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Re: Forum gossip thread by Frood


The Coronation has been now hijacked...

Started by caskur, May 10, 2023, 03:24:37 PM

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it was really, really horrible going to school and work and restaurants and the pictures....and travelling up and down our pristine coast taking pictures with no masks on.... Now that was freedom. We were the envy of the world for 2 years.  

 But oh boy, opening that border to let those fucking ES losers in was just the worst thing. Talk about ruining paradise.
"I think having land and not ruining it is the most beautiful art that anybody could ever want."
- Andy Warhol


And yet, covid is still in WA.... in fact everywhere. So fuckwit McGowan wasted his breath.

Fuckhead can rot in hell with Kim Jong Dan Andrews.


Yeah but we are all vaccinated so we don't care covid is here... everyone has had covid except my oldies of which there are half a dozen or so so left...

Right in the middle of covid lockdowns... WA smashed the liberals to smithereens.... I am laughing..."> ... n/13243662">

I am not scared of your scare tactics... I have seen people die from the normal flu... young people over my life time...

I have never seen personally anyone die from a vaccine injury...
"I think having land and not ruining it is the most beautiful art that anybody could ever want."
- Andy Warhol


No scare tactics.

You lot are poisoned though....


Quote from: caskur post_id=501827 time=1685092725 user_id=2156
I have never seen personally anyone die from a vaccine injury...

But, it happened where you, and where I live. Governments released daily stats on the number of people who caught COVID, but not who suffered serious side effects from vaccines.

As for the efficacy of vaccines, even Pfizer management admitted their vaccine made no difference controlling the spread. Yet, they received billions of public monies to create a vaccine that would do that.


We have had 1088 deaths in total in WA of people dying with Covid from the start. I prefer to dwell on that figure than worry about hypothetically dying from poisoned blood.

I remember before Australia had vaccines, when over 700 oldies died in Victorian aged people care...

I think the vaccine has proved its worth by now though.

Sadly WA over bought on RATS tests but we bought them for not just us but for other states that wanted them. We have half a billion dollars of expiring RAT tests.

I absolutely know for sure they scared us to death during the pandemic. But on the flip side of that, NO ONE REALLY KNEW what was ahead of us. AND THE GOVERNMENTS where being influenced by WHO.
"I think having land and not ruining it is the most beautiful art that anybody could ever want."
- Andy Warhol


We spent hundreds of billions of dollars on vaccines that by the admission of big pharma that created them, do not do what we paid for. I have no regrets that I got immunity naturally rather than the ineffective vaccines that have caused tens of thousands of healthy young men in the US alone to develop heart irregularities normally seen in men four times their age.

Will big pharma ever be heald accountable? We saw how their legal army has stonewalled that in Washington.


Quote from: DKG post_id=501832 time=1685095110 user_id=3390
Quote from: caskur post_id=501827 time=1685092725 user_id=2156
I have never seen personally anyone die from a vaccine injury...

But, it happened where you, and where I live. Governments released daily stats on the number of people who caught COVID, but not who suffered serious side effects from vaccines.

As for the efficacy of vaccines, even Pfizer management admitted their vaccine made no difference controlling the spread. Yet, they received billions of public monies to create a vaccine that would do that.

I never put my confidence in Pfizer and waited for Novavax....  but EVERYONE around me had Pfizer and guess what????, they are all still alive.... can you believe it?

The Problem with our boards is we get roped into fear mongering.

Put your trust in God instead...;))
"I think having land and not ruining it is the most beautiful art that anybody could ever want."
- Andy Warhol

Adolf Oliver Bush

"I put my faith in god and my trust in you

Now there's nothing more fucked up I could do"

 - Nine Inch Nails, "Wish"

Quote from: caskur post_id=501813 time=1685086816 user_id=2156
King Charles and the Queen had to be vaccinated, if it was good  enough for them it was good enough for us!!

What you mean "us", paleface? And (assuming they were actually vaccinated and didn't simply receive saline shots as some have accused our elites of doing), did you bother to check the batch code of their vaccine and ensure you were receiving an identical shot?

An investigation of data found in the USA's Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) has revealed that extremely high numbers of adverse reactions and deaths have been reported against specific lot numbers of the Covid-19 vaccines several times, meaning deadly batches of the experimental injections have now been identified.

Now, Craig-Paardekooper has created an online app that we have chosen to host at The Expose, allowing you to search for the batch code of Covid-19 vaccine that you received (or any batch code) and see how many deaths, adverse reactions, disabilities and hospitalisations are associated with that code.

If it was good enough for Charlie and Liz to run the risk of vaccine damage, it's good enough for us? Just what kind of argument is that? Oh... authoritarianism, right. One of the many things you lean left on... the insistence we should all prostrate ourselves under the jackboots of a goose-stepping kraut expat. Brilliant argument you've got going there Caskur, why the rest of us would tell it to to tell it's story walking defies description.  :crazy:

Here... see if your batch number is listed on this app."> ... Batch.html">

Quote from: caskur post_id=501827 time=1685092725 user_id=2156
Yeah but we are all vaccinated so we don't care covid is here... everyone has had covid...

Again, if you were truly vaccinated, there would have been little to no chance of catching the disease. The fact you and everyone caught it means whatever was in those shots you had, it wasn't a vaccine.

You were experimented upon. It may please you to know that your prime minister of the day, along with a good many health insurance companies, are on record as saying at the time that if you got sick as a result of your shots, you couldn't expect a payment; legally you had voluntarily exposed yourself to experimentation (or as one insurance company successfully argued in court "wilfully committed suicide")

Quote from: caskur post_id=501827 time=1685092725 user_id=2156
I am not scared of your scare tactics...

You haven't seen his scare tactics. Your government on the other hand... they had you scared enough to roll up your sleeve time and time again for an untested injection purported to inoculate you against a disease you had less than a 0.03% chance of dying from. A disease you ended up catching anyway. And not dying from. Money wasted in other words.

Quote from: caskur post_id=501827 time=1685092725 user_id=2156I have never seen personally anyone die from a vaccine injury...

You know what else you didn't see? Your fittest sportsmen keeling over dead on the field in the first year of the pandemic.

You had to wait until after the "vaccine" rollout for that privilege. Putting two and two together yet?

Quote from: caskur post_id=501836 time=1685095809 user_id=2156
We have had 1088 deaths in total in WA of people dying with Covid from the start. I prefer to dwell on that figure...

So around a third of the road toll over the same period. You up for your garage to be locked down and you having to walk everywhere to stop the spread of road carnage?
Her fucking fupa looked like a pair of ass cheeks... like someone naked ran into her head first and got stuck. She was like "come eat me out" and I was like "nah I think I'll go snort some anthrax and light myself on fire instead"

 - Biggie Smiles

Adolf Oliver Bush

If you think this must all seem off topic, I assure you that it's not. Our governments are captured, as is the crown, we are being groomed to forsake the society our forefathers worked hard and fought wars to build and preserve.

For example? You've seen how protests against the establishment are treated, in the past three years it has included incarceration, theft of bank accounts and violent police beatdowns, often under the excuse the protesters are breaking covid restrictions.

An excuse strangely absent for protests in the name of BLM, ACAB and supports for the Ukrainian war.
Her fucking fupa looked like a pair of ass cheeks... like someone naked ran into her head first and got stuck. She was like "come eat me out" and I was like "nah I think I'll go snort some anthrax and light myself on fire instead"

 - Biggie Smiles


I rolled up my sleeve for Novavax in March 2022 and April 2022 which was a good 25-26  months after the first and only global lockdown in March 2020... Then in June 2022 I got Omicron and it was agonisingly painful. Agonisingly painful!!!,... and because I am a very, very, very special person I got molnupiravir which costs the gov. $1001.39 but only cost me $6.80 and miraculously I lived. (Thank you God and Australian tax payers)

pssst.... I will tell something, I am not scared of vaccinations. Only silly people are scared of vaccinations. I was concerned mRNA vaccines, weren't going to be good enough.

As for police and what they did to the public during lockdown in Victoria they should be flogged and jailed for those crimes, and they were crimes. But that is the young shithead cops of the day. I have no respect for them. The 30 year old cop that tasered the 95 year old dementia woman and killed should receive 1000 shocks himself. What an animal he is.

Charles gave his mother covid... and if they were given saline shots.... ***shrugs,*** they still would get the antiviral, molnupiravir to save them.

We had a cruise ship in Fremantle at the start of the pandemic and 9 elderly Germans died from Covid. That was our Premier's introduction to covid and he kept us WA people safe and that is why 80% of WA people voted for him during the pandemic....Too bad Gladys Berejiklian was too much of a useless bitch and let NSW get out of control.
"I think having land and not ruining it is the most beautiful art that anybody could ever want."
- Andy Warhol


My son in law saw several people come into the ER with cardiac problems right after the clot vax. One guy in particular died 4 days after the shot, having felt terrible since shortly after getting the vax. My wife got the jab. We've both had the rona the same number of times. The vax is pretty worthless although I do suspect it lessens the symptoms if its taken close enough to actual rona exposure. The vax isnt long lasting enough to be worth the risk unless you want jabbed every 4 months.

As far as Australia's jack booted cops are concerned, not one of them will be punished and no changes in policy will occur.  The end result will be that the next time this shit happens, they'll behave in exactly the same jack booted manner and no one will stop them. Hell, its likely to be worse. A McVeigh type needs to roll up to a few stations and teach them a proper lesson.

Once authorities set the bar for how hard they can push the people around, they dont back off.


Quote from: caskur post_id=501840 time=1685096679 user_id=2156
Quote from: DKG post_id=501832 time=1685095110 user_id=3390

But, it happened where you, and where I live. Governments released daily stats on the number of people who caught COVID, but not who suffered serious side effects from vaccines.

As for the efficacy of vaccines, even Pfizer management admitted their vaccine made no difference controlling the spread. Yet, they received billions of public monies to create a vaccine that would do that.

I never put my confidence in Pfizer and waited for Novavax....  but EVERYONE around me had Pfizer and guess what????, they are all still alive.... can you believe it?

The Problem with our boards is we get roped into fear mongering.

Put your trust in God instead...;))

I don't know how anyone can trust big pharma, any government or UN bodies like WHO after everything we were told about the vaccines and draconian measures like lockdowns and closing schools turned out to be false. Even those that pushed those things in science like Fauci and government like Trudeau are walking backing what they said two years ago.

Anecdotal evidence is fine, But, the fact remains that none of the vaccines controlled the spread which is why big pharma was given billions of public dollars. Immunizing healthy young men and women was a colosal blunder. Myocarditis and Pericarditis increased by a factor of fifteen times following vaccines in the US alone. These healthy young people should not have been vaccinated in the first place and now many are dead or they lives have been shortened by decades thanks to unscientific hysteria.

Trust in God is fine, but don't even listen to let alone give it to government, media, and especially big pharma.

Adolf Oliver Bush

Quote from: caskur post_id=501863 time=1685121036 user_id=2156
As for police and what they did to the public during lockdown in Victoria they should be flogged and jailed for those crimes, and they were crimes. But that is the young shithead cops of the day. I have no respect for them. The 30 year old cop that tasered the 95 year old dementia woman and killed should receive 1000 shocks himself. What an animal he is.

Quote from: Lokmar post_id=501865 time=1685124184 user_id=3351
As far as Australia's jack booted cops are concerned, not one of them will be punished and no changes in policy will occur.  The end result will be that the next time this shit happens, they'll behave in exactly the same jack booted manner and no one will stop them. Hell, its likely to be worse.

Well, we're in agreement on police brutality at least, what should happen to them (and very likely won't). I'd name Victorian premier Dickhead Dan along with that.

QuoteThe Victorian government has offered to settle a $5 million class action brought by public housing residents in Melbourne who were locked in their homes during the Covid-19 pandemic.

The class action was filed by residents living in nine public housing towers located in North Melbourne and Flemington, following a sudden and devastating Covid-19 lockdown in July 2020.

Melbourne would become one of the world's most locked-down cities throughout the pandemic, with over three months spent under the harshest restrictions seen in Australia.

The plaintiffs argued that they were unjustly detained and were not allowed to leave the towers for a staggering 14 days.

The Department of Health recently posted a notice of the settlement, which now awaits approval by the Supreme Court.

Despite the state government denying any wrongdoing, they have proposed to resolve the matter through a settlement without a trial.

It is proposed that the funds will be divided among the residents who chose to opt into the agreement, leaving approximately $1600 per resident."> ... e31107f3d2">

And so on and so forth. But the article doesn't give the full story (hint: the Murdoch press rarely does).

I know those flats, I used to freelance audio work at a recording studio in the Collingwood area, as well as a number of live music venues and one radio station. Collingwood as you may know is inner suburban and largely working class. Filthy joint, had a lot of bohemian types wearing fashionable rags and growing dreadlocks out of their armpits. Chopper Read used to hang out there quite a bit, taking his frustrations out on drug dealers and nonces before the long arm of the law reached out and plonked him in Risdon. You get the idea.

Those towerblock flats? The local name for them was "poo factories", I shit you not. And when you consider the caliber of their immediate environs, you might figure the places had to be pretty crap indeed to earn that name. And you would be right. I knew a couple of residents in one of them. Not the sort of type you'd drag out the fine chinaware for.

This is what Dan Andrews locked down, without warning or ceremony. Most of those residents learned about it over the television. When they went downstairs, they found themselves barricaded in with untrained mall cops guarding them. Not the Victorian police... bloody mall cops.

And do you know what these mall cops did? I heard the tales through various news sources (all of which seem to have been redacted at this point) that these mall cops were treating these poo factories as personal brothels. Exacting sexual favours from selected tenants, sometimes for money, more often for alcohol and drugs. And it rather seemed as though the Victorian government was aware of this and simply did not care to deal with it.


Thing is, as I was reading the accounts, I was thinking to myself "yeah, that sounds about right". I didn't have boots on the ground there to personally verify it of course, but after seeing protesters getting trampled under the hooves of mounted police ten years earlier... well, let's just say that leftist politicians in that state don't exactly enjoy an enviable record when it comes to the way they treat their citizens. And if you think the right are any better, you only need to go back another decade or so to see the protests of school closures and how Jeff Kennet's government dealt with it. Like dragging them off by their necks. Amnesty International had a field day with that one, I can tell you.

The average Victorian is used to it though it seems, they keep voting these scumbags in. Some even defend such behaviour, if they even notice it at all. You can get away with a fair bit though if you're well acquainted with a ranking police officer you can dodge a fair bit of it (trust me on this, I lived next door to the superintendant for my area for a few years), otherwise you're just a part of the underclass, cheering for it to happen, lest it happens to you.

Quote from: Lokmar post_id=501865 time=1685124184 user_id=3351 A McVeigh type needs to roll up to a few stations and teach them a proper lesson.

That kind of happened already, only the gunman glowed like a motherfucker."> ... lyvok7jelm">

Well worth the read, especially if you're clued in regarding firearms. Which most Australians aren't, hence why they believe to this day that a mental imbecile could rank as one of the top 1% of sharp shooters on the planet.
Her fucking fupa looked like a pair of ass cheeks... like someone naked ran into her head first and got stuck. She was like "come eat me out" and I was like "nah I think I'll go snort some anthrax and light myself on fire instead"

 - Biggie Smiles


Oh gawd... now he thinks Martin Bryant is innocent...

Martin killed his father, the older woman that left him property and money and he is nowhere near being an imbecile as people make out....

A couple off days ago in Perth a 15 year old shot up a school in Perth with his fathers guns. Thankfully because of our gun laws on semis we didn't see a USA type mass death of innocent kids.
"I think having land and not ruining it is the most beautiful art that anybody could ever want."
- Andy Warhol