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Re: Forum gossip thread by Herman

At Least 50 Dead In Gay Nightclub Attack in Orlando By Muslim Gunman

Started by Anonymous, June 12, 2016, 11:24:31 AM

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Quote from: "JOE"Are the laws of gun ownership much more lax in the Southern states than in the Northeastern ones? Seems to me I've read that the number of gun homicides is also lower where you live than in the Southern states. If that's the case, then it does demonstrate that stricter gun laws do work to some degree. And that uncontrolled licensing like they have in the South may contribute to their high gun homicide rates. Perhaps if Omar Muteen had been living in the Northern states with stricter gun laws, there would have been less likelihood of the incident happening there than in Florida.

Just speculation, but I know gun homicides in the US northeast are much lower than the southern states

Here in the northeast we also have a different demographic and less poverty. I dont want to say that certain groups of people are more prone to violence than others but it's true.

Now that doesn't matter because everyone, no matter what state you live in, must pass the NICS ( national instant criminal background check) before purchasing a firearm. Certain states have additional requirements for certain types of guns but is irrelevant.

Unfortunately the NICS data base doesn't include those individuals who are on "watched" or "no fly" lists. A simple addition to the data base would have prevented the Orlando shooter from legally obtaining firearms.

This kind of stuff is what people like Obongo don't want you to know. Anti-gun liberals are all about far reaching legislation that fits in with their political agenda. Several bills where proposed in congress recently under the guise of stopping so-called terrorists from getting guns. But in reality they were much more than attempts to stop guns from falling into the wrong hands. In all cases these bills did not address the problem with the NICS and were full of provisions that made direct attacks on the rights of law abiding citizens. So rightfully they did not pass.

Obama, his prog dupes and especially his cronies in the media, would like you to believe that the big bad NRA is the cause of all the lack of legislative action but that's just leftwing spin. The truth is, its the unpalatable and intolerable liberal/progressive agenda that stands in the way of fixings problem.
\"A man\'s rights rest in three boxes. The ballot-box, the jury-box and the cartridge-box.\"

Frederick Douglass, November 15, 1867.

Twenty Dollars

So owning assault type rifles that shoots  bullets that tumble is alright in your reality? Why are these guns along  with giant clips legal? They are only manufactured for one reason.


Quote from: "Twenty Dollars"So owning assault type rifles that shoots  bullets that tumble is alright in your reality? Why are these guns along  with giant clips legal? They are only manufactured for one reason.

Bullets that "tumble"???? WTF are you babbling about now?
\"A man\'s rights rest in three boxes. The ballot-box, the jury-box and the cartridge-box.\"

Frederick Douglass, November 15, 1867.

Twenty Dollars

Quote from: "Renee"
Quote from: "Twenty Dollars"So owning assault type rifles that shoots  bullets that tumble is alright in your reality? Why are these guns along  with giant clips legal? They are only manufactured for one reason.

Bullets that "tumble"???? WTF are you babbling about now?

Funny Renee that you are unaware of this. Google it. These weapons are to kill people. The bullet that is shot out of these guns have a tumble action. After in enters ones body it tears the shit out of you.


Quote from: "Renee"
Bullets that "tumble"???? WTF are you babbling about now?

You know how it is Renee. Some speak with no real knowledge of what they are talking about. You know the purpose of a rifled barrel, I know the purpose of a rifled barrel, some...not so much. Some grab made up shit to try to prove a point.

QuoteThere are three reasons why a bullet tumbles after leaving the barrel:

  * The bullet's base is cockeyed and gas escapes off one side before the

    other as it leaves the muzzle.

  * Something really unbalanced the bullet as it was going down the bore.

    After exiting the muzzle, it tumbles.

  * The bullet is spinning way too slow as it leaves the muzzle; it won't

    gyroscopically stablize.  Or it's spinning too fast; its natural

    unbalance creates enough centrifugal force to cause it to tumble.
I've learned that if someone asks you a really stupid question and you reply by telling them what time it is, they'll leave you alone


Quote from: "Twenty Dollars"
Quote from: "Renee"
Quote from: "Twenty Dollars"So owning assault type rifles that shoots  bullets that tumble is alright in your reality? Why are these guns along  with giant clips legal? They are only manufactured for one reason.

Bullets that "tumble"???? WTF are you babbling about now?

Funny Renee that you are unaware of this. Google it. These weapons are to kill people. The bullet that is shot out of these guns have a tumble action. After in enters ones body it tears the shit out of you.

WRONG!!!!!!!! :laugh3:

Bullets do not "tumble". If you have a "tumble action" (whatever the fuck that is) something is seriously wrong with the barrel of the gun or the load you are using is incompatible with the rifling twist in the bore or the bullet is damaged or defective in some way. In any case bullets are not meant or designed to "tumble".

Bullets "spiral" much like a well thrown football.

You are obvious one of the millions of ignorant sheep who think so called assault weapons are some kind of ultra menacing class of firearm that has mystical killing powers.

Watch out for those kinds of weapons. They have mind control powers as well. Anyone who touches one immediately turns into a homicidal maniac.  :laugh3:
\"A man\'s rights rest in three boxes. The ballot-box, the jury-box and the cartridge-box.\"

Frederick Douglass, November 15, 1867.


See how it happens?

islam does what islam does and progs change that into "about guns"

This isn't even a gay hate crime as was first assumed. He was gay. Its an islamic hate for the West crime

An islamic set out to kill as many civilians as possible, knew personally this was a setup (a place packed with 300 targets) .... so decided the place he knew was as good as it gets and killed as many as he could

So long as we have islamics here, this will accelerate ...

Whether gun, fire, bombs .. this guy is inspiration for all those islamics  who hate the West
I really tried to warn y\'all in 49  .. G. Orwell


Quote from: "cc la femme"See how it happens?

islam does what islam does and progs change that into "about guns"

This isn't even a gay hate crime as was first assumed. He was gay. Its an islamic hate for the West crime

An islamic set out to kill as many civilians as possible, knew personally this was a setup (a place packed with 300 targets) .... so decided the place he knew was as good as it gets and killed

It's a senseless, horrible tragedy..

Let the politicians spin it the way they will.


I agree from a Western society perspective it is a  senseless tragedy

From a devout  islamic perspective it is another  victory against its enemy (Western society) ... and all the spin in the world cannot change that

Worse, it shows others so inclined how easy it is and inspires them
I really tried to warn y\'all in 49  .. G. Orwell


Quote from: "cc la femme"I agree from a Western society perspective it is a  senseless tragedy

From a devout  islamic perspective it is another  victory against its enemy ... and all the spin in the world cannot change that

The only perspectives I know though are Western and East Asian.



Quote from: "cc la femme"See how it happens?

islam does what islam does and progs change that into "about guns"

This isn't even a gay hate crime as was first assumed. He was gay. Its an islamic hate for the West crime

An islamic set out to kill as many civilians as possible, knew personally this was a setup (a place packed with 300 targets) .... so decided the place he knew was as good as it gets and killed as many as he could

So long as we have islamics here, this will accelerate ...

Whether gun, fire, bombs .. this guy is inspiration for all those islamics  who hate the West

Mass SHOOTINGS are about guns regardless of what sick fuck is pulling the trigger.
Beware of Gaslighters!


I understand. In fact, much as I know of islamic intentions and anticipate for the future,  this kind of act (and the mindset that drives it)  is still hard for me to process

Devout islamic perspective is had to process .. .as was the nazi perspective. Still, we had war thrust upon us

Or, the Japanese perspective was hard for Chinese to process at that time .. yet they found themselves under attack and horrendous slaughter

There comes a time when perspective becomes moot and reality takes over

Seems our world for millenniums has always been inundated with killing and subjugation. The perps change, the killing keeps on
I really tried to warn y\'all in 49  .. G. Orwell


Just out of interest, here's the Mass Shootings (4 or more dead or injured) tracker for 2016:">
Beware of Gaslighters!


Quote from: "RW"
Quote from: "cc la femme"See how it happens?

islam does what islam does and progs change that into "about guns"

This isn't even a gay hate crime as was first assumed. He was gay. Its an islamic hate for the West crime

An islamic set out to kill as many civilians as possible, knew personally this was a setup (a place packed with 300 targets) .... so decided the place he knew was as good as it gets and killed as many as he could

So long as we have islamics here, this will accelerate ...

Whether gun, fire, bombs .. this guy is inspiration for all those islamics  who hate the West

Mass SHOOTINGS are about guns regardless of what sick fuck is pulling the trigger.

Was the Boston bombing about pressure cookers? Was 9/11 about airplanes? Was the Oklahoma City bombing about fertilizer?

I am not trying to be smart, but if someone is determined to kill many people, they will and have found ways to do it..

Having said that, I support making gun ownership very restrictive, but I don't believe it will stop terrorism.


"Mass Shooting Tracker" is a bullshit site. As per usual in the anti-gun, hoplophobic world, facts are omitted or amended in favor of bolstering numbers for propaganda purposes.

"PolitiFact, who ranked Mass Shooting Tracker's statistical assessment as "half true" noted, "Using 2013, the most recent year for which federal data is available, the Congressional Research Service found 25 mass shooting incidents — far less than the 363 counted by Mass Shooting Tracker"">//">//
\"A man\'s rights rest in three boxes. The ballot-box, the jury-box and the cartridge-box.\"

Frederick Douglass, November 15, 1867.