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Re: Forum gossip thread by Herman


Started by cc, December 22, 2021, 10:31:14 PM

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I really tried to warn y\'all in 49  .. G. Orwell



Horny? I'm 70.

Best wishes to all the Cashews, past and present.

I hope Santa is benevolent to those who've been good, and malevolent to the naughty ones. You know who you are.

Stay safe. Get vaxxed if you're in the high risk group.



Merry Christmas everybody. My dad is over eighty and I won't be seeing him on Saturday. Just my girlfriend and I.


My in-laws are in their 80's... we're going up to meet them tomorrow with a sister in law. Nobody cares that me and mine aren't death jabbed except one sister and hubby and their entire large family who oddly aren't attending this year.... lulz

Fuck them.


I got one trip to Kenora to do and then I'm off until Boxing Day afternoon. I will be home early Christmas eve. I hope everybody here has a very Merry Christmas.


This is not how we hoped our European Christmas trip would be..

We thought we'd take an overnight train trip to Passau Germany and Salzburg, Austria to see their famous Christmas markets as we as enjoy the outdoor Christmas traditions here in Holland..

Now, we will visit two households, one today Christmas eve, and one tomorrow Christmas day..

I wil probably do something I've never done on Christmas day and that is make an appearance here..

My hope is that everyone else has a Christmas less lonely than mine.




Quote from: Fashionista post_id=431842 time=1640304187 user_id=3254
This is not how we hoped our European Christmas trip would be..

We thought we'd take an overnight train trip to Passau Germany and Salzburg, Austria to see their famous Christmas markets as we as enjoy the outdoor Christmas traditions here in Holland..

Now, we will visit two households, one today Christmas eve, and one tomorrow Christmas day..

I wil probably do something I've never done on Christmas day and that is make an appearance here..

My hope is that everyone else has a Christmas less lonely than mine.


Shit, that's a tough pill to swallow kid. I know you've been planning this trip for a while.

My boy, his old lady and my granddaughter are here now. I'm going to slaughter a turkey in the morning. My boy broguht the old man some weed. I had a puff before I started posting. We will have some Ukrainian treats too. And of course, lots of barrel wash.

Merry Christmas folks.


Merry Christmas to everyone!!!!

Got the A/C on. Expecting 80'sF tomorrow and Christmas. No white Christmas this year.
I've learned that if someone asks you a really stupid question and you reply by telling them what time it is, they'll leave you alone


Quote from: kiebers post_id=431845 time=1640307966 user_id=193
Merry Christmas to everyone!!!!

Got the A/C on. Expecting 80'sF tomorrow and Christmas. No white Christmas this year.

It's -14 here. I aint got the AC on. :laugh3:


Quote from: kiebers post_id=431845 time=1640307966 user_id=193
Merry Christmas to everyone!!!!

Got the A/C on. Expecting 80'sF tomorrow and Christmas. No white Christmas this year.

What's on the menu tomorrow? Brisket?


Quote from: Bricktop post_id=431787 time=1640235894 user_id=1560
Horny? I'm 70.

Best wishes to all the Cashews, past and present.

I hope Santa is benevolent to those who've been good, and malevolent to the naughty ones. You know who you are.

Stay safe. Get vaxxed if you're in the high risk group.

What's on the menu tomorrow at your place? Barbeque?


Turkey in the Weber. The kids are all off at the other side of the family's functions this year, so BBQ will be Boxing Day.

Only 27, so no white Christmas. Thank goodness.

Our "white" days are usually caused by ash from bushfires.

What's the plan for Casa Herman...brisket and barrel wash?