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Re: Forum gossip thread by Herman

At Least 50 Dead In Gay Nightclub Attack in Orlando By Muslim Gunman

Started by Anonymous, June 12, 2016, 11:24:31 AM

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Making gun ownership more restrictive in the US might stop another Connecticut school shooting. But, it will not stop jihad inspired attacks or bike gangs shooting each other up. Restrictive gun laws did not stop the Paris massacre or the latest shooting in Israel. The law won't prevent organized crime syndicates and international Islamic terror from getting what they want.

As has been pointed out, they are experimenting with new ways of getting suicide bombers on planes. Very scary.


Quote from: "Fashionista"
Quote from: "RW"
Quote from: "cc la femme"See how it happens?

islam does what islam does and progs change that into "about guns"

This isn't even a gay hate crime as was first assumed. He was gay. Its an islamic hate for the West crime

An islamic set out to kill as many civilians as possible, knew personally this was a setup (a place packed with 300 targets) .... so decided the place he knew was as good as it gets and killed as many as he could

So long as we have islamics here, this will accelerate ...

Whether gun, fire, bombs .. this guy is inspiration for all those islamics  who hate the West

Mass SHOOTINGS are about guns regardless of what sick fuck is pulling the trigger.

Was the Boston bombing about pressure cookers? Was 9/11 about airplanes? Was the Oklahoma City bombing about fertilizer?

I am not trying to be smart, but if someone is determined to kill many people, they will and have found ways to do it..

Having said that, I support making gun ownership very restrictive, but I don't believe it will stop terrorism.

Shootings are about guns.

Bombings are about bombs.

I think the idea is to not make it easy for these pieces of shit to do what they do.
Beware of Gaslighters!


Quote from: "seoulbro"Making gun ownership more restrictive in the US might stop another Connecticut school shooting. But, it will not stop jihad inspired attacks or bike gangs shooting each other up. Restrictive gun laws did not stop the Paris massacre or the latest shooting in Israel. The law won't prevent organized crime syndicates and international Islamic terror from getting what they want.

As has been pointed out, they are experimenting with new ways of getting suicide bombers on planes. Very scary.

My understanding is the gun used in this shooting was obtained LEGALLY.

This attitude that we can't stop something 100% is a justification for not restricting or banning is a HUGE logic fail.
Beware of Gaslighters!


Quote from: "Renee""Mass Shooting Tracker" is a bullshit site. As per usual in the anti-gun, hoplophobic world, facts are omitted or amended in favor of bolstering numbers for propaganda purposes.

"PolitiFact, who ranked Mass Shooting Tracker's statistical assessment as "half true" noted, "Using 2013, the most recent year for which federal data is available, the Congressional Research Service found 25 mass shooting incidents — far less than the 363 counted by Mass Shooting Tracker"">//">//

Think of it not as the anti-gun lobby so much as the anti-shooting-up-nightclubs-killing-50-people-lobby.
Beware of Gaslighters!


Quote from: "RW"
Quote from: "seoulbro"Making gun ownership more restrictive in the US might stop another Connecticut school shooting. But, it will not stop jihad inspired attacks or bike gangs shooting each other up. Restrictive gun laws did not stop the Paris massacre or the latest shooting in Israel. The law won't prevent organized crime syndicates and international Islamic terror from getting what they want.

As has been pointed out, they are experimenting with new ways of getting suicide bombers on planes. Very scary.

My understanding is the gun used in this shooting was obtained LEGALLY.

This attitude that we can't stop something 100% is a justification for not restricting or banning is a HUGE logic fail.

Legal or not legal will not stop a terrorist anymore than it would Yakuza or HA. It's never worked anywhere. So legal or not does not matter at all in those cases.

It might stop a kid though, but even then I am not sure. It's not that difficult buying illegal firearms and that's in the greater Toronto area.


Quote from: "seoulbro"
Quote from: "RW"
Quote from: "seoulbro"Making gun ownership more restrictive in the US might stop another Connecticut school shooting. But, it will not stop jihad inspired attacks or bike gangs shooting each other up. Restrictive gun laws did not stop the Paris massacre or the latest shooting in Israel. The law won't prevent organized crime syndicates and international Islamic terror from getting what they want.

As has been pointed out, they are experimenting with new ways of getting suicide bombers on planes. Very scary.

My understanding is the gun used in this shooting was obtained LEGALLY.

This attitude that we can't stop something 100% is a justification for not restricting or banning is a HUGE logic fail.

Legal or not legal will not stop a terrorist anymore than it would Yakuza or HA. It's never worked anywhere. So legal or not does not matter at all in those cases.

It might stop a kid though, but even then I am not sure. It's not that difficult buying illegal firearms and that's in the greater Toronto area.

So it should be easy and legal to obtain a weapon capable of shooting and wounding over 100 people?

Actually, it's worked out pretty well in Australia in terms of curbing mass shootings.  Isn't that weird??
Beware of Gaslighters!


Quote from: "Renee""Mass Shooting Tracker" is a bullshit site. As per usual in the anti-gun, hoplophobic world, facts are omitted or amended in favor of bolstering numbers for propaganda purposes.

"PolitiFact, who ranked Mass Shooting Tracker's statistical assessment as "half true" noted, "Using 2013, the most recent year for which federal data is available, the Congressional Research Service found 25 mass shooting incidents — far less than the 363 counted by Mass Shooting Tracker"">//">//

I am not surprised at all that this website is telling half truths..

Politicians will probably cite this website to further their own political agenda..

I have become so cynical that I stop reading when any American politician speaks of Orlando.


Quote from: "RW"So it should be easy and legal to obtain a weapon capable of shooting and wounding over 100 people? ....

No. It should not. It could reduce large domestic incidents, while at the same time let's remember that  most killings are local gangs in the inner cities using mainly and illegally obtained smaller guns. The numbers for these killings is many times greater than mass killings and go on every single day

Because the "drama" effect for those not involved is low as against large killings, no one seems to want to stop the far greater number of  neighborhood killing

Quote from: "RW" .... Actually, it's worked out pretty well in Australia in terms of curbing mass shootings.  Isn't that weird??

Let's put this "Oz" thing on hold and discuss that after oz experiences more and large islamic attacks.

That said, I'm against heavy guns being legal ... while at the same time knowing that no law will keep supremacist ideology fueled perps from getting weapons .. or from  using many other means to kill what they consider to be their enemy
I really tried to warn y\'all in 49  .. G. Orwell

Twenty Dollars

Quote from: "Renee"
Quote from: "Twenty Dollars"
Quote from: "Renee"
Quote from: "Twenty Dollars"So owning assault type rifles that shoots  bullets that tumble is alright in your reality? Why are these guns along  with giant clips legal? They are only manufactured for one reason.

Bullets that "tumble"???? WTF are you babbling about now?

Funny Renee that you are unaware of this. Google it. These weapons are to kill people. The bullet that is shot out of these guns have a tumble action. After in enters ones body it tears the shit out of you.

WRONG!!!!!!!! :laugh3:

Bullets do not "tumble". If you have a "tumble action" (whatever the fuck that is) something is seriously wrong with the barrel of the gun or the load you are using is incompatible with the rifling twist in the bore or the bullet is damaged or defective in some way. In any case bullets are not meant or designed to "tumble".

Bullets "spiral" much like a well thrown football.

You are obvious one of the millions of ignorant sheep who think so called assault weapons are some kind of ultra menacing class of firearm that has mystical killing powers.

Watch out for those kinds of weapons. They have mind control powers as well. Anyone who touches one immediately turns into a homicidal maniac.  :laugh3:

Sorry but I need to ask again. How far is your head up your ass? Tumble or a tumble effect. These guns are to kill people. How fucking stupid are you? Ex Hubby must have one. Helps with his boner, no doubt. These weapons need to be banned. If you don't see this, I honestly feel sorry for you. Yeah these weapons have magical killing powers. God are you dumb.


This kind of stuff is insane:

QuoteIt Took Us Just 38 Minutes To Buy An AR-15 In Orlando

Just two days after Omar Mateen used a semi-automatic rifle to murder 49 innocent people and injure dozens more, we were able to purchase an AR-15 — a rifle similar to Mateen's that has been used in several other mass shootings on American soil — in less time than it takes to buy a cart full of groceries.">//

QuoteBOOM in gun sales as shop sells 15,000 guns since Orlando massacre

In a few hours on Monday one gun shop in Georgia had sold 17 times the number of AR 15 assault rifles it normally does in one day.

A Pennsylvanian gun dealer has said that he has already sold around 15,000 semi-automatic rifles on his website since the shocking event.">//

Thousands of AR-15s were sold right after Sandy Hook too.

What kind of sickos rush to buy the murder weapon of a mass murderer?


Well and good, but what do you think about yet another killer for islam? ... being as that is what brought the subject up, eh?

Do you think this acceleration on islamic killings in the West will continue to accelerate?

I do .. and you? .. and I again remind you ... this thread was inspired by a killer for islam
I really tried to warn y\'all in 49  .. G. Orwell


Quote from: "cc la femme"Let's put this "Oz" thing on hold and discuss that after oz experiences more and large islamic attacks.

:laugh: cc can't discuss anything if it doesn't involve her obsession.


Americans love their guns. Nothing wrong with that as long as they do proper background checks. Rural Manitobans love their high powered firearms too. It's part of the culture there as it is in the states.

Changing our culture in North America because Islam wants us dead is surrender. Asking responsible gun owners like Renee or Herman to give up part of their heritage is unreasonable. It's like putting legal limits on girls wearing what they want because it will provoke Muslim men to rape.

Muslim radicals want us dead anyway. Changing our culture will not change that.


Quote from: "cc la femme"Well and good, but what do you think about yet another killer for islam? ... being as that is what brought the subject up, eh?

Do you think this acceleration on islamic killings in the West will continue to accelerate?

I do .. and you? .. and I again remind you ... this thread was inspired by a killer for islam

I wouldn't know. I can't foretell the future.


Quote from: "Romero"
Quote from: "cc la femme"Well and good, but what do you think about yet another killer for islam? ... being as that is what brought the subject up, eh?

Do you think this acceleration on islamic killings in the West will continue to accelerate?

I do .. and you? .. and I again remind you ... this thread was inspired by a killer for islam

I wouldn't know. I can't foretell the future.

You do have trouble with large words like "Yes" & "No"

and I again remind you ... this thread was inspired by yet another "killer for islam"  .... and not by whatever means this specific critter happened to choose ... thankfully not a passenger airplane
I really tried to warn y\'all in 49  .. G. Orwell