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Re: Forum gossip thread by Herman

Cameron Grows a Pair????? or not?

Started by cc, July 20, 2015, 11:27:58 PM

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REUTERS:">Prime Minister David Cameron said on Monday that moderate Muslims in Britain should speak out against Islamist militants, saying it was wrong to deny any connection between their religion and acts of violence.

Cameron outlined a counter-extremism strategy designed to halt the spread in Britain of the radical ideology promoted by Islamic State militants (IS or ISIL) in Syria and Iraq - what he called the "struggle of our generation".

He also demanded that internet companies do more to help fight the spread of radical ideologies.

An aim of the strategy will be to target "home-grown" militants. Around 700 Britons are estimated to have travelled to Syria and Iraq to join IS militants, some of whom have since returned.

Cameron said to meet that goal, the religious drivers behind extremism had to be acknowledged and that moderate Muslim voices needed to be heard.

"Simply denying any connection between the religion of Islam and the extremists doesn't work," he said. "It is an exercise in futility to deny that and more than that, it can be dangerous."

Announcing a range of initiatives, he singled out internet companies for criticism.

"When it comes to doing what's right for their businesses they're happy to engineer technologies that track our likes and our dislikes," he said, without naming specific firms.

"But when it comes to doing what's right in the fight against terrorism we too often hear that it's all too difficult - I'm sorry I just don't buy that."

We shall see if he follows through or is again cowed by islamist rhetoric. His past record of kissing ass has been atrocious, We shall see what we shall see.  
I really tried to warn y\'all in 49  .. G. Orwell


Here comes the excuses and failure to own up to the root of the problem by the very people who could resolve it  - same article

Interfaith group Faith Matters broadly welcomed the strategy but cautioned against placing the blame on religion.

"Positing ideology as the main driver overlooks a multitude of factors that drives individuals towards violent extremism," the group said in a statement.


"The oversimplification of the drivers towards radicalisation risk alienating swathes of British Muslims.

[sigh ... Surprise  Surprise  Surprise ] The only way this will ever calm down without terribly drastic measures taking place is if islamics own up that it is their supremacist ideology that is the driver  .. and rat out every wannabe jihadi - They know who the likely ones are right within their mosques. So far, very little have they helped - in ANY country
I really tried to warn y\'all in 49  .. G. Orwell


He got his coveted majority, cc.

So now he can say what he really thinks without fear of being voted out of office via a non-confidence vote.


A good point, but still does not completely explain  some of the surrender monkey things he said before  .. voluntarily

So, do you think islamics will clean up their mosques ?  .... and also rat out the bad ones/
I really tried to warn y\'all in 49  .. G. Orwell


That is what needs to happen.  Islam needs to take care of their own and we need to support them in that.
Beware of Gaslighters!


To avoid VERY drastic action, they are the ONLY ones who can do it.

Because they have not done much already, I'm guessin they won't cooperate much at all .. maybe a token effort for looks ... try on the "victim" routine, cry "islamoFAUXbia" , whine, piss and moan, threaten are all more likely than true assistance

The initial reaction in the article is not a good start, but is consistent with past waffling  

Short of max effort on their part, at some point, the mosques will be cleaned out for them .. which, being very candid, is the moment I have feared but knew all along was coming at some point in the future

Most people do not appreciate the full extent to which it is a supremacist-based ideology and  supremacist-based ideologies are unlikely to dismantle themselves
I really tried to warn y\'all in 49  .. G. Orwell


Quote from: "RW"That is what needs to happen.  Islam needs to take care of their own and we need to support them in that.

Islam doesn't WANT to take care of their own!!!

Don't you get it?? The so called "peaceful" muslims are at best, apathetic, and at worst, complicit in ALL of these outrages. They know what's going on in their mosques. They hear the mullahs spewing hatred and disdain. They know the world despises them more and more, and so think fighting back and becoming martyrs is a GOOD thing.

Weeds don't grow in thin air. They are fed and nurtured by the same soil as flowers and vegetables. The flowers and vegetables pretending the weeds don't exist is merely their own fear of retribution keeping them silent.

Let them fight and kill each other on their own soil. Humanity will not grieve their loss. But we can no longer pretend that their presence in our countries is sensible and reasonable.


Quoteat best, apathetic, and at worst, complicit in ALL of these outrages. [size=120]They know what's going on in their mosques[/size]. They hear the mullahs spewing hatred and disdain.

Quotewe can no longer pretend that their presence in our countries is sensible and reasonable.

I could not agree more strongly that I already do and have for a very long time

Now, this Cameron. Because of his past performance in this area, I'm very unsure of his motives and resolve. Talk is cheap. We shall see if he has finally become a man, or is just talking a good game
I really tried to warn y\'all in 49  .. G. Orwell


If history is a guide, he's more mouth than trousers.

We can but hope that he will show some robustness that will inspire other national leaders to act. But it is just that...hope.

They are frightened of these sand monkeys for reasons I fail to follow. They are far from frightening. They are cowards. Don't be fooled by their barbarian acts amongst their own kind. Face to face, these dirt kissers are milksops.


Their own people know better than any what happens when you speak out yet are blamed for not speaking out due to fear.  That's not being complicit.  That's not wanting to be dead.

As I've said a million times, it's attitudes like yours that keep them silent Spec.  It's that very disdain that makes them not want to stand up and risk their lives.  We often forget that the first victim of Islamists is Islam itself.

i don't believe law enforcement can't infiltrate these places either and start making an example of these extremists.
Beware of Gaslighters!


Quote from: "cc la femme"To avoid VERY drastic action, they are the ONLY ones who can do it.

Because they have not done much already, I'm guessin they won't cooperate much at all .. maybe a token effort for looks ... try on the "victim" routine, cry "islamoFAUXbia" , whine, piss and moan, threaten are all more likely than true assistance

The initial reaction in the article is not a good start, but is consistent with past waffling  

Short of max effort on their part, at some point, the mosques will be cleaned out for them .. which, being very candid, is the moment I have feared but knew all along was coming at some point in the future

Most people do not appreciate the full extent to which it is a supremacist-based ideology and  supremacist-based ideologies are unlikely to dismantle themselves

Does the prime minister in Britain think he can count on moderate Muslims as partners cc la femme?


The irony is that the isolated instances of radicalized Muslims behaving badly are being used to radicalize Christians into treating Muslims with contempt, which then feeds back into radicalizing more disenfranchised Muslims and further Christians.

Which came first, the egg or the chicken and does it ultimately matter on the path of world wide social upheaval? Goodbye cohesion, hello population and freedom control.


Let me see if I have this right.

A supremacist ideology c/w its jihadis (its soldiers) comes here and we are to blame, it is the  victim

Followers of that supremacist ideology come here and we are to blame, they are the  victims

Islamics don't need you folks to play the victim card for them.

They have their own organizations and leaders to do that for them 24/7/365 and do it so well that many Westerners swallow it .. then regurgitate it for them.

Further, every minion (which is all followers are to leaders and soldiers),  is told how to play the recording verbatim.

A great plan and obviously extremely  effective
I really tried to warn y\'all in 49  .. G. Orwell


QuoteIf history is a guide, he's more mouth than trousers.
That is my concern with him. His past has been the very opposite  of what he said yesterday

We shall see what we shall see

Likely he will get internet companies to cooperate

islamics? Real help? I don't think he has it in him be tough enough

Even with toughness, I fail to see how the self-protections built into islam  can be circumvented.
I really tried to warn y\'all in 49  .. G. Orwell


Quote from: "cc la femme"Let me see if I have this right.

A supremacist ideology comes here and we are to blame, it is the  victim

Followers of that supremacist ideology come here and we are to blame, they are the  victims

Islamics don't need you folks to play the victim card for them.

They have their own organizations and leaders to do that for them 24/7/365 and do it so well that many Westerners swallow it .. then regurgitate it for them. Further, every minion, which is all followers are to leaders,  is told how to play the recording verbatim.

A great plan and obviously extremely  effective

You should investigate deeper into the history of the Middle East. The West set the modern goalposts through colonialism and the West has been moving them as it suits since. It goes without saying that goodwill by everyday peoples in the Middle East has taken numerous generational hits. Historically, it's actually nothing new if you recall the events around the Crusades. The fact that small numbers of people in that region and abroad have found solace in hardline religious ideologies (or political ones cloaked in religious facades) wouldn't be a surprise or point of feigned disdain for you.

You should look into it if you're open minded or a real Christian.