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Re: Forum gossip thread by Frood

avatar_Shen Li

In The Next Election, I Will Vote For Either The NDP Or Greens

Started by Shen Li, January 29, 2023, 09:55:19 PM

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Shen Li

Quote from: SCOUSE post_id=493499 time=1675633869 user_id=1728
Quote from: "Shen Li" post_id=493497 time=1675633703 user_id=3389


Hush chinky pooh!  ac_biggrin

I don't have to. ac_sothere


Quote from: SCOUSE post_id=493498 time=1675633811 user_id=1728
Quote from: DKG post_id=493344 time=1675427580 user_id=3390

America should stay out of most global conflicts including the ongoing one in Eastern Europe that they instigated.

The Ukraine/Khazaria vs Russia conflict is centuries old.  

The 1917 Bolshevik Revolution was in retaliation for Russia retaking former Russian territory (Ukraine).

Then of course we had the Holodomor, the REAL Holocaust... not the kike Hollyweird equivalent.

But, the current conflict is not between Moscow and Kiev. This is Washington's bullying and expansionism. Ukraine is being used like a pawn as the US has done consistently since 1945.


Quote from: SCOUSE post_id=493496 time=1675633396 user_id=1728
Quote from: Guest post_id=493463 time=1675573337

And there it is.

Germany weren't short on reasons for expansion, beginning with the onerous reparations required of them in the wake of the first world war. France in particular wanted them under the boot, and much of the post WW1 sanctions assured that a few select Jews kept a tight rein on the purse strings of the German economy. Note that it was a few select jews, not the sum total of the Jewish community. We know this because of the stipulation that every business concern in Deutscheland had to have oversight from an approved list of names from the Jewry. Names who could at a whim put a stranglehold on capital and cash flow of the businesses they controlled

Those same select few leveraged a few other less than ideal arrangements... like the creation of the state of Israel for instance, the results of which we are still paying for today. Another arrangement was for the UK to function as muscle with any disputes of Polish sovereignty... enforced when the krauts requested... and were denied... a corridor to Prussia and just as quickly forgotten when the Soviet army rolled through a few years later, raping and pillaging as they went. The more you know.

You are right of course; America by rights should have stayed well clear of the conflict. And that applies not merely to military involvement, but financial as well which had been taking place since before the UK declared war on Germany. Oh sure, "muh capitalism" and all, people like Prescott Bush made great coin out of the conflict and I'm sure his mates the Rothchilds got their cut too. Funding railway lines to death camps, yeah no war involvement there. I might also point out that it was IBM in 1933 who provided the hardware for census collation that was later used to such brutally efficient effect when figuring out who to load on to the trains as well and it wouldn't be until 60 years later that the return for investment on that little shenanigan dried up to a point where they needed to downsize.

You're invited to do your own research into these claims of course, but it will involve a lot of digging since much of it has been omitted from the history books and with only the scraps of newspapers of the day that were archived can verify what I've said here. The sad truth is that once you have done your due diligence, you will realise that someone like Hitler had to be pushed into the atrocities committed in his name, in much the same way that Putin has been pushed in recent years.

You and I may not want war, in fact I imagine the same can be said for a good many reading this. Who wants to send their sons halfway around the world to get blown up for something that helps their cause not one iota? But that doesn't mean there aren't people with reason to profit from such action.

Guess what? They aren't about to send their kids off to duke it out either. But they sure aren't above sending yours.

Very eloquently put, Mr Cunt. I'm pleased to make your acquaintance once again. Pity you don't post more often, intelligent folks who create worthwhile content are a dying breed around these boards.


It's cool, I don't mind passing on my take of events, especially when it encourages others to get off their duff and dig for answers instead of letting some media pundit do their thinking for them. The hope is that I might barter a few more pieces of the jigsaw puzzle against others life experiences and study.

Overall, the mental exercise does one good.


Free your mind, reap the rewards.


Oh... and I'm thinking this will be the last year Roger Waters walks among us... just a feeling I get.


Quote from: DKG post_id=493112 time=1675095059 user_id=3390
Quote from: "The Treasurer" post_id=493076 time=1675051741 user_id=3382

It was the comment about children.  I fought for guest rights but a few of you ruined the fun for everyone... okay, mostly that of the admins.

Guest posting without mod approval doesn't work anymore. You get insane Ed and Seamoron.

The only insane ones are people who respond to people they don't like.... if you don't like Ed or Sea... don't respond.
"I think having land and not ruining it is the most beautiful art that anybody could ever want."
- Andy Warhol


Quote from: DKG post_id=493521 time=1675685639 user_id=3390
Quote from: SCOUSE post_id=493498 time=1675633811 user_id=1728

The Ukraine/Khazaria vs Russia conflict is centuries old.  

The 1917 Bolshevik Revolution was in retaliation for Russia retaking former Russian territory (Ukraine).

Then of course we had the Holodomor, the REAL Holocaust... not the kike Hollyweird equivalent.

But, the current conflict is not between Moscow and Kiev. This is Washington's bullying and expansionism. Ukraine is being used like a pawn as the US has done consistently since 1945.

Who do you think controls Washington?

If in doubt, consider the insane amount of money Israel receives in foreign aid every year and has done so for decades.


The volunteers are idiots...

They are white men fighting for the anti-white, anti heterosexual white male Biden administration.

And they are not even getting paid for it.


Quote from: SCOUSE post_id=493554 time=1675713232 user_id=1728
Quote from: DKG post_id=493521 time=1675685639 user_id=3390

But, the current conflict is not between Moscow and Kiev. This is Washington's bullying and expansionism. Ukraine is being used like a pawn as the US has done consistently since 1945.

Who do you think controls Washington?

If in doubt, consider the insane amount of money Israel receives in foreign aid every year and has done so for decades.

The deep state of course. The pandemic exposed that/ How the hell did Fauci keep his job all these years. He is a gangster.


Quote from: Odinson post_id=493560 time=1675722582 user_id=136
The volunteers are idiots...

They are white men fighting for the anti-white, anti heterosexual white male Biden administration.

And they are not even getting paid for it.

You're not referring to the hapless virtue signaling reddit gender-benders, surely? I heard even they weren't dumb enough to set foot in the place now.


Quote from: Herman post_id=493565 time=1675741551 user_id=3396
Quote from: SCOUSE post_id=493554 time=1675713232 user_id=1728

Who do you think controls Washington?

If in doubt, consider the insane amount of money Israel receives in foreign aid every year and has done so for decades.

The deep state of course. The pandemic exposed that/ How the hell did Fauci keep his job all these years. He is a gangster.

The Deep State is just a modern term for the international jewish bankster cabal and it's various minions.

Nothing will ever improve until this is addressed and the root of the cancer is destroyed.

Notice how when Hitler gained power, Germany didn't have any of the problems we are facing today?


Quote from: SCOUSE post_id=495172 time=1677869918 user_id=1728
Quote from: Herman post_id=493565 time=1675741551 user_id=3396

The deep state of course. The pandemic exposed that/ How the hell did Fauci keep his job all these years. He is a gangster.

The Deep State is just a modern term for the international jewish bankster cabal and it's various minions.

Nothing will ever improve until this is addressed and the root of the cancer is destroyed.

Notice how when Hitler gained power, Germany didn't have any of the problems we are facing today?

The deep state is a combo of the billionaires, the Davos gang, China and it's operatives in the West.


Quote from: Herman post_id=495186 time=1677894637 user_id=3396
Quote from: SCOUSE post_id=495172 time=1677869918 user_id=1728

The Deep State is just a modern term for the international jewish bankster cabal and it's various minions.

Nothing will ever improve until this is addressed and the root of the cancer is destroyed.

Notice how when Hitler gained power, Germany didn't have any of the problems we are facing today?

The deep state is a combo of the billionaires, the Davos gang, China and it's operatives in the West.

It's about concentrating money and power in a few globalist hands. It's not exclusive to any ethnicity, religion or nationality.

Shen Li

Back on topic, go Dippers/Greens/True Dope. Fuck Canada.


Quote from: "Shen Li" post_id=495224 time=1678030826 user_id=3389
Back on topic, go Dippers/Greens/True Dope. Fuck Canada.

Its a cryin shame Canduhduh has turned into such an authoritarian shithole.


Quote from: "Shen Li" post_id=493063 time=1675047319 user_id=3389
Because I want Canada to fail just as much as white libtards do.

Im thinking of voting Conservative some time Shen

Not because I want to but because one day we'll have to swallow the tough medicine that nobody wants to

We will eventually have to become more self sufficient & less dependent on the state or corporations for our sustenance.

The whole system is flawed whether we're dependent on government or corporations for our livelihood & retirements.

Its so easy to lapse into this over dependence b cause it's comfortable. However its also an illusion that won't prepare us for more difficult times ahead