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Re: Forum gossip thread by Herman

Exclusive: U.S. plans new wave of immigrant deportation raids

Started by JOE, May 12, 2016, 09:45:40 PM

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Quote from: "Twenty Dollars"
Quote from: "Renee"
Quote from: "JOE"Well we have the same problem in Canada too, Renn.

All those people from frigid provinces like Ontario, Quebec and Saskatchewan head down South to places like Scottsdale, Las Vegas and Hawaii. Dont' you think that's a drain on the Canadian economy too? I'm sure with all the Canadians who flock to America's sunspots, that it more than makes up for the deficit/gap which $20 has deprived you with/left behind.

Actually there was once a proposal by the islands of Turks and Caicos in the Caribbean to become part of Canada. They wanted to join us. But the Conservative government of the time turned them down. Recently however, the socialist party, the NDP, endorsed annexing the islands at its convention. Might not be such a bad idea, given all that tourist money which is flowing out of Canada and into the pockets of American, Mexican and Costa Rican tourist operators during our long, cold hard winters, eh?

Didn't I tell you to STFU? Is English a second language for you?

Christ on a fucking cross, can't you post like a normal person? Why do you have to do everything fucking backwards? Is it because you spend most of your life looking at the rearview mirror of your God damn cab?  :laugh:

BTW, I don't care if your snowbirds drain your economy or not. I just want them and their freaking trailers off the Garden State Parkway when I'm coming home from work.

Is this something that makes you miserable? God, it's like you eat dog do for breakfast. Do you enjoy being with yourself? Try eating fresh pineapple for a change. Just trying to help.

What a moron.


Y'know, I git the sense here, that a number of fellow citizens are jealous of $20 good fortune to live where he want and do what he wants when he wants. I guess they're envious cuz they'd like ta be doin the same thing. When someone has more money, more opportunity, it must steam them up a bit.


Quote from: "JOE"Y'know, I git the sense here, that a number of fellow citizens are jealous of $20 good fortune to live where he want and do what he wants when he wants. I guess they're envious cuz they'd like ta be doin the same thing. When someone has more money, more opportunity, it must steam them up a bit.

Not at all.


Quote from: "seoulbro"
Quote from: "JOE"Y'know, I git the sense here, that a number of fellow citizens are jealous of $20 good fortune to live where he want and do what he wants when he wants. I guess they're envious cuz they'd like ta be doin the same thing. When someone has more money, more opportunity, it must steam them up a bit.

Not at all.

Obviously. I plan on living abroad too in 7 years and 10 months. Someone acts like a jerk, they get called on it.

Twenty Dollars

Quote from: "iron horse jockey"
Quote from: "seoulbro"
Quote from: "JOE"Y'know, I git the sense here, that a number of fellow citizens are jealous of $20 good fortune to live where he want and do what he wants when he wants. I guess they're envious cuz they'd like ta be doin the same thing. When someone has more money, more opportunity, it must steam them up a bit.

Not at all.

Obviously. I plan on living abroad too in 7 years and 10 months. Someone acts like a jerk, they get called on it.

You sound excited about it. You need to know 75% of those wanting to live in a foreign country can't make it work and don't last. Many times after a large investment has been made. I would think long and hard on it. Then try it out for 6 months or a year. You might find its not your cup of tea. I see this happening here. When they bail and start selling stuff. Good for the rest of us. Think hard about it.


The pitfalls have been mentioned Twenty Dollars..

You did your research and I am sure iron horse jockey will do his..

But still, unforeseen things can happen.


Quote from: "Fashionista"The pitfalls have been mentioned Twenty Dollars..

You did your research and I am sure iron horse jockey will do his..

But still, unforeseen things can happen.

By the time I am retired, I will have saved, researched, planned and prepared for retirement abroad for about 18 years.


For those with Costa Rica envy, here's the story about the Canadian tourist who stepped on a snake while visiting that country:!/httpImage/image.jpg_gen/derivatives/original_620/mi-bc-130322-tiffan-akins-vgh-snake-bite-cu.jpg">"> ... -1.1313667">!/httpImage/image.jpg_gen/derivatives/original_620/hi-bc-1303212-wikipedia-caspar-bothrops-asper-4col.jpg">

I suppose no place is perfect, but then again, even the Garden of Eden had a snake...or two

Twenty Dollars

I saw a snake in my back yard with a frog in its mouth. Don't think he was poisonous.


Quote from: "JOE"For those with Costa Rica envy, here's the story about the Canadian tourist who stepped on a snake while visiting that country:

I suppose no place is perfect, but then again, even the Garden of Eden had a snake...or two

As someone that lives in an area (the USA) that has poisonous snakes, that has seen and killed  many varieties, I tend to keep an eye out for them. Coral snakes, water moccasins, copper heads, different varieties of rattle snakes have all been where they shouldn't have been at one time or another. Here is a pretty copper head in the wrong place at the wrong time. Struck at, but missed, my best friend less than 2 weeks ago on the front porch of his house. I will give you a little advise. Not all poisonous snakes have a rattle to warn you. One should always be observant.">

Knock Knock
I've learned that if someone asks you a really stupid question and you reply by telling them what time it is, they'll leave you alone


Quote from: "kiebers"
Quote from: "JOE"For those with Costa Rica envy, here's the story about the Canadian tourist who stepped on a snake while visiting that country:

I suppose no place is perfect, but then again, even the Garden of Eden had a snake...or two

As someone that lives in an area (the USA) that has poisonous snakes, that has seen and killed  many varieties, I tend to keep an eye out for them. Coral snakes, water moccasins, copper heads, different varieties of rattle snakes have all been where they shouldn't have been at one time or another. Here is a pretty copper head in the wrong place at the wrong time. Struck at, but missed, my best friend less than 2 weeks ago on the front porch of his house. I will give you a little advise. Not all poisonous snakes have a rattle to warn you. One should always be observant.">

Knock Knock

Common sense stuff. I was going to buy property abroad, but I decided to farm in Saskatchewan instead. Snakes were not the reason I decided to stay home. Though I think JOE is a little wuss and scared of his own shadow.


Got a text this evening from him. He killed that one last Tuesday. Got it's mate today. Always been said that they travel in two's.
I've learned that if someone asks you a really stupid question and you reply by telling them what time it is, they'll leave you alone


Quote from: "kiebers"Got a text this evening from him. He killed that one last Tuesday. Got it's mate today. Always been said that they travel in two's.

Glad he got it. :thumbup:


Quote from: "kiebers"
Quote from: "JOE"For those with Costa Rica envy, here's the story about the Canadian tourist who stepped on a snake while visiting that country:

I suppose no place is perfect, but then again, even the Garden of Eden had a snake...or two

As someone that lives in an area (the USA) that has poisonous snakes, that has seen and killed  many varieties, I tend to keep an eye out for them. Coral snakes, water moccasins, copper heads, different varieties of rattle snakes have all been where they shouldn't have been at one time or another. Here is a pretty copper head in the wrong place at the wrong time. Struck at, but missed, my best friend less than 2 weeks ago on the front porch of his house. I will give you a little advise. Not all poisonous snakes have a rattle to warn you. One should always be observant.">

Knock Knock

Oh my kiebers.



Quote from: "kiebers"
Quote from: "JOE"For those with Costa Rica envy, here's the story about the Canadian tourist who stepped on a snake while visiting that country:

I suppose no place is perfect, but then again, even the Garden of Eden had a snake...or two

As someone that lives in an area (the USA) that has poisonous snakes, that has seen and killed  many varieties, I tend to keep an eye out for them. Coral snakes, water moccasins, copper heads, different varieties of rattle snakes have all been where they shouldn't have been at one time or another. Here is a pretty copper head in the wrong place at the wrong time. Struck at, but missed, my best friend less than 2 weeks ago on the front porch of his house. I will give you a little advise. Not all poisonous snakes have a rattle to warn you. One should always be observant.">

Knock Knock

It does not look dangerous.