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Re: Forum gossip thread by Frood

Taliban Extremely Rapid Takeover - Kabul is Panic City

Started by cc, August 15, 2021, 11:57:48 AM

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Quote from: cc post_id=420140 time=1631130070 user_id=88
The State Dept. sounds disappointed - Like they actually expected women in Govt ??????"> ... 5592420353">

You can't make this shit up.... It's beyond embarrassing right now...The Biden Administration is ALL far left, woke, dolts, as are the majority of their rank and file democrap supporters.... You know as well as I that those types of imbeciles live in a vacuous bubble of fantasy land idiocy.

I have no doubt that they are disappointed because they trusted the savage, religious, zealots to live up to whatever idiotic agreement they had. The world is aghast at the incompetence, nativity, gullibility and just plain stupidity spewing from the Whitehouse right now and we REAL Americans,  Americans with a functional brain that is, are literally powerless to stop it.
\"A man\'s rights rest in three boxes. The ballot-box, the jury-box and the cartridge-box.\"

Frederick Douglass, November 15, 1867.


Quote from: cc post_id=420140 time=1631130070 user_id=88
The State Dept. sounds disappointed - Like they actually expected women in Govt ??????"> ... 5592420353">

I expected more Chritians.



Quote from: Fashionista post_id=420146 time=1631135361 user_id=3254
Quote from: cc post_id=420140 time=1631130070 user_id=88
The State Dept. sounds disappointed - Like they actually expected women in Govt ??????"> ... 5592420353">

I expected more Christians.



That gets a 10 for the girl
I really tried to warn y\'all in 49  .. G. Orwell


Send In Rapinoe!  ... Taliban Official Says Women Will Be Barred From Playing Sports In Afghanistan">

"I don't think women will be allowed to play cricket because it is not necessary that women should play cricket," Wasiq said. "In cricket, they might face a situation where their face and bodies will not be covered. Islam does not allow women to be seen like this."

If allowed to take participate in sports, there will be "photos and videos" of the women that people will undoubtedly watch – something that cannot occur, Wasiq said.
I really tried to warn y\'all in 49  .. G. Orwell


Quote from: cc post_id=420148 time=1631136727 user_id=88
Send In Rapinoe!  ... Taliban Official Says Women Will Be Barred From Playing Sports In Afghanistan">

"I don't think women will be allowed to play cricket because it is not necessary that women should play cricket," Wasiq said. "In cricket, they might face a situation where their face and bodies will not be covered. Islam does not allow women to be seen like this."

If allowed to take participate in sports, there will be "photos and videos" of the women that people will undoubtedly watch – something that cannot occur, Wasiq said.

Not a word from the woke wankers.


Shana Chappell — the Gold Star mom who alleged President Joe Biden "rolled" his "f***ing eyes" when she confronted him at the dignified transfer of her son, Marine Corps Lance Cpl. Kareem M. Nikoui, who was killed in the Kabul terror attack — invited the "real President" Donald Trump to her son's funeral.

Writing on Facebook last week, Chappell said "I would love if somehow my President (you Mr. Trump) could be present as i lay my Beautiful baby boy Lance Cpl. Kareem Nikoui to rest."


No kidding Secretary Austin.

Defense Sec. Austin admits al Qaeda might come back and fill the void the Biden administration created in Afghanistan with the Taliban

The world has already witnessed and decried the chaos President Joe Biden's administration created in Afghanistan with its botched pullout of the U.S. presence in the South Asian nation where American and international forces kept the Taliban and other terrorists at bay for two decades following the attacks of 9/11.

Tens of thousands of people scrambled to escape the disaster.

Americans were left stranded.

Afghan allies were betrayed.

International military partners were stunned.

Private groups that chartered flights to help rescue people abandoned by the U.S. were hampered by the State Department.

Now, as many analysts on both the right and the left had warned, bad actors are poised to take advantage of the Afghan government that is now controlled by the Taliban, which is installing its own terrorists in positions of power.

[size=150]Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin was forced to admit Thursday that al Qaeda might just make a comeback in the vacuum the Biden administration created, the Associated Press reported.[/size]

That's right, the same terror group that used Afghanistan as a staging area to attack the U.S. on Sept. 11, 2001, while under the protection of the Taliban, the organization America just left in charge in Afghanistan, may well make a return to power in the same place under the same ruling group.

Austin made the admission during a small press gaggle in Kuwait City, ABC News said, while also claiming the government is prepared to prevent any return to power by al Qaeda that could threaten the U.S.

"I think the whole community is kind of watching to see what happens and whether or not al Qaeda has the ability to regenerate in Afghanistan," the secretary told reporters.

People need to understand, he indicated, that this is just the nature of the beast.

"The nature of al Qaeda and ISIS-K is that, you know, they will always attempt to find space to grow and regenerate, whether it's there, whether it's in Somalia, whether it's in any other ungoverned space," Austin said. "I think that's the nature of the organization."

And it's not just the United States that is worried about an al Qaeda return.

Though the Taliban pledged to the Trump administration in 2020 not to support al Qaeda or other extremist groups, officials from the U.S. and many other nations, including several Gulf Arab states, ABC News reported, believe the organization maintains ties to al Qaeda and worry that the Taliban's return to power will invite an al Qaeda resurgence.

But never fear. Our government has "put the Taliban on notice that we expect them to not allow that to happen," Austin added.

Though the Biden administration has downplayed talks about putting forces back on the ground in the region, the secretary did say that "we do have the ability to address threats ... using over-the-horizon capability" and that "our capability has evolved dramatically over the last 20 years."

Despite his claims that the military can contain al Qaeda with "surveillance and strike aircraft based elsewhere," ABC News said, Austin acknowledged that it will be more difficult without U.S. troops and intelligence teams based in Afghanistan."> ... an-taliban">

cc">President Applesauce Brains  & his team of idiots really blew this one

Business Insider

A US drone strike the military called 'righteous' mistakenly targeted an aid worker and killed 10 Afghan civilians, including 7 kids, a report says">

The US targeted an aid worker with a drone strike in Kabul, mistakenly believe he was an ISIS-K militant preparing for a terror attack, according to a New York Times report. In the process, the August 29 strike killed 10 Afghan civilians, including seven children.

The aid worker, Zemari Ahmadi, was also killed by the 20-pound Hellfire missile fired at his car, per the report.

The US military framed the threat posed by the car as imminent, and defended the drone attack as a "righteous strike." Officials said the military believed the car was being packed with explosives for an attack.

But footage obtained by The New York Times suggests Ahmadi was actually loading the car with water containers for his home.

The Times further alleges while the U.S. military accepts responsibility for collateral damage in the form of three civilians, it was likelier 10 who died, including seven children.">A timeline of events pieced together from more than a dozen of the driver's family members as well as colleagues reveals the following:

Mr. Ahmadi had worked as an electrical engineer for Nutrition and Education International, a California-based aid group;

On the morning of the Biden-backed atrocity, Ahmadi's boss called him at 8:45 a.m and asked him to pick up his laptop;

Mr. Ahmadi left at around 9 a.m. in a white Toyota Corolla belonging to his employer.

This is when surveillance began;

An MQ-9 Reaper drone tracked Ahmadi around Kabul, as he picked up breakfast and went to his office;

Around 2:30pm, Ahmadi began filling canisters with water, to distribute them as aid;

Mr. Ahmadi commuted home around 4pm;

As he arrived home at 4:50pm, the U.S. drone fired a Hellfire missile at him, murdering him and his family members.

Shortly after the strike, U.S. military leaders insisted only ISIS combatants had been killed, and that a secondary explosion proved there were explosives in the vehicle. An on-the-ground investigation has now disproven any claims of a secondary explosion, meaning Biden's U.S. military not only committed a war crime, but attempted to cover it up with a lie.

Ahmadi's relatives said 10 members of their family, including seven kids, were killed: Ahmadi and three of his children, Zamir, 20, Faisal, 16, and Farzad, 10; Mr. Ahmadi's cousin Naser, 30; three of Romal's children, Arwin, 7, Benyamin, 6, and Hayat, 2; and two 3-year-old girls, Malika and Somaya.">

[This critter and his minions are soooo dangerous]
I really tried to warn y\'all in 49  .. G. Orwell


Then there's this element - an excuse to bring in more unvetted  "refugees"">">
I really tried to warn y\'all in 49  .. G. Orwell


Quote from: cc post_id=420252 time=1631378147 user_id=88">

lol, sad but true.


Quote from: cc post_id=420252 time=1631378147 user_id=88
Then there's this element - an excuse to bring in more unvetted  "refugees"">">

Unvetted refugees are the only priority of Jim Crow Joe.


Did Biden just give China American Military technology?

According to Donald Trump Jr., the Taliban is handing the newly acquired Apache helicopters over to China who will reverse engineer the helicopters and make them better - and for 2 cents on the dollar of what the U.S. military paid to develop the technology.

... woyt[media">[media][/media][/media]


Remember progs used to accuse Trump of messing with the NATO alliance because he insisted NATO members pay their fair share. Jim Crow Joe has threatened the NATO alliance more than all other presidents combined with his catastrophic incompetence handling the Afghanistan exit.


Quote from: cc post_id=420237 time=1631320612 user_id=88
President Applesauce Brains  & his team of idiots really blew this one

Business Insider

A US drone strike the military called 'righteous' mistakenly targeted an aid worker and killed 10 Afghan civilians, including 7 kids, a report says"> ... f8b42d87ff">[/img]

The US targeted an aid worker with a drone strike in Kabul, mistakenly believe he was an ISIS-K militant preparing for a terror attack, according to a New York Times report. In the process, the August 29 strike killed 10 Afghan civilians, including seven children.

The aid worker, Zemari Ahmadi, was also killed by the 20-pound Hellfire missile fired at his car, per the report.

The US military framed the threat posed by the car as imminent, and defended the drone attack as a "righteous strike." Officials said the military believed the car was being packed with explosives for an attack.

But footage obtained by The New York Times suggests Ahmadi was actually loading the car with water containers for his home.

The Times further alleges while the U.S. military accepts responsibility for collateral damage in the form of three civilians, it was likelier 10 who died, including seven children.

A timeline of events pieced together from more than a dozen of the driver's family members as well as colleagues reveals the following]

Mr. Ahmadi had worked as an electrical engineer for Nutrition and Education International, a California-based aid group;

On the morning of the Biden-backed atrocity, Ahmadi's boss called him at 8:45 a.m and asked him to pick up his laptop;

Mr. Ahmadi left at around 9 a.m. in a white Toyota Corolla belonging to his employer.

This is when surveillance began;

An MQ-9 Reaper drone tracked Ahmadi around Kabul, as he picked up breakfast and went to his office;

Around 2:30pm, Ahmadi began filling canisters with water, to distribute them as aid;

Mr. Ahmadi commuted home around 4pm;

As he arrived home at 4:50pm, the U.S. drone fired a Hellfire missile at him, murdering him and his family members.

Shortly after the strike, U.S. military leaders insisted only ISIS combatants had been killed, and that a secondary explosion proved there were explosives in the vehicle. An on-the-ground investigation has now disproven any claims of a secondary explosion, meaning Biden's U.S. military not only committed a war crime, but attempted to cover it up with a lie.

Ahmadi's relatives said 10 members of their family, including seven kids, were killed: Ahmadi and three of his children, Zamir, 20, Faisal, 16, and Farzad, 10; Mr. Ahmadi's cousin Naser, 30; three of Romal's children, Arwin, 7, Benyamin, 6, and Hayat, 2; and two 3-year-old girls, Malika and Somaya.">

[This critter and his minions are soooo dangerous]

This is a recruiting adverstisement for global Islamic terror organizations.
The Russian Rock It