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Critical Race Theory and Woke Ideology Cancer has Spread to American Churches

Started by Anonymous, May 23, 2021, 02:44:57 AM

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Quote from: seoulbro post_id=416089 time=1626639724 user_id=114
Quote from: Herman post_id=415990 time=1626499174 user_id=1689
These marxist scumbags do not give a shit about kids' educatiom. It's all about the brainwashing.

Let them die!': PTA, NAACP official demonizes parents against critical race theory"> ... Daily%20PM">

Crowds gathered outside the Luther Jackson Middle School in Virginia, where concerned parents were rallying against critical race theory being taught to students in Fairfax County Public Schools. During Thursday's "Stop CRT Rally," a PTA and NAACP official spewed rhetoric against the parents, including proclaiming, "Let them die!"

An event flyer for the "Stop CRT Rally" stated: "It's not about race or equity, it's about a Communist Radical Takeover of America!" At the rally, there were counterprotests, including a diatribe delivered by federal employee Michelle Leete, who is also the vice president of training at the Virginia Parent-Teacher Association, vice president of communications for the Fairfax County PTA, and first vice president of the Fairfax County NAACP.

Leete lambasted anti-critical race theory parents, even going so far as to say, "Let them die!"

Asra Nomani, an education activist and vice president for strategy and investigations for the watchdog group Parents Defending Education, shared footage from the rally and counterprotest on Twitter.

"I listened, stunned, as Michelle Leete, an executive of the NAACP and the PTA, put a target on the backs of parents just because they have a different point of view," said Nomani, whose son recently graduated from Fairfax County Public Schools.

"What we heard tonight was hate speech, pure and simple. It was shocking that anyone would cheer and applaud a call to violence," Nomani told the Daily Wire, "Ironically, her hateful, intolerant words are a perfect illustration of the divisive ideology of critical race theory in action. In the name of tolerance, it preaches intolerance and is a betrayal of all values of humanity and decency."

Harry Jackson, who has three children in the Fairfax public school system and is president-elect of the Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology Parent Teacher Student Association, told the Daily Wire, "I was in shock looking at the crowd, watching Ms. Leete pander to white liberals with her hateful rhetoric ... Her call to violence against every kind of parent, including parents who oppose changes to admissions policies at schools like TJ, also reveal that she has a serious conflict of interest."

Thomas Jefferson School for Science and Technology, ranked the top math school in the country, instituted a "merit lottery," where race became a factor in admissions and academic qualifications were a lesser determinant.

The Daily Mail reported that admissions data for the class of 2025 at the prestigious school shows that black students rose from 1% in 2021 to 7%, Hispanics grew from 3% to 11%, white students increased from 18% to 22%, but Asian students dropped from 73% to 54% because of the new standards.

The Virginia PTA announced Saturday that it had requested, and received, Leete's resignation.

It's good to see some people still have balls. More people need to stand up to these wankers.


Teachers unions are going to defy state governments and force this Marxist garbage down the throats of kids.

CRT Opposition Grows Stronger, Bolder, and More Organized: 'You Have to Fight Fire With Fire'

Despite growing opposition to critical race theory (CRT) and a growing number of states passing laws to ban it from classrooms, education and teachers' unions are vowing to teach the controversial subject matter anyway. But one outspoken Florida mom says it's time to "fight fire with fire."

"I think parents have realized you have to fight fire with fire," Quisha King told the Epoch Times. "You have to be as strong, as forceful, and as unrelenting as they are."

King is the Florida mother who gained notoriety when she blasted the Duval County school board with strong opposition to CRT. In response to the National Education Association's threat to go after those who dared oppose CRT, King said "bring it on."

In an effort to help citizens fight back against the behemoth education system, Tea Party Patriots Action (TPPA) is now distributing a 46-page booklet (pdf) teaching parents and students how to get organized in their effort to fight back.

As described on its website, "the United We Stand toolkit is part of TPPA's campaign to encourage people to attend their local school board meetings to oppose CRT, and to urge a full return to in-classroom instruction."

"I think it's good to help parents understand how to recognize (CRT) and how to detect it because they don't really understand how it's being worked into the system," King said. "It's a great, handy guide so they're armed with something."

According to Mehiel, people need to start electing "non-teaching people on those boards," rather than repeatedly pulling from the same barrel of rotten apples. She also suggests people establish a good relationship with their local representatives.

In June, Mehiel organized the "Save our Students" town hall meeting in Vero Beach to rally community members to speak out against proposed lesson materials that pushed critical race theory in K-5 English Language curriculum."> ... ECURE_LINK">[EMAIL_SECURE_LINK]

cc">Ann Coulter: What's Dumber Than CRT? ... CNN! (Dang, Progs are Dumb)

Earlier by Ann Coulter: Critical Race Theory Is A Complex—Oh, Who Are We Kidding?

As we discussed last week, "critical race theory" is a subtle philosophical construct where the answer to everything is: THAT'S RACIST! Teachers hawking this glop are being defended by their journalist allies, who sneer that CRT critics are too stupid to understand the nuances of the theory.">

The Aristotelian ideal of this sneer was Elle Reeve's "special report" for CNN—pre-taped to eliminate any danger of Elle being contradicted by someone smarter, such as a 10-year-old.

CNN's Brianna Keilar [Tweet her] introduced the segment by asking her: "Do these vocal opponents of critical race theory actually understand fully what it is?"

(That's what's known as a "rhetorical question," kids!)

Elle: "No." [Bored] "And why should they? It's an academic theory taught mostly at the grad student level. But what they think it means is teaching white kids that all white people are bad and racist. And so, of course they're afraid of that."

They're afraid!!! Wait—remind me: Who's banning books, again? Who's flipping out about "microaggressions"? Who's demanding that Big Tech censor people? Who's demanding "trigger warnings" and "safe spaces" from speech they don't like?

Parents aren't "afraid"; they're incensed. They're paying the salaries of people who spend all day telling their kids that America is racist. (Elle didn't give that explanation. Perhaps it frightens her.)

The "vocal opponents" of CRT who "don't actually understand fully what it is" seem to be mostly billionaire investment bankers—at least judging by the articles in the Daily Mail. Elle's conclusion: a "theory" that consists of going around shouting "RACISM!" is too complex for those guys to understand.

The format of Elle's pre-taped report consisted of her interviewing opponents of CRT ... then nailing them with her brilliant comebacks! Except even with CNN doing the editing, the CRT opponents sounded perfectly reasonable, while Elle's comebacks kept revealing her yawning stupidity.

Early in Elle's report, Texas Sen. Ted Cruz is shown saying, "Critical race theory says America's fundamentally racist." What a dope!

About 60 seconds later, Elle deferentially asks a hijab-wearing high school teacher to explain CRT. The teacher exclaims: "Race and racism is literally the building blocks of this country!" (Were I the editor of Elle's piece, I think I would have cut that part of her answer.)

Next, Elle talks to a parent fighting CRT, who says: "Don't force on our kids a particular worldview. Taking a wide brush and painting this country as structurally racist, it's insane ... it's a lie."

To this, Elle [Tweet her] patronizingly informs the parent that America's racism "isn't distant history." Her evidence of contemporary racism? "In the '90s, the crime bill gave much more severe sentencing to crack cocaine versus powder cocaine simply because black people were perceived as doing crack cocaine and white people weren't ..."

HOW MANY TIMES DO WE HAVE TO GO THROUGH THIS? The reason crack penalties were so severe is because the Congressional Black Caucus demanded it. (And as long as I'm correcting Elle's false facts, the crack penalties were passed in 1986 and 1988, not "in the 1990s.")

Black churches, black leaders and black members of Congress were enraged by what the crack epidemic was doing to their neighborhoods. A 1986 New York Times article reported on "all-night vigils" held by the leaders of 60 black churches, who called the crack epidemic "a new form of genocide." Urban League President John Jacob railed against communities "held hostage by crack dealers," saying "drugs kill more blacks than the (Ku Klux) Klan ever did." Running for president in 1988, Jesse Jackson spoke of the scourge of crack cocaine and told a cheering crowd, "When I become president, the drug pusher is in trouble."

White supremacists—right, Elle?

This has been patiently explained roughly 1 million times. But why bother knowing stuff when smug arrogance is good enough for CNN?

Elle's next big "gotcha" was even more embarrassing, if that is possible. She rolled out the old chestnut about blacks being considered "three-fifths" of a human being in our Constitution. Yes, she really did that.

Here's her exchange with a college Republican:

COLLEGE REPUBLICAN: To paint the country as an inherently racist country from its founding I think is dangerous.

REEVE: The three-fifths compromise is written into the Constitution in which slaves are counted as three-fifths of a person.


How can you be in journalism and have no idea what the three-fifths clause means? No research is involved, Elle! Just read it.

The three-fifths clause means exactly the opposite of what Elle thinks it means. This was not a general statement on the slaves' humanity: it was about congressional apportionment. The slave states wanted to count slaves as full "persons" in order to increase the number of their representatives in Congress.

If you adored slavery, you'd want the Constitution to count each slave as a full person—as 20 people! The slaves still couldn't vote, but their slave masters would get more votes in Congress. It's the same idea behind California's demand that illegal aliens be counted when determining that state's congressional apportionment.

I can't even believe there's anyone in America who needed that explained again. (Next time, I'll just say: Get a home-schooler to explain it to you, Elle.)

It must have been embarrassing for everyone at CNN to watch this bimbo misstating well-known facts in a network "special report" that was supposed to show what cretins CRT critics are.

So how did the CNN hosts react? They were gobsmacked by the genius of Elle's report!

JOHN BERMAN: That was so great.

KEILAR: Right?

BERMAN: I mean, that was just so great, and just the way the questions are asked. Just by asking simple questions you revealed so much. I mean, that was just fantastic.

ELLE: Thank you.

My idea of hell is being condescended to by an idiot, forever and ever, with no respite. In other words, watching CNN.
I really tried to warn y\'all in 49  .. G. Orwell


CRT is an academic theory taught mostly at the grad student level.



I really tried to warn y\'all in 49  .. G. Orwell


Oh for Christ's sakes.

Colonial Williamsburg aims to tell the 'queer history' of America's founding"> ... Engagement">

The popular living history museum in Williamsburg, Virginia, has reportedly spent the last two years poring through archives to uncover the nation's so-called "queer history" in order to produce programming that tells the "complete" story of the time period.


Sometimes you read something so batty, you think it's fake. This is real.

Quote'Fasting from Whiteness': Woke church in Illinois says during Lent it is avoiding music and liturgy created by whites

'This Lent we build our worship life around the voices of Black people, indigenous people, and people of color.'

A section on the home page of the website of the First United Church of Oak Park bears the headline, "Lent 2022: Fasting From Whiteness."

"For Lent this year, First United is doing a mix of 'giving something up' and 'taking something on.' In our worship services throughout Lent, we will not be using any music or liturgy written or composed by white people. Our music will be drawn from the African American spirituals tradition, from South African freedom songs, from Native American traditions, and many, many more," the website states. "For Lent, it is our prayer that in our spiritual disciplines we may grow as Christians, united in the body of Christ with people of all ages, nations, races, and origins."

Turning Point USA posted a photo of a church sign that bears the headline, "Fasting from Whiteness" — the sign includes the message, "This Lent we build our worship life around the voices of Black people, indigenous people, and people of color."

Don't miss out on content from Dave Rubin free of big tech censorship. Listen to The Rubin Report now.

The church is unabashedly pro-LGBT, declaring on its website, "We welcome lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people into the full life and ministry of the church, including ordination, expecting and encouraging them to share their talents and gifts in the life, liturgy, leadership, and employment positions of our congregation, as our ministers, teachers, members, visitors, and friends.""> ... ing%20News">


Quote from: "iron horse jockey" post_id=445769 time=1649269955 user_id=2015
Sometimes you read something so batty, you think it's fake. This is real.

Quote'Fasting from Whiteness': Woke church in Illinois says during Lent it is avoiding music and liturgy created by whites

'This Lent we build our worship life around the voices of Black people, indigenous people, and people of color.'

A section on the home page of the website of the First United Church of Oak Park bears the headline, "Lent 2022: Fasting From Whiteness."

"For Lent this year, First United is doing a mix of 'giving something up' and 'taking something on.' In our worship services throughout Lent, we will not be using any music or liturgy written or composed by white people. Our music will be drawn from the African American spirituals tradition, from South African freedom songs, from Native American traditions, and many, many more," the website states. "For Lent, it is our prayer that in our spiritual disciplines we may grow as Christians, united in the body of Christ with people of all ages, nations, races, and origins."

Turning Point USA posted a photo of a church sign that bears the headline, "Fasting from Whiteness" — the sign includes the message, "This Lent we build our worship life around the voices of Black people, indigenous people, and people of color."

Don't miss out on content from Dave Rubin free of big tech censorship. Listen to The Rubin Report now.

The church is unabashedly pro-LGBT, declaring on its website, "We welcome lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people into the full life and ministry of the church, including ordination, expecting and encouraging them to share their talents and gifts in the life, liturgy, leadership, and employment positions of our congregation, as our ministers, teachers, members, visitors, and friends.""> ... ing%20News">

Churches have been doing this shit for a long time.


"Fasting From Whiteness"

"Fast" as I run, I can't get away from it  ac_smile
I really tried to warn y\'all in 49  .. G. Orwell


Quote from: cc post_id=445839 time=1649282478 user_id=88
"Fasting From Whiteness"

"Fast" as I run, I can't get away from it  ac_smile

I wonder if the United Church in the US is prog nuts like the United Church of Canada.