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Re: Forum gossip thread by Herman

At Least 50 Dead In Gay Nightclub Attack in Orlando By Muslim Gunman

Started by Anonymous, June 12, 2016, 11:24:31 AM

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Magical powers!  Haha!  Guns shoot rainbows and blast out unicorn farts.
Beware of Gaslighters!


I think it's time to ban Islamic radicals instead of Herman and Renee from owning guns.


Quote from: "iron horse jockey"I think it's time to ban Islamic radicals instead of Herman and Renee from owning guns.

The trouble is, if you look at who is committing mass shootings, it's not just Islamic radicals Iron.  It's the unknown Joes doing it as well.

Why are you people not grasping this concept????
Beware of Gaslighters!


I think most do get it. I know that I do big-time. I would like large caliber semis gone .... but do know that perps will get them still

It's just that

1. 1% of the entire population sure do a lot .. and we all know MUCH MORE is to come from that 1% .. and that without huge taxpayer funded policing would be doing a hell of a lot more

2. Others from the other 99%  are not players in a huge worldwide plan that has the ultimate objective to change and subjugate the West. That's not just yer regular violence, that's war.

3. Others are one go and gone .. not so with the death cult .. . they will keep on coming
I really tried to warn y\'all in 49  .. G. Orwell


Adam Lanza - Sandy Hook - 26 dead (20 children) - NOT AN ISLAMIC

Dylan Klebold & Eric Harris - Columbine - 13 dead - NOT AN ISLAMIC

Marc Lepine - l'ecole Polytechnique - 15 dead - NOT AN ISLAMIC
Beware of Gaslighters!


Quote from: "cc la femme"I think most do get it. I know that I do big-time. I would like large caliber semis gone .... but do know that perps will get them still

It's just that

1. 1% of the entire population sure do a lot .. and we all know MUCH MORE is to come from that 1% .. and that without huge taxpayer funded policing would be doing a hell of a lot more

2. Others from the other 99%  are not players in a huge worldwide plan that has the ultimate objective to change and subjugate the West. That's not just yer regular violence, that's war.

3. Others are one go and gone .. not so with the death cult .. . they will keep on coming

They may or may not still get them but what I know is that it shouldn't be easy or legal for them to do so.  It's outrageous that this atrocity was carried out using a legally obtained firearm.
Beware of Gaslighters!


OK. Here's the heart of my point(s)

"Guns" are worth a thread .. or many threads. Guns are worth much thought and talk

That said,

mixing the two totally separate issues dilutes BOTH  important issues

and like so many other things in our dumb PC world,  ... too long of a list to type ... becomes another means to take the heat off islam .... while it grows stronger more devout and more rambunctious every day

while the West sleepwalks along blindly, unable to focus and act constructively on any single issue and act constructively on any single issue
I really tried to warn y\'all in 49  .. G. Orwell


Beware of Gaslighters!


A simple addition of watched by the FBI or on the fly list would have prevented him from buying a gun legally. If they had've added that, he would have had to use a black market bought gun and 50 people would still be dead. Maybe use an explosive device. Either way, it's lot easier for a cowardly government to punish responsible gun owners like Herman and Renee than Islamics who want us dead by any means.


Why is it "punishment" to take away these types of weapons?

I'm getting really sick of this idiotic argument.
Beware of Gaslighters!

smell the glove

Quote from: "Renee"Bullets do not "tumble".

Renee is correct here.

A .223/5.56 round should not "tumble."

This round, however, is very effective due to its ability to fragment upon impact with a target.  This is simply due to it's relatively high speed, at around 3200 feet per second or so.

A .223/5.56 round is certainly not the most effective at anything...  What it is, is that it's light, it's "relatively" cheap, and it's effective for what it was designed to do.  Nothing makes this round any more "special" than any other round available...

smell the glove

Quote from: "Twenty Dollars"Sorry but I need to ask again. How far is your head up your ass? Tumble or a tumble effect. These guns are to kill people. How fucking stupid are you? Ex Hubby must have one. Helps with his boner, no doubt. These weapons need to be banned. If you don't see this, I honestly feel sorry for you. Yeah these weapons have magical killing powers. God are you dumb.

I'm sorry, TD, but you are wrong.

Very wrong.

A bullet is designed to do one thing...  Follow the flattest and most accurate trajectory possible, until it hits the target.  This target could be a pop can, a paper target, an animal, or a human.

A bullet is a usually a very simple thing...  A piece of lead, often with a copper jacket.  That's all a bullet is, generally.

How big it is, how heavy it is, and how fast it comes out of the end are what can be adjusted.  Nonetheless, they all are supposed to come out in exactly the same way...

smell the glove

Quote from: "RW""Responsible" gun owner don't need access to these types of weapons.  That's insane.

There are no "these types of weapons."

It's a fucking .223 round.  It is essentially at the very lowest end of "power," if you will...

I bought a Mini-14, since this round is one of the cheapest centre-fire rifle rounds available.  .223 is EXTREMELY common, both here, and in the US.

Seriously?  It is literally the next step above a .22 plinking gun.

Now, I am not trying to make any excuse here for anyone's actions, but I seriously want people to consider their knowledge of firearms, ballistics, etc, before they want something banned that they don't know anything about.


"This type of weapon has become the weapon of choice for gunmen in mass shootings, including those in San Bernardino, Newtown and Aurora," said Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif. "This is not a weapon needed for hunting or self-defense. It is a weapon of war that can kill large numbers of people in close quarters."

There used to be a ban on them that expired in 2004.  Prior to that, where "responsible gun owners" feeling put upon because they couldn't get their hands on 30 round clips any more?  If so, TFB.
Beware of Gaslighters!