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Re: Forum gossip thread by Shen Li

How long before the USA invades Canada for water?

Started by Gay Boy Roberto, May 15, 2015, 04:31:01 PM

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Quote from: "Renee"You can blame the Kalifornia drought on Governor Moonbeam and the leftards that run the of Golden Land of Elitism. For years the leftwing legislature and the green bean envior-Nazis have blocked any initiative to develop a much need water storage system and at the same time, most of the cities (also run by leftards) have steadfastly refused to meter of regulate their water usage. Furthermore the agriculture industry which uses about 80% of Kaliforinia's water has refused to change over to less water dependent crops. Add the enormous population of affluent white left leaning airheads and the ever increasing poor of dubious US citizenship and you have a leftwing utopia on the verge of collapse. SURPRISE! Like nobody saw this coming.   ac_rollseyes  

The sad truth of the whole affair is that the money spent on Governor Moonbeam's high speed train to nowhere could have been better used to build desalination planets and the infrastructure to support them. But that wouldn't have made points with green lobby which in the state of California amounts to no more than a domestic terrorist group.

Huh. I always thought drought was caused by lack of rain.

You're not going to believe this, but the drought isn't just within the borders of California or where voters vote Democrat. The entire southwestern US is under drought. Many towns and regions all over are facing problems and plenty are Republican.

A Republican was governor of California from 2003 to 2011. The drought didn't start the day a Democrat was elected. California is experiencing the worst of it because, well, that's where the worst of the drought happens to be. Strange how that works, eh?">

Just look at that lack of rain. Liberal's fault! Environmentalist's fault!


Quote from: "Lance Leftardashian"Don't be silly. The USA would never invade Canada.

I thought that's what the Canadian OP topic title indicated. My bad.  ac_rollseyes
I've learned that if someone asks you a really stupid question and you reply by telling them what time it is, they'll leave you alone


Romero you are so predictable. I figured you would come up with some bullshit like that. You have no clue as to the issues California is facing, has faced and will face. Everyone under the sun knows that what California is dealing with in terms this drought has been caused by the left politicizing the issue. Regardless of who the governor has been, environmental lobby groups have been holding that state hostage since the 1980s. Green scumbags who are almost as ignorant as you have been placing the wellbeing of things like minnows and turtles over the wellbeing of millions of people for decades by blocking any effort to improve the state's access to water. Even governor Brown is seeing the writing on the wall and is now starting to admit that building a water storage facility fed by desalination plants is probably a good idea......Geeze, you think?

I hate to sound mean but any credibility you had with me as a serious debater ended when you tried to make the ignorant arguement that African Americans in the US didn't get the legal right to vote until 1965.
\"A man\'s rights rest in three boxes. The ballot-box, the jury-box and the cartridge-box.\"

Frederick Douglass, November 15, 1867.


Hey Renee, go with "water shortage" instead of drought...Changes everything.
I've learned that if someone asks you a really stupid question and you reply by telling them what time it is, they'll leave you alone


Quote from: "Renee"Romero you are so predictable. I figured you would come up with some bullshit like that. You have no clue as to the issues California is facing, has faced and will face. Everyone under the sun knows that what California is dealing with in terms this drought has been caused by the left politicizing the issue. Regardless of who the governor has been, environmental lobby groups have been holding that state hostage since the 1980s. Green scumbags who are almost as ignorant as you have been placing the wellbeing of things like minnows and turtles over the wellbeing of millions of people for decades by blocking any effort to improve the state's access to water. Even governor Brown is seeing the writing on the wall and is now starting to admit that building a water storage facility fed by desalination plants is probably a good idea......Geeze, you think?

I hate to sound mean but any credibility you had with me as a serious debater ended when you tried to make the ignorant arguement that African Americans in the US didn't get the legal right to vote until 1965.

Hold the bus, there, Broomhilda.

About 5 years ago, we experienced the mother of all droughts. As Romero states, a drought is caused by a lack of know, that stuff that falls out of the sky whilst you stand there wondering why you're getting wet all of a sudden and why are all these dogs huddled around your ankles keeping dry.

Politicians do not cause droughts. Nonetheless, we went into a panic, spent millions on drought proofing and even built a desal plant.

Then, it rained.

And everyone shut up. We now have a 300 million desal plant that is effectively mothballed because it costs too much to run. Despite the building of the plant, the laying of hundreds of kilometres of pipeline, and the massive disruption to roads all over the city, not ONE fucking drop has ever been distributed from the plant.

We now pay TRIPLE for water to cover the cost of the plant that is not used.

"THE official opening of the $1.8 billion Adelaide Desalination Plant by Premier Jay Weatherill has left the public with significantly higher water bills and no guarantee it will be used to produce substantial amounts of water in the near future.

The plant is likely to be mothballed when testing is finished in late 2014, leading to criticism it is a "white elephant" costing $30 million a year to sit idle.

However, the "water insurance policy" guarantees water security if the next severe drought jeopardises River Murray supplies."


Quote from: "Renee"Romero you are so predictable. I figured you would come up with some bullshit like that. You have no clue as to the issues California is facing, has faced and will face. Everyone under the sun knows that what California is dealing with in terms this drought has been caused by the left politicizing the issue. Regardless of who the governor has been, environmental lobby groups have been holding that state hostage since the 1980s. Green scumbags who are almost as ignorant as you have been placing the wellbeing of things like minnows and turtles over the wellbeing of millions of people for decades by blocking any effort to improve the state's access to water. Even governor Brown is seeing the writing on the wall and is now starting to admit that building a water storage facility fed by desalination plants is probably a good idea......Geeze, you think?

I hate to sound mean but any credibility you had with me as a serious debater ended when you tried to make the ignorant arguement that African Americans in the US didn't get the legal right to vote until 1965.

First, desalinization plants would barely make a dent and come with other problems. Second...

QuoteFebruary 27, 2009

Citing a third consecutive year of drought conditions, Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger Friday declared a state of emergency and called on urban residents to cut their water usage by 20 percent.">//

Republican's fault!

QuoteThe majority of Texas is currently experiencing in drought that started in October 2010. Most of the state has been under drought conditions for over three years.

State Climatologist John-Nielsen Gammon has warned that Texas could be in the midst of a drought worse than the drought of record in the 1950s. 2011 was the driest year ever for Texas, with an average of only 14.8 inches of rain. 2011 also set new records for low rainfall from March through May, and again from June through August. The high summer temperatures increased evaporation, further lowering river and lake levels.">//

Republican's fault!

QuoteRain, flooding helping Texas get out of drought

All the rain we've been getting has had a big impact on our drought and lake levels.

The heavy rain we've received over the last month hasn't eliminated the drought entirely, but it has improved conditions tremendously.">//

What? Drought is caused by lack of rain? I'm absolutely shocked!


Quote from: "SPECTRE"
Quote from: "Renee"Romero you are so predictable. I figured you would come up with some bullshit like that. You have no clue as to the issues California is facing, has faced and will face. Everyone under the sun knows that what California is dealing with in terms this drought has been caused by the left politicizing the issue. Regardless of who the governor has been, environmental lobby groups have been holding that state hostage since the 1980s. Green scumbags who are almost as ignorant as you have been placing the wellbeing of things like minnows and turtles over the wellbeing of millions of people for decades by blocking any effort to improve the state's access to water. Even governor Brown is seeing the writing on the wall and is now starting to admit that building a water storage facility fed by desalination plants is probably a good idea......Geeze, you think?

I hate to sound mean but any credibility you had with me as a serious debater ended when you tried to make the ignorant arguement that African Americans in the US didn't get the legal right to vote until 1965.

Hold the bus, there, Broomhilda.

About 5 years ago, we experienced the mother of all droughts. As Romero states, a drought is caused by a lack of know, that stuff that falls out of the sky whilst you stand there wondering why you're getting wet all of a sudden and why are all these dogs huddled around your ankles keeping dry.

Politicians do not cause droughts. Nonetheless, we went into a panic, spent millions on drought proofing and even built a desal plant.

Then, it rained.

And everyone shut up. We now have a 300 million desal plant that is effectively mothballed because it costs too much to run. Despite the building of the plant, the laying of hundreds of kilometres of pipeline, and the massive disruption to roads all over the city, not ONE fucking drop has ever been distributed from the plant.

We now pay TRIPLE for water to cover the cost of the plant that is not used.

"THE official opening of the $1.8 billion Adelaide Desalination Plant by Premier Jay Weatherill has left the public with significantly higher water bills and no guarantee it will be used to produce substantial amounts of water in the near future.

The plant is likely to be mothballed when testing is finished in late 2014, leading to criticism it is a "white elephant" costing $30 million a year to sit idle.

However, the "water insurance policy" guarantees water security if the next severe drought jeopardises River Murray supplies."

Both of you are off in left field. I'm not saying politicians cause drought but they do throw up barriers to improving the access to water so that the effects of the drought are exacerbated. California has always had a water problem even in wet years. The arid land and dry climate was never meant to support the population numbers and agricultural industry that it does today. Given those facts it is foolish for politicians and environmental groups to place the needs a few fish , frogs, snails or whatever over the future of an entire state. By doing so they have effectively jepordized the survival of millions of people. Only a butt fucking short sighted idiot does something like that.

Since CA. has always faced a water problem throughout its history and given the projections for population growth over the next century some kind of improvements to water storage will be needed. Unlike you down in Oz California will need to use a desalination system if it is to survive. It cannot afford to ignore this problem any longer, especially if the climate change models bare out to be correct.
\"A man\'s rights rest in three boxes. The ballot-box, the jury-box and the cartridge-box.\"

Frederick Douglass, November 15, 1867.


Quote from: "Romero"
Quote from: "Renee"Romero you are so predictable. I figured you would come up with some bullshit like that. You have no clue as to the issues California is facing, has faced and will face. Everyone under the sun knows that what California is dealing with in terms this drought has been caused by the left politicizing the issue. Regardless of who the governor has been, environmental lobby groups have been holding that state hostage since the 1980s. Green scumbags who are almost as ignorant as you have been placing the wellbeing of things like minnows and turtles over the wellbeing of millions of people for decades by blocking any effort to improve the state's access to water. Even governor Brown is seeing the writing on the wall and is now starting to admit that building a water storage facility fed by desalination plants is probably a good idea......Geeze, you think?

I hate to sound mean but any credibility you had with me as a serious debater ended when you tried to make the ignorant arguement that African Americans in the US didn't get the legal right to vote until 1965.

First, desalinization plants would barely make a dent and come with other problems. Second...

QuoteFebruary 27, 2009

Citing a third consecutive year of drought conditions, Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger Friday declared a state of emergency and called on urban residents to cut their water usage by 20 percent.">//

Republican's fault!

QuoteThe majority of Texas is currently experiencing in drought that started in October 2010. Most of the state has been under drought conditions for over three years.

State Climatologist John-Nielsen Gammon has warned that Texas could be in the midst of a drought worse than the drought of record in the 1950s. 2011 was the driest year ever for Texas, with an average of only 14.8 inches of rain. 2011 also set new records for low rainfall from March through May, and again from June through August. The high summer temperatures increased evaporation, further lowering river and lake levels.">//

Republican's fault!

QuoteRain, flooding helping Texas get out of drought

All the rain we've been getting has had a big impact on our drought and lake levels.

The heavy rain we've received over the last month hasn't eliminated the drought entirely, but it has improved conditions tremendously.">//

What? Drought is caused by lack of rain? I'm absolutely shocked!

Maybe you should do a rain dance.

Because it beats standing around with your thumb in your ass as you apparently want to do.

All your semantics aside you still haven't disputed the fact that it has been the leftard CA. legislature that has blocked all efforts to improve the state's access to water. That is a known fact and to top it off many in the misguided within the California government are openly proud of it.
\"A man\'s rights rest in three boxes. The ballot-box, the jury-box and the cartridge-box.\"

Frederick Douglass, November 15, 1867.


Quote from: "Gay Boy Bob"
Quote from: "cc la femme"   It was
Quote "Warning!!  Drama Queening [size=150]Thread[/size]
With 3 word sentences, the last word can be too much for some .. I'll try to keep em shorter

Quote You have no clue as to the issues California is facing, has faced and will face.
 knowing nothing on a topic never stopped  a prog from prognificating .. and if that fails,  it's Bush's fault
I really tried to warn y\'all in 49  .. G. Orwell


Quote from: "Renee"Both of you are off in left field. I'm not saying politicians cause drought but they do throw up barriers to improving the access to water so that the effects of the drought are exacerbated. California has always had a water problem even in wet years. The arid land and dry climate was never meant to support the population numbers and agricultural industry that it does today. Given those facts it is foolish for politicians and environmental groups to place the needs a few fish , frogs, snails or whatever over the future of an entire state. By doing so they have effectively jepordized the survival of millions of people. Only a butt fucking short sighted idiot does something like that.

Since CA. has always faced a water problem throughout its history and given the projections for population growth over the next century some kind of improvements to water storage will be needed. Unlike you down in Oz California will need to use a desalination system if it is to survive. It cannot afford to ignore this problem any longer, especially if the climate change models bare out to be correct.

You think it's just fish, frogs and snails but what do they live in or need? Water. The wetlands. The wetlands are necessary for fresh water retention and filtration. A wetland with no water becomes just more arid desert.

More dams and taking water from rivers and lakes is not the answer. They all just dry up. There are plenty enough near empty dams already. The only thing that's going to work is conservation and/or rain.

Yes, Californians are using a ridiculous amount of water and should have seen this coming. Overpopulation, big business and big agriculture are jeopardizing California's future. You're becoming a little bit of an environmentalist!

Quote from: "Renee"Maybe you should do a rain dance.

QuoteA few months ago, with Texas aflame from more than 8,000 wildfires brought on by extreme drought, a man who hopes to be the next president took pen in hand and went to work:

"Now, therefore, I, Rick Perry, Governor of Texas, under the authority vested in me by the Constitution and Statutes of the State of Texas, do hereby proclaim the three-day period from Friday, April 22, 2011, to Sunday, April 24, 2011, as Days of Prayer for Rain in the State of Texas."

In the four months since Perry's request for divine intervention, his state has taken a dramatic turn for the worse.  Nearly all of Texas  is now in "extreme or exceptional" drought, as classified by federal meteorologists, the worst in Texas history.">//


Quote from: "Romero"
Quote from: "Renee"Both of you are off in left field. I'm not saying politicians cause drought but they do throw up barriers to improving the access to water so that the effects of the drought are exacerbated. California has always had a water problem even in wet years. The arid land and dry climate was never meant to support the population numbers and agricultural industry that it does today. Given those facts it is foolish for politicians and environmental groups to place the needs a few fish , frogs, snails or whatever over the future of an entire state. By doing so they have effectively jepordized the survival of millions of people. Only a butt fucking short sighted idiot does something like that.

Since CA. has always faced a water problem throughout its history and given the projections for population growth over the next century some kind of improvements to water storage will be needed. Unlike you down in Oz California will need to use a desalination system if it is to survive. It cannot afford to ignore this problem any longer, especially if the climate change models bare out to be correct.

You think it's just fish, frogs and snails but what do they live in or need? Water. The wetlands. The wetlands are necessary for fresh water retention and filtration. A wetland with no water becomes just more arid desert.

More dams and taking water from rivers and lakes is not the answer. They all just dry up. There are plenty enough of near empty dams already. The only thing that's going to work is conservation and/or rain.

Yes, Californians are using a ridiculous amount of water and should have seen this coming. Overpopulation, big business and big agriculture are jeopardizing California's future. You're becoming a little bit of an environmentalist!

When there is nothing left to conserve how is conservation going to work? You do know that there are communities in California, as we speak, that are about 2 months away (be state estimates) from running out of water don't you?

When the water is gone for those folks they will really be conserving then , won't they?
\"A man\'s rights rest in three boxes. The ballot-box, the jury-box and the cartridge-box.\"

Frederick Douglass, November 15, 1867.


Quote from: "Renee"When there is nothing left to conserve how is conservation going to work? You do know that there are communities in California, as we speak, that are about 2 months away (be state estimates) from running out of water don't you?

When the water is gone for those folks they will really be conserving then , won't they?

How long will they have after building a dam or draining a river? Because those very same communities have already tried it.

Where do you think they got their water from in the first place? Dead frogs?


Quote from: "Romero"
Quote from: "Renee"When there is nothing left to conserve how is conservation going to work? You do know that there are communities in California, as we speak, that are about 2 months away (be state estimates) from running out of water don't you?

When the water is gone for those folks they will really be conserving then , won't they?

How long will they have after building a dam or draining a river? Because those very same communities have already tried it.

Where do you think they got their water from in the first place? Dead frogs?


What in fucks name are you prattling about?

They currently get their water from Northern California thru aquaduct systems that are almost 100 years old. The system can no longer meet the demand of the growing population of the southern part of the state.

With the lack of rainfall and the insufficient distribution system what exactly do you suggest they do, genius? Wait around and pray for rain? Or maybe environmental hacks like you could go and hand out divining rods?

You really are a moron.
\"A man\'s rights rest in three boxes. The ballot-box, the jury-box and the cartridge-box.\"

Frederick Douglass, November 15, 1867.


Where do you think those aqueducts get their water from? Uh, rivers and lakes.

QuoteThe Owens River is a river in southeastern California in the United States, approximately 183 miles (295 km) long. It drains into and through the Owens Valley, an arid basin between the eastern slope of the Sierra Nevada and the western faces of the Inyo and White Mountains. The river terminates at the endorheic Owens Lake south of Lone Pine, at the bottom of a 2,600 sq mi (6,700 km2) watershed.

In the early 1900s the Owens was the focus of the California Water Wars, fought between the city of Los Angeles and the inhabitants of Owens Valley over the construction of the Los Angeles Aqueduct. Since 1913, the Owens River has been diverted to Los Angeles, causing the ruin of the valley's economy and the drying of Owens Lake.">//

Aqueducts don't produce water. You can't distribute water if there isn't water! Fixing the aqueducts isn't going to magically bring more water to Owens Lake and the rest.

Look up "drought" in a dictionary or other reference. Drought is caused by lack of rain. Not frogs, environmentalists, Democrats or 100-year old aqueducts.
