Tyrant just started season 2 (I think 2) on FXQuote from: "cc la femme"
The Tyrant himself is one of the best actors I have EVER seen act. His wife is tremendous also - both almost too believable in their roles of running .. I would say Iraq with a different name
The brother, sort of the lead role not so much
Season ended with Tyrant possibly killed. Hope not because it won't be worth watching if he is removed
We recorded it yesterday and will likely watch tonight. Will let y'all know if it continues to be as good
I enjoy Tyrant immensely. That actor is outstanding. He is Ashraf Barhom, an Arab-Israeli actor. Very talented. He first caught my eye when he played Colonel Faris Al Ghazi in the movie, The Kingdom.
His wife in Tyrant is a beautiful woman, Moran Atias, also from Israel.
I follow this series and so glad it's back too!