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My Friend's Rescue(d) Dog doesn't stop barking

Started by JOE, December 26, 2022, 03:08:04 AM

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Quote from: "Dinky Dazza" post_id=489357 time=1672310215 user_id=1676
Isn't it normally the same thing?

No lol, not always. Take our Cashew resident Thiel for example. Hes gay, but he is Libertarian. Real cool dude  :thumbup:
I've come here to chew bubble gum, and kick ass. And I'm all out of bubblegum.


Quote from: Dove post_id=489358 time=1672310874 user_id=3266
I like dogs, but I'm not a dog PERSON.  Right now a dog isnt the kind of animal that would fit well in my house. I just do not have the will or energy to be a dog owner.

 It's a responsibility. I HATE when people get animals and just have them. Getting cats and just plopping them in their house and not interacting with them or providing any enrichment and than hating the cat when the cat starts acting out.  SAME with dogs. People that just get dogs but have no desire and no knowledge on properly training them are ridiculous.

 First off an untrained dog is a fucking weapon. You have no idea what that dog is going to do. Every fucking video I've seen where someones dangerous dog got loose and ran on someone elses property and attacked their animals or worse..the kids....the lazy ass owner always comes walking up all nonchalant in PJ pants with this attitude like "eh its fine". its NOT "fine".  We have people like that here who have a couple ill behaved pit bulls. And they get out all the fucking time. WHY do people like this always have to have a bully breed?  Get a fucking weaker dog with a less powerful bite if all you plan to do is yell at it and let it rip out the door and run the streets.

 Everytime we go over to the pond or park I bring pepper spray and I always consider bringing my gun.  I chased one of their pits off our property more than once and they do run from me. I yell "GIT!" really loud and put my arms up to look bigger LOL. I dont want to have to hurt an animal but if i best believe I'm gonna lay a big world of hurt on their lazy ass owner. Between her and I....I'm by far the one the police would listen to.

 This nutty bitch went off on everyone in the community FB page because people dont like her damn dogs getting loose and going after other peoples dogs. So she starts typing out how none of us are perfect and she will beat anyone's ass and the judge wont do anything to her because shes on meds. She isnt the brightest. Animal control wont take the dogs either.....until the day they maul someone....they wont intervene.

 Shes a lazy fucking moron and I hope when those dogs finally maul someone that its HER and not one of our neighbors.

Thats why I dont have a dog right now either, its a big responsibility. I had one, and it got hit by a car, so I decided not to get another til I move. She was a real good dog, we had her trained well. But she loved to run, and one day I was in the shower, and my son's friend accidentally let her out.

Dogs need extra care, cause they have to go outside to use the potty lol, more than once a day. With cats, I can leave my house for 3 days and they be fine lol.
I've come here to chew bubble gum, and kick ass. And I'm all out of bubblegum.


Quote from: Blazor post_id=489384 time=1672327042 user_id=2221
Quote from: Dove post_id=489358 time=1672310874 user_id=3266
I like dogs, but I'm not a dog PERSON.  Right now a dog isnt the kind of animal that would fit well in my house. I just do not have the will or energy to be a dog owner.

 It's a responsibility. I HATE when people get animals and just have them. Getting cats and just plopping them in their house and not interacting with them or providing any enrichment and than hating the cat when the cat starts acting out.  SAME with dogs. People that just get dogs but have no desire and no knowledge on properly training them are ridiculous.

 First off an untrained dog is a fucking weapon. You have no idea what that dog is going to do. Every fucking video I've seen where someones dangerous dog got loose and ran on someone elses property and attacked their animals or worse..the kids....the lazy ass owner always comes walking up all nonchalant in PJ pants with this attitude like "eh its fine". its NOT "fine".  We have people like that here who have a couple ill behaved pit bulls. And they get out all the fucking time. WHY do people like this always have to have a bully breed?  Get a fucking weaker dog with a less powerful bite if all you plan to do is yell at it and let it rip out the door and run the streets.

 Everytime we go over to the pond or park I bring pepper spray and I always consider bringing my gun.  I chased one of their pits off our property more than once and they do run from me. I yell "GIT!" really loud and put my arms up to look bigger LOL. I dont want to have to hurt an animal but if i best believe I'm gonna lay a big world of hurt on their lazy ass owner. Between her and I....I'm by far the one the police would listen to.

 This nutty bitch went off on everyone in the community FB page because people dont like her damn dogs getting loose and going after other peoples dogs. So she starts typing out how none of us are perfect and she will beat anyone's ass and the judge wont do anything to her because shes on meds. She isnt the brightest. Animal control wont take the dogs either.....until the day they maul someone....they wont intervene.

 Shes a lazy fucking moron and I hope when those dogs finally maul someone that its HER and not one of our neighbors.

Thats why I dont have a dog right now either, its a big responsibility. I had one, and it got hit by a car, so I decided not to get another til I move. She was a real good dog, we had her trained well. But she loved to run, and one day I was in the shower, and my son's friend accidentally let her out.

Dogs need extra care, cause they have to go outside to use the potty lol, more than once a day. With cats, I can leave my house for 3 days and they be fine lol.

My happiness is all of your misery. I put good dick all in my kidneys.


Quote from: Dove post_id=489355 time=1672309430 user_id=3266
Quote from: Odinson post_id=489272 time=1672280185 user_id=136

Thats a typical cat hissyfit... He speaks loudly, presents the cat into an unfamiliar situation... The cat goes berserk.

My cat used to do that a lot but she is 14 now and calmed down.

People speaking loudly or acting excited... That might trigger the fluffed up and continuous high-pitched growling mode.  ac_biggrin

I dont have any experience on that but I have suspected that the cats probably attack an intruder right away.

I used to have another cat but I had to put him down... He used to playfully stalk and attack this cat.

 Cats will usually swat, bite and hiss, and run....that cat went into fucking kill mode and that isnt typical at all.

 I've had cats all my life and I live with 12 and 5 newborns right now - that was not typical. That guy is lucky the cat didnt get ahold of his dick lol

 That guy might frequently grab the cat and is loud all the time and that is the moment the cat fucking had it all around.  Clearly the cat didnt do as much damage as it could have or he would have been going to the hospital.  Cats can really fuck someone up in a matter of seconds...AND their bites and scratches alone can give you an infection so bad you need the hospital.

 That dummy should have grabbed the cat by the nape. You nape a cat....they freeze. Theyll kind of spin their lower body around....but their murder mittens will be subdued lol.

They go into this battle-mode against other cats or when they feel really threatened.

They often sort of attack the owner because thats who they are protecting... They are just not very smart about it.

My cat got triggered when the kids were playing around the house... Being loud and running around.

The cat even peed all over the place.


My hands and forearms are covered with scars from cats.  Not real thick scars, so you have to look for them.  But I have a bunch.

They are so fast and their claws are razor sharp.

I think a real nervous and violent cat would be a great fit with Senile Joe.


Quote from: TheProwler post_id=489421 time=1672362905 user_id=3379
My hands and forearms are covered with scars from cats.  Not real thick scars, so you have to look for them.  But I have a bunch.

They are so fast and their claws are razor sharp.

I think a real nervous and violent cat would be a great fit with Senile Joe.

Joe is my boyfriend.
gay, conservative and proud


Quote from: JOE post_id=489012 time=1672042084 user_id=97
...He got it from some rescue society in the States and had it shipped to Canada.

Why the fuck, I don't know.

It seems to have emotional problems from prior abuse and so little can set it off like a loaded gun.

I manage to get along with it, tho it sometimes barks at me when I'm in the room.

Actually it seems to bark at my friend more than me and he always has to calm the damn thing down.

Or entice it ta shut up by constantly feeding it doggy treats.

Whenever I talk to my friend on the phone, the dog often interrupts him and starts barking cuz it feels its not getting enough attention.

So I end up competing with the damn dog.

Cripes being around the thing feels like you have to walk on egg shells anytime it's around.

Gotta be careful not to raise my voice or make any sudden moves.

I think that's a reason why my friend hardly gets any visitors.

Cuz people feel intimidated by that dog.

The dog essentially runs his life and existence now.

Fuck, don't ever get a fuckin' rescue dog folks.

And if you do, shoot it first.

Or getta cat. Much easier on your nerves.

Frankly the Dog reminds me of TheProwler and his dog.

Emotionally unstable and fuckin' needy.

Grab the dog's ballz and squeeze tightly when it barks incessantly Joe!  :laugh:


Quote from: Breakfall post_id=489450 time=1672370854 user_id=3358
Quote from: JOE post_id=489012 time=1672042084 user_id=97
...He got it from some rescue society in the States and had it shipped to Canada.

Why the fuck, I don't know.

It seems to have emotional problems from prior abuse and so little can set it off like a loaded gun.

I manage to get along with it, tho it sometimes barks at me when I'm in the room.

Actually it seems to bark at my friend more than me and he always has to calm the damn thing down.

Or entice it ta shut up by constantly feeding it doggy treats.

Whenever I talk to my friend on the phone, the dog often interrupts him and starts barking cuz it feels its not getting enough attention.

So I end up competing with the damn dog.

Cripes being around the thing feels like you have to walk on egg shells anytime it's around.

Gotta be careful not to raise my voice or make any sudden moves.

I think that's a reason why my friend hardly gets any visitors.

Cuz people feel intimidated by that dog.

The dog essentially runs his life and existence now.

Fuck, don't ever get a fuckin' rescue dog folks.

And if you do, shoot it first.

Or getta cat. Much easier on your nerves.

Frankly the Dog reminds me of TheProwler and his dog.

Emotionally unstable and fuckin' needy.

Grab the dog's ballz and squeeze tightly when it barks incessantly Joe!  :laugh:

He already tried that.

With his mouth.


Quote from: TheProwler post_id=489485 time=1672396893 user_id=3379
Quote from: Breakfall post_id=489450 time=1672370854 user_id=3358

Grab the dog's ballz and squeeze tightly when it barks incessantly Joe!  :laugh:

He already tried that.

With his mouth.

He probably put too much love and tenderness into the manoeuvre! Löl


Quote from: Breakfall post_id=489526 time=1672435530 user_id=3358
Quote from: TheProwler post_id=489485 time=1672396893 user_id=3379

He already tried that.

With his mouth.

He probably put too much love and tenderness into the manoeuvre! Löl

Say does a thread about barking dogs drift off and become one about some other guy's asshole? In which case perhaps we should call on Dovey to play matchmaker to get Thiel & TheProwler together. They got more in common with each other than me. One is openly gay while Prowler is still in the closet. Theyre both right wing and they both love Trump.

I suppose this thread really angers TheProwler & reveals his nutty needy personality. Guess i gotta be careful in the future who I offend or they might go similarly beserk.

But TheProwler oughta get it outta his system every morning otherwise he might bite someone. Guy could have rabies too.



Quote from: "Erica Mena" post_id=489237 time=1672259935 user_id=2845
Quote from: Blazor post_id=489235 time=1672255149 user_id=2221

You need to double check your hubby's operating system. I suspect it has gotten a virus or something. Who the hell dont like Halloween or kittahz!!?? lol

He's a dog person

Tell him he can be both a dog and cat person.
"I think having land and not ruining it is the most beautiful art that anybody could ever want."
- Andy Warhol


Quote from: Dove post_id=489257 time=1672276671 user_id=3266
Quote from: Odinson post_id=489236 time=1672259336 user_id=136

 That's really bizzare. Cats are typically never violent.

 And that kitty didnt even give warning. Something scared that cat.

You didn't read her body language... as soon as that cat was picked up it wanted to escape within 2 seconds.... as soon as a cat flinches and wants to be put down on the ground that is what you do.... put it on the ground.

I know this about cats but men will IGNORE what the cat wants and proceed.  Watch it again and see where the cat flinches... just before it's head goes under the desk.

If that cat has a bruise somewhere or a sore back or arthritis or any ailment you can't see then you are going to be attacked if you hurt their sore spot..

I have never been attacked because I treat animals with kindness 100% of the time...

The way you stop cats doing something wrong is HISS at them... they know hissing very well.
"I think having land and not ruining it is the most beautiful art that anybody could ever want."
- Andy Warhol


Quote from: caskur post_id=489634 time=1672476143 user_id=2156
I have never been attacked because I treat animals with kindness 100% of the time...

I worked in animal care and when you have to catch an escaped feral cat, there is a good chance that you are going to get scratched.

I would rather grab them by the scruff than use a catch/snare pole because they really freak out when those poles are used and I always worried that they would get injured.  Unfortunately, to grab them by the scruff I would almost always get scratched in the process.

I just found this video of a way nicer device that I wish I would have had available.



Quote from: TheProwler post_id=489639 time=1672482041 user_id=3379
Quote from: caskur post_id=489634 time=1672476143 user_id=2156
I have never been attacked because I treat animals with kindness 100% of the time...

I worked in animal care and when you have to catch an escaped feral cat, there is a good chance that you are going to get scratched.

I would rather grab them by the scruff than use a catch/snare pole because they really freak out when those poles are used and I always worried that they would get injured.  Unfortunately, to grab them by the scruff I would almost always get scratched in the process.

I just found this video of a way nicer device that I wish I would have had available.


 I have never picked up the stay cat we have now.... There is only 3 people he likes, me, Kurt (his first love) and my old neighbour Diana... He would absolutely panic if I picked him up.  His original owner must have been a man for sure and this cat definitely has PTSD... but he really, really likes to try to talk human to us.... 2 words as clear as a bell... one is hello... and the other is no...

 I will grab the story I wrote about him..... he is a really good boy now but he absolutely wrecked the leather lounges.
"I think having land and not ruining it is the most beautiful art that anybody could ever want."
- Andy Warhol


I wrote this 5 years ago..  I'm clueless what I meant by the first

We have had trouble with black cats still entire meaning big problems... terrifying fights. We think stray cat Schwartzie was being looked after by a woman (a JP) in her 80s that ended up in a nursing home due to developing dementia. Anyway, cutting a long story short, he slept in our yard and would run off when he saw us. It was obvious he was a stray... very lean and mean and when we found a dove had been caught and eaten, I knew I had to start feeding him and then catch him and give him to the ranger. He took to food very well, eating everything and anything he was offered but he was VERY VERY VERY skittish.

Kurt finally caught him in a cat cage a couple of weeks back but instead of giving him to the ranger, took him to the vet to get his nuts cut off and micro-chipped. That was less than $100... a bargain HOWEVER, I wasn't very happy as I do NOT want another pet and either does my 15 year old Puddy. She HATES him.

The vet weighed him and he was 6 kilos.... I would say he was about 5 kilos or a bit less before we started feeding him.

This weekend, Sunday night in fact, he was limping with an enlarged front leg I knew he needed urgent attention. So $200 lighter and armed with anti-biotics and painkillers, we came home with a very happy cat from the vets. (cat abcesses are disgusting)... He was also weighed in again at 6.2 kilos.

So now he's gone from an incredibly skittish cat to one who demands constant love and attention and he adores my husband Kurt. The video shows his leg is now a regular size but hairless on the inside.

I once saw Nele Gambino complain who couldn't brush his cat/s.. So what does that make Kurt (a dog lover) who can tame a stray cat?

I really wished people did the right thing and have their pets dessexed. My sister ended up with a stray cat (probably this ones brother too cuz she live on an adjacent block) and last year we caught to hand on to the ranger. And there is a grey and white one hanging around.

Kurt named this one Schwartzie due to his muscle mass.

We have had trouble with black cats still entire meaning big problems... terrifying fights. We think Schwartzie was being looked after by a woman (a JP) in her 80s that ended up in a nursing home due to developing dementia. Anyway, cutting a long story short, he slept in our yard and would run off when he saw us. It was obvious he was a stray... very lean and mean and when we found a dove had been caught and eaten, I knew I had to start feeding him and then catch him and give him to the ranger. He took to food very well, eating everything and anything he was offered but he was VERY VERY VERY skittish.

Kurt finally caught him in a cat cage a couple of weeks back but instead of giving him to the ranger, took him to the vet to get his nuts cut off and micro-chipped. That was less than $100... a bargain HOWEVER, I wasn't very happy as I do NOT want another pet and either does my 15 year old Puddy. She HATES him.

The vet weighed him and he was 6 kilos.... I would say he was about 5 kilos or a bit less before we started feeding him.

This weekend, Sunday night in fact, he was limping with an enlarged front leg I knew he needed urgent attention. So $200 lighter and armed with anti-biotics and painkillers, we came home with a very happy cat from the vets. (cat abscesses are disgusting)... He was also weighed in again at 6.2 kilos.

So now he's gone from an incredibly skittish cat to one who demands constant love and attention and he adores my husband Kurt. The video shows his leg is now a regular size but hairless on the inside.

I once saw Nele Gambino complain who couldn't brush his cat/s.. So what does that make Kurt (a dog lover) who can tame a stray cat?

I really wished people did the right thing and have their pets dessexed. My sister ended up with a stray cat (probably this ones brother too cuz she lives on an adjacent block) and last year we caught one to hand on to the ranger. And there is a grey and white one hanging around.

Kurt named this one Schwartzie due to his muscle mass.

This will be ready in 1.5 hours says yt. It's still uploading but worth watching so please watch it especially the part where he buries his head in Kurts calf cut as.


4 years on...


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"I think having land and not ruining it is the most beautiful art that anybody could ever want."
- Andy Warhol

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