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Re: Forum gossip thread by Sloan

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avatar_Erica Mena

Forum gossip thread

Started by Erica Mena, May 20, 2022, 03:56:08 PM

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Quote from: cw_ post_id=467397 time=1659201089 user_id=3226
Total donation sum







    Oliver Shagnasty


    Oliver Shagnasty

    Biggie Smiles


    Biggie Smiles




We have a saying in Chinese that translates as money covers 1000 flaws. I thought that was the case on BF too.


Quote from: "Biggie Smiles" post_id=467392 time=1659200653 user_id=3214
Quote from: SCOUSE post_id=467390 time=1659200375 user_id=1728

BF said he was gonna shitcan Admin too, but they had a talk via PM and it made him change his mind.

He wasn't gonna shitcan him. He's full of shit

Poark would be weeping in his ear for weeks if he did

 I'm just sharing what I read.....I have no idea what he was going to do.

 At the end of the day, you were banned out of the blue and you didnt get to have a talk or an opportunity.  But the asshole who is responsible for all that shit posting crap got the opportunity before the banning.

 Who knows. I dont dislike BF at all. I can empathize with his issues. I just dont agree with the way he handled it. It IS his board though so it's not my place.

 Anytime a mod or admin starts getting sucked in by Oak its gonna be shitty. Remember how she convinced us once upon a time?

 Of course I'm always gonna stand with Biggie  ac_wub
My happiness is all of your misery. I put good dick all in my kidneys.


Quote from: Garraty_47 post_id=467366 time=1659196515 user_id=3381
I spend more time watching stuff on YouTube than I do posting in FB and Twitter combined.

Considerably more.

I wouldn't miss Twitter if it folded tomorrow but there are a few people I only ever see on FB that I would miss.

Or rather WILL miss when Panquake launches unless they start using it as well.

Once Panquake is up and running I intend to put Twitter, FB, etc. in my rearview.

  I still keep my FB up and I still welcome opposition. I'm just not on socail media much. I like YouTube and Bitchute lol.  Socail media is so depressing.

 What is panquake?

 I dont do Twitter much at all but I do watch the Libs of Tik Tok page because
My happiness is all of your misery. I put good dick all in my kidneys.


Quote from: SCOUSE post_id=467382 time=1659199473 user_id=1728
So less than 24 hours after the ban, Mutantini has made a return and created one of his typical threads claiming that he's going to invite a load of new members and it's time for BF to progress to bigger and better things etc...

That 2 faced fuck Regan is naturally cheerleading him on, no doubt while doing his usual spying and snooping routine between forums.

If there is a sizeable Conservative diaspora from the board over this decision, the leftards will be e-strutting around the place like peacocks, spamming the politics sub with TDS drivel and the Shartini FT brigade will resume their tiresome BH remembrance shite.

EUUUGHHHHH. What a dismal prospect.

How predictable. ac_boring


Hey Biggz, Blaze and I were planning on having some fun on BF. It's something you might have fun with too. Check ur pm's,


Quote from: Dove post_id=467400 time=1659202232 user_id=3266
Quote from: "Biggie Smiles" post_id=467392 time=1659200653 user_id=3214

He wasn't gonna shitcan him. He's full of shit

Poark would be weeping in his ear for weeks if he did

 I'm just sharing what I read.....I have no idea what he was going to do.

 At the end of the day, you were banned out of the blue and you didnt get to have a talk or an opportunity.  But the asshole who is responsible for all that shit posting crap got the opportunity before the banning.

 Who knows. I dont dislike BF at all. I can empathize with his issues. I just dont agree with the way he handled it. It IS his board though so it's not my place.

 Anytime a mod or admin starts getting sucked in by Oak its gonna be shitty. Remember how she convinced us once upon a time?

 Of course I'm always gonna stand with Biggie  ac_wub

Heh.  Blame Oak. Point a CBT finger and forget the truth.  



Quote from: Fashionista post_id=467391 time=1659200565 user_id=3254
Quote from: cw_ post_id=467389 time=1659200276 user_id=3226

Did Biggie Smiles spamming stop Admin's spam?


Will banning biggie stop admin's spam?


But the whole thing is some kind of forum warz vendetta between biggie and CBT.  None of it belongs on somebody else's site.

The political divide on BF can't be bridged in my opinion..

We have some very political posters here too, but nothing like the CBT posters has made this forum a home for spamming matches with posters like Seoul for example.

 That's exactly what happens everytime. You have people who are willing to have normal human discussions and these guys do nothing but shit on people and turn around and claim everyone does it based on when frustrated people have enough and shit sling back.

 It's a hopeless endeavor. They are incapable of having any sort of exchanges or even basic respect of other people who do not see things their way. Even if the grievances are so justifiable. You women and girls being assaulted and raped because of gender legislation.

 When someones entire position is just based on hatred of opposition just for hatreds sake (which is pretty much all it is.....they never have any consistent or solid stances. And now they are praising Biden for the wall and saying Trump was too corrupt to do it.....when Trump was fighting to do it nonstop and democrats wouldnt stop blocking it) there is no way they will do anything but spam and shit post.

 I pointed out how they come in with the belief that we are all stupid, uneducated racists and bigots without even bothering to get to know anyone or understand why they have the stances they have.  And they really dont even know what our stances actually ARE. They go on what they read in their media sources.

 Like we are all homophobes who want the word "gay" banned just because we hate gay people. And they dont listen to anything else. They want to believe that because they just hate people.  

 I really dont get how people can just be like that. But I do know at this point I'd rather just avoid them and not bother. Its creepy and sad to see that much hate and sanctimony for no real reason.  They treat Seoul like total shit because that's how they treat everyone who isnt part of their bubble. Their "side" could be openly fighting to have sex with children and theyll be attacking and shitting on everyone who opposes it and claiming it's not happening.
My happiness is all of your misery. I put good dick all in my kidneys.

Biggie Smiles

Quote from: RAVEN post_id=467413 time=1659204499 user_id=3352
You weren't there when he fucked about 5 of us over, CW... all for picking on Oak in Meltdown...  go fuck off :)


Quote from: RAVEN post_id=467413 time=1659204499 user_id=3352
You weren't there when he fucked about 5 of us over, CW... all for picking on Oak in Meltdown...  go fuck off :)

CW is a sycophant.


Quote from: cw_ post_id=467411 time=1659204272 user_id=3226
Quote from: Dove post_id=467400 time=1659202232 user_id=3266

 I'm just sharing what I read.....I have no idea what he was going to do.

 At the end of the day, you were banned out of the blue and you didnt get to have a talk or an opportunity.  But the asshole who is responsible for all that shit posting crap got the opportunity before the banning.

 Who knows. I dont dislike BF at all. I can empathize with his issues. I just dont agree with the way he handled it. It IS his board though so it's not my place.

 Anytime a mod or admin starts getting sucked in by Oak its gonna be shitty. Remember how she convinced us once upon a time?

 Of course I'm always gonna stand with Biggie  ac_wub

Heh.  Blame Oak. Point a CBT finger and forget the truth.  


 Shes been doing the same thing on every single forum shes been on for the past 15 plus years.

 She did the same thing with Farmer at CO.  

 I dont believe all people are innocent angel's except her but there is a pretty long pattern of the same sort of thing with her going to people privately to convince them shes being persecuted somehow and that other people are dangerous and should be banned.  

 She had me believing similar and its unpleasant realizing you've been taken for a ride by someone who thrives on having enemies and people to text war with.  As soon as she found out I was a mod at SG I was getting tons of PMs about people she was fighting with and why they shouldnt be there.
My happiness is all of your misery. I put good dick all in my kidneys.


Quote from: RAVEN post_id=467413 time=1659204499 user_id=3352
You weren't there when he fucked about 5 of us over, CW... all for picking on Oak in Meltdown...  go fuck off :)

Sure I was.  No yuo!  Sorry about your 'fucking over'.


Cry us all a fucking river.


Quote from: RAVEN post_id=467417 time=1659204861 user_id=3352
Quote from: "Shen Li" post_id=467415 time=1659204761 user_id=56

CW is a sycophant.

She's a newbie at BF and doesn't no jack shite.. but runs her mouth when she shouldn't... Her ignorance is astounding ;)

Yes, I've noticed.


Quote from: Dove post_id=467407 time=1659203531 user_id=3266
 What is panquake?

It's a new social media platform being built on the blockchain model.

It'll be subscription (modest and even then there will be "hardship" exemptions) but no ads at all.

Privacy-based and none of that purchasing-your-way-to-going-viral bullshit; an actual level playing field for everyone.

They'll even be using an intermediary for things like embedded YouTube videos so Google can't use that to surreptitiously track users.

I think they're getting fairly close to beta testing (I signed up to be a beta tester but won't know until it happens if I do get to be one).">


RAVEN: Joined August 7,2018

cw_: Joined July 15, 2018
