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Re: Forum gossip thread by Biggie Smiles


The scary tranny thread

Started by Dove, October 24, 2022, 12:38:08 PM

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Quote from: Dove post_id=481793 time=1668531066 user_id=3266
 One thing that always stuck out to me was the way Jehovah is described is beyond our understanding. The triune nature of Gods being. Its weird. No one can adequately explain it and we are left to just kind of accept it. One God that exists in 3 persons. He isnt 3 persons in 1 God. He is 1 God in 3 persons. Jesus walked the earth NOT as half God half human....but fully God and fully human.  Every other belief system or god I read about has really good human level explanations. Even human characteristics. Not Yahweh though......Yahweh is terrifying, overwhelming and beyond us. We cannot explain Him(He isnt even really a "him" or "her" either though both masculine and feminine are expressions of His image)

I'd say we aren't meant to. This is part of the reason why I am prepared to entertain the notion that God in any of his (her, its) forms is little more than an idea arrived at independently in a variety of cultures and used to govern them. As we have seen and like a good many other ideas, this idea can be applied for mutual benefit as it can also be applied for personal profit at the expense of others.

If it contains a measure of scaring the shit out of others, I find myself thinking it might be because the people pushing it expect adherents to sacrifice more to them than they otherwise might have. You know me to be averse to being bullied to anyone's table. Similarly, if i am being offered promise of things under the presumption that I wanted them and I can take two seconds to recognise that they aren't useful to me (or that I can earn them via other means) then I'm still as likely to fold my arms and say "nahhh, but you go ahead if that's your gig".

I've revisited the argument of faith and religion for two score years and can agree - it appears to be beyond understanding, Obviously you're not the first person I've fenced with on the topic, far from it in fact, and thus far as erudite as some of the discussions have been, they have been somewhat lacking in the communication (and therefore the understanding) required to convince. Still, I leave the door open. Russell's Teapot again - I might never find what you found, I certainly will not find it if I close the door on the discussion. Either way, I know I'll lead a rich and rewarding life, its foundations rooted in the associations of those I've met, those I have yet to meet and the perspectives each have to offer.

Key to our purposes though, I don't necessarily need a belief in the existence in God or otherwise to see the sense in much of what is contained in the scriptures. Even some of the nonsensical stuff can hold water if we are to consider that however crazy or batshit insane it might seem to an outsider, the fact that so many abide by it means it's a thing, and a thing that can be entertained for mutual benefit. Or profit if you are of that inclination. Sometimes both.

Quote from: Dove post_id=481793 time=1668531066 user_id=3266
I'm one of those who prayed a challenging prayer like "If this is real God, show me".  And when I got answer I got an answer and it was like a switch flipped.  I had prayed that before and the difference was i was really broken down. I'd been detoxing from heroin, my whole life was a mess, I was a mess, and I told God all of this. I was absolutely ready to repent of it all if I only KNEW it was real.  And then suddenly it was. I cant really explain what happened.

You were in a bad place, you found something that helped you rise above it. Whether that thing was fundamentally truthful or outright delusional does not negate its positive effect and for what it's worth, I'm happy for you. My road to sobriety took a different route as you know and the end result was that like you, I got control over my addiction to various narcotics. I can also look back on the journey and appreciate the experience. I know I can return to it any time and for more years than I care to count I have chosen not to. I control it, I don't allow it to control me.

What is present in your experience and absent from mine is of course the challenge to a higher authority. There has been a lot said through the ages of God's Divine Plan which I choose to address here. If indeed there is a God and he has mapped out a course for whatever reason, begging for a reveal and bartering it against ones own redemption must be as much a part of God's plan as is shouldering ones burden and doing the hard yards solo. And if there's no God, no divine plan... but you nonetheless perceive there to be and use it for your betterment, so what? You got better. I can't and won't argue with success.

Quote from: Dove post_id=481793 time=1668531066 user_id=3266
I'm not afraid of hell, but I am fascinated and drawn to God Himself.  Clearly I still sin. But it's not fear of hell that keeps me perusing God. Its God that keeps me perusing God.

 When I teach my Squish the faith, i dont focus much on sin and hell and all that quite yet. I want to instill in her more of a passion to know the Lord for just the Lords sake. In the way we dont seek riches just out of fear of poverty. We want that treasure because it's a treasure. Jesus IS that treasure.

I can respect that ethic. My own childhood was a little less filtered in terms of religious instruction and perhaps it inured me a little more to the accounting because I was exposed to so much. One of my first books was a children's bible, by the time I was five I was gobbling up Greek and Roman mythology from the Colliers Childrens Encyclopaedia on my maternal grandmother's shelf. I learned about animism not long after and kept on digging. I loved to read... I still do, though I don't indulge as much these days (James O'Keefe's American Muckraker is presently screaming "read me you bludger" from my bookshelf as I write this) apart from wandering the net for excursions such as your own. I'm also taking comment from a few podcasts, it gives my grey matter the mental exercise it's used to while I'm doing other stuff.

If I can respectfully suggest this much, don't leave the notion of hell completely out of your Squish's pantheon too long. She doesn't deserve to be scared shitless by it in my humble opinion, but as a concept I found it a useful parable in terms of there being consequence for action, not always in terms of the religious. I look around me today and i see far too many examples of those terminally deficient in their understanding of such, I look at myself and wonder what I might have done had I discovered certain truths earlier. Not that I am disappointed with my lot now, I like being me and appreciate the richness of what has made me who I am. But looking out and seeing people genuinely upset at the results of their actions that could never have reasonably produced anything but makes me both thankful I have enough understanding to avoid those consequences for myself, along with a curiosity as to what else might be on offer that I could be missing. Some things do still elude me, some puzzles I have yet to unlock.

Quote from: Dove post_id=481793 time=1668531066 user_id=3266
That leads into another big criticism of Catholics. They are always working for salvation. Always guilty.

I'd make a shithouse catholic, i don't fear personal error. I am every bit as imperfect as anyone else, I accept there will be times I fuck up.

Hell, I'm even proud of it. Fucking up in my books is forgivable if it's used as a learning experience. It's the wanton fucking up time and time again when you've had the consequences of it smooshed in your face over and over. Albert Einstein once said "insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result" and I see no reason to disagree with him there.

Quote from: Dove post_id=481793 time=1668531066 user_id=3266
 Okay I'm totally gonna respond to the rest of what you said. I gotta get some more coffee  and it might take a minute because I'm homeschooling right now lol. I have Squish playing a few rounds of a math game :D

Take care of what's important. That kid you're preparing for the wider world I mean. I don't expect to take precedence, I'm content to share the odd musings if and when they are offered.

There is one thing that occurs to me though and something I'd be interested to hear your input on. I don't know how familiar you are with the group Jethro Tull, but they released an album called Aqualung in the early seventies, the second side of which dealt rather heavily with the intermingling of faith and religion. I'm including a link to it here on the offchance you are inclined to weigh in on it.


I hear echoes of it in some of your posts. Cautionary note; while nowhere near as obscenity laden and profane as some of the stuff I've been known to post, it is rather dour and cynical for the most part. Not the sort of thing I'd be playing during a classroom, though for what it's worth, their follow-up release "Thick As A Brick" was something I once entertained as a candidate during my senior year English Lit class "Poetry Of Alienation" component. We students, after studying Sylvia Plath, William Blake and others, were required to identify, present and discuss examples of contemporary works that fit the bill. That forty-three and a half minute song promised a wealth of material I could have tied up several classes with and still barely have scratched the surface.


Quote from: Dove post_id=481793 time=1668531066 user_id=3266
Oh and if I'm right and we are still sucking air when Jesus returns - you dont have to be judged before the Almighty. Everyone who cries to God for mercy will have it.  There will be people so reprobate they will still reject God even seeing Jesus Himself coming on the clouds - dont be that person....its a no win endeavor lol.

Trust me on this much; if the existence of all you say is unequivocally proven to me in my lifetime, I won't be on my knees begging for mercy. I am well adept at taking my lumps in this life, perfectly prepared to go on taking them if there is a next. I may have been shown which way is the preferred path, but I've been shown a good many paths and none have been proven to my mind as the definitive One. In that absence I have conducted myself in the best manner i know how. It took me a while to get here and I made a lot of mistakes along the way.

If that isn't good enough for the proposed deity, so be it. If it turns out there is one, then I will either be judged and accepted or judged and found wanting. And I'm cool with that. If there's anyone who cannot love me for who i am, what the hell are they thinking if the are dragging me to their house? It doesn't make a lot of sense, eh?

Begging for mercy... I might be one to do that if i had willfully set out to fuck up the divine order of things and desired my accountability to be anulled. I don't think it applies, not to my understanding, not at this point. Like the earlier comment on our individual paths away from drugs; you and I still arrived at more or less the same outcome we set out to achieve. So if there is a God and he has a certain desired end result, if I share it, then mercy is the least of my concerns.

And if i didn't, then no matter. i will find my way and certainly wish him the best on his. Even if I find myself consigned to the fiery pit where the guy with the horns and the pointed stick conducts his business. If that be the consequence of my actions, then i will have earned it.

I've a feeling it won't come to that. Who can tell?


Quote from: "Shen Li" post_id=481951 time=1668568305 user_id=3389
Quote from: Dove post_id=481949 time=1668568214 user_id=3266

 It means "Trans exclusionary radical feminist" and pretty much every woman who opposes gender ideology and rejects the redefining of womanhood is labeled a "Terf"


 So that site documents how these psychopaths think of you and me. All women who dont support this.

Oh ffs. Your race is off it's collective fucking rocker.

Shen, you need to stop with that racist stuff.  A small minority of ideological crazies are spouting probably untrue nonsense (men can become women) while the vast majority calls them the lunatics fools they are. Yet you claim an entire race is guilty of something?  Judge individuals as individuals otherwise you will reach false conclusions.

BYW one could easily do the same thing with Chinese based upon the many lies are crazy stuff the CCP has said and done over the years.  That would be very similar to what you are doing here but I will not make such an assertion as the CCP does not represent or speak for all ethnic Chinese.  It is the same thing here; lying mentally ill deluded troons do not speak for the entire west just themselves.


Personally, I'm cool with the racial attacks. My race is now dominated by bleeding heart shitstains who protest the life sentence of people who rape and eat little girls. Fuk them white cunts!

Erica Mena

I'm gonna let this thread be here cuz Oerdin asked nicely. I don't wanna see any politics deep into other threads please. Thank you


I gather this is the thread that triggered Blurt.

Erica Mena

Quote from: DKG post_id=482299 time=1668697188 user_id=3390
I gather this is the thread that triggered Blurt.

I think a lot of the threads did. Oh well


Quote from: "Erica Mena" post_id=482301 time=1668697264 user_id=2845
Quote from: DKG post_id=482299 time=1668697188 user_id=3390
I gather this is the thread that triggered Blurt.

I think a lot of the threads did. Oh well

He is a bit too sensitive.


Quote from: "Erica Mena" post_id=482298 time=1668697108 user_id=2845
I'm gonna let this thread be here cuz Oerdin asked nicely. I don't wanna see any politics deep into other threads please. Thank you

Any chance the thread about the JQ gets re-posted? It was starting to get interesting.


Erica Mena

Quote from: SCOUSE post_id=482349 time=1668710941 user_id=1728
Quote from: "Erica Mena" post_id=482298 time=1668697108 user_id=2845
I'm gonna let this thread be here cuz Oerdin asked nicely. I don't wanna see any politics deep into other threads please. Thank you

Any chance the thread about the JQ gets re-posted? It was starting to get interesting.

Ugh, you're killing me Scouse  :laugh:

What if I add it to the politics thread? Is that ok?



Hating on white men and the attack on masculinity in general.

Women dont really like submissive men and thats reason enough not to be one.

And the lower testosterone level is harmful to our health.

As for the hating on white men..

You think the Germans cared if the Jews hated them or not.  ac_biggrin

Erica Mena

I couldn't be with a submissive man. It's a turn off


my girlfriend hates weak and pathetic men.... we were discussing that while she was opening a jar of pickles for me.... i wasn't sure if i should post about it but she said i could....