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Re: Forum gossip thread by Frood


The Coronation has been now hijacked...

Started by caskur, May 10, 2023, 03:24:37 PM

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Adolf Oliver Bush

Quote from: caskur post_id=501699 time=1685004771 user_id=2156
Quote from: "Adolf Oliver Bush" post_id=501696 time=1685001030 user_id=3409

Oh was a whore too by her own account and she's certainly not passing up the opportunity to the tune of ten million.

As regards to their mental conditions, well... maybe it might have something to do with the company the both of them kept and what it is alleged to have required them to do.

Don't you agree?

Let me be abundantly clear that irrespective if this was the case or otherwise, it could not mean they were no longer guilty of something where they might have been before. Extenuating circumstances do nothing to negate crime or culpability pertaining to it, not in my books. As noted in a previous post, there are likely a number of names that need exoneration, but we will not know which ones they are until a full and thorough transparent  investigation into the matter is conducted. That it is not being done only serves to tar all persons in that sphere.

Habeas corpus. Magna Carta. Two British traditions which would well serve a royal innocent of all wrongdoing at this point. That it is not being observed is the prime reason why it can be surmised that whatever they are, "innocent" is not one of them.

 if a person makes an accusation, then it is up to the accusor to prove it.... that is the law.

Right, and I said that pages ago when you insisted that King Charles had a right to revoke the Magna Carta. He does enjoy that right to be clear, and even appears to be doing just that as part of his dealings with the WEF. Removing the Magna Carta undermines the provision of innocence until proven guilty, if not doing away with it entirely.

This is the central core of what I was saying to you back there and if married to differential enforcement (and it will be) means that in a post Magna Carta society, literally anyone can accuse someone else of a crime and they will be locked up until their innocence is established. You can see it being rolled out now in Ireland, the Biden administration has already waged it against their political opponents with the January 6th protesters. King Charles is looking to follow those examples and once its rot is allowed to spread throughout Commonwealth, YOU...the mighty Caskur... will not be able to stop them from taking everything you own and reducing you to pauper status.

I sincerely hope you don't get to see it come to pass. You'll be the first to tell me that you and Kurt worked bloody hard for what you own and I frankly do not see any sense in your opening the door for anyone to simply take it from you because it's now legal. Above all else, I don't see why any of us would argue why the Defender of the Faith is such a nice guy who is simply exercising his right to fuck us over blind.

You want something to really get hysterical over... well there's your Huckleberry. Fucking children is bad enough... fucking society though? I'd think that's a matter that  deserves the closest and most diligent scrutiny of all, but it rather seems to be getting pushed under the carpet in favour of repeated insistence like...

QuoteIt isn't up to Andrew to prove he is innocent, it is up to Giuffre to prove he is guilty. Even Oh has to prove Giuffre is guilty... a civil case, but we are talking about breaches of the Law. You do not get to pay hush money to make such charges go away without revealing corruption inherent at the highest levels. Authority paying for a get out of jail free card is the definition is corruption.

So here we are back at the beginning of it all. Do you have a clearer idea now why the majority of Britons couldn't give two shits about the coronation or concert?
Her fucking fupa looked like a pair of ass cheeks... like someone naked ran into her head first and got stuck. She was like "come eat me out" and I was like "nah I think I'll go snort some anthrax and light myself on fire instead"

 - Biggie Smiles

Adolf Oliver Bush

Quote from: caskur post_id=501698 time=1685003586 user_id=2156
Quote from: "Adolf Oliver Bush" post_id=501687 time=1684994551 user_id=3409
...and that house you were posting pictures of above was the proceeds of payment for fucking a royal (who presumably didn't seem too upset about the idea of fucking a 17 year old in New York), that makes her a prostitute and Andrew a nonce.

Hate to say I told you so, but...

 She bought that place BEFORE the covid lockdown before any Andrew payout.... It's only worth 1.8 million. You should try looking at dates before making

Oh I should, should I? I'd think it infinitely more interesting to see the money trail, but you'd rather I consult the calendar instead.

I think it's safe to say you just proved my point on choosing motherhood over education. You said you got both, maybe you did, but it certainly didn't include a deep dive into critical thinking.

Quote from: caskur post_id=501698 time=1685003586 user_id=2156
 Giuffre was within our borders and no one could leave for overseas or come within our borders during that Covid time except essential food sources of course.

Really? You missed the news reports of your "leaders" jetting about from state to state and country to country while you were ringfenced in your pen I gather? You really think they were the only ones? Better question; do you really think they had to observe the same quarantining standards that you did?

The simple truth is they could come and go as they pleased. Some even had a great old laugh at your expense while they debated what new restrictions they could enact on you in the name of protecting you against a virus they understood was far less of a threat than they made it out to be. The recently leaked private correspondence of UK lockdown expert Matt Hancock being the most damning revelations.

You were sold a pig in a poke then and you are being sold one now, and your assertion...

Quote from: caskur post_id=501701 time=1685007163 user_id=2156
lean left on some issues = free healthccare and free education.

lean right = no fucking boat people and no more immigrants period.

... may be freely expressed as "Govern me harder, Daddy". Your healthcare and education are not free in any sense, you pay out of a tax purse that you contribute to only to be told what they want you to think and nothing else, they let you have what treatments they decide and nothing else. Coercion is increasingly a frequent component here. And when you don't fuck hard enough to garner anything remotely approaching replacement levels, they cook up a story of displaced reffoes from some country they've decided needs to have the shit blown out of while making it legal for any kids you do have to chop their dicks and tits off in the name of "inclusivity".

That about the size and shape of it? I think you'll find it is. But fucking children is a bridge too far? Nah, I'm not buying it, I've seen way too much smoke not to be concerned there might be a fire somewhere.
Her fucking fupa looked like a pair of ass cheeks... like someone naked ran into her head first and got stuck. She was like "come eat me out" and I was like "nah I think I'll go snort some anthrax and light myself on fire instead"

 - Biggie Smiles

Adolf Oliver Bush

Just as a point of interest while we're grazing the topic of lockdownerism, tell me what you might expect the consequences might be of forcing people into close quarters with each other. Say, by limiting their shopping options to a few select supermarkets and what that might mean during an outbreak of an airborne miasmus.
Her fucking fupa looked like a pair of ass cheeks... like someone naked ran into her head first and got stuck. She was like "come eat me out" and I was like "nah I think I'll go snort some anthrax and light myself on fire instead"

 - Biggie Smiles


Our leader did not go from state to state.... the Premiers face timed when they had to meet... the only time he went to the ES was when forced to by the court because fat fuck Palmer was suing WA... OUR Premier did catch covid when he went to NSW bankrupt shithole....that was after 2 full years of border lockdown ... WA WON the case against litigious Clive fat fuck Palmer..  and WA is still richer than ever.... don't make me keep bragging now..... I like putting ES in their place.... I am high and mighty... everybody knows that.
"I think having land and not ruining it is the most beautiful art that anybody could ever want."
- Andy Warhol


Omg... do you not know the difference between locking people in their homes and locking our border...

Our kids only lost 1 week of school... we did not have to wear masks... we could travel the entire WA STATE including offshore tropical islands.   We had FULL employment... it was the greatest 2 years of our lives than I can remember...
"I think having land and not ruining it is the most beautiful art that anybody could ever want."
- Andy Warhol


The other great thing about the lockdown is in 2021 6 billion was spent in the state by people holidaying in the state instead of going to Bali and other places... so even our tourism industry  had work.
"I think having land and not ruining it is the most beautiful art that anybody could ever want."
- Andy Warhol

Adolf Oliver Bush

Quote from: caskur post_id=501711 time=1685010894 user_id=2156
Our leader did not go from state to state.... the only time he went to the ES was</snip>

Then he went from state to state. It doesn't matter as to the why, all that matters was that he did.

Quote from: caskur post_id=501712 time=1685011122 user_id=2156
Omg... do you not know the difference between locking people in their homes and locking our border...

I understand it perfectly fine. You apparently don't understand what a strawman argument is though.

Quote from: caskur post_id=501712 time=1685011122 user_id=2156
We had FULL employment...

You have a strange definmition of "full" and one that reminds me a little of "100% safe and effective". Must I treat your every accounting with skepticism?

Quote from: caskur post_id=501714 time=1685011517 user_id=2156
The other great thing about the lockdown is in 2021 6 billion was spent in the state by people holidaying in the state instead of going to Bali and other places... so even our tourism industry  had work.

While the majority of your state was not allowed to come and go as it pleased. The proof of concept is there, your government now knows it can limit your movements and behaviour any time it likes using any pretext it cares to. You are not free, you rescinded that right for the illusion of safety against a disease your country reported less mortality from than the annual road toll.

Interesting to note that in three of the sites I bothered to verify your claim against, mention was made of the international tourism statistics. For a state with a genuine closed border policy "because covid" there shouldn't have been any international tourists at all. Not a single one. That there any at all to speak of only strengthens my earlier assertion that while you and your fellow west australians had your movements carefully circumscribed, foreign travelers were under no such restriction.

Western Australia's distingtion in this regard is not unique, I'd long already encounteres a similar state of affairs in San Francisco. Locals were to isolate in their homes, a number were fined for being out at the time. I was not a local and was informed I could travel as I pleased. I remember Oak threatened me with a braining if I showed up on her doorstep... possibly she understood she would be arrested otherwise.
Her fucking fupa looked like a pair of ass cheeks... like someone naked ran into her head first and got stuck. She was like "come eat me out" and I was like "nah I think I'll go snort some anthrax and light myself on fire instead"

 - Biggie Smiles


McGowan had to keep the mines going which was more important than Freeeeeeedommmmm!!!

 WA is responsible for 48 % of Exports for Australia...

Once 80-95% were vaccinated he had to open the borders .... That was the plan all along. sadly opening the borders we had to endure face masks and all the other shit and we still caught covid last June.
"I think having land and not ruining it is the most beautiful art that anybody could ever want."
- Andy Warhol


During lockdown borders while everyone was suffering globally....Western Australia earned  8.7 billion... the reason for that is WA PEOPLE had to holiday in their own state and that proved successful"> ... ism.aspx#/">

Home > Markets and research > Latest tourism statistics > Economic contribution of tourism

Economic contribution of tourism

Tourism is an important industry to our economy, filling 89,100 jobs and contributing $8.7 billion to WA's economy (by Gross State Product) in 2021-22. Find out the value of tourism to the regional, state and national economy below.
"I think having land and not ruining it is the most beautiful art that anybody could ever want."
- Andy Warhol

Adolf Oliver Bush

Quote from: caskur post_id=501723 time=1685025436 user_id=2156
McGowan had to keep the minees going which was more important than Freeeeeeedommmmm!!!

I don't think it is, I'm not a socialist. The system of harnessing the profits of production for a central authority to then redistribute as they see fit is socialism. Your premier along with the premiers of other states was engaging in a socialism experiment and waged at the expense of the individual. This is provable fact. Your premier was not the only authoritarian shitweasel running his game at the expense of the wider public either, every state's premier did it and each of them sold a tale for the necessity of authoritarian measires, dressing it up for the masses to coo "ooooh, govern me harder Daddy". The money printers went "brrrrrr" and centrally controlled offices handed out insane amounts of fiat currency to placate people like yourself. It sweetened the deal at the time, but it also drove inflation through the roof. You are now paying for the irresponsibility through higher cost of living, everything now being way more expensive than it was five years ago and production struggles to keep pace with demand.

Yours is one of the more highly taxed societies on the planet. Because of this, people are incentivized to sit on their fat, corpulent asses and take the welfare handouts their government gives them and be made to feel guilty for doing so. This is what you get for having a big government, the right to be abused like battered spastics and be told you are incapable of anything better.

I'll take freedom over that any day of the week. To stand or fall on my own two feet without some know-it-all sticking his hand in my pocket and jerking me off with empty assurances it's for a good cause.

Quote from: caskur post_id=501723 time=1685025436 user_id=2156
Once 80-95% were vaccinated he had to open the borders .... That was the plan all along. sadly opening the borders we had to endure face masks and all the other shit and we still caught covid last June.

So you weren't 80-95% vaccinated then, were you? You were injected with a substance that did not vaccinate you against the infection and made to jump through all manner of hoops for... what exactly? It sure as hell wasn't immunity. For all the bullshit you and every other starry-eyed Coronatarian believed in over the last three years, you are worse off now than you were then. You lined up, took your experimental concoction, put on your magic face talisman, got your furry little heads petted and were told you could go out and play once more.

Your emperor has no clothes, but he has you to say "no no, he's really dressed quite fine". Don't be so stupid. He's fucking you. Fucking you in every position under the sun and quite a few more besides and you are letting him. Whose blood and sweat paid for that pretend vaccine? Why, yours did! What did you get in return? It certainly wasn't immunity from it! Man, if I'd agreed to that kind of business deal, I'd be called a dumass and rightly so. So tell me why I shouldn't call you that when you do it?

Somebody profited out of the arrangement though, didn't they? The same somebodies who cooked up the scheme to bilk the taxpaying public out of its wealth. Leaving people like you with weakened immune systems and psychologically dependent on an injection regimen whose efficacy was a pipe dream to begin with, wearing fruity little face nappies that served as a trap and breeding ground for pathogens right in front of your breather holes.

Again, I think you deserve better than that, but I have to admit - if you want to drive yourself to Hell in a handbasket then I, a libertarian, must respect your wish to damage yourself in any manner you see fit.


Bow down before the one you serve. You're going to get what you deserve.

Heh, and I'd rather die than give you control.
Her fucking fupa looked like a pair of ass cheeks... like someone naked ran into her head first and got stuck. She was like "come eat me out" and I was like "nah I think I'll go snort some anthrax and light myself on fire instead"

 - Biggie Smiles

Adolf Oliver Bush

Addendum, because I'm only just watching this now and it's pertinent to the discussion regarding the excuse of Covid for locking down your state...">

So one more tick in the "natural immunity" column later and yet those you sing the praises of are still loath to admit the billions they've spent on imaginary cures for what is essentially a new variant of the common cold was your money wasted. Well, not exactly wasted... more like pocketed by people who felt they had more right to it than you do.

And they pretend confusion as to why a continent with next to no medical infrastructure and only cursory attempts at immunisation... against ANY disease would be doing so much better in the Covid stakes than the developed nations.

There is no mystery. Your heroes lied to you. They tyrannized you. They put the fear of god into you about what was in store and gave you a magical injection they told you was a vaccination against it, but in reality was in fact a depressant for your immune system that all but assured you would get sick. And when it wore off, you were told to come in again for more immuno-suppression treatment. They made you wear cloth traps over your face without instructing you of their proper use or that they were really unfit for purpose, ensuring that any pathogens that you did encounter could breed in them, dispatching a near constant stream of pathogens into your weakened body, opening your borders for the express purpose of lying to you again that it was the open borders that caused the uptick in cases and not the things they were making you do.

All the while, Africans are running about, waving their spears, dragging their bums through the dirt... whatever they do over there in the absence of hospitals and clinics to queue up in front of... and largely NOT getting sick.

Remember that the next time some "respected authority" tells you to "trust the science". Ask youself who is paying their wage... and kick them in the nuts.
Her fucking fupa looked like a pair of ass cheeks... like someone naked ran into her head first and got stuck. She was like "come eat me out" and I was like "nah I think I'll go snort some anthrax and light myself on fire instead"

 - Biggie Smiles


King Charles and the Queen had to be vaccinated, if it was good  enough for them it was good enough for us!!
"I think having land and not ruining it is the most beautiful art that anybody could ever want."
- Andy Warhol


I doubt what they supposedly got injected with and it's a far cry from what the rest of us gullible enough to take it got in theirs.

Meanwhile the jabbed world is experiencing huge excess mortality rates in their data sets...

Nothing to see here though.... move along.


Mark McGowan got 80% of the WA voters.... The highest vote in the history for any party ever no matter what country or party that be. Some say he should be president of the world,
"I think having land and not ruining it is the most beautiful art that anybody could ever want."
- Andy Warhol


Quote from: caskur post_id=501815 time=1685087614 user_id=2156
Mark McGowan got 80% of the WA voters.... The highest vote in the history for any party ever no matter what country or party that be. Some say he should be president of the world,

McGowan is a fuckwit.