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Re: Forum gossip thread by Sloan



Started by Anonymous, August 13, 2022, 10:12:13 PM

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I like going out to the countryside. I am not sure that I would want to live there.
gay, conservative and proud


Quote from: "Erica Mena" post_id=475785 time=1664483851 user_id=2845
Ya'll have no idea how badly I want to move out to the country.

Kid, if you do make the move, you'll never be able to live in a city again.


Quote from: Herman post_id=475799 time=1664523304
Quote from: "Erica Mena" post_id=475785 time=1664483851 user_id=2845
Ya'll have no idea how badly I want to move out to the country.

Kid, if you do make the move, you'll never be able to live in a city again.

I managed to go from one to the other and back again. There are (or were) things to be said about the lifestyles afforded by both, as well as reasons to avoid them; having seen the increasing leftism (read "degeneracy") afflicting latter day city life, I would prefer the wider community feel that I find out in the sticks.


Quote from: UoT post_id=475803 time=1664540717
Quote from: Herman post_id=475799 time=1664523304

Kid, if you do make the move, you'll never be able to live in a city again.

I managed to go from one to the other and back again. There are (or were) things to be said about the lifestyles afforded by both, as well as reasons to avoid them; having seen the increasing leftism (read "degeneracy") afflicting latter day city life, I would prefer the wider community feel that I find out in the sticks.

Annual tax increases to pay or things we don't need or want in cities are excessive.
too old to be a fashionista


Quote from: formosan post_id=475810 time=1664544838 user_id=3391
Quote from: UoT post_id=475803 time=1664540717

I managed to go from one to the other and back again. There are (or were) things to be said about the lifestyles afforded by both, as well as reasons to avoid them; having seen the increasing leftism (read "degeneracy") afflicting latter day city life, I would prefer the wider community feel that I find out in the sticks.

Annual tax increases to pay or things we don't need or want in cities are excessive.

Speaking from experience, you'll get that irrespective of where you sling your shingle my friend. At the risk of incurring the subforum owner's ire, a government doesn't actually produce anything (except inflation,  they have the market cornered there), figuring out new ways to get you to pay for that is what they do. You can mitigate against this in some measure by barter and trade, avoiding the use of money and other promissory notes that are centrally managed and controlled by such institutions. If no money is changing hands, it becomes more difficult for any third party to stick their hand out for an unearned cut of such transactions.

Your average taxman will of course attempt to express your efforts in  the currency of the realm should they ever get wind of them and you prove yourself to be operating beyond their sphere of influence. Make the bastards work for it, let them do  the running about. If you aren't using their currency, you aren't leaving a paper trail for them to follow and can sidestep  the worst of their moneygrubbing ways. Easier to do in the country for sure, but speaking as someone who has savoured city and  country life, I can tell you the big smoke offers such opportunities as well.


There is a black economy in Canada, but it's small potatoes compared to some developed countries.


Quote from: Herman post_id=475847 time=1664603125
There is a black economy in Canada, but it's small potatoes compared to some developed countries.

If by "black economy" you mean anything other than the approved fiscal system, then I know... I used it to great personal advancement. As did pretty much everyone I knew, some more so than others. Why would we not? Provided it was kept on the down-low and the Joe Normies of society kept their noses clean for fear of getting their lives fucked up by the ruling class (many of whom were also balls deep in this so-called "black economy"), things continued to run more or less smoothly.

I very nearly missed out on the best part of the ride too; early 2016 I was gearing up to hop the border into the US and make my way to LA. Circumstances changed my plans somewhat (some posters here know what I'm referring to) and by the end of the year my off-the-books hustle had provided for a comfortable and rewarding existence, working for and with associates of some big names, some of whom you know. Had Covid not reared its ugly head, I might still be cruising along with it today - it was as fun as it was precarious and I have a lot of good memories of it. I might never have made those connections had I buggered off to the US as initially intended, or if I had then it would have taken far longer to achieve. Caskur's efforts to scuttle my move in that direction actually had a positive outcome, haha.

The irony being that no matter how well I did, I am of the opinion it wouldn't serve me greatly going forward. Society is deteriorating at an increasing pace and anyone who thinks they can survive the crash by being a law abiding person in a major population center is only leaving themselves open to becoming a victim of it. Defunded and weaponized police forces aren't going to do anything for them, inflation and other such stealth taxes will rob them blind. This is not the society of the twentieth century, the goals and achievements that secured our parent's generation will be worthless to us in our winter years, literal albatrosses about our necks in fact.

If bartering your skills and goods for others is to be considered "black economy" then so be it. I've been called worse names and never shed a tear over it. I'll support those who support me and the rest can go hang itself I reckon. Loyalty is my currency, the realm's approved system of pretty pieces of paper/polymer is an inferior system of running our affairs that is open to abuse by the very organizations that insist upon it.


QuoteSociety is deteriorating at an increasing pace and anyone who thinks they can survive the crash by being a law abiding person in a major population center is only leaving themselves open to becoming a victim of it.

We would exit Canada before we would adjust to some barter economy.
too old to be a fashionista


Quote from: formosan post_id=475862 time=1664631207 user_id=3391
QuoteSociety is deteriorating at an increasing pace and anyone who thinks they can survive the crash by being a law abiding person in a major population center is only leaving themselves open to becoming a victim of it.

We would exit Canada before we would adjust to some barter economy.

No doubt. Canadians as a rule these days are too "nice" and "proper" to really do for themselves.

You will ultimately exit Canada of course. Even if the Klaus Schwabs of this world don't get to have their way with your sovereignity and turn you into a vassal state of the NWO, you get to die eventually just like the rest of us. Likely as a pauper, if your assurances are to be believed.

I'd feel sorry for you, only it's a choice you make willingly for yourself, so okay.


Quote from: UoT post_id=475865 time=1664631979
Quote from: formosan post_id=475862 time=1664631207 user_id=3391

We would exit Canada before we would adjust to some barter economy.

No doubt. Canadians as a rule these days are too "nice" and "proper" to really do for themselves.

You will ultimately exit Canada of course. Even if the Klaus Schwabs of this world don't get to have their way with your sovereignity and turn you into a vassal state of the NWO, you get to die eventually just like the rest of us. Likely as a pauper, if your assurances are to be believed.

I'd feel sorry for you, only it's a choice you make willingly for yourself, so okay.

We would find another country that is still interested in their citizen's best interests rather than stay in one that doesn't and trade my sewing for fresh garden produce.
too old to be a fashionista


Quote from: formosan post_id=475868 time=1664633380 user_id=3391
Quote from: UoT post_id=475865 time=1664631979

No doubt. Canadians as a rule these days are too "nice" and "proper" to really do for themselves.

You will ultimately exit Canada of course. Even if the Klaus Schwabs of this world don't get to have their way with your sovereignity and turn you into a vassal state of the NWO, you get to die eventually just like the rest of us. Likely as a pauper, if your assurances are to be believed.

I'd feel sorry for you, only it's a choice you make willingly for yourself, so okay.

We would find another country that is still interested in their citizen's best interests rather than stay in one that doesn't and trade my sewing for fresh garden produce.

No you wouldn't, such countries do not exist. I don't know if you had noticed (probably not) but countries themselves are essentially non-sentient landmasses incapable of caring about anything, while those overseeing their regulation are pretty much only in it for the money, the citizen's best interests be damned. Well, unless "best interests" might be freely interpreted as being herded like cattle for the amusement of the ruling class. Sounds rather authoritarian to me, I prefer a measure of autonomy myself.

And speaking of autonomy, tell me, did you ever barter your bodily autonomy for freedom of movement? I understand quite a few Canadians felt compelled to, a number of truckers and their supporters  were faced with the choice of barter or freeze to death after they  were denied access to things like banks. And in the middle of winter too, just imagine!

Erica Mena

Bricktop, I hope you pop in again. We are here to stay


Quote from: "Erica Mena" post_id=475936 time=1664804444 user_id=2845
Bricktop, I hope you pop in again. We are here to stay

I hope he does too.
too old to be a fashionista


Quote from: "Dinky Dazza" post_id=473025 time=1661439881 user_id=1676
He's always been a legend in his own lunch box...

Hello  Brick. Nice to see you posting. Dinky Dianna was was waiting


Quote from: Arthur post_id=476866 time=1665842275
Quote from: "Dinky Dazza" post_id=473025 time=1661439881 user_id=1676
He's always been a legend in his own lunch box...

Hello  Brick. Nice to see you posting. Dinky Dianna was was waiting

I was was also waiting for your testicles to drop, but I am am still waiting....