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Re: Forum gossip thread by Aryan

Re: Retardation On Other Forums

Started by Obvious Li, November 12, 2012, 04:07:05 AM

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Quote from: "Keeper"
Quote from: "Real Woman"Renee, I understand that he gets to you but claiming I'm "fooled" has ZERO merit.  

I KNOW what is driving him and it isn't some evil plot to take over the forum.

I KNOW he's under no delusions that things will change.

What you are seeing is a malevolent entity hiding a respectable shell and you can chalk that up as another one of the things I KNOW.  I'm sure kiebers, who has know Leo for years can support this cla should you require further evidence.

So many people criticize my respect for Leo but I know him better than pretty much everyone on the board.  I know things about him that others don't.  Before judging my allegiances, assume I know something you don't.

Can you really know someone? I mean totally? Like me for instance, All of you think im this fun loving, sexy , free spirited handsome man,.... Right? (fixes hair) I might be just like SMP, just waiting to pounce.  :twisted:

We could debate whether whether we really even know ourselves if you want to get all philosophical.  Just as you know some posters better than others, so do I.  You are welcome to take that for what you feel it's worth :)
Beware of Gaslighters!


Quote from: "Real Woman"I'm on good authority that she would and does act the same way regardless of who is being trolled or harassed, including herself.

This was a long time coming and it out some things in motion that needed to happen.

Nobody is under any misconception when it comes to forum ownership but just like I own my house, it doesn't stop my mom from saying she doesn't like the colour of my carpet or expressing her dislike of my latest art piece.

Does the carpet match the curtains though?  :o  :lol:  :oops:


Quote from: "Keeper"
Quote from: "Real Woman"I'm on good authority that she would and does act the same way regardless of who is being trolled or harassed, including herself.

This was a long time coming and it out some things in motion that needed to happen.

Nobody is under any misconception when it comes to forum ownership but just like I own my house, it doesn't stop my mom from saying she doesn't like the colour of my carpet or expressing her dislike of my latest art piece.

Does the carpet match the curtains though?  :o  :lol:  :oops:

 :shock:   :lol:
\"A man\'s rights rest in three boxes. The ballot-box, the jury-box and the cartridge-box.\"

Frederick Douglass, November 15, 1867.


Quote from: "Real Woman"I'm on good authority that she would and does act the same way regardless of who is being trolled or harassed, including herself.

This was a long time coming and it out some things in motion that needed to happen.

Nobody is under any misconception when it comes to forum ownership but just like I own my house, it doesn't stop my mom from saying she doesn't like the colour of my carpet or expressing her dislike of my latest art piece.

Sure I can criticize how your house is decorated. However, if I come over everyday and tell you your furniture sucks and you change it what is the point of that? It's your furniture and if I find it so offensive I should stay away from your house.

Sox, gave a worthy suggestion and at first he has supporters, myself included. However, repeating his ideas over and over again is so Hornungesque.


I soooo saw that coming!  Haha

Analogies have been made.  The problem isn't the house, it's who is allowed in it that is the issue.  Should certain guests be turfed for being disruptive assholes?  Should they be relegated to a room of their own where people can visit if they like?  Should they be allowed to stick around and follow other people home and harass them outside of the house?  Should other guests be able to say they think bad guests should be asked to leave because they are driving other guests away?

That's what's being "discussed".
Beware of Gaslighters!


Quote from: "Real Woman"I soooo saw that coming!  Haha

Analogies have been made.  The problem isn't the house, it's who is allowed in it that is the issue.  Should certain guests be turfed for being disruptive assholes?  Should they be relegated to a room of their own where people can visit if they like?  Should they be allowed to stick around and follow other people home and harass them outside of the house?  Should other guests be able to say they think bad guests should be asked to leave because they are driving other guests away?

That's what's being "discussed".

You did open the door for that analogy RW. :lol:

At the end of the day it's up to the owners of the house who gets in and who doesn't. The case for a dumpster has been made and like I support the idea. However, you and I both know that stubborn old cow doesn't give a shit what anyone thinks nor should she have to. It is her forum and she makes the rules. It's clear, she is NOT interested in the suggestion from Sox. Let it go!!!


Resepect !! RW...

Have a good weekend Ladies.


Quote from: "Keeper"Respect !! RW...

Have a good weekend Ladies.

You too stud. Great to see you around again too.


Quote from: "Real Woman"Renee, I understand that he gets to you but claiming I'm "fooled" has ZERO merit.  

I KNOW what is driving him and it isn't some evil plot to take over the forum.

I KNOW he's under no delusions that things will change.

What you are seeing is a malevolent entity hiding a respectable shell and you can chalk that up as another one of the things I KNOW.  I'm sure kiebers, who has know Leo for years can support this cla should you require further evidence.

So many people criticize my respect for Leo but I know him better than pretty much everyone on the board.  I know things about him that others don't.  Before judging my allegiances, assume I know something you don't.

Your allegiances are what they are and I don't care how you came by them. All I know is I can't stand that fucker. For me his very presence is like fingernails on a blackboard. From day one he has set off all my red flags and it disturbs me even more that I cannot put my finger on exactly why.

Case in point. I completely agree that he has some very valid points and ideas and I stated as such multiple times in different threads. This last time he chastised me for talking to evs and getting the straight answer that he could not manage to get even with all his pages of bullying and acrimony. He then proceeded to call me a hypocrite and fat and stupid.

Well fine......fuck him I will just chalk it up to me upstaging him and actually getting evs to open up and explain to the community some of her position.

Then a few posts down I see Socks and his hand over the admin reigns to me shit and that sealed it. Even if was simply sarcasm you are not going to convince me that in there  wasn't a hint of his overriding motive in there. If you are going to try and tell me that after all his screaming, name calling, and bitching that he is doing it because he "cares" well then you must think I'm blind.

About two years ago Socks pissed me off so bad that I actually left the forums for a while because I took his attacks too personally. The way that this has unfolded today I'm starting  to think that getting out for an extended period is a good idea for me. This whole thing has left a rather foul taste in my mouth and that is a sign that this is no longer a fun place for me and that I'm taking all this way too seriously.

Time to step back and breathe.
\"A man\'s rights rest in three boxes. The ballot-box, the jury-box and the cartridge-box.\"

Frederick Douglass, November 15, 1867.


Hmmm, OL has the same feelings about Sox as you do. He also can't quite pinpoint the exact reason. I can tell that he and I have always gotten along. I disagree with what he is doing now. I mean made the case for his suggestion and like you I believe it's a good one. However, that is about all that's on there right now. Well that and SMP/Oddstain's retardation. That forum is now the real BAS. I predict the few sane regs like lochdubh and Willard will pack it in soon too.


I know he cares Renee, but why he cares is another story.  How he shows it can leave something to be desired.

I also understand how you are feeling about the constant in your face comments and personal affronts.  I have to put up with that from that fucking skeeze SMP and then have that whiny asshole Mel chirp in with Joe adding passive aggressive digs.  It sucks.  The difference between now and then was that before, we had some decent threads and decent people posting to balance that off.  That's gone now and THAT'S what pisses me off.  We keep around trolls and assholes and it drives away the decency.  That's fucking sad IMHO.

I would HATE to see you leave this place.  You are sharp and witty and an asset to any forum you visit.
Beware of Gaslighters!

Obvious Li

Quote from: "Renee"
Quote from: "Shen Li"
Quote from: "Real Woman"
I know.  I find all the insults being thrown at him hard to read, especially the woman beating shit.

That's just one person doing that isn't it? I am really tempted to go over there right now and voice my opinion.

Shen let me put the situation on VF in some perspective. Unlike others I have absolutely no love for Leo. He is a creep and nothing he does is without some kind of self-serving motive. Yesterday I addressed evs on the subject of the dumpster in a respectful and sincere manner and I got a very well written and thought out explanation of her point of view. I now fully understand her position and where she is coming from on this and it is a reasonable position. It only took two posts to get an answer, where it has taken that ball of dog shit, Socks pages and pages of harassment, disruption and name calling for no result at all.

Now you know I'm no fan of evs, there is some measure of animosity between us :lol: . But Leo is after one thing and one thing only and he tipped his hand and made it known in one of his last posts. He is looking for control of VF and I for one will not sick around if that happens. He was previously given a forum (Heat) by the administration and failed miserably at it. NOBODY would post there because he is a overbearing dickhead and no one wanted to deal with him. It's time for people around here to open their eyes and see that creepy festering pile of raw sewage for what he is.

amen are my new forum hero......leo is a complete waste of skin and a totally destructive force to any forum he has been a part of......

Obvious Li

Quote from: "Renee"
Quote from: "Real Woman"Oh but Leo is operating under no delusions ladies.

Really you know this for certain. I think many would disagree.

As for being "fickle"; you know damn well I have absolutely no love for that old dried up thing you seem to worship. I don't trust him and his incessant chest beating, harassment, crying and complaining and grasping little claws are a direct window into what kind of person he is. At this point he is little more than a troll stirring the pot and desperately trying to browbeat his way in getting what he wants.

You may be fooled but I'm not. I've said time and time again that he has some good ideas BUT he absolutely sucks at putting them on the table for discussion. His ideas could have led to an open and serious debate but instead it turned into a pages and pages of melodrama full of personal attacks and hysterics. Most of it was his doing because his delivery and motives are shitty, divisive and incredibly unacceptable. What he turned this whole thing into was no better than what the common dirt born trolls at VF do almost daily.

Anyway I think I put a hammer thru that old cadaver's skull this morning so hopefully it will be over for a while; unless of course that walking corpse doesn't get the hint and tries to bite me. If that turns out to be the case (which it probably will) count me gone from here. I've had it with the three ring circus that exists at VF. I could live with SMP and his crap, Odinson and his thread bombing (it sucks but there is nothing to be done) but at the same time I'll be damned if I'm going to watch that old fart exacerbate the mess and drive people away because he is stuck playing monkey in the middle with the rest of us and no one will give HIM control of the ball.

The rules are the rules and the forum administration has made itself perfectly clear. He can eat shit like all the rest of us or walk. Those are his choices no different than anyone else.

Christ I'm foaming like a crazy person over this and I apologize. Why that fucker leopardsocks gets to me I do not exactly know. It may sound over the top dramatic but I can't shake the feeling that he is a malevolent entity disguised in a respectable outer shell. In some ways he is no different than SMP and in some a lot worse.



Forum life.

Someone ought to write a book.

Obvious Li

Quote from: "Chickenfeets"Forum life.

Someone ought to write a book.

how are things working out chickenwings ?????? are you gonna vote on monday ???