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Re: Forum gossip thread by Herman


Trump supporters were mischaracterized by the media-what else is new

Started by Anonymous, January 08, 2021, 11:36:58 AM

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[size=80]Sometimes, my comments have a touch of humor, often tongue-in-cheek, so don\'t take it so seriously.[/size]


Quote from: @realAzhyaAryola post_id=397067 time=1610142210 user_id=73
Does anyone here believe that Trump incited the crowd?

I sure as hell don't.


QuoteI assume the Capitol police did not think this kind of chaos would erupt from Trump supporters because that is not the blueprint of Trump supporters that is why they were ill-prepared.


Many Trump supporters are former Tea Partiers. They were the epitome of peaceful responsible protests.


Both Republicans and Democrats need to be honest about The Capitol Hill Riot

There's hypocrisy on both sides."> ... 4v4lAyhqt0">

There's been a lot of misinformation surrounding this riot; a lot of accusations, a lot of assumptions, and way too much hate-filled social media warfare.

First things first: how did this riot begin in the first place?

The media would like you to believe that Trump sent out a video to all his supporters, commanding them to form an army on his behalf.

That's not the case. The reason so many people were upset this Wednesday was because an election was being certified that still had a lot of unanswered questions.

There have been so many reports of voter-fraud, so many videos of ballots being torn or removed, and quite honestly a lot of talk from Trump himself about fraud that has had many Americans scratching their heads.

How much of this is true? I doubt anyone is entirely sure. Trump certainly hasn't reported the facts.

The likely truth is that even if there was fraud, there's no way it was widespread enough to cause a difference of 7 million votes, and 74 electoral college votes.

But although Biden has been declared the winner, and the media has tried to move on (faster than what they should have), Trump and his supporters have not. They have wanted a recount, and the Trump team has challenged numerous states in court.

Because of the general unrest this election stirred up, there was a message on the minds of many Americans on Wednesday morning: this election has been rigged. Some of those Americans made the decision to head to Capitol Hill and try to fight the results.

Before proceeding, it's important to identify that yes, there is cause for concern. Although I believe Biden is the winner of this election, the amount of uncertainty about the voting machines, the accuracy of the counting, and the potential votes from deceased citizens does stir up some feelings of distrust.

People don't trust the electoral process right now. Plain and simple. Democrats didn't trust it when Trump won, Republicans didn't trust it when Obama won and they certainly don't trust it now.

The process needs to be refined; there has to be less room for error in the most important decision a country can make.

Due to all the questions in the air, Trump and his supporters felt as if Biden had cheated his way into power. And this led to Trump saying Wednesday morning, "We're going to walk down to the Capitol, and cheer on our brave congressmen and women...and we probably won't be cheering so much for some of them".

So yes, Trump did tell supporters to go to the Capitol, not to start a riot, but to try to protest illegal ballots. Was this the best decision? Probably not.

I'm not going to defend Trump here. He thinks he won, he's refused to concede, he's made his supporters angry with the left, and now he's told them to head to Capitol Hill to protest.

The way that protests have trended within the past year, the term "peaceful" has not been applicable. This riot was no different. Enraged Republicans (and presumably many troublemakers who saw a crowd form) stormed Capitol Hill.

People literally begin to scale the walls and broke into the building to stop the ballot counting

A woman was shot by Capitol Police within the building, another officer died during the action, and 3 others were fatally injured.

This violence was absolutely senseless. The entire riot was senseless. There was nothing that was going to be accomplished by raiding the building, and Republicans need to face that truth.

Antifa's involvement has not been proven, there's no evidence that meddling Democrats joined the mob to make Republicans look bad.

Republicans need to condemn the violence that occurred Wednesday. It doesn't matter how much distrust there was in the results, lives should not have been taken because of them.

Many Republicans were against the BLM riots that occurred this summer, where dozens died across the USA. There's no need for a double standard here, the riots that took place this week and in May/June are equally destructive to the unity of the nation.

Do the deaths caused in the summer represent the agenda of all Democrats? Absolutely not. Similarly, the deaths caused this week are not representative of the greater Republican party.

Extremists should never be identified as the 'norm'. What has happened in America is that each party has identified the other as completely evil, when instead there are many closer to the middle ground.

Political commentator Matt Walsh put it wonderfully on his Twitter, "If you defended the BLM riots but are condemning the riot today, you're a ridiculous hypocrite. If you condemned the BLM riots but are defending the riot today, you're a ridiculous hypocrite. It is better not to be a ridiculous hypocrite".

Speaking of Twitter, another item that must be addressed is the deactivation of Trump's social media accounts.

As already established, Trump did not tell his supporters to break into a building and start attacking people.

However, Facebook and Twitter both suspended Trump's accounts for 24 hours and threatened to permanently deactivate them.

Trump explicitly said on his social media accounts that he does not condone the violence, and he told supporters to go home. He also said, "we love you all".

The media interpreted this to mean that Trump loves the protestors and is therefore encouraging violence. Trump was merely saying that he loves his supporters, and made it very clear in a series of Tweets in videos that he does not condone any violence.

It's a dangerous world we live in when voices can be silenced with the click of a button. While Trump should not have spread so much fear, he is also not solely to blame for the large amounts of rhetoric that was spewed from many others.

He told those supporting him to back down, he condemned the violence, and yet the left has interpreted this to be a complete embrace of the riots.

Just as the right needs to be honest about the reality of what happened yesterday, the left similarly needs to understand that this chaos is not an exclusively Republican issue. This is the culmination of months of hate from both parties.

America needs to unify during these trying times, or this will be the end of the United States.

"A house divided against itself cannot stand"- Abraham Lincoln.


It's laughable that the president-elect, the veep, the speaker of the house and Chuck Schumer who lent moral support to violent animals who destroyed cities and took municpal government buildings want to impeach Trump for incitement. :crazy:  :crazy:


Trump Supporters Stop 'Antifa' From Breaking Into Capitol

There's been much controversy over who exactly forcefully entered the Capitol building during Wednesday's protest. They've been labeled solely as Trump supporters by most legacy media. But video footage appears to show a different picture."> ... 21-01-08-3">


The Left and the fake news media are a disgrace. And they're hypocrites.

They have falsely claimed US President Donald J. Trump incited violence yesterday. He didn't. He publicly called for "peace" and "law and order". Repeatedly.

They have also falsely claimed that a lawful protest from which a small percentage of protesters began a riot was an "insurrection" and a "coup" attempt. It wasn't. It was a mob vandalising and illegally entering the US Congress, not a coup or an insurrection.

The Left and the fake news media have a long track record of talking down violent protests, until one is caused by Trump supporters.

Here's but a smattering of their hypocrisy when it comes to Black Lives Matters protests vs what went down at Congress:

🙈 Democrat VP-elect Kamala Harris said "protestors should not let up" and she set up a fundraising drive to pay bail for the criminal terrorists who got arrested.

🙉 Democrat and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said "I just don't know why there aren't uprisings all over the country".

🙊 Democrat Congresswoman Ayanna Presley said "there needs to be unrest in the streets".

🙈 Democrat Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez said "The whole point of protesting is to make people uncomfortable."

🙉 Chris Cuomo at CNN said "Please, show me where it says protesters are supposed to be polite and peaceful."

🙊 Sally Kohn at CNN/Washington Post said "I don't like violent protests, but I understand them. And those wagging their fingers against violent protests need to read up on their American history."

🙈 And who can forget the CNN on-screen graphic while showing the city of Kenosha, Wisconsin burning: "Fiery but mostly peaceful protests".

Interestingly, none of these comments in blatant support, defence or apology of violent protests earned any of these people bans on social media. The tech tyrants who run Facebook and Twitter are thus also hypocrites and a disgrace for silencing Trump and his supporters.

And the Left and fake news media have curiously never called any left-wing protest or riot in any congress an "insurrection" or "coup" before when plenty have occurred.

Take these examples:

🔥 In 2011 the Wisconsin State Capitol was occupied and vandalised by leftist protestors for two months (yes, months) over, of all things, a budget bill they disliked. One Democratic legislator even made a death threat on the state floor house to a GOP member.

🔥 Between 2017 and 2020, the Senate Offices have been occupied three times by mobs of leftist protestors protesting various things, from the Solemaini drone stroke to border security to Kavanuagh.

None of this was labelled insurrection or terrorist. Instead we had several Democratic Senators join the occupation of the Hart Building and it was declared that "this is what democracy looks like".

🔥 In 1996, Leftists rioted, assaulted police and broke into the Australian Parliament and vandalised it, after attending a nearby peaceful protest which the labour movement organised and at which the then Labor leader spoke. No media outlet called it an "insurrection" or a "coup" attempt, nor did they blame the then Labor leader for it. Yet the Australian media have blamed Trump with the situation in the US.

As I said, the Left and the fake news media are both hypocrites and a disgrace. As are the tech tyrants who run the social media platforms.




Quote from: Herman post_id=397123 time=1610161791 user_id=1689

The hypocrisy from American politicians about the vandalism and illegal entry into the Capitol building makes me..


All through the summer the same politicians who accuse Donald Trump of inciting violence and try to remove him with about ten days left in his presidency called people who illegally and violently occupied government builders  peaceful.



QuoteIn 1996, Leftists rioted, assaulted police and broke into the Australian Parliament and vandalised it, after attending a nearby peaceful protest which the labour movement organised and at which the then Labor leader spoke. No media outlet called it an "insurrection" or a "coup" attempt, nor did they blame the then Labor leader for it. Yet the Australian media have blamed Trump with the situation in the US.

I remember that. The CBC didn't blame the leader of the Labour party for inciting violence.


North America's media makes the People's Daily look impartial, but what can we do. The US now has a federal government that will destroy livelihoods/jobs, raise taxes, encroach on state jurisdiction, let anybody cross it's border and give the proceeds from green tax levies to billionaires to spend on dubious things like True Dope does. Again, what can we do.

Have fun people and try not to think about the fact our continent is ran by an authortarian globalist cartel.


Quote from: "Shen Li" post_id=397127 time=1610164950 user_id=56
North America's media makes the People's Daily look impartial, but what can we do. The US now has a federal government that will destroy livelihoods/jobs, raise taxes, encroach on state jurisdiction, let anybody cross it's border and give the proceeds from green tax levies to billionaires to spend on dubious things like True Dope does. Again, what can we do.

Have fun people and try not to think about the fact our continent is ran by an authortarian globalist cartel.

Fun will be in limited supply.


The plot thickens.

Black Lives Matter Activist Took Part in Storming of Capitol

A Black Lives Matter activist was part of the group that entered the U.S. Capitol on Wednesday.

John Earle Sullivan, who has advocated for an armed revolution on social media, was arrested in July 2020 for making a threat of violence and criminal mischief. He organized a protest with Black Lives Matter activists and members of the far-left Antifa network. According to the Deseret News, Sullivan damaged vehicles and urged people to block roadways. Video footage captured him threatening to beat a woman.

Photographs showed Sullivan inside the Capitol in Washington on Jan. 6. Sullivan has since given interviews claiming he took part in the illegal breach of the building as part of an effort to understand supporters of President Donald Trump.

"For me, it's important from the group and the people around me to see that side of things, to see the truth," Sullivan told KSL-TV. "I don't care, like what side you're on, you should just see it raw.""> ... 21-01-08-5">


I was appalled at first by what I saw happen in DC. Now, I'm appalled by the gall of the media and congress.
gay, conservative and proud
