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EgyptAir Flight Dissapeared from radar - Update - Pings from a blackbox picked up

Started by cc, May 19, 2016, 12:29:34 AM

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Still no word on it other than it disappeared from radar 10 miles into Egyptian airspace at 37,000 ft altitude .. 69 aboard the Airbus A320

It was flying Paris to Cairo

Not linking it as story is everywhere and is evolving rapidly / in flux
I really tried to warn y\'all in 49  .. G. Orwell


I am watching updates about it as we speak ceec.


I won't say what my guess is what happened to that plane.


Quote from: "iron horse jockey"I won't say what my guess is what happened to that plane.

Planes just do not fall out of the sky at 37,000 feet.


We can't assume something bad was done to it, but after the shoot down of the  Russian plane over the Sianai ... with the Muslim Brotherhood +++ one can't be expected to not suspect "possible" foul play

You are right on that Herm ...... surprising that even if it was lowering altitude voluntarily radar would see that

Still, let's wait and see ... El Sisi I like VERY much and trust .... he will not play games on it. He is far more of a straight shooter than any of our politicians

speaking of, the despicable behavior of our king today in his kingly chambers  was shocking .. .but not surprising to me  ... Several said he said "Get the fk out of my way" .. then proceeded to bully  .. then again crossed the floor FFS
I really tried to warn y\'all in 49  .. G. Orwell


They are saying it went down over the Mediterranean Sea. The Egyptian Navy is conducting search and rescue. Greece is helping in the search too.


thanks ... early report had it 10 miles into the country, but early reports are just "early reports"

Al Jizz is saying as of now "The Airbus A320 was flying at 37,000 feet when it disappeared 16km after entering Egyptian airspace, the airline said." ... then airspace extends over the sea

Then they said ""Apparently it was just short of Egyptian airspace, so it was likely over the Mediterranean, because the Greek airspace joins the Egyptian airspace around that area," aviation safety consultant Keith Mackey told Al Jazeera, "So that is probably where they will be looking">
I really tried to warn y\'all in 49  .. G. Orwell


Early reports and immediate suspicions. I will wait until more evidence is gathered.


Quote from: "cc la femme"thanks ... early report had it 10 miles into the country, but early reports are just "early reports"

Al Jizz is saying as of now "The Airbus A320 was flying at 37,000 feet when it disappeared 16km after entering Egyptian airspace, the airline said." ... then airspace extends over the sea

Then they said ""Apparently it was just short of Egyptian airspace, so it was likely over the Mediterranean, because the Greek airspace joins the Egyptian airspace around that area," aviation safety consultant Keith Mackey told Al Jazeera, "So that is probably where they will be looking">

Ya, I saw the ten mile into the country story too.


Beware of Gaslighters!


Quote from: "RW"no debris?

It only happened a few hours ago. The search and rescue is just getting under way.


The latest report is that it crashed 280 kms off the coast of Egypt. That is a huge area to search.


Updated image - BBC">

EgyptAir did confirm the pilot made a distress call ...  and that the plane "had crashed" ... that's the best I have found  to date

Still early, so can't always trust info to be exact .. although Egypt is a very solid reliable country  now

That said, it has plenty of the Muslim Brotherhood and IS to deal with so it is fair / human  to consider foul play as quite "possible" at this point in time

Planes can go down from turbulence or mechanical failure also

Egypt and Greece have searching  in action - It is almost 9 am there now

Other sources say no pilot contact - so too early for reliable info
I really tried to warn y\'all in 49  .. G. Orwell


Not sure why aircraft designers never thought of or could figure out how to make a plane more safe ages ago. Recently, a Russian engineer introduced a design where the fuselage detaches from the aircraft and parachutes enable the cabin to make a safe landing:">"> ... hutes.html">

If they've done it for spacecraft, then why not planes?

It could save a lot of lives.


Quote from: "iron horse jockey"Early reports and immediate suspicions. I will wait until more evidence is gathered.

Excellent idea!