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Re: Forum gossip thread by Herman

At Least 50 Dead In Gay Nightclub Attack in Orlando By Muslim Gunman

Started by Anonymous, June 12, 2016, 11:24:31 AM

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"This type of weapon has become the weapon of choice for gunmen in mass shootings, including those in San Bernardino, Newtown and Aurora," said Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif. "This is not a weapon needed for hunting or self-defense. It is a weapon of war that can kill large numbers of people in close quarters."

There used to be a ban on them that expired in 2004.  Prior to that, where "responsible gun owners" feeling put upon because they couldn't get their hands on 30 round clips any more?  If so, TFB.
Beware of Gaslighters!

smell the glove

Quote from: "RW"Actually, it's worked out pretty well in Australia in terms of curbing mass shootings.  Isn't that weird??

Australia had one incident, that triggered a massive shift there as to what one can own, and how.

Nonetheless, Australians can still own certain types of firearms, and any Australian firearm owner could still inflict much damage, should he want to.

These incidents can always be a very real problem...

Canadians can essentially own (with some minor adjustments), exactly the same firearms as the Yanks can own.  I could go more into depth, but I'll keep things simple...

There will ALWAYS be the risk of someone going nuts...  The REAL question we should ask, is why does this most often happen in the US?

There are MANY nations with a fairly large percentage of gun owners...  Other than the odd suicide here and there, a touch of gang warfare here and there, there are relatively few mass shootings of innocents...

THIS is what should be examined...  These numbers should be examined...  And answer me as to why this is?


Actually, no they didn't have ONE incident.  They had one MAJOR incident.  They had 13 mass shootings in the years prior to their gun ban.
Beware of Gaslighters!

smell the glove

Quote from: "RW"There used to be a ban on them that expired in 2004.  Prior to that, where "responsible gun owners" feeling put upon because they couldn't get their hands on 30 round clips any more?  If so, TFB.

It doesn't matter what the gun looks like, RW.

My Mini-14 shoots the exact same bullet/round.

It's a low powered round, all things considered.

smell the glove

Quote from: "RW"Actually, no they didn't have ONE incident.  They had one MAJOR incident.  They had 13 mass shootings in the years prior to their gun ban.

That's what happens when you give criminals freedom!  LOLZ!


Quote from: "smell the glove"
Quote from: "RW"There used to be a ban on them that expired in 2004.  Prior to that, where "responsible gun owners" feeling put upon because they couldn't get their hands on 30 round clips any more?  If so, TFB.

It doesn't matter what the gun looks like, RW.

My Mini-14 shoots the exact same bullet/round.

It's a low powered round, all things considered.

Did I say anything about gun looks?  No, I did not.
Beware of Gaslighters!

smell the glove

What we must remember here, is that literally ANY gun can take multiple lives in a relatively quick span of time.

It doesn't matter if it's an AR15, a Mini-14, a .357 Magnum, or a .45 Auto...

Someone perched upon a building with a bolt-action 30-06 or .308 can leave devastating effects.  These are the two most common North American hunting rounds.  They would make a .223/5.56 round look like a fucking pellet from a sling-shot...


Quote from: "smell the glove"What we must remember here, is that literally ANY gun can take multiple lives in a relatively quick span of time.

It doesn't matter if it's an AR15, a Mini-14, a .357 Magnum, or a .45 Auto...

Someone perched upon a building with a bolt-action 30-06 or .308 can leave devastating effects.  These are the two most common North American hunting rounds.  They would make a .223/5.56 round look like a fucking pellet from a sling-shot...

And someone with a gun that hold 30 bullets can shoot more people than if he had a gun holding 10 bullets.

Why is it that common sense and basic logic seems to evaporate from these debates?
Beware of Gaslighters!

smell the glove

Any semi-auto usually has a replaceable/detachable magazine.

These magazines can be pre-loaded.

It takes a second to dump a mag, and pop in another...


Quote from: "iron horse jockey"A simple addition of watched by the FBI or on the fly list would have prevented him from buying a gun legally. If they had've added that, he would have had to use a black market bought gun and 50 people would still be dead. Maybe use an explosive device. Either way, it's lot easier for a cowardly government to punish responsible gun owners like Herman and Renee than Islamics who want us dead by any means.

You nailed it again Jock. :thumbup:


Quote from: "RW""This type of weapon has become the weapon of choice for gunmen in mass shootings, including those in San Bernardino, Newtown and Aurora," said Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif. "This is not a weapon needed for hunting or self-defense. It is a weapon of war that can kill large numbers of people in close quarters."

There used to be a ban on them that expired in 2004.  Prior to that, where "responsible gun owners" feeling put upon because they couldn't get their hands on 30 round clips any more?  If so, TFB.

Wrong....Diane Feinstein is an idiot.....a known rabid anti-gun loon with a history of making sensational and false statements so she can push her agenda. Do you know that she has a concealed carry permit but she is vehemently against the private citizens of her state having the same privilege? She an elitist leftwing pig who thinks her life is worth more than the unwashed masses. Anything that corpse had to say on this subject is worthless.

As for what Mel is saying.....he is pretty much correct in saying the the .223 is a light round. It's also a high velocity round that with fully jacketed ammo will piece pieces of light gauge steel or kevlar body armor. Its a common varmint cartridge used for long distance on ground hogs, coyotes and such. As for your assertion that a semi-auto is a weapon of war... :laugh3:  That may have been true in 1950 but that statement is just sensationalist bunk plucked right out of the anti-gun propaganda playbook. Semi-auto weapons haven't been considered weapons of war for over half a century. At one time a fucking Brown Bess muzzle loader was considered a state of the art weapon of war, FFS.  :001_rolleyes: The original selective fire AR15 created buy Eugene Stoner is a "weapon of war" and is restricted under the 1934 gun control act.

These types of faux "paramilitary" weapons are no more deadly than any common semi-auto deer rifle that is equipped with a detachable magazine. In fact many of this types of rifles (the AR and its variants) are commonly used by competition target shooters and as hunting rifles for game such as ferral hogs and javelina

What you are doing is parroting lies that are fed to you by those with a political agenda. Its all bullshit that uses fear to achieve a political objective.

Personally I have no use for an AR but if the powers that be want to restrict weapons such as the a AR15 and it's variants then they had better get their hysterical heads out of their asses and come up with better rationale for doing so. Until then, I'll make due with my Browning Hi-power , my S&W 66 and my old Yugoslav SKS with its 20mm NATO grenade launcher.  ac_biggrin
\"A man\'s rights rest in three boxes. The ballot-box, the jury-box and the cartridge-box.\"

Frederick Douglass, November 15, 1867.

Twenty Dollars

Quote from: "smell the glove"
Quote from: "Twenty Dollars"Sorry but I need to ask again. How far is your head up your ass? Tumble or a tumble effect. These guns are to kill people. How fucking stupid are you? Ex Hubby must have one. Helps with his boner, no doubt. These weapons need to be banned. If you don't see this, I honestly feel sorry for you. Yeah these weapons have magical killing powers. God are you dumb.

I'm sorry, TD, but you are wrong.

Very wrong.

A bullet is designed to do one thing...  Follow the flattest and most accurate trajectory possible, until it hits the target.  This target could be a pop can, a paper target, an animal, or a human.

A bullet is a usually a very simple thing...  A piece of lead, often with a copper jacket.  That's all a bullet is, generally.

How big it is, how heavy it is, and how fast it comes out of the end are what can be adjusted.  Nonetheless, they all are supposed to come out in exactly the same way...

Sorry not wrong. Google AK47 and the characteristics of the ammo it shoots. I know nothing about guns. Don't think you do either.


Quote from: "Twenty Dollars"
Sorry not wrong. Google AK47 and the characteristics of the ammo it shoots.
I've learned that if someone asks you a really stupid question and you reply by telling them what time it is, they'll leave you alone


Quote from: "Renee"
Quote from: "RW""This type of weapon has become the weapon of choice for gunmen in mass shootings, including those in San Bernardino, Newtown and Aurora," said Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif. "This is not a weapon needed for hunting or self-defense. It is a weapon of war that can kill large numbers of people in close quarters."

There used to be a ban on them that expired in 2004.  Prior to that, where "responsible gun owners" feeling put upon because they couldn't get their hands on 30 round clips any more?  If so, TFB.

Wrong....Diane Feinstein is an idiot.....a known rabid anti-gun loon with a history of making sensational and false statements so she can push her agenda. Do you know that she has a concealed carry permit but she is vehemently against the private citizens of her state having the same privilege? She an elitist leftwing pig who thinks her life is worth more than the unwashed masses. Anything that corpse had to say on this subject is worthless.

As for what Mel is saying.....he is pretty much correct in saying the the .223 is a light round. Its a common varmint cartridge used for ground hogs, coyotes and such. As for your assertion that a semi-auto is a weapon of war... :laugh3:  That may have been true in 1950 but that statement is just sensationalist bunk plucked right out of the anti-gun propaganda playbook. Semi-auto weapons haven't been considered weapons of war for over half a century. At one time a fucking Brown Bess muzzle loader was considered a state of the art weapon of war, FFS.  :001_rolleyes:

These types of paramilitary weapons are no more deadly than any common semi-auto deer rifle that is equipped with a detachable magazine. In fact many of this types of rifles (the AR and its variants) are commonly used by competition target shooters and as hunting rifles for game such as ferral hogs.

What you are doing is parroting lies that are fed to you by those with a political agenda. Its all bullshit that uses fear to achieve a political objective so just stop.

Typical Renee.  Everyone who says anything against guns is *insert insult here*.  I said NOTHING about "guns of war" or whatever other shit you've gone on a rant about.

It's my understanding, and feel free to correct me, but certain assault weapons and high magazine clips were at one point banned in the US under the Federal Assault Weapons Ban of 1994 and still are under certain jurisdictions.  Were you precious "responsible" gun owners hard done by in these restrictions?  Were they unreasonable to you in the name of your paranoid self defense?

You tell me to "just stop" while counting body bags in your country. I don't need media or any other source to tell me how fucked up your gun toting culture is.  You live in fear and paranoia which promotes you having a fucking gun in the first place.  

Beware of Gaslighters!

Twenty Dollars

Quote from: "kiebers"
Quote from: "Twenty Dollars"
Sorry not wrong. Google AK47 and the characteristics of the ammo it shoots.

I apologize. I basically post on my phone. The link I was looking at had to do with AK47s The link stated, The 7.62 X 33mm round produces significant wounding in cases where the bullet yaws or tumbles.  I thought this was typical for all assault weapons?