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Re: Forum gossip thread by Biggie Smiles

A Bridge Too Far - The Ultimate "How to Lose Support For Dummies" Move

Started by cc, February 08, 2022, 06:04:09 PM

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Note: A Court  has acknowledged this whole thing is illegal and issued  order for coppers to clean it up

What part of " I do not support illegal actions do you not get, Brick"  Why would I support "illegal activity"?

Strange stuff coming from a copper when coppers enforce law and order

You do know this all entire thing is illegal, right?  .. and now that it is court ratified, right?
I really tried to warn y\'all in 49  .. G. Orwell


I really tried to warn y\'all in 49  .. G. Orwell


Quote from: cc post_id=438740 time=1644622092 user_id=88
Note: A Court  has acknowledged this whole thing is illegal and issued  order for coppers to clean it up

What part of " I do not support illegal actions do you not get, Brick"  Why would I support "illegal activity"?

Strange stuff coming from a copper when coppers enforce law and order

Firstly, permit me to remind you I am NOT a copper. I WAS a copper. And many "coppers" here have walked away from their career because they could not accepted upholding tyrannical laws. Around 350 in my State alone. Being a "copper" does not mean you robotically accept that all actions you take are fair and just. But, it seems to me you would have made a very good "copper" during this chaos.

I do not refer to illegal actions in YOUR country. I do not know what illegal acts your government has undertaken. Nor do I care. (But I'll bet there were many).

I was referencing the illegal actions perpetrated by our governments...State and Federal. For example;

Closing State borders in contravention of our Constitution which strictly forbids border controls between States.

Mandating the administration of drugs to our citizens by devious means.

Shutting down our borders and refusing entry to AUSTRALIAN citizens wishing to return home

Incarcerating people who tested positive in penitentiary style accommodations

Arresting people for making public statements about defying government edicts

Closing businesses without lawful authority...and there are others.

In fact most of the measures implemented by our governments were made on the fly with a "catch all" Emergency Powers Act that simply said "we can do what we want".

Human rights were ignored, justice abandoned and reason disregarded.

I stated from the outset that I feared that this plague will encourage Governments to ignore the essence of the principles of law and legislative authority. And I was right.

Long after this plague becomes a nasty memory, the disregard of our rights will continue to cause us great pain.


Old Herman is retired from the patch, but my many contacts are scared shitless about blocking the border at Coutts. We finally got good conditions again and now we can't get materials."> ... nout&pfr=1">

The Canadian Manufacturers & Exporters association is calling for an immediate end to the trucker blockades at the borders, saying some businesses in Alberta's energy sector are just days from shutting down.

The CME said the blockades, including the one at Coutts, Alta., mean critical supplies like steel and electrical components are sitting at the border, taking longer to arrive as truckers try to bypass the protests or orders are being cancelled altogether.


Quote from: Bricktop post_id=438747 time=1644625281 user_id=1560

Firstly, permit me to remind you I am NOT a copper. I WAS a copper. And many "coppers" here have walked away from their career because they could not accepted upholding tyrannical laws. Around 350 in my State alone.

. .....................

Long after this plague becomes a nasty memory, the disregard of our rights will continue to cause us great pain.

Yes. I understand you are not a cop now & understand your country has been acted upon illegally and unjustifiably by at least 2 state Govts that I am aware on  .. there may be more of this stuff I'm unaware of

Being a copper there would be difficult .... leave and find a job, maybe, or hang on

I also understand that does not bode well for the future of your country

Thinking of how your govts.  will act in the future in all areas  must give you a very bad feeling in the pit of your stomach
I really tried to warn y\'all in 49  .. G. Orwell


Quote from: Herman post_id=438748 time=1644625388 user_id=1689
Old Herman is retird from the patch, but my many contacts are scared shitless about blocking the border at Coutts. We finally got good conditions again and now we can't get materials.


That is very bad.

And if that smaller border crossing is causing such great grief to innocent hard working people, extrapolate that into the people problems caused by the the illegal actions at the Big Bridge

I didn't know till now, the border near Emerson Man is being bullied also.

 Is that the main highway south from Winnipeg into the Dakotas? (I forget the town name near it)
I really tried to warn y\'all in 49  .. G. Orwell


So which is worse...problems associated with moving goods and keeping people employed, or standing up to a failing and corrupt government that ignores the will of the people.

You constantly seem to miss the bigger picture here.

Your country is facing a crisis not of economics but of lost faith in your government which apparently cannot be rectified at the ballot box.

Which issue do you feel most important.

This is the dilemma that is going to face all democracies...Canada was surprisingly first to step up and poke the government in the chest.

The world is watching...and your government is shaking in fear.


Quote from: cc post_id=438756 time=1644626251 user_id=88
Quote from: Herman post_id=438748 time=1644625388 user_id=1689
Old Herman is retird from the patch, but my many contacts are scared shitless about blocking the border at Coutts. We finally got good conditions again and now we can't get materials.


That is very bad.

And if that smaller border crossing is causing such great grief to innocent hard working people, extrapolate that into the people problems caused by the the illegal actions at the Big Bridge

I didn't know till now, the border near Emerson Man is being bullied also.

 Is that the main highway south from Winnipeg into the Dakotas? (I forget the town name near it)

It is due South of Winnipeg. Right where North Dakota and Minnesota meet.


Quote from: cc post_id=438265 time=1644361449 user_id=88"> ... 9_nlow.jpg">[/img]">

[size=120]Bad Move!! Very Very Bad Move ... The "How to Lose Support For Dummies Move"

I posted in another discussion thread that while I agree in theory with the protesters, blocking international trade has real repercussions for me in the very near term.
gay, conservative and proud


Quote from: Thiel post_id=438826 time=1644635384 user_id=1688
Quote from: cc post_id=438265 time=1644361449 user_id=88"> ... 9_nlow.jpg">[/img]">

[size=120]Bad Move!! Very Very Bad Move ... The "How to Lose Support For Dummies Move"

I posted in another discussion thread that while I agree in theory with the protesters, blocking international trade has real repercussions for me in the very near term.

For a lot of people Thiel.


If there was a blockade near here I would go there and slash their wheels.
The Russian Rock It


Quote from: Gaon post_id=439028 time=1644713024 user_id=3170
Ig there was a blockade near here I would go there and slash their wheels.

Go for the 2 front tires, Gaon. The others are dual & the trucks are  likely to carry no load weight  


I really tried to warn y\'all in 49  .. G. Orwell


In Israel, if anything close to this were to happen, there would be a rumble with counter protesters. What they can't do the IDF will. Blocking goods and people in and out of the country would not last more than one day.
The Russian Rock It


Quote from: Gaon post_id=439038 time=1644715443 user_id=3170
In Israel, if anything close to this were to happen, there would be a rumble with counter protesters. What they can't do the IDF will. Blocking goods and people in and out of the country would not last more than one day.

Yes. Israelis have no time for that kind of stuff. We tend to get fewer and less effective counters
I really tried to warn y\'all in 49  .. G. Orwell


Quote from: cc post_id=439046 time=1644719180 user_id=88
Quote from: Gaon post_id=439038 time=1644715443 user_id=3170
In Israel, if anything close to this were to happen, there would be a rumble with counter protesters. What they can't do the IDF will. Blocking goods and people in and out of the country would not last more than one day.

Yes. Israelis have no time for that kind of stuff. We tend to get fewer and less effective counters

Taking over government buildings seems to be a North American thang. I am thinking about Antifa fags taking over a Seattle police station.