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avatar_Erica Mena

What is your “go to” coffee?

Started by Erica Mena, October 05, 2022, 08:15:30 PM

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Erica Mena

I'm really liking Peet's for Keurig. It's strong and wakes me tf up


None. Hate the stuff, can of Red Bull instead for me.


Robert Timms coffee bag steeped no longer than 2-3 minutes in warmish to hot water, otherwise I blow chunks an hour or two later...

I fucked my stomach for coffee over a decade ago drinking litres of energy drinks and double expressos daily.

Me and caffeine have a love hate relationship...

Erica Mena

Good morning! I need muh coffee in the am

Scouse, Red Bull is sooooo bad for you.


I don't necessarily have a favorite brand although most often I get Seattle's Best either whole beans or pre-ground.

I've also ordered a few bags from these fine folk and can confirm that it's rather tasty:">


My ex use to work for Starbucks. I hate most of their coffee. There is only one I like of theirs, called Guatamala Antigua, and I'll get a bag of whole beans, and grind them at home.
I've come here to chew bubble gum, and kick ass. And I'm all out of bubblegum.



Drinking coffee is part of the Finnish culture.

We have a brand called "Paulig" and I drink their coffee.

We call it regular coffee... Regular cup of coffee served at the gas-station.

I dont know whats "regular coffee" in America.

Its mild compared to a lot of the "fine coffee" brands.

Shen Li

I never drink coffee at home. The only tine I drink coffee is when I go to Waves or Second Cup.

Oliver Clotheshoffe

I drink whatever is on sale. Remember those big gallon cans of coffee you used to get down at the store for about three bucks and it was that way for years and years? Then the cans started getting smaller, smaller, then became plastic, then smaller, then smaller, then there's an indentation on the bottom taking up space inside the can and of course it's on the lower shelf at the supermarket so you don't see it when you pick it up...

Meanwhile the price creeps up and up and up... slowly, very slowly, digging into your pocket a little deeper every time you go...

So if I see a good sale I'll buy four or five of them and store them away. Right now it's (yeah I know) Maxwell House although they did have a nice can of half caff that I enjoy. It tastes about how you would expect but it gets the job done.

Hey, I'm not cheap, I'm frugal.

Okay, I'm cheap.
Life is too short to be in a hurry


I don't believe in gourmet foods.  If it gets the job done and doesn't make you retch, it's good enough.  I grew up without the option to be picky.  Function over flavor.

Cheap doesn't hurt.

Erica Mena

Quote from: "The Treasurer" post_id=476209 time=1665107910 user_id=3382
I don't believe in gourmet foods.  If it gets the job done and doesn't make you retch, it's good enough.  I grew up without the option to be picky.  Function over flavor.

Cheap doesn't hurt.

I hate when you humble me  :sad:


Nescafe's Blend 43... best instant coffee around!">


Nescafe Blend 43 is the devil's scrotum dandruff..


Quote from: "Dinky Dazza" post_id=476231 time=1665126644 user_id=1676
Nescafe Blend 43 is the devil's scrotum dandruff..

No man. It's the best coffee ever! I prefer this coffee or any other coffee. I have two cups daily. And never after midday or I can't sleep. I'm caffeine sensitive.