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Re: Forum gossip thread by Aryan

Recovering from Covid...

Started by Melson Gibson, November 30, 2022, 10:20:25 PM

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Quote from: TheProwler post_id=486938 time=1670616375 user_id=3379
Quote from: JOE post_id=486907 time=1670603181 user_id=97
Actually blah blah bleeeeech

Shut up Joe.

The immigrants are being pumped into Western countries to bring civil unrest.

Globalist Elites do not care and have never cared if a continent full of people starve.

You nailed it brother. ac_drinks


And to enforce the Kalergi Plan, where the European of the future is a mixed race mystery meat mutt. (White Genocide/Replacement Theory)

Angela Merkel back in 2008 won an award for all her work towards the endeavour, aka importing over a million Middle Easterners into Germany...">


New National Institutes of Health (NIH) emails released under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) reveal the stark contrast between the public and private views of top NIH officials on the origin of the COVID-19 pandemic.

The new batch of FOIA emails, which was obtained by independent journalist James Tobias, shows a pattern of deception at the highest echelons of the NIH, including both its former director, Francis Collins, and current NIH Director Lawrence Tabak, who was previously Collins's deputy.

The emails also show that when President Donald Trump cut funding to EcoHealth Alliance—the group through which the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases under Director Anthony Fauci funneled federal grant money to the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV)—a litany of organizations and individuals petitioned the NIH to keep the money flowing to EcoHealth. Those efforts ignored revelations on EcoHealth's work with the controversial lab and instead focused on animosity toward Trump.

The emails also reveal that after Trump canceled EcoHealth's Wuhan grant, Collins and Tabak discussed ways to reinstate the grant.

NIH Director Admits EcoHealth Problems

Perhaps the most significant revelation to emerge from the new FOIA emails is that the situation surrounding EcoHealth and its connection to Wuhan was causing NIH leaders a far bigger headache than their public pronouncements indicated.

In August 2020, Collins sent an email to Harold Varmus, one of his predecessors as director of the NIH, admitting that "this EcoHealth grant and its connection to Wuhan has presented one of the most difficult and wrenching situations of my 11 years as NIH Director. Most of that is not appropriate for e-mail."

In the same email, Collins went on to say that there was "a lot more to this story than we have been able to talk about. Tony [Fauci] and I would like the chance to speak with you about this."

Collins also wrote, "Meanwhile, and not because I completely buy its premises, I wonder if you have seen this article," attaching a link to one of the first scientific articles to systematically lay out the case for a lab origin of COVID-19. Collins's interest in scientific evidence for a lab leak stands in stark contrast to his public pronouncements both at the time as well as more recently.

This email had been previously released under FOIA but its contents were almost entirely redacted.

On Feb. 1, 2020, Collins participated in a private teleconference organized by Fauci that had the ostensible purpose of shutting down any discussion of a lab leak. In a Feb. 2, 2020, email to teleconference participants, Collins warned that not shutting down the lab leak hypothesis would do great harm to "international harmony." In a blog post dated Mar 26, 2020, Collins dismissed contentions of a lab origin as "outrageous claims." On Apr. 16, 2020, after Fox News ran a segment on the potential lab origin of COVID-19, Collins emailed Fauci and Tabak to offer his help to "put down this very destructive conspiracy."

Shen Li

The WHO said that COVID is no longer a public health emergency. Well, no fucking kidding.


Never was... it was meant to be a panic inducer and to kill fuckwits like cc and Seamajor.

Melson Gibson

Quote from: SCOUSE post_id=487021 time=1670665914 user_id=1728
And to enforce the Kalergi Plan, where the European of the future is a mixed race mystery meat mutt. (White Genocide/Replacement Theory)

Angela Merkel back in 2008 won an award for all her work towards the endeavour, aka importing over a million Middle Easterners into Germany...">

Yep.  Canada has what's called the 'Century Initiative', which is to flood in so many immigrants so fast, that White regions are literally turning brown overnight.  And it's happening.

Meanwhile, the locals can't afford housing.  The end won't look pretty.">

And guess who the founder of the Century Initiative is...  EVERY. SINGLE. TIME.">

Shen Li

Quote from: "Melson Gibson" post_id=499910 time=1683341859 user_id=3397
Quote from: SCOUSE post_id=487021 time=1670665914 user_id=1728
And to enforce the Kalergi Plan, where the European of the future is a mixed race mystery meat mutt. (White Genocide/Replacement Theory)

Angela Merkel back in 2008 won an award for all her work towards the endeavour, aka importing over a million Middle Easterners into Germany...">

Yep.  Canada has what's called the 'Century Initiative', which is to flood in so many immigrants so fast, that White regions are literally turning brown overnight.  And it's happening.

Meanwhile, the locals can't afford housing.  The end won't look pretty.">

Immigration levels are waaaaay too high. True Dope wants over 500, 000 immigrants a year. That is like adding a Saskatchewan every other year. Schools, hospitals and infrastructure can't keep up with this.

In Singapore. the ethnic Chinese majority is scared to death that Malay Muslims and Indians high birth rates will soon mean they will not be a majority. Chinese Singaporeans have birth rates among the lowest in the world. Singapore also has a lot of immigrants and most are not from China.

Melson Gibson

Quote from: "Shen Li" post_id=499911 time=1683342323 user_id=3389
Immigration levels are waaaaay too high. True Dope wants over 500, 000 immigrants a year. That is like adding a Saskatchewan every other year. Schools, hospitals and infrastructure can't keep up with this.

In Singapore. the ethnic Chinese majority is scared to death that Malay Muslims and Indians high birth rates will soon mean they will not be a majority. Chinese Singaporeans have birth rates among the lowest in the world. Singapore also has a lot of immigrants and most are not from China.

He wants a whole lot more than that.  In 2022, we brought in over a million people.  And that's just the official number.  The real numbers are probably higher.  And that trend will only increase.  That's literally the population of Vancouver every single year.  And it doesn't matter who we vote for, as those numbers are fixed by certain (((people))) that pull the strings.

It is scary to witness.  Imagine being the only White guy on the entire Toronto transit system.

Even the immigrants, and I know they'd love to have more of their own here because 'Whitey Bad', must realize these numbers are not sustainable.

Shen Li

Quote from: "Melson Gibson" post_id=499913 time=1683342963 user_id=3397
Quote from: "Shen Li" post_id=499911 time=1683342323 user_id=3389
Immigration levels are waaaaay too high. True Dope wants over 500, 000 immigrants a year. That is like adding a Saskatchewan every other year. Schools, hospitals and infrastructure can't keep up with this.

In Singapore. the ethnic Chinese majority is scared to death that Malay Muslims and Indians high birth rates will soon mean they will not be a majority. Chinese Singaporeans have birth rates among the lowest in the world. Singapore also has a lot of immigrants and most are not from China.

He wants a whole lot more than that.  In 2022, we brought in over a million people.  And that's just the official number.  The real numbers are probably higher.  And that trend will only increase.  That's literally the population of Vancouver every single year.  And it doesn't matter who we vote for, as those numbers are fixed by certain (((people))) that pull the strings.

It is scary to witness.  Imagine being the only White guy on the entire Toronto transit system.

Even the immigrants, and I know they'd love to have more of their own here because 'Whitey Bad', must realize these numbers are not sustainable.

I just checked and this is what I saw.

QuoteFor the year 2022, Canada welcomed 437,180 immigrants"> ... 2f-eng.htm">

BTW, all the whites in Toronto are libtards or trannies.

Melson Gibson

Quote from: "Shen Li" post_id=499919 time=1683344286 user_id=3389
I just checked and this is what I saw.

QuoteFor the year 2022, Canada welcomed 437,180 immigrants"> ... 2f-eng.htm">

BTW, all the whites in Toronto are libtards or trannies.

Over one million.  Believe me, those 'non-permanent' residents in the numbers below ain't going anywhere...">

Shen Li

Quote from: "Melson Gibson" post_id=499921 time=1683344808 user_id=3397
Quote from: "Shen Li" post_id=499919 time=1683344286 user_id=3389
I just checked and this is what I saw.

BTW, all the whites in Toronto are libtards or trannies.

Over one million.  Believe me, those 'non-permanent' residents in the numbers below ain't going anywhere...">

I saw that too, but that 600,000 + are TFW's, not immigrants.

Melson Gibson

Quote from: "Shen Li" post_id=499924 time=1683345472 user_id=3389
I saw that too, but that 600,000 + are TFW's, not immigrants.

The vast majority of non-permanent residents will successfully transition to permanent residents.  There are a variety of channels through which they can do this.

Shen Li

Quote from: "Melson Gibson" post_id=499926 time=1683345620 user_id=3397
Quote from: "Shen Li" post_id=499924 time=1683345472 user_id=3389
I saw that too, but that 600,000 + are TFW's, not immigrants.

The vast majority of non-permanent residents will successfully transition to permanent residents.  There are a variety of channels through which they can do this.

A lot of them will. The ones that are employed by East Indians will go back. They are notorious for not renewing visas, lol.

Melson Gibson

Quote from: "Shen Li" post_id=499927 time=1683345993 user_id=3389
A lot of them will. The ones that are employed by East Indians will go back. They are notorious for not renewing visas, lol.

I'm finding the opposite.  So the accounting firm I use to do my corporate taxes was bought by an EI shortly after I moved here.  As you'd expect, all the White employees were replaced by TFW East Indians.

So I talk to these workers once a year.  None of them want to be here (they like big cities filled with their own people, not a small town like Nelson), but they have to remain employed for one year for their employer here (indentured servitude, EI's have no qualms exploiting their own people).  Every year it's a new face in there, and they all say the same thing.  After their year, they intend to move to the big city and apply for permanent residency.

So ya, we are literally bringing in a million people per year.  And that's fucking crazy!

Shen Li

Quote from: "Melson Gibson" post_id=499929 time=1683346376 user_id=3397
Quote from: "Shen Li" post_id=499927 time=1683345993 user_id=3389
A lot of them will. The ones that are employed by East Indians will go back. They are notorious for not renewing visas, lol.

I'm finding the opposite.  So the accounting firm I use to do my corporate taxes was bought by an EI shortly after I moved here.  As you'd expect, all the White employees were replaced by TFW East Indians.

So I talk to these workers once a year.  None of them want to be here (they like big cities filled with their own people, not a small town like Nelson), but they have to remain employed for one year for their employer here (indentured servitude, EI's have no qualms exploiting their own people).  Every year it's a new face in there, and they all say the same thing.  After their year, they intend to move to the big city and apply for permanent residency.

So ya, we are literally bringing in a million people per year.  And that's fucking crazy!

I heard from a reliable source in the Alberta government that TFW's working for EI's are the least likely to have their work visas converted to permanent residency. It is not in their employers interests to do that.