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Re: Forum gossip thread by Biggie Smiles

avatar_Erica Mena

Satanic sick shit

Started by Erica Mena, November 29, 2022, 07:55:04 PM

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Quote from: weebles post_id=485072 time=1669791510 user_id=2191
Quote from: Dove post_id=485071 time=1669790641 user_id=3266

 It actually gets worse. Look at this "work" done by a woman who worked for this company for years.

 This really is sick and demented shit.

FFS if "God" loves us all so much.... Why does he let people starve and freeze to death?

To let children to die of malnutrition and illnesses we can cure?


 Exactly why are you trying to evangelize your atheism to me?

 Are we sitting here telling you your beliefs make no sense (because they dont, btw and I can go into detail as to why) and blaming YOU for our inability to understand your views and patronizing you for them?

 No shit you dont understand something you clearly dont know anything about or grasp.

 So far you've pulled out all the common tropes. Religion is a "tool of control"(which can be very easily shattered with several facts. I mean....if the bible was so effective at controling masses the left would love it, they wouldnt be attacking it and purging it from the culture. Its hated by those who seek control)  

 Then it's the "it's okay if it makes you personally happy"(does having beliefs that people feel welcome to belittle, misrepresent, mock....and that will get you killed or imprisoned outside of the west personal happiness and nothing more? Yeah okay)

 And it's the ole "fairytales" crap. I mean you havent even read it.

 Now it's the "If God exists and loves us why are people starving and freezing" as if one of the core beliefs of the faith and what scripture itself teaches isnt that the world and humans are fallen, corrupted, evil and dying.

 Peebles God put enough food on this planet for tell me, why are people starving?  Did Jesus not tell His church (the body) to go out there and feed the poor and help the down trodden?  Do you ever HELP the church feed the starving people? Or do you just shit on them while making claims that if God loves us we should not have to lift a damn finger to do anything. We can sit here, masturbate, violate every one of Gods commands and He will cater to our needs and wants right?

 We all hold that God will be bringing wrath in the end. That until then, we are to help the needy and spread the gospel. You are now judging God on GODS standards that you yourself do not even meet.

 Tell me, Weebs...if we are alive because a star farted and poofed life into existence (just that once though...never again... the random star fart spontaneous generation event somehow decided that it would evolve males and females to reproduce togther rather than continuing to spontaneously generated, because that makes so much more sense than a Intellegent Designer) one day and evolved from bacteria into meat sacks firing off chemicals who drug our knuckles over millions of years across the human timeline and suddenly over the past few hundred make astounding advancements in every field....of we dont matter and nothing we do matters, if there are NO objective moral standards and we are just beasts who die and fade into oblivion

 WHY do you care that groups of people starve and freeze too death?  They are freeing up space and resources for stronger humans, are they not?  How does it make sense that any of us would care or have a sense of.....justice?

 Weebs God is gonna ask YOU one day....."Why didnt you feed these needy people? I provided you with enough food/money/resources" and what are you gonna say?

 If God starts delivering wrath to those who have broken His laws. ....its not just gonna be the people YOU think should be punished.

 If you understood what it is believers would know the way scripture describes the world and how it says there will be suffering here and evil committed.  

 So you are saying God couldnt exists because if He did exists He would be and act the way you think God should be and act. You are saying that God should directly act upon injustices done by fallen humans in a broken world that offend YOU the most.  God has commanded His church to help and serve the suffering. And theyve been doing that for 2k years.  Yeah we are all tired of evil....I mean I know why I'm tired of evil and cruelty, but I'm not sure why you would be because to you, we are just evolved meat sacks firing off chemicals and there is no consequence to anything. Why do you care about the suffering of other meat sacks?  I know why you do, Weebs...js.  You care because unlike the other animals....who would simply kill and/consume their weakest, you are a different being. Made in the image of Creator who is the very source of life, source of justice, source of care and empathy and love itself. Your world view cannot really argue any opposition or care about the suffering of other meaningless meat sacks who will drift into oblivion no matter what anyway. You have to borrow from God just to have a complaint just dont get that.

 Maybe you should help the ones out there doing the work rather than insulting them because you dont understand their world view. Rather than shake your red handed fist at the God who has likely provided you with SOME means of helping to ease the suffering we are all going to experience in a broken and dying some stuff about it. All of us big childish sillies who apparently just want "personal happiness" via the most hated, derided and mocked world view absolutely are. Js.

 It's kind of amazing you are directing your ire at Christian's in a thread that is showing you what a god hating world has to offer.  What has the secular and God hating masses ever offered humanity, Weebs?  Besides the starving children and death and disease and abuse and sexual abuse and exploitation?  Especially lately I'm not really seeing any benefits to rejecting God. The society being built is a fucking horror show.  Everywhere in human history when a society goes godless and starts hating Christians.... millions of people die from....starvation. Government tyranny. Oppression.  So I'm not seeing why you have an issue with us.

 Have we not been kind and respectful towards your heathen ass?
My happiness is all of your misery. I put good dick all in my kidneys.


Quote from: "Erica Mena" post_id=485033 time=1669771492 user_id=2845
Weebles, tsk tsk. You were so perfect to me lol

The guy's a whackjob. I vaguely remember him from VF when I first joined up.  He was infamous for posting gibberish and behaving as though he was off his box on bath salts or something.

He disappeared for years, maybe due to a lengthy stint in rehab, and only resurfaced recently . He's still a worthless spamming tard though.


He's OK.... but his world view is, how might I put this politely....... kindergarten-ish....

aka he gets his talking points from an MSM manufactured box of Cracker Jack's.

He really shouldn't be allowed to vote.

Biggie Smiles

are you trying to infer that he does not "get it" ?



Erica Mena

Weebles looks good tho. He gets a lil pass :laugh:


Fac sicut vis is is do what you want in Latin.

Dilige et quod vis fac is Love, and do what you will in Latin, St. Augustine of Hippo.

I guess you did not take Latin in school...that's not even close to Balenciaga

What shitty websites do you get this from?


I'm always down to have conversations but the patronizing and the insults are getting really fucking old. Its wearing on me.

 I know Jesus said the world hated Him first so it will hate all who follow or try to follow Him - I get that.

 But I feel like if I'm not degrading someone for their beliefs that make no sense to me or telling them about themselves and why they believe what they do and coming out with cheesy tropes associated with their beliefs (I could accuse him of eating babies and worshipping the devil)......I have no obligation to allow it to be done to me.

 And I take A LOT of shit like this. If he is gonna continue to address my posts for the purpose of insulting beliefs I have that I'm not even evangelizing myself ....well now I can shit on his right back.
My happiness is all of your misery. I put good dick all in my kidneys.


Quote from: Aylana post_id=485168 time=1669834037 user_id=3385
Fac sicut vis is is do what you want in Latin.

Dilige et quod vis fac is Love, and do what you will in Latin, St. Augustine of Hippo.

I guess you did not take Latin in school...that's not even close to Balenciaga

What shitty websites do you get this from?

 "Balenciaga" is Spanish. I looked it up. It's a Spanish name.

 I mean everything else was true....I didnt check the Latin thing but "Balenciaga" doesn't even look or sound Latin.
My happiness is all of your misery. I put good dick all in my kidneys.


Quote from: "Erica Mena" post_id=485167 time=1669833889 user_id=2845
Weebles looks good tho. He gets a lil pass :laugh:

 Not with me, gotdammit.  acc_devil
My happiness is all of your misery. I put good dick all in my kidneys.


Quote from: Dove post_id=485171 time=1669834311 user_id=3266
Quote from: "Erica Mena" post_id=485167 time=1669833889 user_id=2845
Weebles looks good tho. He gets a lil pass :laugh:

 Not with me, gotdammit.  acc_devil

I pushed my bounds on this topic and thus will not discuss religion again here.


Quote from: RAVEN post_id=485189 time=1669838473 user_id=3352
Quote from: weebles post_id=485185 time=1669838007 user_id=2191

I pushed my bounds on this topic and thus will not discuss religion again here.

I feel you're entitled to your opinion and shouldn't feel the need to censor yourself :)



Quote from: weebles post_id=485185 time=1669838007 user_id=2191
Quote from: Dove post_id=485171 time=1669834311 user_id=3266

 Not with me, gotdammit.  acc_devil

I pushed my bounds on this topic and thus will not discuss religion again here.

 Were you discussing religion though? Or airing bias griencences at someone who is a believer?

 Because I'm more than happy to have discussions, I'm just not willing to tolerate being approached as if I'm some silly and weak minded child.  

 You wouldnt like it if me and or Flea kept quoting you to drop these sugar coated jabs saying that you must be controlled by fairytales, are childish and foolish because WE dont understand your beliefs.  Each time...slightly more aggressive than then the other. Would you? If we can be nice and respectful, you can too...yeah?

 Is it hard to ask people things like "hey you know....I dont really understand the whole intelligent design thing, could you explain why you believe this?" Or "I dont really get how if God is love, why He would allow so much suffering. What do you believe about that?"  Without the negative judgements that there must be something wrong with us because you cant understand our thinking and you havent really tried?

 Are we not nice and respectful towards you?  

  But if you ever DO wanna have a discussion without the underlying condescending aggressive tone .....hit me up. I'm very capable of having it. But if you are going to be insulting....welp.  Absolutely no one thinks you should censor yourself but you are going to get back what you serve out.  It's about treating others how you wish to be treated.  I would absolutely go to the grave supporting your constitutional right to freely speak and I oppose censorship

....but i ALSO have that same right.

No hard feelings...seriously. Jesus forgives, so I do as well!   :thumbup:
My happiness is all of your misery. I put good dick all in my kidneys.

Erica Mena

Weebles, you can discuss whatever you want here. No one is taking it personally. Dovey is passionate about her beliefs but she's not trying to make you NOT talk about religion. In fact, she wants the opposite


Weebs can talk as much as he likes but it doesn't mean I'm going to go easy on him if I view it as shit talk.