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Re: Forum gossip thread by Shen Li


good morning SCOUSE

Started by Anonymous, September 18, 2021, 11:35:52 AM

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How predictable, so because the source is labelled "Holocaust denial" by the Jewish mainstream which you apparently hold dear, you refuse to watch any of it?

Stop wasting my time and please refrain from responding to my posts again, you fucking shill.


Quote from: SCOUSE post_id=421138 time=1632338318 user_id=1728
How predictable, so because the source is labelled "Holocaust denial" by the Jewish mainstream which you apparently hold dear, you refuse to watch any of it?

Stop wasting my time and please refrain from responding to my posts again, you fucking shill.

So you don't want to be bitch slapped anymore? Not that I blame you.... But here I thought you enjoyed being abused... :laugh3:
\"A man\'s rights rest in three boxes. The ballot-box, the jury-box and the cartridge-box.\"

Frederick Douglass, November 15, 1867.



Quote from: SCOUSE post_id=421129 time=1632333365 user_id=1728
Quote from: Poppy post_id=421119 time=1632326844 user_id=3287
The Flynn Consortium

Which no doubt, you're likely part of, given your thirst for cock and tendancy of pretending to be a female online.

What are you trying to say here? That you aren't the Jap anime from Flame Truth who was outed recently on BF for being a raging homosexual dick sniffer?

You have become a full-time resident of whatever matrix-style troll/imaginary world you've created for yourself.

Your  slew of penis references speak of someone struggling with a problem best addressed by a psychiatrist.
I\'m Poppy!


Quote from: Poppy post_id=421147 time=1632343134 user_id=3287
Quote from: SCOUSE post_id=421129 time=1632333365 user_id=1728
Quote from: Poppy post_id=421119 time=1632326844 user_id=3287
The Flynn Consortium

Which no doubt, you're likely part of, given your thirst for cock and tendancy of pretending to be a female online.

What are you trying to say here? That you aren't the Jap anime from Flame Truth who was outed recently on BF for being a raging homosexual dick sniffer?

You have become a full-time resident of whatever matrix-style troll/imaginary world you've created for yourself.

Your  slew of penis references speak of someone struggling with a problem best addressed by a psychiatrist.

No kidding. He is a weird guy.

Berry Sweet

Quote from: Poppy post_id=421147 time=1632343134 user_id=3287
Quote from: SCOUSE post_id=421129 time=1632333365 user_id=1728
Quote from: Poppy post_id=421119 time=1632326844 user_id=3287
The Flynn Consortium

Which no doubt, you're likely part of, given your thirst for cock and tendancy of pretending to be a female online.

What are you trying to say here? That you aren't the Jap anime from Flame Truth who was outed recently on BF for being a raging homosexual dick sniffer?

You have become a full-time resident of whatever matrix-style troll/imaginary world you've created for yourself.

Your  slew of penis references speak of someone struggling with a problem best addressed by a psychiatrist.

He's an angry and delusional little dude.

I can only imagine when he is upset, he has a huge cocaine throbbibg vein on his massive flat forehead.


Quote from: Poppy post_id=421147 time=1632343134 user_id=3287
Quote from: SCOUSE post_id=421129 time=1632333365 user_id=1728
Quote from: Poppy post_id=421119 time=1632326844 user_id=3287
The Flynn Consortium

Which no doubt, you're likely part of, given your thirst for cock and tendancy of pretending to be a female online.

What are you trying to say here? That you aren't the Jap anime from Flame Truth who was outed recently on BF for being a raging homosexual dick sniffer?

You have become a full-time resident of whatever matrix-style troll/imaginary world you've created for yourself.

Your  slew of penis references speak of someone struggling with a problem best addressed by a psychiatrist.

You've even tried it on here ffs.... why have you got a picture of a young female as your avvy and your username is "poppy" when you're a 50 yr old guy? Catfishing must have become second nature to you because you've been doing it so long....

We both know what you said on BF and how it outed you as a homo. Deny it all you like, some of the clueless little bitches on here may believe you because they don't visit BF, but Rancid and Flea know eaxctly what I'm talking about.


Quote from: "Berry Sweet" post_id=421166 time=1632364806 user_id=164
Quote from: Poppy post_id=421147 time=1632343134 user_id=3287
Quote from: SCOUSE post_id=421129 time=1632333365 user_id=1728
Quote from: Poppy post_id=421119 time=1632326844 user_id=3287
The Flynn Consortium

Which no doubt, you're likely part of, given your thirst for cock and tendancy of pretending to be a female online.

What are you trying to say here? That you aren't the Jap anime from Flame Truth who was outed recently on BF for being a raging homosexual dick sniffer?

You have become a full-time resident of whatever matrix-style troll/imaginary world you've created for yourself.

Your  slew of penis references speak of someone struggling with a problem best addressed by a psychiatrist.

He's an angry and delusional little dude.

I can only imagine when he is upset, he has a huge cocaine throbbibg vein on his massive flat forehead.

I'm angry? Yet you're the one who has descended into a hysterical melty trying to downplay the fact that you previously used heroin...

You project an awful lot, don't you?


One last thing, Renee's refusal to examine evidence put forward because it has been slandered with a Jewish buzzword and thus deemed invalid, is a perfect example of how historians in the mainstream have treated the topic of WW2. No honest, impartial, research has ever been allowed into the wild claims of murderous gas chambers or the massively inflated death toll, which incidentally has been quietly lowered on plaques at Auschwitz several times already. Instead, the official story is expected to be believed or threats of being black listed, socially ostracised and even prosecuted inevitably follow and stifle any questioning of this highly tabboo subject from students, historians and journalists.

Truth doesn't fear scrutiny, what exactly are these people trying to hide? Could it be that the offical holocaust narrative would collapse like a mound of soggy tissues if the spotlight was focused on what the history books have been teaching?


I have a strong suspicion that Scouse is intimately familiar with mounds of "soggy tissues".


In response to the previous Nazi post...The death toll numbers at Auschwitz were lowered 30 years ago and the weren't done "quietly". It was real news... I personally remember the revised numbers being reported as it sparked a discussion in my History class during H.S. and again in my Post Modern European History class at Rutgers Univ.

The lowered numbers were the result of historians, both gentile and jew, who researched the actual Nazi records and extrapolated the numbers... The original 4 million estimate was the result of faulty Soviet estimates and was kept alive by the socialist Polish Government of the last century in an effort to falsely illustrate how ALL Eastern European people (not just jews) suffered under the Nazis.

Most historians in the west never accepted the 4 million number as it was well known to be a product of socialist propaganda. SCOUSE would have you believe that it was a secret effort to secretly hide the inflated numbers in the Jewish Holocaust narrative. The truth is, the jews welcomed the lower number as it illustrates the FACT that the jews were the most persecuted demographic under the Nazis.

This gleaned from Reddit, illustrates the situation nicely. It's a long read but it explains how the numbers were derived by actual record keeping and jewish population numbers pre and post war.

"Newer scholarship estimates on the number of Jews killed in the Holocaust range somewhere in between 5.4 million people and 6.2 million people. This has to do with a problem in evidence. Despite the stereotype of the Nazis being super bureaucratic and writing everything down, they did in fact not keep an exact tally, especially where shootings and the extermination camps of Operation Reinhard as well as the non-Reinhard camp of Chelmno was concerned. Furthermore, the Nazis did indeed try to hide what they were doing.

In order to arrive at the total figure, the methods historians' use is combining direct estimates, i.e. the number of victims in concentration camps, extermination camps, through killing squads plus all additional material about killed people, with methods of indirect statistical comparison, i.e. population statistics before and after the war. By combining the two methods and looking for a convergence of evidence on one range of figures versus another, we can estimate figures with a high degree of confidence. Given the lack of complete population statistics this number still has a margin of error (that's the reason for the range between 5.4 and 6.2 million) but not a margin of error so large that 6 million suddenly become 3 million or just hundred thousand.

Let me give you an example of how this works. A very important document in terms of establishing numbers is the so-called [Korherr Report]. Richard Korherr was the head of the SS statistics bureau and in March 1943 he compiled a report about the decrease in Jewish population in Europe from 1932 to December 1942. He arrives at the conclusion that through normal decrease due to the death rate, due to emigration and due to German policy, the number of Jews in Europe has decreased about 4 million from 32 to 42. With regards to about 1.2 million Jews, he uses the phrase "Es wurden durchgeschleust durch die Lager im Generalgouvernement" (Guided through the camps in the General Government), which was what Himmler suggested he use instead of "Sonderbehandlung" (special treatment). This is Nazi code language for killed. So we know that by December 42, the head of the SS office for statistics gives a number of killed Jews that is 1.2 million.

However, several things need to be looked at in addition to the number Korherr gives here. First of all, the number of 1.2 million Korherr gives here seems to be correct in relation to the Operation Reinhard extermination camps. We can verify this number using the Höfle Telegram. The Höfle Telegram is an intercept from British intelligence. Sent originally on January 11, 1943 by Hermann Höfle, who was Odilo Globocnik's deputy in Operation Reinhard - the killing of the Jews of the General Government in the camps of Sobibor, Treblinka, and Belzec - it details the number of Jews that have arrived at the Operation Reinhard Camp by January 1943 and it also arrives at a total number of 1.2 million. So, using the Korherr Report with back up from the Höfle Telegram, we can assert with certainty that by January 1943, 1.2 million Jews had been killed in the Operation Reinhard Camps.

From the Korherr Report it is also possible to assert that Korherr did not have the Einsatzgruppen numbers. This comes from the Korherr Report itself where Korherr writes that he didn't count the Jews in Russia and on the frontline. The Einsatzgruppen reports are available to us. From June 1941 on, the Einsatzgruppen send detailed reports about their activities in the Soviet Union to Himmler and various other agencies. From those we can assert that by late 1941 the Einsatzgruppen killed at least 500.000 Jews in the Soviet Union. With the second round of killing that is less well documented, the total number of victims of the Einsatzgruppen by 43 comes through a variety of sources to about 1.5 million people. That combined with the numbers we have from Korherr shows that by mid-43 3 million Jews were already dead. And that does not account for the Jews killed in Auschwitz, the Jews killed in Poland during the operations in 1939, the Jews of Serbia being killed by the Wehrmacht and by gas van, the Aktion Harvest Festival in the Majdanek camp, the killing of the Hungarian Jews in 1944 and so on.

Combining all this evidence leads to numbers that have been compiled in this following table (courtesy of  /u/elos_ and  /u/searocksandtrees)

Country| Est. Pre-War Jewish pop. | Est. Jewish population killed | Percent killed


Poland | 3,300,000  | 3,000,000     | 91

Baltic countries | 253,000 | 228,000 | 90

Germany Camp; Austria | 240,000 | 210,000 | 88

Bohemia Camp; Moravia | 90,000 | 80,000 | 89

Slovakia | 90,000 | 75,000 | 83

Greece | 70,000 | 54,000 | 77

Netherlands | 140,000 | 105,000 | 75

Hungary | 650,000 | 450,000 | 70

Belorussian SSR | 375,000 | 245,000 | 65

Ukrainian SSR | 1,500,000 | 900,000 | 60

Belgium | 65,000 | 40,000 | 60

Yugoslavia | 43,000 | 26,000 | 60

Romania | 600,000 | 300,000 | 50

Norway | 1,800 | 900 | 50

France | 350,000 | 90,000 | 26

Bulgaria | 64,000 | 14,000 | 22

Italy | 40,000 | 8,000 | 20

Luxembourg | 5,000 | 1,000 | 20

Russian SFSR | 975,000 | 107,000 | 11

Denmark | 8,000 | 120 | 2

Finland | 2,000 | 22 | 1

Total | 8,861,800 | 5,933,922 | 67

Ok, now what about the 4 million number.

The 4 million number originated with the combined Polish-Soviet commission to examine the crimes committed at the Auschwitz camps. They arrived at this number by taking the maximum capacity of the crematoria at Auschwitz over the whole time of their operation and extrapolating the numbers from that, reducing it by 20% because they assumed that 20% of operation's time needs to account for down time. What the Soviet-Polish commission didn't account for was that not all the Auschwitz crematoria operated at full capacity every day of their existence. This number was immediately recognized as too high, as can be seen from the Polish court that tried Rudolf Höß that assumed Höß as the commandant in Auschwitz was responsible for 2.8 million deaths rather than 4 million. Also, in Western academia, since Gerard Reitlinger's publication of his book The Final Solution. Reitlinger estimated that about 1 million Jews had been killed at Auschwitz rather precisely. The 4 million number stayed around because it became socialist propaganda credo in order to prove how the Eastern European nations had suffered especially under fascist rule.

In an interview with the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung on September 14, 1989, the director of the State Museum of Auschwitz said that the State Museum of Auschwitz had to give the number of victims with 2.8 to 4 million because the socialist state authorities regarded those as "the most likely numbers" and they were practically mandated to.

So, the 4 million number was never accepted in Western academia as the right number of victims of Auschwitz. Summing up, a number of around 6 million victims has been and stayed given as the approximately exact number of Jewish victims of the Holocaust since pretty much the 50s. Even with the new evidence uncovered through the opening of the Eastern European archives, where for example evidence about the previously almost unknown camp of Maly Trostinec where 60,000 people were killed, was uncovered, the number has stayed about the same through all these historical revisions."


* On the Höfle Telegram: Peter Witte, Stephen Tyas: A New Document on the Deportation and Murder of Jews during ,,Einsatz Reinhard" 1942. In: Holocaust and Genocide Studies 15, 2001, pp. 468–486.

* On the Korherr Report:  Gerald Fleming: Hitler und die Endlösung. Wiesbaden/München 1982.

* On Auschwitz: Franciszek Piper: Die Zahl der Opfer von Auschwitz. Staatliches Museum Auschwitz, 1993.

*  Wolfgang Benz (Hrsg.): Dimensionen des Völkermords – Die Zahl der jüdischen Opfer des Nationalsozialismus., München 1996.

* Raul Hilberg: The Destruction of the European Jews, Yale 2002.

* Saul Friedlände: Nazi Germany and the Jews, Vol. 1 and 2.

* Doris L. Bergen: War & Genocide: A Concise History of the Holocaust.

* Christian Gerlach: The Extermination of the European Jews, 2016.

* Nicholaus Wachsmann: KL. A history of the Nazi Concentration Camps, 2015.

No doubt the halfwitted little Nazi wannabe will scream that this is all the work of the God Damn Joooooos but no matter how you slice it... It has a lot more credibility than his certified Holocaust denying sources. He's just too butt fucking stupid to realize how fucked up is position is.

God I love my job.... :laugh3:
\"A man\'s rights rest in three boxes. The ballot-box, the jury-box and the cartridge-box.\"

Frederick Douglass, November 15, 1867.


Quote from: SCOUSE post_id=421177 time=1632380912 user_id=1728
Quote from: Poppy post_id=421147 time=1632343134 user_id=3287
Quote from: SCOUSE post_id=421129 time=1632333365 user_id=1728
Quote from: Poppy post_id=421119 time=1632326844 user_id=3287
The Flynn Consortium

Which no doubt, you're likely part of, given your thirst for cock and tendancy of pretending to be a female online.

What are you trying to say here? That you aren't the Jap anime from Flame Truth who was outed recently on BF for being a raging homosexual dick sniffer?

You have become a full-time resident of whatever matrix-style troll/imaginary world you've created for yourself.

Your  slew of penis references speak of someone struggling with a problem best addressed by a psychiatrist.

You've even tried it on here ffs.... why have you got a picture of a young female as your avvy and your username is "poppy" when you're a 50 yr old guy? Catfishing must have become second nature to you because you've been doing it so long....

We both know what you said on BF and how it outed you as a homo. Deny it all you like, some of the clueless little bitches on here may believe you because they don't visit BF, but Rancid and Flea know eaxctly what I'm talking about.

This is a Poppy fan account, FYI.  

Yours seems to be a "dumb ass Nazi" fan account.

Oak has already gone over this nonsense with you. You claimed she weighed 900 pounds and demanded she post a photo of herself holding a sign that read, "Scouse, I am not 900 pounds," to disprove your made up allegation. The fact that you believe all of the nonsense posted on a troll board indicates that you have lost touch with reality.

Rancid has a good sense of humor when it comes to video games considering we suggested he play insexity without knowing how filthy that game really was.
I\'m Poppy!


I don't like Oak either. But, who cares how much she weighs. How childish and stupid can a middle aged man get.


Quote from: "iron horse jockey" post_id=421205 time=1632414253 user_id=2015
I don't like Oak either. But, who cares how much she weighs. How childish and stupid can a middle aged man get.

He did the same thing to me only it was in regard to my salary and bank account. The little turd actually expected me to post a redacked copy of my pay stub and or bank statement after I criticized him for being an unskilled, uneducated, unemployable, bumpkin.

He plays this game all the time so that when people refuse to post personal info, he can run around saying "See, see I told they were lying. What are they hiding? They must be a God Damn Jooooooo"....  :laugh3:
\"A man\'s rights rest in three boxes. The ballot-box, the jury-box and the cartridge-box.\"

Frederick Douglass, November 15, 1867.


It's really telling how the huge heifer Renee, who considers herself to be some kind of intelligent "scholar", can only spam leftist copy n' pasta links from fucking Reddit of all places to support her opinion.  :laugh3:

If your indoctrinated, calorie-devouring, dyke ass had bothered to watch the video I posted, you would understand that disposing of millions of dead bodies, even with industrial sized ovens, is an absolutely mammoth task and basically impossible. There have been no mass graves found of gas chamber victims, only victims of typhus, and the amount of bodies discovered were nowhere near the insane numbers which you delusional idiots claim.

If you continue to stubbornly refuse to watch the documentary I posted, there is very little point continuing this discussion, because it debunks everything you have stated so far.

I'll leave you with this little reminder about the Red Cross findings and offical death toll in the concentration camps. Read it and weep, tubs. I know it's a hard pill to swallow that your past academic studies on the subject of WW2 have been littered with lies and misinformation, but the first step to recovery is accepting the truth, not lashing out at those attempting to correct you.">">">">

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