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Re: Forum gossip thread by Frood

avatar_Shen Li

In The Next Election, I Will Vote For Either The NDP Or Greens

Started by Shen Li, January 29, 2023, 09:55:19 PM

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Quote from: SCOUSE post_id=493316 time=1675368247 user_id=1728
America should have stayed out of the conflict.

If it wasn't for Zionist meddling, England could have avoided war with Germany.

America avoided the war for a long time. We were bound to get dragged into it sooner or later.

Lets say Hitler had defeated England and hadnt started a war with Russia and the Japs had entrenched in all the other Asian countries without bombing us. Both would have eventually put enough pressure on us to cause us to attack them or them to nuke us.


Quote from: "The Treasurer" post_id=493122 time=1675099001 user_id=3382
Quote from: Guest post_id=493091 time=1675076245

There was a comment about children? Why am I not surprised?

I'm more surprised that there are guest rights to be fought for quite honestly. I don't even believe in there being rights for registered posters to be honest. The only right I recognise is the forum purse to run the joint in whatever manner they care to, the only other right I might consider is for others to fuck off if they don't like it.

Fair enough.  I can get behind that, but the fact that they aren't paying $$ hasn't stopped cries of PANEL ABUSE before now, and it's not likely to stop them in the future.  The Wire Cutters taught me that none of that matters (certain BH Regs and Beaver Cleaver loved to try and complain to Cheesus' deaf ear, while he purposely fucked with profiles and posts, laughing all the way, because really, what combination of stern words and supposed flame forum netiquette could stop him?).

Unfortunately, this all means I have to log in several times a day just to approve the GOOD posts. ]
Meh, you approve them when you're good and ready. Or not at all as the case may be. As for "panel abuse", I defy anyone to legitimately explain its existence without looking like a complete dickhead with USI issues. A piece of software, designed from the outset to provide functional control of the operation of a board... how exactly are you abusing it again? It's not like you're wrapping it about your cock and spanking it to futaboo or anything. Even if you could, it could still be argued that the software was designed with that functionality, so who gives a fuck? I mean beside the bitches whining about it?


Quote from: SCOUSE post_id=493316 time=1675368247 user_id=1728
America should have stayed out of the conflict.

If it wasn't for Zionist meddling, England could have avoided war with Germany.

America should stay out of most global conflicts including the ongoing one in Eastern Europe that they instigated.


Quote from: DKG post_id=493344 time=1675427580 user_id=3390
Quote from: SCOUSE post_id=493316 time=1675368247 user_id=1728
America should have stayed out of the conflict.

If it wasn't for Zionist meddling, England could have avoided war with Germany.

America should stay out of most global conflicts including the ongoing one in Eastern Europe that they instigated.

I agree, and that doesn't make us Putin lovers...


Quote from: Frood post_id=493347 time=1675427784 user_id=1676
Quote from: DKG post_id=493344 time=1675427580 user_id=3390

America should stay out of most global conflicts including the ongoing one in Eastern Europe that they instigated.

I agree, and that doesn't make us Putin lovers...

That is a label is the same as climate denier. A non sequitor intended to silence legitimate opposition to bad policy.


Quote from: Lokmar post_id=493323 time=1675380379 user_id=3351
Quote from: SCOUSE post_id=493316 time=1675368247 user_id=1728
America should have stayed out of the conflict.

If it wasn't for Zionist meddling, England could have avoided war with Germany.

America avoided the war for a long time. We were bound to get dragged into it sooner or later.

Lets say Hitler had defeated England and hadnt started a war with Russia and the Japs had entrenched in all the other Asian countries without bombing us. Both would have eventually put enough pressure on us to cause us to attack them or them to nuke us.

You're missing one vital point old boi.... Hitler tried numerous times to keep peace with England. He admired my country, back then of course, not the crime-ridden, multicultural shithole it has turned into.

It was jewish forces behind the scenes that manipulated our leaders into opposing NS Germany.


Quote from: SCOUSE post_id=493316 time=1675368247 user_id=1728
America should have stayed out of the conflict.

If it wasn't for Zionist meddling, England could have avoided war with Germany.

And there it is.

Germany weren't short on reasons for expansion, beginning with the onerous reparations required of them in the wake of the first world war. France in particular wanted them under the boot, and much of the post WW1 sanctions assured that a few select Jews kept a tight rein on the purse strings of the German economy. Note that it was a few select jews, not the sum total of the Jewish community. We know this because of the stipulation that every business concern in Deutscheland had to have oversight from an approved list of names from the Jewry. Names who could at a whim put a stranglehold on capital and cash flow of the businesses they controlled

Those same select few leveraged a few other less than ideal arrangements... like the creation of the state of Israel for instance, the results of which we are still paying for today. Another arrangement was for the UK to function as muscle with any disputes of Polish sovereignty... enforced when the krauts requested... and were denied... a corridor to Prussia and just as quickly forgotten when the Soviet army rolled through a few years later, raping and pillaging as they went. The more you know.

You are right of course; America by rights should have stayed well clear of the conflict. And that applies not merely to military involvement, but financial as well which had been taking place since before the UK declared war on Germany. Oh sure, "muh capitalism" and all, people like Prescott Bush made great coin out of the conflict and I'm sure his mates the Rothchilds got their cut too. Funding railway lines to death camps, yeah no war involvement there. I might also point out that it was IBM in 1933 who provided the hardware for census collation that was later used to such brutally efficient effect when figuring out who to load on to the trains as well and it wouldn't be until 60 years later that the return for investment on that little shenanigan dried up to a point where they needed to downsize.

You're invited to do your own research into these claims of course, but it will involve a lot of digging since much of it has been omitted from the history books and with only the scraps of newspapers of the day that were archived can verify what I've said here. The sad truth is that once you have done your due diligence, you will realise that someone like Hitler had to be pushed into the atrocities committed in his name, in much the same way that Putin has been pushed in recent years.

You and I may not want war, in fact I imagine the same can be said for a good many reading this. Who wants to send their sons halfway around the world to get blown up for something that helps their cause not one iota? But that doesn't mean there aren't people with reason to profit from such action.

Guess what? They aren't about to send their kids off to duke it out either. But they sure aren't above sending yours.


Quote from: DKG post_id=493348 time=1675428152 user_id=3390
Quote from: Frood post_id=493347 time=1675427784 user_id=1676

I agree, and that doesn't make us Putin lovers...

That is a label is the same as climate denier. A non sequitor intended to silence legitimate opposition to bad policy.

"If you ain't with us, you're with the terrorists"

 - some douche-canoe


I mean the U.K, U.S. and Canada are some real ride or die people we would never let happen cause we are a legit family.


The fact that you started  this war and looking for a way out and to blame the West is  actually sad and funny at the same time... But we know some friends and our family are in tough times again and again.

Heck Unlike the West  do you even  think Putin and Xi can even get along TBH.


Quote from: weebles post_id=493471 time=1675590523 user_id=2191
I mean the U.K, U.S. and Canada are some real ride or die people we would never let happen cause we are a legit family.


The fact that you started  this war and looking for a way out and to blame the West is  actually sad and funny at the same time...
The fact you assume I started anything is patently ludicrous, the idea you can cheerlead thirty years of poking the bear while Ukrainian forces play silly buggers in the Donbas region. Ukraine isn't allied with the west, there is no formal agreement regarding a sovereign nation which was once part of the Soviet region and is thus so politically different from the west that any attempt to bring it under the umbrella of NATO has been rejected as an option time and time again. Hell, only a year ago western media were calling them nazis. Now they're your bosom buddies. I suppose I shouldn't have raised an eyebrow when Boris Johnson flew in to scuttle the proposed peace talks last year, not after your "legit family" had invested so much of their nation's resources to feed the hungry military industrial complex, starved as it was after four years of Trump waging peace upon the world.

Quote from: weebles post_id=493471 time=1675590523 user_id=2191
Heck Unlike the West  do you even  think Putin and Xi can even get along TBH.

As well as they need to I suspect. Russia will likely be a junior partner in the arrangement, which I imagine might chafe old pooty poot a bit, but then he doesnt own as much US debt as China does. Both countries are making moves in the direction of gold backed currencies, India is trading with Russian oil interests and the House of Saud seems interested in a slice of the pie. All in direct defiance of the west, who assured us this would be all over bar the screaming months ago. Except that didn't happen now, did it? Russia is still holding its own in the face of the NATO funded Ukrainian forces while President Potato is saber rattling about World War 3. All without a single Russian shot being fired at the West.

This is largely a product of the "legit family" you mentioned. I'm not a great fan of Putin either, but I know enough to keep my nose out of business that doesn't concern me, and Ukraine v Russia does not concern me. Your "legit family" seems to think otherwise and the push to make it so has gone into overdrive ever since Potato fucked up the Afghanistan withdrawal, arming the Taliban in the process. Who, if truth be known, is currently negotiating with Putin to sell him some of those sweet US armaments to aid in the war effort even as I school you.

Want to tell me again who started this?


Quote from: Guest post_id=493469 time=1675576563
Quote from: DKG post_id=493348 time=1675428152 user_id=3390

That is a label is the same as climate denier. A non sequitor intended to silence legitimate opposition to bad policy.

"If you ain't with us, you're with the terrorists"

 - some douche-canoe



Quote from: Guest post_id=493463 time=1675573337
Quote from: SCOUSE post_id=493316 time=1675368247 user_id=1728
America should have stayed out of the conflict.

If it wasn't for Zionist meddling, England could have avoided war with Germany.

And there it is.

Germany weren't short on reasons for expansion, beginning with the onerous reparations required of them in the wake of the first world war. France in particular wanted them under the boot, and much of the post WW1 sanctions assured that a few select Jews kept a tight rein on the purse strings of the German economy. Note that it was a few select jews, not the sum total of the Jewish community. We know this because of the stipulation that every business concern in Deutscheland had to have oversight from an approved list of names from the Jewry. Names who could at a whim put a stranglehold on capital and cash flow of the businesses they controlled

Those same select few leveraged a few other less than ideal arrangements... like the creation of the state of Israel for instance, the results of which we are still paying for today. Another arrangement was for the UK to function as muscle with any disputes of Polish sovereignty... enforced when the krauts requested... and were denied... a corridor to Prussia and just as quickly forgotten when the Soviet army rolled through a few years later, raping and pillaging as they went. The more you know.

You are right of course; America by rights should have stayed well clear of the conflict. And that applies not merely to military involvement, but financial as well which had been taking place since before the UK declared war on Germany. Oh sure, "muh capitalism" and all, people like Prescott Bush made great coin out of the conflict and I'm sure his mates the Rothchilds got their cut too. Funding railway lines to death camps, yeah no war involvement there. I might also point out that it was IBM in 1933 who provided the hardware for census collation that was later used to such brutally efficient effect when figuring out who to load on to the trains as well and it wouldn't be until 60 years later that the return for investment on that little shenanigan dried up to a point where they needed to downsize.

You're invited to do your own research into these claims of course, but it will involve a lot of digging since much of it has been omitted from the history books and with only the scraps of newspapers of the day that were archived can verify what I've said here. The sad truth is that once you have done your due diligence, you will realise that someone like Hitler had to be pushed into the atrocities committed in his name, in much the same way that Putin has been pushed in recent years.

You and I may not want war, in fact I imagine the same can be said for a good many reading this. Who wants to send their sons halfway around the world to get blown up for something that helps their cause not one iota? But that doesn't mean there aren't people with reason to profit from such action.

Guess what? They aren't about to send their kids off to duke it out either. But they sure aren't above sending yours.

Very eloquently put, Mr Cunt. I'm pleased to make your acquaintance once again. Pity you don't post more often, intelligent folks who create worthwhile content are a dying breed around these boards.


Shen Li

Quote from: SCOUSE post_id=493496 time=1675633396 user_id=1728
Quote from: Guest post_id=493463 time=1675573337

And there it is.

Germany weren't short on reasons for expansion, beginning with the onerous reparations required of them in the wake of the first world war. France in particular wanted them under the boot, and much of the post WW1 sanctions assured that a few select Jews kept a tight rein on the purse strings of the German economy. Note that it was a few select jews, not the sum total of the Jewish community. We know this because of the stipulation that every business concern in Deutscheland had to have oversight from an approved list of names from the Jewry. Names who could at a whim put a stranglehold on capital and cash flow of the businesses they controlled

Those same select few leveraged a few other less than ideal arrangements... like the creation of the state of Israel for instance, the results of which we are still paying for today. Another arrangement was for the UK to function as muscle with any disputes of Polish sovereignty... enforced when the krauts requested... and were denied... a corridor to Prussia and just as quickly forgotten when the Soviet army rolled through a few years later, raping and pillaging as they went. The more you know.

You are right of course; America by rights should have stayed well clear of the conflict. And that applies not merely to military involvement, but financial as well which had been taking place since before the UK declared war on Germany. Oh sure, "muh capitalism" and all, people like Prescott Bush made great coin out of the conflict and I'm sure his mates the Rothchilds got their cut too. Funding railway lines to death camps, yeah no war involvement there. I might also point out that it was IBM in 1933 who provided the hardware for census collation that was later used to such brutally efficient effect when figuring out who to load on to the trains as well and it wouldn't be until 60 years later that the return for investment on that little shenanigan dried up to a point where they needed to downsize.

You're invited to do your own research into these claims of course, but it will involve a lot of digging since much of it has been omitted from the history books and with only the scraps of newspapers of the day that were archived can verify what I've said here. The sad truth is that once you have done your due diligence, you will realise that someone like Hitler had to be pushed into the atrocities committed in his name, in much the same way that Putin has been pushed in recent years.

You and I may not want war, in fact I imagine the same can be said for a good many reading this. Who wants to send their sons halfway around the world to get blown up for something that helps their cause not one iota? But that doesn't mean there aren't people with reason to profit from such action.

Guess what? They aren't about to send their kids off to duke it out either. But they sure aren't above sending yours.

Pity you don't post more often, intelligent folks who create worthwhile content are a dying breed around these boards.



Quote from: DKG post_id=493344 time=1675427580 user_id=3390
Quote from: SCOUSE post_id=493316 time=1675368247 user_id=1728
America should have stayed out of the conflict.

If it wasn't for Zionist meddling, England could have avoided war with Germany.

America should stay out of most global conflicts including the ongoing one in Eastern Europe that they instigated.

The Ukraine/Khazaria vs Russia conflict is centuries old.  

The 1917 Bolshevik Revolution was in retaliation for Russia retaking former Russian territory (Ukraine).

Then of course we had the Holodomor, the REAL Holocaust... not the kike Hollyweird equivalent.


Quote from: "Shen Li" post_id=493497 time=1675633703 user_id=3389
Quote from: SCOUSE post_id=493496 time=1675633396 user_id=1728

Pity you don't post more often, intelligent folks who create worthwhile content are a dying breed around these boards.


Hush chinky pooh!  ac_biggrin