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Re: Forum gossip thread by Aryan

avatar_Erica Mena

Famous folks you wish would go away

Started by Erica Mena, November 20, 2022, 09:48:29 AM

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Quote from: Breakfall post_id=484636 time=1669549928 user_id=3358
Quote from: DKG post_id=484633 time=1669548994 user_id=3390

I heard that owning firearms is very difficult in Australia. It's getting that way here too. Canada and Australia are huge countries with lots of wild game. Hunting is part of the culture in rural Canada. I would assume it is in Australia too.

Wild pig hunting is quite common. Kangaroo culling is also common where they're in plague proportions. Human practices such as farming and irrigation, as well as suburban irrigation, have led to the explosion in numbers.

In Australia we don't have the massive crime rates to justify owning a gun. In South Africa, we had the blacks (kaffirs) to contend with. Life is cheap in Africa. And guns provided security. Naturally. I loved guns...still do. I could shoot a bird in flight over 100 yards with iron sights as easy as taking a piss. Lol.

 Your authoritarian government is the reason why all of you should be armed as fuck.

 We will always be here to gun run for you guys anytime ya'll are ready  :thumbup:
My happiness is all of your misery. I put good dick all in my kidneys.


Quote from: RAVEN post_id=484945 time=1669735320 user_id=3352
These 2 assholes.


 Really you think MTG is an asshole?  I love her.

 If you listen to her speak on her own and in context shes a powerful representation of the people who support her. And traditional values.

 She gets smeared as crazy and loud and like a wackjob for that reason, too.

 Give her interview on Tim Pool a may feel differently.
My happiness is all of your misery. I put good dick all in my kidneys.


I wish Kathy Griffin, Chealsy Handler, and Alyssa Milano would fuck right off back into the colon of hell from whence they came. Those three are infections polyps from the asshole of Satan.
My happiness is all of your misery. I put good dick all in my kidneys.


What does she support that is extreme? All her views and stances are pretty traditional American far as I've seen.

 And shes one of the only ones that were defending the ordinary people whose lives destroyed by the riots....saying that those people should be compensated since the states government refuses to reign in all that violence and destruction.

 Shes not my rep so I dont follow her super closely so if she has some extreme stance I havent seen it, so I'm asking
My happiness is all of your misery. I put good dick all in my kidneys.


Well it would be easier to ascertain that if people define "alt right" and provide what stances qualify as such. To this very day absolutely no one has given me any definition or examples of what "alt right" even IS.

 Because if I were asked which stances made AOC an extremist I could fire off 5 off the top of my head and provide citations. Although I'm not sure what "alt left" actually is. AOC definately has extreme positions in the scope of American politics. One of her worst is how she wants to abolish the electoral college. That's extremism.

 One the countries problems is the hostility and the labeling of people with no actual reasons.

 You said she was an extremist. Since I have no idea what stances she has that would qualify her as an extremist....I asked "what views and stances does she have that are extreme"?  Because I really cannot think of anything MTG supports and votes for that is extreme.  If there IS I'd like to see it so that I'm aware of it.  I wasnt trying to start an argument.  :oeudC:

 And that makes me part of the problem?  Part of the problem for what exactly?
My happiness is all of your misery. I put good dick all in my kidneys.

Biggie Smiles

I personally enjoy how admong claims Twitter is crashing and burning and then goes on to relentlessly spam the board with nothing but twitter posts

sublime irony -- lmao


Quote from: RAVEN post_id=484981 time=1669750707 user_id=3352
I'm not going argue politics with you, Dove.  If you are unable to recognize 2 political extremes, then perhaps you need to jump out of the bubble you're in and take a look at  

what our country has become and why. :(     There's no center anymore and unfortunately leaving most of the voters, such as myself,  HATING to have to choose.  Something has to give here..

 I personally would vote 3rd party given a good candidate.   I know you're going to take this as an insult,  but I don't see your rhetoric any different from, say Lotus, Lily or

Admin :/   All extreme, imo.   Sorry ;)

 Raven how are you getting I'm trying argue?  I'm ASKING you.

 And because I'm asking you that means I'm in a bubble?  Or part of the problem?  Are you kidding me?

 Yeah you hate what the country has become but you are doing the same thing right now.  When someone asked you to explain what a certain elected official has supported or argued for that you think is extreme,  you took this as an argument or attack of some sort and now you are doing the ole "well if they dont just see what I see they are the problem"  rather than just pointing to what position they have that makes them extreme.

 If I claim an elected official is extreme and someone asks me "really? Why do you find them extreme" I'm GLAD to answer that and I'm ready to provide them with the stances held by that figure that are extreme. Like AOCs socailist policies and her opposition to the electoral college.

 And I've actually always been center and that has never changed. The spectrum changed. My views have always been pretty consistently center......but what was center just ten to five years ago is now currently considered "alt right" or "far right" and I still have never been given any coherent definition of what that even is.

 So we cant ask questions in the country now because if we dont already know than we are a problem.  Where have I heard that logic before.

 I happen to think people being so willing to label other people and dismiss them and who also refuse to answer a question about why, and instead go right to blaming the one who asked are the problem.  The country is being destroyed and an inability to engage in civil discourse is the guarantee that isnt going to turn around.  

 I like you, Raven and I've never insulted your intelligence....accused you of being a bubble or being part of the problem when you express full on stances that I disagree with. And all i did was ask for an example of extremism. I'm not going to fight with you, but that's disappointing because you are normally pretty level headed.  YOU would find it hurtful and insulting if you asked me a reasonable question and that's how I responded to you.

 If you find asking a valid and reasonable question asked respectfully....because I genuine was curious ....I dont think out of the two of us that I'm the one who is no different than Lily or Admin or any of the other ones who attack anyone who asks them questions about their opinions. They give the same reason you just gave. "If I have to tell are the one with a problem".
My happiness is all of your misery. I put good dick all in my kidneys.


Quote from: "Biggie Smiles" post_id=484983 time=1669750829 user_id=3214
I personally enjoy how admong claims Twitter is crashing and burning and then goes on to relentlessly spam the board with nothing but twitter posts

sublime irony -- lmao

 For YEARS Admin was complaining about Twitter posts not being valid sources of info, too.  He was constantly taking jabs at Oedrin over Twitter posts. And Oedrins contained links and videos to support the claim made.

 Now Admin humps Twitter like it's his gospel.
My happiness is all of your misery. I put good dick all in my kidneys.


AOC is the Greta Thunberg of American politics. She is unqualified, ignorant, a drama queen, and used by powerful people to further their agenda. MTG is just hated by leftists.

Biggie Smiles

Quote from: DKG post_id=485004 time=1669764475 user_id=3390
AOC is the Greta Thunberg of American politics. She is unqualified, ignorant, a drama queen, and used by powerful people to further their agenda. MTG is just hated by leftists.

So basically you're telling us she's a rank and file leftist


Quote from: "Biggie Smiles" post_id=485005 time=1669764591 user_id=3214
Quote from: DKG post_id=485004 time=1669764475 user_id=3390
AOC is the Greta Thunberg of American politics. She is unqualified, ignorant, a drama queen, and used by powerful people to further their agenda. MTG is just hated by leftists.

So basically you're telling us she's a rank and file leftist



Quote from: RAVEN post_id=484977 time=1669749263 user_id=3352
Perhaps if you don't know who is alt-right and alt-left in politics, which these 2 certainly are, maybe you're part of the problem :)

The "alt" tag means squat.

You're either liberty minded and thus, conservative.... or liberty hating (liberties for OTHER people hating), and therefore progressive.

The Alt tags are two moving goalposts which never stay still by design.


Quote from: "Dinky Dazza" post_id=485058 time=1669777967 user_id=1676
Quote from: RAVEN post_id=484977 time=1669749263 user_id=3352
Perhaps if you don't know who is alt-right and alt-left in politics, which these 2 certainly are, maybe you're part of the problem :)

The "alt" tag means squat.

You're either liberty minded and thus, conservative.... or liberty hating (liberties for OTHER people hating), and therefore progressive.

The Alt tags are two moving goalposts which never stay still by design.

 I've never even seen them defined and I've asked MANY times over the years. :/
My happiness is all of your misery. I put good dick all in my kidneys.


Quote from: Dove post_id=484968 time=1669747771 user_id=3266
Quote from: Breakfall post_id=484636 time=1669549928 user_id=3358

Wild pig hunting is quite common. Kangaroo culling is also common where they're in plague proportions. Human practices such as farming and irrigation, as well as suburban irrigation, have led to the explosion in numbers.

In Australia we don't have the massive crime rates to justify owning a gun. In South Africa, we had the blacks (kaffirs) to contend with. Life is cheap in Africa. And guns provided security. Naturally. I loved guns...still do. I could shoot a bird in flight over 100 yards with iron sights as easy as taking a piss. Lol.

 Your authoritarian government is the reason why all of you should be armed as fuck.

 We will always be here to gun run for you guys anytime ya'll are ready  :thumbup:

Awww cheers Dovey. You should see my skills at broad swords. I like to slice and dice just as much as shooting a gat.  ac_biggrin


This Daniel Hernandez aka 69 dropkick is somebody that I'd happily not see around. He looks like he needs a good wake-up call and curry slap! I don't enjoy accidentally viewing these WOKE imbeciles on social media. It's like deliberately stealing my clarity on life itself...">