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Re: Forum gossip thread by Herman

America celebrates the 4th of July in the traditional way.

Started by Bricktop, July 04, 2022, 11:24:25 PM

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Quote from: Zetsu post_id=463271 time=1657341238 user_id=61
To sum it up, Dinky here

- Doesn't care how many kids are thrown under the bus - checked

- Ignores the fact his policies will lead to guns will falling into the hands of the wrong person - checked

- He said he'll kill anyone that is just a "physical threat" to him, which gives him even more power than the police - checked

- Needs a gun during peace times - checked

- Loves projecting his ignorance and stupidity on others - checked

- If god existed, there'll be a place reserved in hell for special cowards like Dinky - checked

Ignorant ex-Aussie cop feels his already tiny dick being shrunken into his groin cavity - check!

Loves projecting his innate authoritarian tendencies on others - check!

Hates when people don't have to die while they're waiting on the phone with 911 or 000 for 5 to 55 minutes for a big, and stupid narcissist in blue or khaki, to attend the scene.....and eventually shoot family members and pets.

Bricktop is a huge coward.... he's a literal piece of shit.


Quote from: Bricktop post_id=463283 time=1657348818 user_id=1560
Quote from: "Dinky Dazza" post_id=463281 time=1657348462 user_id=1676

Nobody but those who physically assault me, my loved ones, or innocents will have to pay the ultimate price for their misdeeds.

You are a fucking idiot.

I'd leave you in a ditch for what you've supported...

Don't die gracefully....just die as slow as possible...

Hell appreciates the warm-up.


Quote from: Zetsu post_id=463260 time=1657336495 user_id=61
Anyways you guys should at least see some of the police/soldier's intense training they go through daily, and then compare your lifestyle to theirs.  

The government can just cut off the food source, medical care, gas supply, ammo, etc, even if you create your own factory, they can just bomb or raid it.  Eventually everyone will be desperate and surrender.

Hong Kong's SWAT team was created and trained by the SAS during colonial rule.  And the average time it takes for them to clear and secure a typical apartment unit filled with heavily armed suspect and hostages is no more than 4 seconds.  And the bad news(for the pro gun owners) is experts rated US's LA and Washington SWAT, etc at an even higher level.

Subduing criminals is far far different than controlling an armed revolutionary mob. The police would either join the people or be dead in a few more than a week. One of my friends is a retired federal marshal. Mostly, they took down the criminals they were pursuing. Criminals tend to isolate themselves and the marshals would hit them with overwhelming force as soon as they had them isolated. Occasionally, they lost a man to fire from criminals. My friend was shot on 2 different occasions with handgun rounds at close range and thankfully the vest saved him. If anyone gets shot with a 223 or a 308 with a vest police commonly use, they'll suffer broken/bruised ribs and internal bleeding. Most soft vests wont sufficiently protect from a 30-06. A 12 ga slug will kill anyone wearing a soft vest if they're hit in certain spots. Even though the rounds wont penetrate, the kinetic energy can kill.  SWAT would be ineffective against large groups of armed people. If they are all equipped with hard plate body armor, they will last longer.


Quote from: Bricktop post_id=463282 time=1657348773 user_id=1560
QuoteI didnt notice which country you're from but I bet when the government or criminals comes for you, your kitchen knife is your only recourse. My Benelli M4 would cut a burglar in half with 3 shots!


You must be quite a guy.

So many guns and so much ammunition. You must be a pillar of your community.

You must have really applauded the culprit who killed those 7 people this week.

He had 5 guns and lots of bullets too. A real American.

Here's a question for you.

Would you rescind your precious stockpile of killing machines, thus increasing the risk of losing your Playstation 5 and iPhone 13 to housebreakers, in return for ensuring the safety of your community from serial murderers using high powered rifle to slaughter innocents.

Which is more important to you, chuck? Your trinkets, or the lives of others?

Yea, I'm a pillar of the community. Best of all, I'm armed to the teeth.

Your comment about the murderer is absurd.

I've previously stated that there is no number of dead kids, including all of my own, that is worth repealing ANY of the Bill of Rights, especially the 2nd Amendment.


Quote from: Lokmar post_id=463287 time=1657350867 user_id=3351
Quote from: Bricktop post_id=463282 time=1657348773 user_id=1560


You must be quite a guy.

So many guns and so much ammunition. You must be a pillar of your community.

You must have really applauded the culprit who killed those 7 people this week.

He had 5 guns and lots of bullets too. A real American.

Here's a question for you.

Would you rescind your precious stockpile of killing machines, thus increasing the risk of losing your Playstation 5 and iPhone 13 to housebreakers, in return for ensuring the safety of your community from serial murderers using high powered rifle to slaughter innocents.

Which is more important to you, chuck? Your trinkets, or the lives of others?

Yea, I'm a pillar of the community. Best of all, I'm armed to the teeth.

Your comment about the murderer is absurd.

I've previously stated that there is no number of dead kids, including all of my own, that is worth repealing ANY of the Bill of Rights, especially the 2nd Amendment.

Don't engage that fuckwit. He's now an obese ex Aussie cop who hates hunting for meat and anything to do with humans defending themselves... the guy's head is mud.


Quote from: "Dinky Dazza" post_id=463280 time=1657348315 user_id=1676
Quote from: Zetsu post_id=463269 time=1657340461 user_id=61

Here I've corrected it for you, everyone knows it takes a "special" kind of coward to...

I never said I'd do it with a gun... I would protect people with a fucking brick or my fists if it came down to nothing else... but you'd have me potentially die doing so because of your paranoia and fear about inanimate objects..... yet I drive a large vehicle with an attached roo bar on it.... do you have a problem with that? Of course you don't....until vehicles are used as weapons and you retreat inside your mangina.

Okay, but why not just do what do what every other man, women, children and elderly is doing?
Permanently off his rocker


Quote from: "Dinky Dazza" post_id=463284 time=1657348932 user_id=1676
Quote from: Zetsu post_id=463271 time=1657341238 user_id=61
To sum it up, Dinky here

- Doesn't care how many kids are thrown under the bus - checked

- Ignores the fact his policies will lead to guns will falling into the hands of the wrong person - checked

- He said he'll kill anyone that is just a "physical threat" to him, which gives him even more power than the police - checked

- Needs a gun during peace times - checked

- Loves projecting his ignorance and stupidity on others - checked

- If god existed, there'll be a place reserved in hell for special cowards like Dinky - checked

Ignorant ex-Aussie cop feels his already tiny dick being shrunken into his groin cavity - check!

Loves projecting his innate authoritarian tendencies on others - check!

Hates when people don't have to die while they're waiting on the phone with 911 or 000 for 5 to 55 minutes for a big, and stupid narcissist in blue or khaki, to attend the scene.....and eventually shoot family members and pets.

Bricktop is a huge coward.... he's a literal piece of shit.

Wow, then go become a police or a soldier, or at least bounty hunter, guardian angel, etc and show them how it's done.  Your argument is doesn't make any sense when Bricktop has more guts dealing with criminals through out his whole career than all of you pro-gun civilians combined!
Permanently off his rocker


Quote from: "Dinky Dazza" post_id=463285 time=1657349073 user_id=1676
Quote from: Bricktop post_id=463283 time=1657348818 user_id=1560

You are a fucking idiot.

I'd leave you in a ditch for what you've supported...

Don't die gracefully....just die as slow as possible...

Hell appreciates the warm-up.

This is why you deserve to be identified as soon as possible.
Permanently off his rocker


Quote from: Lokmar post_id=463286 time=1657350716 user_id=3351
Quote from: Zetsu post_id=463260 time=1657336495 user_id=61
Anyways you guys should at least see some of the police/soldier's intense training they go through daily, and then compare your lifestyle to theirs.  

The government can just cut off the food source, medical care, gas supply, ammo, etc, even if you create your own factory, they can just bomb or raid it.  Eventually everyone will be desperate and surrender.

Hong Kong's SWAT team was created and trained by the SAS during colonial rule.  And the average time it takes for them to clear and secure a typical apartment unit filled with heavily armed suspect and hostages is no more than 4 seconds.  And the bad news(for the pro gun owners) is experts rated US's LA and Washington SWAT, etc at an even higher level.

Subduing criminals is far far different than controlling an armed revolutionary mob. The police would either join the people or be dead in a few more than a week. One of my friends is a retired federal marshal. Mostly, they took down the criminals they were pursuing. Criminals tend to isolate themselves and the marshals would hit them with overwhelming force as soon as they had them isolated. Occasionally, they lost a man to fire from criminals. My friend was shot on 2 different occasions with handgun rounds at close range and thankfully the vest saved him. If anyone gets shot with a 223 or a 308 with a vest police commonly use, they'll suffer broken/bruised ribs and internal bleeding. Most soft vests wont sufficiently protect from a 30-06. A 12 ga slug will kill anyone wearing a soft vest if they're hit in certain spots. Even though the rounds wont penetrate, the kinetic energy can kill.  SWAT would be ineffective against large groups of armed people. If they are all equipped with hard plate body armor, they will last longer.

If it's a revolution, it's not just the police/SWAT you'll be dealing with, you'll have to expect to face the US military, the government have a endless of resources and insane amount of training and experience in guerrilla warfare.  Chances are your firearms will be effectiveless against their armoured vehicle while.  While your phones, walkie talkies will betray you, etc.
Permanently off his rocker


I don't care if the States tossed out the Second Amendment and banned all private gun ownership. But, I don't think it will lower violent gun crime.


Quote from: "iron horse jockey" post_id=463330 time=1657392756 user_id=2015
I don't care if the States tossed out the Second Amendment and banned all private gun ownership. But, I don't think it will lower violent gun crime.

If the US does bans guns on a national level, the black market's gun supply will most likely decline rapidly as they rely on getting their guns from other gun legal states or legal owners that sells them for money.
Permanently off his rocker


Quote from: Zetsu post_id=463326 time=1657381187 user_id=61
Quote from: Lokmar post_id=463286 time=1657350716 user_id=3351

Subduing criminals is far far different than controlling an armed revolutionary mob. The police would either join the people or be dead in a few more than a week. One of my friends is a retired federal marshal. Mostly, they took down the criminals they were pursuing. Criminals tend to isolate themselves and the marshals would hit them with overwhelming force as soon as they had them isolated. Occasionally, they lost a man to fire from criminals. My friend was shot on 2 different occasions with handgun rounds at close range and thankfully the vest saved him. If anyone gets shot with a 223 or a 308 with a vest police commonly use, they'll suffer broken/bruised ribs and internal bleeding. Most soft vests wont sufficiently protect from a 30-06. A 12 ga slug will kill anyone wearing a soft vest if they're hit in certain spots. Even though the rounds wont penetrate, the kinetic energy can kill.  SWAT would be ineffective against large groups of armed people. If they are all equipped with hard plate body armor, they will last longer.

If it's a revolution, it's not just the police/SWAT you'll be dealing with, you'll have to expect to face the US military, the government have a endless of resources and insane amount of training and experience in guerrilla warfare.  Chances are your firearms will be effectiveless against their any armoured vehicle while.  While your phones, walkie talkies will betray you, etc.

The standard issue police have a system for monitoring all forms of electronic activity when they are searching for someone. My buddy with the marshals was telling me all about it. No doubt there will be people picked off in this manner. Meanwhile, the command structure for the civilian forces would be quickly decimated and overrun. The military COULD mobilize against the public. The question is WOULD they. We dont know for sure because we havent seen it happen. Marshal Law would have to be in place first. It would be a bloodbath. The military would be extremely demoralized at the least and after 1 week, the rest of the populace would turn on the military AND what was left of the government. Regime change would follow soon after would be my guess.

Something else to consider is unlike all other countries, Americans have quite a bit of night vision gear, enabling us to see at night. I have a thermal scope mounted to a .22. People make fun of me for putting a $1800 scope on a $300 rifle.....until they see me use it in twilight to shoot varmints. Then they want one for themselves!

Again, America is unlike all other countries. Its not gonna be a cakewalk for the authorities during a civil war. Hell, I bet a group of your average hog hunters could take over just about any medium sized city in Europe with their night gear.


Quote from: Zetsu post_id=463331 time=1657392970 user_id=61
Quote from: "iron horse jockey" post_id=463330 time=1657392756 user_id=2015
I don't care if the States tossed out the Second Amendment and banned all private gun ownership. But, I don't think it will lower violent gun crime.

If the US does bans guns on a national level, the black market's gun supply will most likely decline rapidly as they rely on getting their guns from other gun legal states or legal owners that sells them for money.

Drugs are illegal in the States. How is that working for them. Did prohibition stop drinking?


Quote from: "iron horse jockey" post_id=463335 time=1657393148 user_id=2015
Quote from: Zetsu post_id=463331 time=1657392970 user_id=61

If the US does bans guns on a national level, the black market's gun supply will most likely decline rapidly as they rely on getting their guns from other gun legal states or legal owners that sells them for money.

Drugs are illegal in the States. How is that working for them. Did prohibition stop drinking?

It depends on where the source lies, that's b/c the US doesn't supply them.
Permanently off his rocker


Quote from: Zetsu post_id=463331 time=1657392970 user_id=61
Quote from: "iron horse jockey" post_id=463330 time=1657392756 user_id=2015
I don't care if the States tossed out the Second Amendment and banned all private gun ownership. But, I don't think it will lower violent gun crime.

If the US does bans guns on a national level, the black market's gun supply will most likely decline rapidly as they rely on getting their guns from other gun legal states or legal owners that sells them for money.

Thats not possible without a Constitutional Amendment to repeal one of the Bill of Rights. Thats a near impossible undertaking. The SCOTUS already ruled that the 2nd Amendment establishes THE INDIVIDUAL right to bear arms AND they've ruled that banning high capacity magazines in unconstitutional, AND they ruled that denying concealed carry permits in NYC is unconstitutional.