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Re: Forum gossip thread by Cyrus


35 years old and still getting banned from websites :D

Started by Anonymous, April 05, 2022, 01:36:23 PM

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Quote from: Fashionista post_id=446178 time=1649464276 user_id=3254
Quote from: Poppy post_id=446176 time=1649463584 user_id=3287
If you read the Flynn hall of fame posts at Brawl Hall using the Wayback machine, you will notice they include a lot of interview and story flames brought to you by Diva Productions. They are far more original and entertaining than the repeating rage flaming that 2022 Flynn is using here and at BF. So maybe this Flynn is an imposter. How would we know?

I never saw BH, but I've heard a lot about it from Bricktop, Dinky, and UoT..

I heard it was silly, but entertaining..

What is Diva Productions?

Brawl Hall Flynn would write some "Flames" that were like talk shows with Flynn interviewing other forum members. Flynn would say they were a "Diva Production" the same way you would say a movie was directed by Steven Spielberg, it made Flynn's "flames" appear like they were a big budget blockbuster.

Brawl Hall Flynn also used an avatar and cool pictures to enhance her posts, something Flynn 2022 never really does.
I\'m Poppy!


Quote from: Poppy post_id=446186 time=1649468300 user_id=3287
Quote from: Fashionista post_id=446178 time=1649464276 user_id=3254
Quote from: Poppy post_id=446176 time=1649463584 user_id=3287
If you read the Flynn hall of fame posts at Brawl Hall using the Wayback machine, you will notice they include a lot of interview and story flames brought to you by Diva Productions. They are far more original and entertaining than the repeating rage flaming that 2022 Flynn is using here and at BF. So maybe this Flynn is an imposter. How would we know?

I never saw BH, but I've heard a lot about it from Bricktop, Dinky, and UoT..

I heard it was silly, but entertaining..

What is Diva Productions?

Brawl Hall Flynn would write some "Flames" that were like talk shows with Flynn interviewing other forum members. Flynn would say they were a "Diva Production" the same way you would say a movie was directed by Steven Spielberg, it made Flynn's "flames" appear like they were a big budget blockbuster.

Brawl Hall Flynn also used an avatar and cool pictures to enhance her posts, something Flynn 2022 never really does.

That's interesting......seems the former Mr Flynn is much more creative than this one.


Wait, none of the Flynn's were female? So Flynn has been pretending to be a woman for over 25 years?

If you know TWAP aka Obi of KOF, there was a troll in webtv way better than Flynn called Aylana that drove all those KOF "flamers" in Katzenjammer crazy. Since the webtv groups were never archived, all of the KOF and Aylana posts are lost.

from r/InternetMysteries
"> ... is_aylana/">

its a fascinating tale, and one of the quotes and usenet links in this article is from me and probably Merle, because we trolled Aylana into the usenet groups, so those were archived. Most people don't realize Aylana spent lots of time "trolling" Vitriol (the fractal guy) and all the other KOF members in the webtv "flame" group.

She would post stuff like  "admit that I, a girl can have you on your knees....begging and crying for mercy! Just dance for me my little puppet" "I love the scent of troll, the delicate aroma, the intoxicating fragrance."

He/she was a very good writer and troll.
I\'m Poppy!


Quote from: Poppy post_id=446205 time=1649472325 user_id=3287
Wait, none of the Flynn's were female? So Flynn has been pretending to be a woman for over 25 years?

If you know TWAP aka Obi of KOF, there was a troll in webtv way better than Flynn called Aylana that drove all those KOF "flamers" in Katzenjammer crazy. Since the webtv groups were never archived, all of the KOF and Aylana posts are lost.

from r/InternetMysteries
"> ... is_aylana/">

its a fascinating tale, and one of the quotes and usenet links in this article is from me and probably Merle, because we trolled Aylana into the usenet groups, so those were archived. Most people don't realize Aylana spent lots of time "trolling" Vitriol (the fractal guy) and all the other KOF members in the webtv "flame" group.

She would post stuff like  "admit that I, a girl can have you on your knees....begging and crying for mercy! Just dance for me my little puppet" "I love the scent of troll, the delicate aroma, the intoxicating fragrance."

He/she was a very good writer and troll.

I know somebody who used to talk with one of the Flynns.....definitely a man, an older man too.


Quote from: Herman post_id=446095 time=1649394325 user_id=1689
So, he was a guy who used the handle Flange, but he struck out with that and started pretending to be a young girl with the handle Flynn.

No, you're still not getting it. Nobody has used the handle Flange, Flange is the name I call Flynn because he polishes so many of them with his mouth.

Oh dear, I think it's trying to slobber on mine now...

Quote from: Flange post_id=446106 time=1649403232 user_id=3209
Well that Hep C must have also given you selective memory issues. I do seem to recall that there was in fact a time when you tried courting Erica Mena.

The selective memory issues are wholly yours. We grew closer over a number of years, I had ceased posting on message boards by the time it started falling apart and the rest of you took it upon yourselves to keep needling her into frothing fits of rage over it. After, I might add, I had already called it quits on further association with her.

I'll give you kudos for this much; your type managed to keep her riled for the better part of five years, but if that's what she chooses to associate with then that is her affair. Obviously she got the memo at some point that she was being played and that I had nothing to do with it, thanks in no small part to the both of us posting alongside each other without incident at VF where you, Caskur, that couch coon from Connecticut and lord knows who else were oblivious to my presence. Caskur in particular was crushed to learn she had missed an opportunity to wind her up there and ultimately stopped bothering to front at Ceedub's forum in the wake of Erica burying the hatchet once and for all.

If that is selective memory, it sure as heck is a lot more comprehensive than anything you've offered up.

Quote from: Flange post_id=445792 time=1649273780 user_id=3209Tell me, does that not count as "looking for love?"

Nope, but it might qualify for interest literally landing in ones lap. This might seem like a foreign concept to the kinds of intellect who registers at a forum with a pile of simply blonde pics to start throwing about at random I imagine, but associations wax and wane, often without any effort on either party's part.

You are provably more invested in attempting to insert yourselves into peoples lives than I. Erica didn't get a photo out of me until a month or so before I stopped posting at The Retard Farm, you were throwing out jpegs from more or less the moment you arrived at Bawl Hall. Projection on your part, methinks.

Quote from: Flange post_id=445792 time=1649273780 user_id=3209
Obviously you're soo very ingrained into this online lifestyle that you'll substitute the forums for real life. That has been proven beyond a shadow of a doubt.

Exclusively to double digit IQs perhaps, the sorts of people who have little to no imagination of their own and who must take their talking points from so-called "experts". Their opinion matters nothing to me.

Quote from: Flange post_id=445792 time=1649273780 user_id=3209
My pictures seem to be the only thing you're interested in. As it is, you're old enough to be my grandfather

And even less interested in pumping your hairy stink ditch than he is. Just while we're on the subject, kudos for your unwitting admission to having lied about your age at registration at BH. If I am truly old enough to be your grandfather, you couldn't have been much past the fetus stage of development when you got to BH.

Perfectly believable; you posted like an abortion then, you're posting like one now. I can't of any more definitive example of being "soo very ingrained into this online lifestyle" than the example your mother clearly set when she slipped over in her eternal snail trail, ending up with a cuntful of keyboard for your stubby lil fingers to toy with.

Quote from: Flange post_id=445792 time=1649273780 user_id=3209why keep going down this abyss of heartache when your face looks like a Jackson Pollock piece?

I don't. I never did. Heartache would require me to be invested in something and I am, if nothing else, exceptionally adept at switching gears and pursuing something more rewarding when investment outstrips reward.

Above all else, I am not now, nor was I ever "looking for love". I leave that to the desperate; if it finds me, nineteen times out of twenty I'll push it away anyway.

Quote from: Flange post_id=445792 time=1649273780 user_id=3209
"Blowhard?" You know I've always been one to let others believe what they believe. So you think I'm a "blowhard," big deal. I think that you're mentally ill, so we both win.

Everyone is mentally ill to differing degrees, it's a societal thing. Blowhards have a harder time dealing with it and cannot help getting it on those in the vicinity.

Quote from: Flange post_id=445792 time=1649273780 user_id=3209As for your assertion that I did anything akin to "King Martini"...

You swanned about pretending you were top of the Flame Game when really all you were was the quintessential shitposter. Your act was more or less a carbon copy of his. Hint: I ran the same act for about three weeks straight before I tired of it; this was some years before you and he arrived on the scene to see me take... and hold... the WFC title for thirteen months at Bawl Hall without very much effort on my part at all.

Not to give myself airs or anything, I never sought the title in the first place and eventually handed it off to Oranje. I could just as easily have handed it off to Bumspud... or ATVile, HCTrouble or any one of a dozen posters who were capable of entertaining their opponent in ways you will never understand. Because you were never a flamer.

Quote from: Flange post_id=445792 time=1649273780 user_id=3209Speaking of "posse." Wasn't it you that needed around the clock protection by the regs after you and your ilk were going around DDosing forums?

For DDoSsing forums, speak to HC; he had the toys for that, at least he passed a couple to me years ago only I never bothered to use them. Is that what you mean by "my ilk"? Or perhaps you meant the skillsets commanded by luminaries like Doomsday and Evil Blood, though they were a little more clued in to the minutia of picking through website code to be bothered with script kiddie shit like DDoS and HTTPfuqer tools.

But before you get too invested in the realms of guilt by association, remember you were there too. If you are working so assiduously hard to claim my guilt by simple dint that I happened to be posting in the same site as them, then you are shooting yourself in the foot at the same time. Adding to your status of being little more than a skinny cracked bum on the seat to make up the numbers, because there is no way in hell you'd have made the cut when people like Bricktop and SirSuperSouthern registered years before, to say nothing of people like Buttspray, S|n|ster or Bully.

Shit, even the Yoyo had more chops than you... and he was a mincing yomosexual with a cleft pallete and magic underpants. Which he would use to polish his forum with after any of us deigned to take a dump in it. Which was a more frequent occurrence than anyone actively courting your input, just sayin'.

Quote from: Flange post_id=445792 time=1649273780 user_id=3209 Wasn't it you and the anus raiders that "raided" non-flaming/trolling boards? Yeah, Cun't that's something to be very proud of.

For DDoSsing forums, speak to HC; he had the toys for that, he passed them to me and I never bothered to use them. He might know about those "anus raiders" of which you speak, as I recall he was quite partial to the odd round of pegging when he got to feeling frisky.

Quote from: Flange post_id=446107 time=1649404379 user_id=3209
[So tell me Inspector Gadget. Besides your opinion, I'm sure you have more concrete evidence proving that I am indeed a "man."

Who said you were a man? I personally think you're a manlet, I don't have any proof that you'd qualify for anything loftier.

Quote from: Poppy post_id=446176 time=1649463584 user_id=3287
If you read the Flynn hall of fame posts at Brawl Hall using the Wayback machine, you will notice they include a lot of interview and story flames brought to you by Diva Productions. They are far more original and entertaining than the repeating rage flaming that 2022 Flynn is using here and at BF. So maybe this Flynn is an imposter. How would we know?

More to the point, who really gives a fuck? Both were crap examples, some people were inclined to ape its habits which is why flaming more or less went elsewhere. Couldn't be bothered with the limpwristed diva mentality gumming up the works and Bawl-Hall's habit of always lowering the bar to cater for these numbnuts had a simple, elegant solution; find a place with a higher bar to admission.

I found something back in 2007 that cellphones have still to catch up to in terms of hardware requirements, a few of us drifted in there for a bit. I'm still there now, though it too is on a downward trajectory (30,000 users logged in at the time of writing, a decade ago it was more like 100,000) but still good for a chuckle or three if youre prepared to go looking. As a plus, I get to change my name on a week by week basis, so I can indulge in my nicswitching habits as can anyone else and nobody gives a shit, far less cries about it for months on end; nor do they spend inordinate amounts of their online time obsessing over whether so and so is an alt of someone else... that is left to the Cheap Seats to deal with out on the message boards.  ac_biggrin


It had its moments, mostly pre-2005 when the place wasn't overrun with complete goinks.

Flame4cash was better.

Erica Mena

Quote from: Poppy post_id=446205 time=1649472325 user_id=3287
Wait, none of the Flynn's were female? So Flynn has been pretending to be a woman for over 25 years?

If you know TWAP aka Obi of KOF, there was a troll in webtv way better than Flynn called Aylana that drove all those KOF "flamers" in Katzenjammer crazy. Since the webtv groups were never archived, all of the KOF and Aylana posts are lost.

from r/InternetMysteries
"> ... is_aylana/">

its a fascinating tale, and one of the quotes and usenet links in this article is from me and probably Merle, because we trolled Aylana into the usenet groups, so those were archived. Most people don't realize Aylana spent lots of time "trolling" Vitriol (the fractal guy) and all the other KOF members in the webtv "flame" group.

She would post stuff like  "admit that I, a girl can have you on your knees....begging and crying for mercy! Just dance for me my little puppet" "I love the scent of troll, the delicate aroma, the intoxicating fragrance."

He/she was a very good writer and troll.

You have wayyyyy too much time on your hands, ma'am.


Quote from: seoulbro post_id=446398 time=1649682431 user_id=114
I never saw BH. I doubt I missed anything.

Bricktop told me it was very busy at one time.


Quote from: Fashionista post_id=446446 time=1649701127 user_id=3254
Quote from: seoulbro post_id=446398 time=1649682431 user_id=114
I never saw BH. I doubt I missed anything.

Bricktop told me it was very busy at one time.

It was the place to be for a number of early years.


Quote from: "Dinky Dazza" post_id=446458 time=1649703313 user_id=1676
Quote from: Fashionista post_id=446446 time=1649701127 user_id=3254
Quote from: seoulbro post_id=446398 time=1649682431 user_id=114
I never saw BH. I doubt I missed anything.

Bricktop told me it was very busy at one time.

It was the place to be for a number of early years.

That's what I've heard.


UoT and me were there pretty much at the start.... then Bricktop, Flynn, Poofter, Pickles, Regan, and dozens more came in the following years.... mostly as a by-product of forum raiding.


Quote from: "Erica Mena" post_id=446429 time=1649694737 user_id=2845
Quote from: Poppy post_id=446205 time=1649472325 user_id=3287
Wait, none of the Flynn's were female? So Flynn has been pretending to be a woman for over 25 years?

If you know TWAP aka Obi of KOF, there was a troll in webtv way better than Flynn called Aylana that drove all those KOF "flamers" in Katzenjammer crazy. Since the webtv groups were never archived, all of the KOF and Aylana posts are lost.

from r/InternetMysteries
"> ... is_aylana/">

its a fascinating tale, and one of the quotes and usenet links in this article is from me and probably Merle, because we trolled Aylana into the usenet groups, so those were archived. Most people don't realize Aylana spent lots of time "trolling" Vitriol (the fractal guy) and all the other KOF members in the webtv "flame" group.

She would post stuff like  "admit that I, a girl can have you on your knees....begging and crying for mercy! Just dance for me my little puppet" "I love the scent of troll, the delicate aroma, the intoxicating fragrance."

He/she was a very good writer and troll.

You have wayyyyy too much time on your hands, ma'am.


I did not write the article, I just happen to have posted with Aylana. She was far more entertaining than any of TWAPS's KOF buffoons.

Who remembers KOF these days? A bunch of grown men dressing up like knights from Dungeons and Dragons and acting like idiots on WebTV and the internet.

Vitriol went nearly mad and started posting fractals on Murdocks site and FT, that is how detrimental belonging to that KOF "flame gang" was to his mental health.
I\'m Poppy!



Quote from: Fashionista post_id=446206 time=1649472450 user_id=3254
Quote from: Poppy post_id=446205 time=1649472325 user_id=3287
Wait, none of the Flynn's were female? So Flynn has been pretending to be a woman for over 25 years?

If you know TWAP aka Obi of KOF, there was a troll in webtv way better than Flynn called Aylana that drove all those KOF "flamers" in Katzenjammer crazy. Since the webtv groups were never archived, all of the KOF and Aylana posts are lost.

from r/InternetMysteries
"> ... is_aylana/">

its a fascinating tale, and one of the quotes and usenet links in this article is from me and probably Merle, because we trolled Aylana into the usenet groups, so those were archived. Most people don't realize Aylana spent lots of time "trolling" Vitriol (the fractal guy) and all the other KOF members in the webtv "flame" group.

She would post stuff like  "admit that I, a girl can have you on your knees....begging and crying for mercy! Just dance for me my little puppet" "I love the scent of troll, the delicate aroma, the intoxicating fragrance."

He/she was a very good writer and troll.

I know somebody who used to talk with one of the Flynns.....definitely a man, an older man too.

You are being trolled. There is no one that can unlock the Pandora's Box known as Flynn. No one. Believe me, I've tried. I'll admit it. One email leads to another and another and another. Then the FB accounts then to the Instagrams and then to the pay sites.

If anyone remotely know what Flynn is or was, I'm sure someone would have come forward by now instead of this never ending conjecture about whether Flynn is male or female.

Just sayin.

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