOVE was nothing but, and was praised, encouraged. But not this, not when they got so close to them. Even when the place wasnt looted or burned to the ground.

There is a pic of some of the congress wives receiving envelopes, with looks of surprise prior to the event. We dont know what was in them.

There is video of a guy admitting he was paid to do this, to "fake protest" and instigate.

Even though this happened, I think it went really well for the most part. And shows these politicians that wont listen to us, what to expect. Same thing happened when the South succeeded, they were not being listened to.

I really liked seeing my flag of the South there lolol. LOVED it!
I've come here to chew bubble gum, and kick ass. And I'm all out of bubblegum.


I also thought it was funny as hell they got into Pelosi's office lol, sat down and put his feet up on her desk lolol. Her computer was on too lol. I heard some hard drives were nabbed.
I've come here to chew bubble gum, and kick ass. And I'm all out of bubblegum.


Quote from: Blazor post_id=397045 time=1610127010 user_id=2221
I also thought it was funny as hell they got into Pelosi's office lol, sat down and put his feet up on her desk lolol. Her computer was on too lol. I heard some hard drives were nabbed.

Pelosi took a knee for rioters this past summer even though they broke into and damaged other people's offices..

When people break into her office, they are not peaceful protesters, but dangerous rioters.

Oliver Clotheshoffe

Okay it gets a bit into conspiracy theories but I still think this guy is spot on.

Life is too short to be in a hurry


Quote from: "Oliver Clotheshoffe" post_id=397051 time=1610130090 user_id=3349
Okay it gets a bit into conspiracy theories but I still think this guy is spot on.


Oliver acc_hugz


Hey Oliver! Good video! Damn Royal Bloodlines, I've spoken of them for a long time.
I've come here to chew bubble gum, and kick ass. And I'm all out of bubblegum.


Quote from: "Oliver Clotheshoffe" post_id=397051 time=1610130090 user_id=3349
Okay it gets a bit into conspiracy theories but I still think this guy is spot on.


Some of it made sense.


Justine says shocking riots were incited by Trump. He didn't say months of urban mob violence by democRAT supporters was incited by the Pelsoi,/Schumer/Biden/Harris.


Quote from: seoulbro post_id=397039 time=1610123818 user_id=114
Congress wants to impeach Trump with less than rwo weeks left in his presidency because some people, possibly his supporters, possibly Antifa stormed the capitol building. I find it ironic they don't hold the president-elect and VP-elect responsible for their supporters burning down cities, attacking police and taking over cities.

Trump Supporters Take Stock of Jan. 6, Feel Mischaracterized by Media

Marine veteran Tony Good traveled from Florida and walked to the Ellipse to hear President Donald Trump speak in the morning. He said Trump didn't incite violence in his speech.

"No, absolutely not. There's a line between inciting to riot and standing on convictions," Good told The Epoch Times. "He wasn't telling anybody to riot, he was just telling them it's our right to protest. That's a right we have in America."

Good became separated from his group and returned to his hotel to regroup after the speech. He didn't go to the Capitol, but said he wishes he had.

"I call yesterday the first day in the 10-year war," he said. "It's going to be 10 years before this gets turned around. It's going to take that long. War in the sense of ... getting things to where they should be in America, as far as fair and free elections, election integrity.

"We just got to regroup. We're fighting an evil system. When you have all the mainstream media against you and you have all the money going against you, it's not going to be that easy," he said.

'Stand Up for This Country'

Elizabeth Rowell flew alone from Fort Lauderdale, Florida, to join the protests. She found Trump's speech to be "passionate," but not to the point of incitement to riot.

"I never once felt unsafe. I met a lot of great patriots on the way. The entire time we were there, we chanted 'U-S-A' and sang the national anthem," she said.

'Very Disillusioned'

Martha Todd, a retiree from Lynchburg, Virginia, said she felt good about the Jan. 6 protest rally, but didn't hear about the fatal shooting of Ashli Babbitt or the storming of the building until after she left.

"I feel bad about the way things worked out, and I really feel bad the way the media is portraying everything.  Of course they're making it all sound terrible ... we're mobsters and mobs and violent. That's not true," she said.

"I'm very disillusioned. But I do not support Biden. His family is a crime family. I just feel like we're screwed. I don't feel like I've lost hope—there's always hope. There's so many people out there that are so against Trump. They lie and cheat and steal—how are you going to fight against that—when they cheat? And they all support each other."

Today, however, Rowell said she's feeling "kind of bummed, because I don't like the way we were portrayed."

"I feel like the media makes it look like the ... people that went inside have now made the rest of us outside look like we're a bunch of hoodlums. But we didn't do anything. We were all there just to be patriotic and support our president," she said."> ... 2021-01-08">


[size=80]Sometimes, my comments have a touch of humor, often tongue-in-cheek, so don\'t take it so seriously.[/size]


Quote from: Blazor post_id=397044 time=1610126886 user_id=2221
Im surprised this is one of the only threads on what has transpired Wednesday lol.

You bring up very valid points Seoul, and covered a lot.

My eyes have been fixed on this since lunch time on Wednesday. Its been a tiring couple days. I did all my reporting on BF.

It was Antifa, they were bused in, with a police escort. Video of this. They were dressed as Trump supporters. Fliers were going around prior to the event, saying "we will look like you, act like you, and smell like you". Several have been identified, even as early as Wednesday night. These were the instigators that were riling people up to go into the building. Most did not want to do that. Video even of Trumpers condemning any of the destruction, like the guy trying to break the front window, they took him down. The pic of the guy making off with Pelosi's podium was antifa.

I saved some pics.

I also agree man, that the SUMMER OF LOVE was nothing but, and was praised, encouraged. But not this, not when they got so close to them. Even when the place wasnt looted or burned to the ground.

There is a pic of some of the congress wives receiving envelopes, with looks of surprise prior to the event. We dont know what was in them.

There is video of a guy admitting he was paid to do this, to "fake protest" and instigate.

Even though this happened, I think it went really well for the most part. And shows these politicians that wont listen to us, what to expect. Same thing happened when the South succeeded, they were not being listened to.

I really liked seeing my flag of the South there lolol. LOVED it!

I posted this yesterday. It's my observation.

"For 8 years of Obama, there were enough angry conservatives but they did not riot and pillage the capitol like they supposedly did yesterday. Since the Spring, BLM and ANTIFA have ruined cities looting, rioting and pillaging. Around the time the USA is bracing for a possible retaliation from Iran over the assassination of one of their revered leaders and the Capitol was supposed to be a target, you tell me that the Capitol police and reinforcements allowed an angry mob to get in without a wall of police preventing them from going further in? Conservatives align themselves with the police that is why we do not approve of "DEFUND THE POLICE" but yesterday they all of a sudden decide to fight with the police? Something here smells very fishy to me."

I'd like to add that I assume the Capitol police did not think this kind of chaos would erupt from Trump supporters because that is not the blueprint of Trump supporters that is why they were ill-prepared.

[size=80]Sometimes, my comments have a touch of humor, often tongue-in-cheek, so don\'t take it so seriously.[/size]


Quote from: "Oliver Clotheshoffe" post_id=397051 time=1610130090 user_id=3349
Okay it gets a bit into conspiracy theories but I still think this guy is spot on.


As a citizen who would like to treat others the way I would like to be treated, I gave his video the benefit of the doubt. I listened to him. However, I refuse to be schooled by him. Like the others, I agree that some of it made sense but I will leave it at that.

[size=80]Sometimes, my comments have a touch of humor, often tongue-in-cheek, so don\'t take it so seriously.[/size]

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