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Re: Forum gossip thread by Sloan

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avatar_Erica Mena

Forum gossip thread

Started by Erica Mena, May 20, 2022, 03:56:08 PM

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Quote from: "Berry Sweet" post_id=477634 time=1666252516 user_id=164
You wish, fart sniffer.

Everybody Wang Chung Tonight!

Are you female or male? Just want to know because you're pretty funny! Just don't want to rub you up the wrong way and all!



Quote from: "Berry Sweet" post_id=477634 time=1666252516 user_id=164
You wish, fart sniffer.

Everybody Wang Chung Tonight!

You know, your cognitive abilities have actually seemed to improve after you smashed your skullz...

I'm thinking something got reset inside that skullz upon impact?  While you are still repetitive, you seem more cognizant.

Either your skullz impacting hard objects reset your brain, or you are now off the drugs due to skullz healing, and are in a better place!


Quote from: Breakfall post_id=477636 time=1666253667 user_id=3358
Are you female or male? Just want to know because you're pretty funny! Just don't want to rub you up the wrong way and all!


She's female.  She goes back a LONG way on these forums.


ac_biggrin Thanks my brother! Now I can at least flirt! It's worked for most of my life.


Quote from: "Shen Li" post_id=477609 time=1666235608 user_id=3389
Quote from: Ericka post_id=477600 time=1666226283
can't say too much because of a certain higher up elsewhere making threats of a personal nature and the fact he said he would post all my info wherever he wanted to if i interacted at all with you again but i miss you Erica.. over there and elsewhere i wish you were on every board posting your ass off you make every board better and more fun. don't ever stop.. i better stop now just in case this pushes that fucking nutcase too far. going off the grid.. he knows too much about me.

maybe one day you will take over his site or he just dies..

bye for now.

Like WTF???

The story of your pathetic life.


ROFLMAO.  They bumped some old threads at BF and Biggie, bro.. You had me rolling  ac_lmfao  No wonder all the snowflakes complained about you. You kicked their asses.  It is rich how all the so called "flame gods" brag about how great they are, all the while you totally annihilated them with little effort.  I hope they all feel safe now and their feelz have been soothed by your absence.


Quote from: Guest post_id=477696 time=1666282743
ROFLMAO.  They bumped some old threads at BF and Biggie, bro.. You had me rolling  ac_lmfao  No wonder all the snowflakes complained about you. You kicked their asses.  It is rich how all the so called "flame gods" brag about how great they are, all the while you totally annihilated them with little effort.  I hope they all feel safe now and their feelz have been soothed by your absence.

 They are no doubt bored without him.

 It's pretty hypocritical when they claim they are fucking around and trolling and its other people who are "sensitive" but they get all shitty over Big trolling them pretty much the SAME way they claim they are trolling us. Do they somehow not realize they are shit post spamming "trumptards r dumbz"?  That's all they have. You cant have any real discussion with them.
My happiness is all of your misery. I put good dick all in my kidneys.


Seems like even the idiots at BF are sick of Admon


He posts the same posts over and over.  It's all shitting on and complaining about anything "right wing" and he doesnt even know what "right wing" even is.

 That's it. Everyday for years that's entirely all he does. He isnt capable of talking about anything. He posts shit that's just flat out false and wrong and doesnt care because "dddeerrpp trumptards deerr".  He can't even have a conversation. At least not with anyone who deviates even slightly from his retarded beliefs....whatever those even are. Whatever the media tells him.
My happiness is all of your misery. I put good dick all in my kidneys.

Erica Mena

Quote from: Guest post_id=477927 time=1666460534
Seems like even the idiots at BF are sick of Admon

Too bad. They need to keep him there.

Anonymous"> ... -fire-him/">

At least the Sheriff didn't kneel at no god damn football game!


See nothing he says even makes sense because doesnt know what the people he hates actually value and are saying.

 Its ghoulish at this point. It's as if people like this just WANT to hate others. And instead of the targets being black people and gay its everyone who doesnt bow to the state.  Bonus when they get to call a black person a "koon"
My happiness is all of your misery. I put good dick all in my kidneys.

Shen Li

Quote from: Colony post_id=477930 time=1666462117"> ... -fire-him/">

At least the Sheriff didn't kneel at no god damn football game!

Fuck off Apegirl, you deranged kiddie fiddler. Take your broken record back to Boring Fucktards.


People who actually think that requiring state ID and being in person to vote is stopping black people from voting are way beyond reason and oblivious to their ignorant racism.

 It's pretty bleak when people have such seething hatred for other parties just existing that they dont even care about the country or what happens to the country anymore. They are entirely consumed with defeating and destroying any people who oppose them politically.

 These drones are so pumped with hate they are willing to claim black people cannot get state ID or manage arriving at a place to vote just so they can accuse their opposition of racism.  

 You cant make this shit up

 Admin would vote to get rid of the constitution and put his opposition in camps before he would have a normal conversation with someone who doesnt think like him. Only the glorious overlords of the establishment tell the truth and have the answers. Anyone who says otherwise is a subhuman racist retard.
My happiness is all of your misery. I put good dick all in my kidneys.


What else do I believe in Dr. Duh'v?

I don't know how to love him

What to do, how to move him

I've been changed, yes really changed

In these past few days

When I've seen myself

I seem like someone else

I don't know how to take this

I don't see why he moves me

He's a man, he's just a man

And I've had so many men before

In very many ways

He's just one more

Should I bring him down?

Should I scream and shout?

Should I speak of love?

Let my feelings out?