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China Uses Global Warming Scam To Get $$ From The West

Started by Anonymous, September 28, 2014, 02:20:18 PM

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The world's largest emitter pretend of pollution(C02) will also pretend to take it seriously for heaps of $$ and intellectual property rights. There you have it folks, the world's second largest economy will get on board as long as they can stick it to the West. acc_devil
QuoteBarack Obama attended last week's United Nations climate change conference. It would be odd if he didn't – it was hosted in New York this year.

But many world leaders didn't bother. China, India, Germany, Russia – some of the world's largest economies, and largest emitters of carbon dioxide – just couldn't be bothered.

Instead, celebrity spokesmodels took their place, actors like Leonardo DiCaprio and Mark Ruffalo. They're probably more interesting to the media anyways.

But all the celebrities and PR men in the world can't hide a fact that the United Nations itself acknowledges: there just hasn't been any measurable global warming since 1998.

The UN has a $100 word for that -- a "hiatus." Like a recess, or vacation. As in, it hasn't happened since the 1990s, but it will be back for sure. Any moment now.

Normally people, if they were campaigning to end something and it ended, would declare victory, have a celebration and move on.

But you don't understand the UN. To declare victory against global warming would mean that they would have to find new jobs.

No more annual conventions in beautiful cities like New York, Bali, Marrakesh and Cancun. No more important meetings in five-star hotels. No more annual reunions with friends, paid for by taxpayers.

And, most importantly, no more cosmic excuses for tax increases and government regulations.

That's why the UN – and their chorus in professional environmental groups and the mainstream media – have changed the terms. First it was global warming. Then climate change. Now it's "climate disruption." None of it is true – there are fewer tornadoes or hurricanes or sweltering days now than ever. Ice levels in the Arctic and Antarctic are firmly within normal bandwiths.

But it's all about keeping the PR pressure on.

For what? What's the plan from New York?

A position paper from China, leaked to Fox News, has some clues. China is now the world's largest carbon user and emitter – twice as much as the United States does. Which makes sense – carbon is the stuff of life, and China is the country with the most lives in it. They all need electricity and transportation and industrialization. That's why they're building two coal-fired power plants a week.

There is no chance that China will reduce its carbon emissions. That would be tantamount to imperialism – the rich, industrialized West telling China that it can't be rich and industrialized, too. Actually it's more than that: China is the factory of the West. Look at everything in Walmart or Toys R Us – that pollution in China? That's us outsourcing our emissions to them.

Ironically, China has far worse pollution problems than colourless, odourless, harmless carbon dioxide. Its air, land and water really are polluted. But you don't have five-star celebrity reunions about that.

So if China will not tackle real pollution, and if it won't tackle pretend pollution – namely carbon dioxide -- what does its position paper call for?

That's the scoop. They're happy to reduce their carbon emissions – for a price. And that price is $100 billion a year, from the United States, Canada and Europe, paid into a UN fund to be redistributed to China and other beneficiaries.

One hundred billion dollars a year.

And that's not all: Western countries must agree to give up intellectual property rights. As in patents. China is engaged in massive industrial sabotage, trying to steal the West's commercial secrets on everything from cellphones to Hollywood. China – in the name of global warming – simply wants the West to give them that. For free.

In the name of "climate change," you see.

Can you blame them? ac_popcorn

Western politicians want to tax carbon, to save the planet. Taxing carbon won't save the planet. It's an excuse that low-information celebrities seem to buy, though.

So if Leonardo DiCaprio will go for that, maybe he'll go for a $100 billion/year gift to China, too?

I mean, it couldn't hurt to ask for, right?"> ... s-for-cash">


Yikes! We're all going to have to pay $100 billion a year to the UN and China?

Um, no.

QuoteA group of institutional investors — including two of Europe's largest asset managers and pension funds – announced Tuesday they have joined forces with the United Nations Environment Programme and its Finance Initiative to reduce the carbon footprint of US$100 billion of institutional investments worldwide.

"US$ 100 billion is a significant amount but it is absolutely feasible. And we hope that, by reaching this target, investors can show that a different course of action is possible, where institutional investors' goals are aligned with, and support the common good."

"Finance can work for the good," said Yves Perrier, CEO of Amundi. "And this association of climate leaders is an excellent illustration of our will to consistently support our clients' interest, and take full responsibility in our role in society as a global financial entity."">//

That's investors investing in what they want.

QuoteWestern countries must agree to give up intellectual property rights. As in patents. China is engaged in massive industrial sabotage, trying to steal the West's commercial secrets on everything from cellphones to Hollywood. China – in the name of global warming – simply wants the West to give them that. For free.

Sounds more like Harper's "free trade" giveaway.


^How much are you going to give to Beijing so that she will "save" mommy earth?
QuoteCarbon emission cutbacks by China and other developing countries, the document says, will be "dependent on the adequate finance and technology support provided by developed country parties" to any new climate accord.

In other words, only if Western nations pay for it.

More specifically, only if Western taxpayers ante up. Among other things, the Chinese communist regime insists that the incentive payments it demands must come from "new, additional, adequate, predictable and sustained public funds" -- rather than mostly private financing, as the U.S. hopes.

In addition, the Chinese state:

-- A promised $100 billion in annual climate financing that Western nations have already pledged to developing countries for carbon emission control and other actions by 2020 is only the "starting point" for additional Western financial commitments that must be laid out in a "clear road map," which includes "specific targets, timelines and identified sources;"

--In the longer run, developed countries should be committing "at least 1 percent" of their Gross Domestic Product — much more than they spend on easing global poverty" into a U.N.-administered Green Carbon Fund to pay for the developing country changes;

--In the meantime, the $100 billion pledge to the same fund should be reached by $10 billion increments, starting from a $40 billion floor this year;

--Western countries also need to remove "obstacles such as IPRs [intellectual property rights]" to "promote, facilitate and finance the transfer" of "technologies and know-how" to developing countries in advance of any future climate deal"> ... ma.286701/">

Thank gawd we have a pm that it hesitant to cave into China's outrageous demands. However, you have to hand it to Beijing. They actually put their nation's interests first unlike their Western counterparts.