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Re: Forum gossip thread by Sloan

avatar_Erica Mena

This woke shit

Started by Erica Mena, May 17, 2023, 11:07:51 AM

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A Huntington Beach, California, city council member and some parents took time during a local school board meeting earlier this week to blast a Pride video recently shown to students.

A clip that's been circulating on social media shows students purportedly in an Edison High School math class watching the Pride video and reacting with jeers and boos.

The teacher gives an initial warning for unruly students to "stop!" But when the negative reactions continue, the teacher adds, "Hey, I'm warning you guys now, if you're gonna be inappropriate, I will have supervision down and give all of you a Saturday school for next year. So knock it off."

Shen Li

Quote from: HermanA Huntington Beach, California, city council member and some parents took time during a local school board meeting earlier this week to blast a Pride video recently shown to students.

A clip that's been circulating on social media shows students purportedly in an Edison High School math class watching the Pride video and reacting with jeers and boos.

The teacher gives an initial warning for unruly students to "stop!" But when the negative reactions continue, the teacher adds, "Hey, I'm warning you guys now, if you're gonna be inappropriate, I will have supervision down and give all of you a Saturday school for next year. So knock it off."
How dare those kids challenge brainwashing.


Quote from: Adolf Oliver Bush
Quote from: DKGThey think it had nothing to do with Bud Light's decline.
That's what they want everyone to believe. They knew damned well they were fucking with their core consumer base under the bus, they were expecting it to roll over and take it up the ass with the usual moaning and grumbling.

Then they found out the truth. Not even Don Jr could save their shitty brand and their sought after market similarly told them to fuck off when they wobbled, Fuck em and their precious ESG score, I'll never buy another drop from their asses as long as I live.

Let this be a lesson to all; boycotts work when people commit to them. You want to confuse children and criminalize parents, you do so at your cost. Larry Fink's bank isn't going to fund your fat ass forever so why should I?
I expected CNN to put a ridiculous spin on Bud Light's decline.

Adolf Oliver Bush

Quote from: DKG
Quote from: Adolf Oliver BushThat's what they want everyone to believe. They knew damned well they were fucking with their core consumer base under the bus, they were expecting it to roll over and take it up the ass with the usual moaning and grumbling.

Then they found out the truth. Not even Don Jr could save their shitty brand and their sought after market similarly told them to fuck off when they wobbled, Fuck em and their precious ESG score, I'll never buy another drop from their asses as long as I live.

Let this be a lesson to all; boycotts work when people commit to them. You want to confuse children and criminalize parents, you do so at your cost. Larry Fink's bank isn't going to fund your fat ass forever so why should I?
I expected CNN to put a ridiculous spin on Bud Light's decline.
It will be terrorism and hate crime before you know it. Probably already is in fact.
Her fucking fupa looked like a pair of ass cheeks... like someone naked ran into her head first and got stuck. She was like "come eat me out" and I was like "nah I think I'll go snort some anthrax and light myself on fire instead"

 - Biggie Smiles


A school in southeastern England is under fire from parents and critics alike after one of its teachers chastised a student over her refusal to accept a classmate as a cat.

Grade eight students at Rye College in East Sussex were subjected to a class on "life education" on Friday, during which they were told they can "be who you want to be, and how you identify is up to you," reported the Telegraph.

Seizing upon the invitation to become who she wants to be, one student turned zoologist asked a classmate, "How can you identify as a cat when you're a girl?"

For questioning a classmate's attempt to self-dehumanize, the 13-year-old was subjected to a verbal thrashing by her teacher.

The teacher ultimately told the student she was "despicable" and informed her that if she didn't agree with the gender ideology being foisted upon her, she needs "to go to a different school."

Audio of the exchange has since surfaced, wherein the teacher can be heard confronting the student: "How dare you? You just really upset someone, saying things like [you] should be in an asylum."

Rye College, an extension of the Anglican church now threatened by schism over LGBT activism, states on its website that it "seeks to serve all so that everyone feels a sense of belonging."


Quote from: HermanA school in southeastern England is under fire from parents and critics alike after one of its teachers chastised a student over her refusal to accept a classmate as a cat.

Grade eight students at Rye College in East Sussex were subjected to a class on "life education" on Friday, during which they were told they can "be who you want to be, and how you identify is up to you," reported the Telegraph.

Seizing upon the invitation to become who she wants to be, one student turned zoologist asked a classmate, "How can you identify as a cat when you're a girl?"

For questioning a classmate's attempt to self-dehumanize, the 13-year-old was subjected to a verbal thrashing by her teacher.

The teacher ultimately told the student she was "despicable" and informed her that if she didn't agree with the gender ideology being foisted upon her, she needs "to go to a different school."

Audio of the exchange has since surfaced, wherein the teacher can be heard confronting the student: "How dare you? You just really upset someone, saying things like [you] should be in an asylum."

Rye College, an extension of the Anglican church now threatened by schism over LGBT activism, states on its website that it "seeks to serve all so that everyone feels a sense of belonging."

Well, the Anglican church was borne out of a king that sought to marry and divorce at will because he could'nt shoot a load of good "Y" swimmers. He pretty much could only shoot "X" swimmers. I'm not at all surprised this whore church accepts faggotry and as a result, those that follow it do to. Even so kids, remember, the catlick church is the mother of whores.


We have protestant churches too that preach progtardation instead of Jesus. Churches, just like unions, education, the media, political parties and corporations have been taken over by prog money.


Quote from: HermanWe have protestant churches too that preach progtardation instead of Jesus. Churches, just like unions, education, the media, political parties and corporations have been taken over by prog money.

Yep. Those churches are completely rejected by Jesus.


Quote from: Lokmar
Quote from: HermanWe have protestant churches too that preach progtardation instead of Jesus. Churches, just like unions, education, the media, political parties and corporations have been taken over by prog money.

Yep. Those churches are completely rejected by Jesus.
I went to Ukrainian Orthodox churches as kid, but I aint religious. But, I do know that churches should be preaching Jesus, not preaching to chop off boys' bits.


Quote from: Herman
Quote from: LokmarYep. Those churches are completely rejected by Jesus.
I went to Ukrainian Orthodox churches as kid, but I aint religious. But, I do know that churches should be preaching Jesus, not preaching to chop off boys' bits.

If it's supported by the Bible, I can respectfully debate it.....but no where, not a single solitary place in the Bible does it teach tolerance for faggotry.

Melson Gibson

Quote from: HermanWe have protestant churches too that preach progtardation instead of Jesus. Churches, just like unions, education, the media, political parties and corporations have been taken over by prog money.
Seems that way.  I was baptized Lutheran, but never was a religious man.

So today I'm driving up and down a road for work, and see a Lutheran church I'd never really noticed before.  And hung on every window, just like you'd hang drapes, were pride flags.

And they then wonder why people are Agnostic, or in my case Atheist?  Wonder no more.


Quote from: Melson Gibson
Quote from: HermanWe have protestant churches too that preach progtardation instead of Jesus. Churches, just like unions, education, the media, political parties and corporations have been taken over by prog money.
Seems that way.  I was baptized Lutheran, but never was a religious man.

So today I'm driving up and down a road for work, and see a Lutheran church I'd never really noticed before.  And hung on every window, just like you'd hang drapes, were pride flags.

And they then wonder why people are Agnostic, or in my case Atheist?  Wonder no more.

What in THEEEEEE FUK! Someone should burn that fukin church down during Sunday service and send satans minions to HELL!!!!!


Quote from: Melson Gibson
Quote from: HermanWe have protestant churches too that preach progtardation instead of Jesus. Churches, just like unions, education, the media, political parties and corporations have been taken over by prog money.
So today I'm driving up and down a road for work, and see a Lutheran church I'd never really noticed before.  And hung on every window, just like you'd hang drapes, were pride flags.

Adolf Oliver Bush

Her fucking fupa looked like a pair of ass cheeks... like someone naked ran into her head first and got stuck. She was like "come eat me out" and I was like "nah I think I'll go snort some anthrax and light myself on fire instead"

 - Biggie Smiles


Quote from: Adolf Oliver Bush

While I agree with him that the boycotts have worked, I suspect this bullshittery will be back in full force next year, and then the next, and then the next, until the blood flows deep. These people have to be butchered.