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two year old boy attacked and drowned by alligator near Disney World hotel

Started by Anonymous, June 16, 2016, 01:41:45 PM

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Quote from: "cc la femme"You are prolly correct on the type of water. Florida waters are mainly shallow and murky by nature

Say TD, are those gators or crocs?

And I thought it was mainly crocks in OZ. "Alligator Dundee" would never fly, lol

Generally speaking, crocs by nature take to brackish water better than gators .. and get bigger and tougher. There are a few crocs  in Florida, possibly transplanted , don't know,  but only along the ocean areas and in brackish (varying from medium to full salt content) water

In Florida, gators are more inland in shallow waters

Anyone want to hear my Florida big mouth bass  interuptus-by-gator fishing tale?

We lived in Sarasota on the Gulf Coast and saw plenty of gators .. ever pond is owned by a male gator

Only two species of Crocodile in Oz, no Alligator...the Johnstones freshwater (unique to only Australia) and the Salty.  ac_smile

Twenty Dollars

Quote from: "Renee"
Quote from: "JOE"
Quote from: "kiebers"I am still having a hard time with a 2 year old being allowed that close to, or in the water. Warning signs or not.

Sometimes your advocacy of guns makes sense, K.

Personally if I had one, I would've blown that f**kin' thing's head off.

It deserved it.

This story kinda reminds me of 2 boys who were killed by a python in New Brunswick Canada.

That thing also deserved the royal treatment.

So an alligator deserves to be killed for being and acting like an alligator?

Joe, you get dumber by the minute.  :nea:

Right. Not the animals fault. It's instinct. I'm glad the little boy's body was found. Think about the grief and horrible thoughts that family would carry around forever, if his body was not recovered.


Quote from: "Gallium"
Quote from: "cc la femme"You are prolly correct on the type of water. Florida waters are mainly shallow and murky by nature

Say TD, are those gators or crocs?

And I thought it was mainly crocks in OZ. "Alligator Dundee" would never fly, lol

Generally speaking, crocs by nature take to brackish water better than gators .. and get bigger and tougher. There are a few crocs  in Florida, possibly transplanted , don't know,  but only along the ocean areas and in brackish (varying from medium to full salt content) water

In Florida, gators are more inland in shallow waters

Anyone want to hear my Florida big mouth bass  interuptus-by-gator fishing tale?

We lived in Sarasota on the Gulf Coast and saw plenty of gators .. ever pond is owned by a male gator

Only two species of Crocodile in Oz, no Alligator...the Johnstones freshwater (unique to only Australia) and the Salty.  ac_smile

Is the salty in the Northern Territory and North Queensland only?


For some reason, I never forget the story about a crocodile that stalked & hunted down people in Norther Australia:"> ... australia/">

Some friends watched as one of them was eaten alive by a crocodile, then they had to run up a tree and stay there for nearly 24 hours. That must haunt the onlookers for the rest of their lives.

Those things are positively evil.

Quote from: "Gallium"
Quote from: "cc la femme"You are prolly correct on the type of water. Florida waters are mainly shallow and murky by nature

Say TD, are those gators or crocs?

And I thought it was mainly crocks in OZ. "Alligator Dundee" would never fly, lol

Generally speaking, crocs by nature take to brackish water better than gators .. and get bigger and tougher. There are a few crocs  in Florida, possibly transplanted , don't know,  but only along the ocean areas and in brackish (varying from medium to full salt content) water

In Florida, gators are more inland in shallow waters

Anyone want to hear my Florida big mouth bass  interuptus-by-gator fishing tale?

We lived in Sarasota on the Gulf Coast and saw plenty of gators .. ever pond is owned by a male gator

Only two species of Crocodile in Oz, no Alligator...the Johnstones freshwater (unique to only Australia) and the Salty.  ac_smile


They are dangerous to people and any animal or fish. Also to encounter one would be horrifying

They are not evil. Animals are not evil. That description is reserved for some people
I really tried to warn y\'all in 49  .. G. Orwell


Quote from: "Fashionista"
Quote from: "Gallium"
Quote from: "cc la femme"You are prolly correct on the type of water. Florida waters are mainly shallow and murky by nature

Say TD, are those gators or crocs?

And I thought it was mainly crocks in OZ. "Alligator Dundee" would never fly, lol

Generally speaking, crocs by nature take to brackish water better than gators .. and get bigger and tougher. There are a few crocs  in Florida, possibly transplanted , don't know,  but only along the ocean areas and in brackish (varying from medium to full salt content) water

In Florida, gators are more inland in shallow waters

Anyone want to hear my Florida big mouth bass  interuptus-by-gator fishing tale?

We lived in Sarasota on the Gulf Coast and saw plenty of gators .. ever pond is owned by a male gator

Only two species of Crocodile in Oz, no Alligator...the Johnstones freshwater (unique to only Australia) and the Salty.  ac_smile

Is the salty in the Northern Territory and North Queensland only?

Also across the top of Western Australia...basically the tropical zone. Check out the worldwide distribution of crocodiles below Fash. The yellow band across the top of Australia is the Salty.  ac_smile">


Thanks Gallium. I am not certain, but I think most if not all gators pretty much stick to fresh or almost fresh water.

 Appears crocs can be either, depending on species I would assume?? or some species of croc can take to any water?
I really tried to warn y\'all in 49  .. G. Orwell


Quote from: "cc la femme"Thanks Gallium. I am not certain, but I think most if not all gators pretty much stick to fresh or almost fresh water.

 Appears crocs can be either, depending on species I would assume?? or some species of croc can take to any water?

Hey CC...alligators don't like the salt at all, although will tolerate some brackish water if a particular prey is present. The freshwater and associated plant growth supports their preferred habitats.

Both the freshwater and saltwater crocodiles are able to overlap habitats. However the large growth size in the salty expands it's range in search of larger and more abundant pickings, for example, a large seal sunning itself on the edge of the beach or a decaying whale carcass. And even sharks on occasion...



That's basically what I  had thought. Thanks for confirming it

I've seen gators pretty close up in the wild and they are powerful and scary, but I'm aware that crocs start there and keep going up

There are a few crocs in brackish to full ocean water in S Eastern Florida. Many suspect they were put there by man and not "natural" to the area. I'm not 100 sure if that is correct
I really tried to warn y\'all in 49  .. G. Orwell


Quote from: "cc la femme"That's basically what I  had thought. Thanks for confirming it

I've seen gators pretty close up in the wild and they are powerful and scary, but I'm aware that crocs start there and keep going up

There are a few crocs in brackish to full ocean water in S Eastern Florida. Many suspect they were put there by man and not "natural" to the area. I'm not 100 sure if that is correct

I'm a big fan of the tv show, The Python Hunters. A huge problem there is the release of exotic pets that have literally outgrown their stay and are released into the Everglades and Wetland surrounds. Crocodiles, Burmese Pythons and African Rock Pythons are a few such examples.


Pythons thrive in Florida and have no natural enemy to cull them. They are increasingly a problem. People can be so stupid

One thing Florida fears greatly is piranhas being released and taking hold
I really tried to warn y\'all in 49  .. G. Orwell


....when good triumps over evil:

That's why we need more tigers and we shouldn't kill them off.


you see a reptilel as evil ... I find that strange

They are scary to me, but not evil.

Like all life, they just try to survive with the tools they were born with
I really tried to warn y\'all in 49  .. G. Orwell


Surfside Tx. Thirty miles or so west of Galveston.

I've learned that if someone asks you a really stupid question and you reply by telling them what time it is, they'll leave you alone


You guys take too much a benevolent view of wild animals of that kind.

If it's all but certain that they are going to kill you or someone near you, you must kill them.

As the saying goes, "Terminate with Extreme Prejudice."

Wild animals are not cuddly creatures. You shouldn't humanize or have any compassion for them.

I should know. I could have wound up in the belly of one once. I came very close.

 They see you as their next meal.

Kill them before they kill you.

Quote from: "Twenty Dollars"
Quote from: "Renee"
Quote from: "JOE"
Quote from: "kiebers"I am still having a hard time with a 2 year old being allowed that close to, or in the water. Warning signs or not.

Sometimes your advocacy of guns makes sense, K.

Personally if I had one, I would've blown that f**kin' thing's head off.

It deserved it.

This story kinda reminds me of 2 boys who were killed by a python in New Brunswick Canada.

That thing also deserved the royal treatment.

So an alligator deserves to be killed for being and acting like an alligator?

Joe, you get dumber by the minute.  :nea:

Right. Not the animals fault. It's instinct. I'm glad the little boy's body was found. Think about the grief and horrible thoughts that family would carry around forever, if his body was not recovered.