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Re: Forum gossip thread by Herman


Started by Bricktop, June 29, 2015, 09:50:16 PM

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Quote from: "Dinky Dianna"
Quote from: "Dove"
Quote from: "Dinky Dianna"That's a strong boast to accompany what amounts to empty words. Let the poo slinging go, Dove. Warning one.

Not really. I'm retired from the world of trolling/flaming. I don't "sling poo", I let off nukes that made my name Google worthy. I'm probably ip banned from half of AL gores innerWebz. Sit down, kid. Go to a flame board if you are so desperate to be abused.



Warning two
 Or what?  You'll type more nonsense? Lol


Dove, you look so naked. :(


It's a designated place allowing nudity (just like a nude beach in fact).  There is no difference in terms of a public place being a public place.

Thanks for coming out.
Beware of Gaslighters!


Quote from: "Dove"
Quote from: "Dinky Dianna"
Quote from: "SPECTRE"
Quote from: "Dinky Dianna"That's a strong boast to accompany what amounts to empty words. Let the poo slinging go, Dove. Warning one.

Ooooo...who's a nasty girl then...

Fuck off, you vapid twat. You want to play hardball, talk to me. You're not even listening to other perspectives, simply applying the same asinine invectives to those who are NOT homophobic, nor denying that homosexuals are entitled to the same rights as anyone else.

They are simply saying that celebrating sexuality, particularly that followed by less then 1% of the population, in a public and deprecating manner to the rest of us is unacceptable. A position I hold.

You fag fans are missing the point; celebrating sexuality is a frivolous and imprudent activity. Flaunting naked buttocks to children is bordering on abusive and indecent. It does not MATTER that the culprits are gay. It matters that they are imprudent, disrespectful, and far more decadent that our society can afford.

Now, you want to argue on merit rather than puerile posturing, I'm your man.

And I don't give warnings, you vacuous slag. I simply start shooting.

I have listened to other moral majority arguments besides yours and they have all but turned their backs on accepting a time and place for the LGBT community to let loose and do their thing when the sun is shining as well as at night. For some reason, a few you have decided that a celebration of homosexuality should be hidden away like homosexuality once had to be hidden away.

No sane human being would advocate flaunting their buttocks at children. Such people would seek out a time and place to do so and expect parents to do their jobs and maintain a healthy distance, if such parents felt it morally objectionable for their children to be around such antics. It's no different than taking your children to a nude beach if public nudity is an affront to your way of thinking.

I find it ironic that a number of you aren't really as accepting as you've made yourselves out to be.

I've attempted to bury the hatchet with Dove already. Do try to behave yourself.
The simple fact that you can't comprehend the huge difference between a nude beach and the busy streets of Chicago just shows you lack the capability to even grasp anything being said.  Nudist go to nude beaches to enjoy being nude. They don't lounge around in open public places. The nude beach angel actually reinforces what we are attempting to express.

Again with the insults? Can't you help yourself?  :laugh:

Warning three.

Quote from: "Keeper"I thought i was the only who gave warnings around here?

 ac_smile  It's nothing official. I've simply decided to issue a warning to Dove for every time she doesn't want to behave herself after I offered her the peace pipe.

Quote from: "Dove"
Quote from: "Dinky Dianna"
Quote from: "Dove"
Quote from: "Dinky Dianna"That's a strong boast to accompany what amounts to empty words. Let the poo slinging go, Dove. Warning one.

Not really. I'm retired from the world of trolling/flaming. I don't "sling poo", I let off nukes that made my name Google worthy. I'm probably ip banned from half of AL gores innerWebz. Sit down, kid. Go to a flame board if you are so desperate to be abused.



Warning two
 Or what?  You'll type more nonsense? Lol

Warning four, isn't it?


Quote from: "RW"Spec, you are embarrassing yourself.  I started with the nastiness so let's you and I dance.

I've officially seen every cliche bullshit argument from Nazism to weeping for unfortunate children to "gay lifestyles" to the ole beastiality reference.

You (and others here) have no respect for diversity in sexual expression.  You want gays out on your terms not their's.  That's the very oppression they are parading out against.

As for the children argument, it's been stated multiple times now that no parent is forced to attend a parade that is sexuality based with (or even without) their children.  If children are seeing nudity and other sexual displays, they are doing so at their parents' discretion.  Believe it or not, some parents willingly and knowingly attend these parades with their children to celebrate diversity.  (I will discuss the benefits of this up in Polka.).

The public street and daylight comments are a non-starter.  Dove mentioned a "time and a place" and the designated parade route is that time and place.  This attitude that one should be able to go wherever he or she pleases and not see anything offensive is unrealistic. No one has that guarantee but in this case, it's easily avoided.

The word "respect" gets thrown around and the greatest disrespect in this argument is the one that calls for conformity.  It's said gay people have come so far that they don't even need parades while the majority of those posting here are saying how they should express themselves so that you respect them.  How about you just respect them for the humans they are and leave them the hell alone?  Why is this so difficult for you?  They aren't hurting you or anybody else by having a parade in daylight - with or without clothes on - yet you insist on raining on their parade.

Just how selfish are you?

And I'll throw in a ".... yeah .... and the horse you rode in on!" for that combative edge.
 The problem with this is that many people DO find carousing about in busy public places during the day harmful, and invalidating those people IS disrespectful.  What about people who need to pass through those areas and don't want their kids to see mostly nude people making out during remakes of Christ's crucifiction? They need to work their life around avoiding it? When this sort of thing could be done at night or in a private venue where it isn't so imposing on others?


Quote from: "Dinky Dianna"
Quote from: "Dove"
Quote from: "Dinky Dianna"
Quote from: "SPECTRE"
Quote from: "Dinky Dianna"That's a strong boast to accompany what amounts to empty words. Let the poo slinging go, Dove. Warning one.

Ooooo...who's a nasty girl then...

Fuck off, you vapid twat. You want to play hardball, talk to me. You're not even listening to other perspectives, simply applying the same asinine invectives to those who are NOT homophobic, nor denying that homosexuals are entitled to the same rights as anyone else.

They are simply saying that celebrating sexuality, particularly that followed by less then 1% of the population, in a public and deprecating manner to the rest of us is unacceptable. A position I hold.

You fag fans are missing the point; celebrating sexuality is a frivolous and imprudent activity. Flaunting naked buttocks to children is bordering on abusive and indecent. It does not MATTER that the culprits are gay. It matters that they are imprudent, disrespectful, and far more decadent that our society can afford.

Now, you want to argue on merit rather than puerile posturing, I'm your man.

And I don't give warnings, you vacuous slag. I simply start shooting.

I have listened to other moral majority arguments besides yours and they have all but turned their backs on accepting a time and place for the LGBT community to let loose and do their thing when the sun is shining as well as at night. For some reason, a few you have decided that a celebration of homosexuality should be hidden away like homosexuality once had to be hidden away.

No sane human being would advocate flaunting their buttocks at children. Such people would seek out a time and place to do so and expect parents to do their jobs and maintain a healthy distance, if such parents felt it morally objectionable for their children to be around such antics. It's no different than taking your children to a nude beach if public nudity is an affront to your way of thinking.

I find it ironic that a number of you aren't really as accepting as you've made yourselves out to be.

I've attempted to bury the hatchet with Dove already. Do try to behave yourself.
The simple fact that you can't comprehend the huge difference between a nude beach and the busy streets of Chicago just shows you lack the capability to even grasp anything being said.  Nudist go to nude beaches to enjoy being nude. They don't lounge around in open public places. The nude beach angel actually reinforces what we are attempting to express.

Again with the insults? Can't you help yourself?  :laugh:

Warning three.

Quote from: "Keeper"I thought i was the only who gave warnings around here?

 ac_smile  It's nothing official. I've simply decided to issue a warning to Dove for every time she doesn't want to behave herself after I offered her the peace pipe.

Quote from: "Dove"
Quote from: "Dinky Dianna"
Quote from: "Dove"
Quote from: "Dinky Dianna"That's a strong boast to accompany what amounts to empty words. Let the poo slinging go, Dove. Warning one.

Not really. I'm retired from the world of trolling/flaming. I don't "sling poo", I let off nukes that made my name Google worthy. I'm probably ip banned from half of AL gores innerWebz. Sit down, kid. Go to a flame board if you are so desperate to be abused.



Warning two
 Or what?  You'll type more nonsense? Lol

Warning four, isn't it?
 So I need to conform to your ideas on what's acceptable then? Hmmmm.....


Quote from: "Dove"
Quote from: "Dinky Dianna"
Quote from: "Dove"
Quote from: "Dinky Dianna"
Quote from: "SPECTRE"
Quote from: "Dinky Dianna"That's a strong boast to accompany what amounts to empty words. Let the poo slinging go, Dove. Warning one.

Ooooo...who's a nasty girl then...

Fuck off, you vapid twat. You want to play hardball, talk to me. You're not even listening to other perspectives, simply applying the same asinine invectives to those who are NOT homophobic, nor denying that homosexuals are entitled to the same rights as anyone else.

They are simply saying that celebrating sexuality, particularly that followed by less then 1% of the population, in a public and deprecating manner to the rest of us is unacceptable. A position I hold.

You fag fans are missing the point; celebrating sexuality is a frivolous and imprudent activity. Flaunting naked buttocks to children is bordering on abusive and indecent. It does not MATTER that the culprits are gay. It matters that they are imprudent, disrespectful, and far more decadent that our society can afford.

Now, you want to argue on merit rather than puerile posturing, I'm your man.

And I don't give warnings, you vacuous slag. I simply start shooting.

I have listened to other moral majority arguments besides yours and they have all but turned their backs on accepting a time and place for the LGBT community to let loose and do their thing when the sun is shining as well as at night. For some reason, a few you have decided that a celebration of homosexuality should be hidden away like homosexuality once had to be hidden away.

No sane human being would advocate flaunting their buttocks at children. Such people would seek out a time and place to do so and expect parents to do their jobs and maintain a healthy distance, if such parents felt it morally objectionable for their children to be around such antics. It's no different than taking your children to a nude beach if public nudity is an affront to your way of thinking.

I find it ironic that a number of you aren't really as accepting as you've made yourselves out to be.

I've attempted to bury the hatchet with Dove already. Do try to behave yourself.
The simple fact that you can't comprehend the huge difference between a nude beach and the busy streets of Chicago just shows you lack the capability to even grasp anything being said.  Nudist go to nude beaches to enjoy being nude. They don't lounge around in open public places. The nude beach angel actually reinforces what we are attempting to express.

Again with the insults? Can't you help yourself?  :laugh:

Warning three.

Quote from: "Keeper"I thought i was the only who gave warnings around here?

 ac_smile  It's nothing official. I've simply decided to issue a warning to Dove for every time she doesn't want to behave herself after I offered her the peace pipe.

Quote from: "Dove"
Quote from: "Dinky Dianna"
Quote from: "Dove"
Quote from: "Dinky Dianna"That's a strong boast to accompany what amounts to empty words. Let the poo slinging go, Dove. Warning one.

Not really. I'm retired from the world of trolling/flaming. I don't "sling poo", I let off nukes that made my name Google worthy. I'm probably ip banned from half of AL gores innerWebz. Sit down, kid. Go to a flame board if you are so desperate to be abused.



Warning two
 Or what?  You'll type more nonsense? Lol

Warning four, isn't it?
 So I need to conform to your ideas on what's acceptable then? Hmmmm.....

Good on you for trying to be civil again.  ac_smile

I'll deduct a warning. You're back to three.


Or why don't we just shove them right back in the closet, eh Dove?

It isn't hurting anyone.  It's easily avoided.  We aren't so entitled as straighties that we can't share the streets for a few hours.  The crowd is 5/6 people thick during these parades.  You'd see nothing but the backs of heads if you were walking the parade route unless you specifically made an effort to see something.  The streets are also shut down to traffic.

Honest to God, can we please stop grasping at the straws of idiocy for your self righteous justification of raining on someone's pride parade.  Pretty please?
Beware of Gaslighters!


Btw, I respect and enjoy sexuality immensely.  And it's because I respect sexuality that I feel it should be treated with respect....not thrown about city streets in broad daylight right in everyone's face like a pornographic circus show.  It makes it cheap and no more sacred than a community dumping ground. I celebrated my sexuality several times this week. I'll probably celebrate it before church while the kids are still sleeping. Without imposing it on the city I live in.


Quote from: "RW"Or why don't we just shove them right back in the closet, eh Dove?

It isn't hurting anyone.  It's easily avoided.  We aren't so entitled as straighties that we can't share the streets for a few hours.  The crowd is 5/6 people thick during these parades.  You'd see nothing but the backs of heads if you were walking the parade route unless you specifically made an effort to see something.  The streets are also shut down to traffic.

Honest to God, can we please stop grasping at the straws of idiocy for your self righteous justification of raining on someone's pride parade.  Pretty please?
 Dude you really need to look at the pictures of what I'm talking about.  I'm thinking perhaps in your country it's not like how it is here. And I know plenty of homosexuals out of the closet happily with out the need to make pornographic displays of themselves in public. Really?  Have you seen what goes on at American gay festivals?


Quote from: "Dove"Btw, I respect and enjoy sexuality immensely.  And it's because I respect sexuality that I feel it should be treated with respect....not thrown about city streets in broad daylight right in everyone's face like a pornographic circus show.  It makes it cheap and no more sacred than a community dumping ground. I celebrated my sexuality several times this week. I'll probably celebrate it before church while the kids are still sleeping. Without imposing it on the city I live in.

Everyone's face?  Again, you seem to miss the very salient point that only those who wish to see such a thing will see it.

If you want to respect SEXUAL DIVERSITY, sit down and STFU.  People are celebrating in the way THEY see fit.
Beware of Gaslighters!


Quote from: "Dove"
Quote from: "RW"Or why don't we just shove them right back in the closet, eh Dove?

It isn't hurting anyone.  It's easily avoided.  We aren't so entitled as straighties that we can't share the streets for a few hours.  The crowd is 5/6 people thick during these parades.  You'd see nothing but the backs of heads if you were walking the parade route unless you specifically made an effort to see something.  The streets are also shut down to traffic.

Honest to God, can we please stop grasping at the straws of idiocy for your self righteous justification of raining on someone's pride parade.  Pretty please?
 Dude you really need to look at the pictures of what I'm talking about.  I'm thinking perhaps in your country it's not like how it is here. And I know plenty of homosexuals out of the closet happily with out the need to make pornographic displays of themselves in public. Really?  Have you seen what goes on at American gay festivals?

I'm a Canadian woman.  

I don't care if they parade around with their dicks in each other's asses elephant style in the U.S.

And again, you can know thousands of gay people who aren't into pride festivals.  The beauty of our countries is the FREEDOM to participate or not.
Beware of Gaslighters!


Quote from: "RW"
Quote from: "Dove"Btw, I respect and enjoy sexuality immensely.  And it's because I respect sexuality that I feel it should be treated with respect....not thrown about city streets in broad daylight right in everyone's face like a pornographic circus show.  It makes it cheap and no more sacred than a community dumping ground. I celebrated my sexuality several times this week. I'll probably celebrate it before church while the kids are still sleeping. Without imposing it on the city I live in.

Everyone's face?  Again, you seem to miss the very salient point that only those who wish to see such a thing will see it.

If you want to respect SEXUAL DIVERSITY, sit down and STFU.  People are celebrating in the way THEY see fit.

 I'm not missing that point. However, you are missing my point that very public places are shared by everyone and this is imposing on people who have to go out of their way to avoid it.  It's removing the choice of others who are uncomfortable with x rated material occurring right out in the middle of town while they have to work or pass through or find ways around it.  Telling them to shut up and stay in thier house or avoid that section is what's unreasonable when there is an option of creating an environment for everyone during the day and doing the adult sex displays during the time when only adults are out. Again, things are probably different here in the states.


Quote from: "RW"
Quote from: "Dove"
Quote from: "RW"Or why don't we just shove them right back in the closet, eh Dove?

It isn't hurting anyone.  It's easily avoided.  We aren't so entitled as straighties that we can't share the streets for a few hours.  The crowd is 5/6 people thick during these parades.  You'd see nothing but the backs of heads if you were walking the parade route unless you specifically made an effort to see something.  The streets are also shut down to traffic.

Honest to God, can we please stop grasping at the straws of idiocy for your self righteous justification of raining on someone's pride parade.  Pretty please?
 Dude you really need to look at the pictures of what I'm talking about.  I'm thinking perhaps in your country it's not like how it is here. And I know plenty of homosexuals out of the closet happily with out the need to make pornographic displays of themselves in public. Really?  Have you seen what goes on at American gay festivals?

I'm a Canadian woman.  

I don't care if they parade around with their dicks in each other's asses elephant style in the U.S.

And again, you can know thousands of gay people who aren't into pride festivals.  The beauty of our countries is the FREEDOM to participate or not.
Well I do, and I'm in the states, and that's what I'm fussing about.


Oh no. I'm not missing your point.  I'm outright calling it unreasoned, selfish, entitled and moronic.  

That goes double for Spectre's.
Beware of Gaslighters!