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Re: Forum gossip thread by Shen Li

avatar_Erica Mena


Started by Erica Mena, May 12, 2023, 07:00:22 PM

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Erica Mena

And no, I am not pregnant like someone at VF suggested lol


Quote from: "Erica Mena" post_id=500526 time=1683990916 user_id=2845
If everyone knew what is happening, you'd all agree I'm doing the right thing and wish me the best. Well maybe not you as I know how you feel about the subject lol.

I don't need to know, none of us do. But even if you were planning on having your bewbs amputated, having them subsequently modified and reattached as a female penis for the purposes of marketing yourself as Anheueser Busch's Troon of Choice (or even Joe Biden's 2024 campaign manager), then as dumb or ill-advised as I might regard your choice... I'd still wish you the best.

You're a grownass adult after all, you earned your right to decide what was right for yourself long ago. We all did. That includes the breadth of maturity to stand back from that which offends us.

Erica Mena



Quote from: "Erica Mena" post_id=500530 time=1683993679 user_id=2845
Thank you!

Hey, you're welcome. I'll spare a thought for you here and there.  acc_hugz


Does someone have a link to this VF site?


Quote from: Oerdin post_id=500533 time=1683995393 user_id=3374
Does someone have a link to this VF site?">


Quote from: /. post_id=500529 time=1683993337
Quote from: "Erica Mena" post_id=500526 time=1683990916 user_id=2845
If everyone knew what is happening, you'd all agree I'm doing the right thing and wish me the best. Well maybe not you as I know how you feel about the subject lol.

You're a grownass adult after all, you earned your right to decide what was right for yourself long ago. We all did. That includes the breadth of maturity to stand back from that which offends us.


You probably already knew Freud is my second longest standing friend. We don't see eye to eye on absolutely everything either, both of us have made choices the other has thought ill-advised. We'll communicate our concerns to each other as good friends should, but at the end of the day we afford each other the right to our choices, whether they prove to be made in error or not.

The same holds true for my longest standing friend, someone I've known since my early days as an audio engineer and they, the front man for a five piece metal band formed at a school with a sordid reputation for sexually abusing its students. I don't know if he was personally the subject of that abuse, I never asked him and he never volunteered the information. We were too busy getting shitfaced in between gigs to bother, doing all manner of crazy shit. Like chasing each other about the neighbourhood with shopping trolleys, girl friends giggling like mad from the baskets. Crazy, fun times.

I do have my suspicions though. You see, we fell out of touch for a while, during which time he transitioned, something I'd never have expected from the guy I knew back then, though can now infer based on what I've since learned. I renewed acquaintance a few years via his (now her) online presence and we've kept in touch since. My longest standing friend's star has shone quite brightly, though it's cost her - she is dying. I looked into the blood disorder she informed me she now suffers from and it's been reported as one that is not unknown to people who undergo hormone replacement therapy. I am left to draw the conclusion that in all likelihood it was because of the choices she made that she finds herself where she is now. I won't ever know for sure and really... I don't think it matters. Whatever disadvantages it brought, the transition had some benefits for him/her, both personal and professional. My friend is otherwise doing quite well for themselves and continues to contribute positively to the community by being a decent and productive soul. Meaning (among other things) that they aren't out to force others into making the same mistakes as they did.

I respect that. If nothing else, it reinforced a tendency in myself to judge a person on their merits and deeds, rather than an aggregate of whatever group they might have been judged to be a part of. It proved (to me at least) that while there were some truly rotten apples in every barrel, I couldn't expect that every last apple was rotten to the core, that some were indeed decent and worth persevering with, even in the face of vehement and near constant vilification of their detractors.

Understanding all that taught me something else as well. Okay, so I never entertained the idea of transitioning myself, but there were definitely other decisions I made for myself over the years that might have been made better had I gone in a different direction. However, every door I closed brought me one door closer to the ones that led me here. "Here" is not such a bad place; it's mine and I find I can take a pride in it because I've earned it.

It's why piddling things like Flametown never stood a chance of breaking me. Make of that what you will, but hopefully it's something of personal benefit to yourself going forward.


Shen Li

Quote from: "Erica Mena" post_id=500522 time=1683989184 user_id=2845
Quote from: "Shen Li" post_id=500515 time=1683984689 user_id=3389

No offense Flea, but I didn't expect you to keep it long. I'm going by your track record of quickly getting bored with your own forumz,  but I thought you'd keep this place longer than 7 months.

Oh well, it's almost summer. Next year I'm moving to Singapore. Other than an occasional guest appearance on VF, I too will be joining the growing ranks of retired forum posters.

I'm leaving ALL forums, not just this one.

I understand everyone's feelings, however...

A. It's more of a "I'm trying to better myself and posting on these types of forums brings out the worst in me" type thing. It's time for me to grow up and spend my spare time engaging in more productive activities.

B. there is no sense in paying 500.00 a year for a forum that isn't very busy. I'm not rich and it's honestly a waste of money. I can't move it to a low priced host as the current host makes it way too complicated for anyone to bother.

Makes perfect sense. Other than an occasional guest appearance on VF, my retirement date from forums is Tuesday as well.

Shen Li

Quote from: Blazor post_id=500519 time=1683985815 user_id=2221
Damn, I cant even drink this weekend to have a going away bonfire!

Text me once in a while to let me know how you are doing. Keep me updated on forum gossip too.


All of the oldies are going to Shady Acres Retirement Home....


i'm surprised anyone is posting anywhere to be honest.... forum quality has been in rapid decline for quite some time.... its almost the equivalent of dumpster diving at this point....


End of an era... Sad.

I guess its VF only now.

Erica Mena

DKG, check your pm's please

Shen Li

Quote from: deadskinmask post_id=500550 time=1684009302 user_id=1582
i'm surprised anyone is posting anywhere to be honest.... forum quality has been in rapid decline for quite some time.... its almost the equivalent of dumpster diving at this point....


Shen Li

Quote from: Odinson post_id=500559 time=1684015107 user_id=136
End of an era... Sad.

I guess its VF only now.

And it's not really worth anyone's time anymore.