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avatar_Erica Mena

What are you doing?

Started by Erica Mena, June 12, 2022, 10:09:48 PM

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Laundry and waiting for the dishwasher to finish it's cycle and posting online while I wait yay!  :laugh:


Quote from: weebles post_id=472779 time=1661375437 user_id=2191
Laundry and waiting for the dishwasher to finish it's cycle and posting online while I wait yay!  :laugh:

Been there, done that.

Erica Mena

I am binging GOT and relaxing. Gonna make dinner in a few


Quote from: "Erica Mena" post_id=472787 time=1661377830 user_id=2845
I am binging GOT and relaxing. Gonna make dinner in a few

 My daughter wants to cook tonight. I'm gonna let her. That means I get dish duty though and my daughter trashes....I mean trashes the kitchen when she cooks.

 I like that she enjoys doing it though.
My happiness is all of your misery. I put good dick all in my kidneys.


Quote from: RAVEN post_id=472716 time=1661349502 user_id=3352
I just got back from dropping off my middle dog to the veterinarian to get his teeth cleaned. I took my youngest last week and she had to have 3 teefers pulled..  900 bucks.  I'm crossing my fingers that Teddy won't have to have any teeth pulled today.  I'm astounded by the price increases from my vet :/ Dental, shots, office visits.. etc.. wow!  I guess she's making up for all the money she lost during the Covid hype :/

Welcome to Argentina.... next stop, Venezuela....

Your dogs will be a valuable commodity.


I cant even think about my tuxies getting sick. Or old or dying.

 I get hysterical over them. I'm really really emotional about my tuxies.

 They are only a few years old, I brought them in when they were 5 week old feral hopefully that's a long way off.


 I was a mess when they were being tested for FIV/Feline leukemia. Thank God they are healthy.
My happiness is all of your misery. I put good dick all in my kidneys.


Quote from: "Dinky Dazza" post_id=469947 time=1660128523 user_id=1676
Quote from: Breakfall post_id=469946 time=1660117148 user_id=3358

Not many times I'll have to say in all honesty. I notice chicks with a great smile. They're more approachable when they show off their pearly whites. Sour bitches don't stand a chance with me. After a great smile...they need to back it up with a great arse. And when I mean great...I mean large and obnoxious.


Maybe it's just a Northern Queensland thing...

Man... I haven't been to Far Northern Queensland in ages. They have these cute mudskippers there in the mudflats and mangroves! :)


Quote from: RAVEN post_id=473026 time=1661439927 user_id=3352
Quote from: Fashionista post_id=472776 time=1661373778 user_id=3254

It's terrible RAVEN..

I went through this with my dog and now my kitty is near the end of her life.

*Sighs*.. I know I'm facing a lot of heartache in the near future, Fash :'(  But It will ease my sadness knowing that they all lived good long lives and have been cared for and loved. I never would have imagined that ALL three of my babies would have lived to such ripe old ages :)  So when the time comes, I will keep this in mind and find peace in that :)

I'm trying to keep that in my mind too as that day i quickly approaching with my kitty..

I don't know where you live RAVEN, but veterinarian charges are a lot higher here in Alberta too.


Hanging out on the deck with a bottle of Chilean barrel-wash and my entertainment system, usual manner of cooking, and Bluetoothing music to the projector from Spotify on the phone..

Got some nice lamb loin chops and inch thick bacon slices from the local butcher's earlier....

The Nepalese brought over one of their young mates before and he knew all about me, describing me as humble (he was trying for another word he didn't have at the time)... help a couple of people out in a bind, and they tell others....who then make you uncomfortable with the sunshine blowing. It's simply just a pay it forward mentality... we all need an unexpected hand from time to time. I know I might have to lean on them one day myself and don't want to be embarrassed with a "no"...


Drinking tea that I grew and dried out myself and dying my hair (covering greys).
My happiness is all of your misery. I put good dick all in my kidneys.


Quote from: Dove post_id=473349 time=1661573226 user_id=3266
Drinking tea that I grew and dried out myself and dying my hair (covering greys).

You grew your own tea eh?


Quote from: Herman post_id=473350 time=1661573355 user_id=1689
Quote from: Dove post_id=473349 time=1661573226 user_id=3266
Drinking tea that I grew and dried out myself and dying my hair (covering greys).

You grew your own tea eh?

 Yep! Me and Squish planted lavender and chamomile. Then we dried it out and made tea  :thumbup:
My happiness is all of your misery. I put good dick all in my kidneys.

Erica Mena

I've done absolutely nothing today. It felt good too!

Back to the usual tomorrow ac_wot

Oliver Clotheshoffe

Got a monsoon blowing through right now, lots of dust and leaves and trash going everywhere. Having big wind gusts kind of like our own little desert hurricane, hopefully we get some rain out of it. Gonna be a mess to clean up.
Life is too short to be in a hurry


Applied crushed aspirin and lemon juice to a rough patch of skin.... had a couple of cups of weak coffee, jerked off to midget porn....