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Re: Forum gossip thread by Herman

How the Baltimore Police Department Abuses African Americans

Started by Gay Boy Roberto, August 10, 2016, 10:53:43 PM

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I recommend reading Are Cops Racist by Heather MacDonald.


QuoteReal "big government" and "tyranny" in action: conservatives are silent

There have been no outcries about tyranny and "big government" from Fox News, the broader right-wing new entertainment media, or from Republican opinion leaders and politicians in response to the abuses of power detailed by the Department of Justice report on the Baltimore police. "Principled" conservatives, a group who supposedly value "individual freedom," "small government," and "liberty" suspend those values when they are made to apply to African-Americans. Moreover, the authoritarian inclinations of conservatives in the post-civil rights era means that "big government" and "law enforcement" are embraced if they "protect" white people ("the silent majority" in "real America") from "those people" (black and brown Americans, Muslims, and any nebulous type of "Other"). Political scientists and other researchers have demonstrated that a belief in "law and order" is closely tied to white racial animus and anti-black sentiment. And once again, racism and conservatism are conjoined in America and cannot be easily separated from one another.

In America, conservatives and other members of the right-wing believe that the color line is a type of zero-sum game where one group's ability to live a full and free life dictates that another not be allowed to do so. Their silence about the Baltimore police department's tyrannical behavior against black people reveals how contingent and circumstantial their worries about the perils of "big government" really are.">//


Here are a few facts about Baltimore's so called racist cops."> ... -collapse/">

Fact: More than half of the Baltimore City police force is minority.

Fact: Four of the six top commanders are African-American or Hispanic.

Fact: Half of the police officers being prosecuted are African-American.

The protesters point to poverty—and they're right. Poverty has devastated minority communities. But it is left-wing policies Democrats implemented that have created destructive incentives and denied opportunity to generations of young people.


Quote from: "Meathead"Here are a few facts about Baltimore's so called racist cops."> ... -collapse/">

Fact: More than half of the Baltimore City police force is minority.

Fact: Four of the six top commanders are African-American or Hispanic.

Fact: Half of the police officers being prosecuted are African-American.

The protesters point to poverty—and they're right. Poverty has devastated minority communities. But it is left-wing policies Democrats implemented that have created destructive incentives and denied opportunity to generations of young people.

I posted a video from a former Baltimore cop.  Are you seriously trying to tell us that left wing policies are to blame for that scenario?  Pfft!

Like the former officer said, MOST cops in Baltimore are good guys.  They just need to address the bad apples.  And it looks as though they are willing to do that.
Beware of Gaslighters!


Quote from: "Renee"
Quote from: "RW"You're attacking the messenger like a rabid dog while squirming around to try to justify the garbage.  Is that what you "righties" are all about?  All bark and no bite?

The problem is the police in Baltimore are severely broken.  Identifying the why is as important as correcting the problem.  (Gay Boy Roberto isn't the problem BTW.)

Attacking people who talk about it and screaming "leftist scum!" is fucking pointless.  Now maybe you're out of practise when it comes to arguing or maybe you just look for any excuse to be a raging bitch, but I want to tell you that you're making a goddamn ass of yourself.

This sums up the root of the problem completely.

"Yet focusing only on the misdeeds of the Baltimore police force misses the depths of the problem. Baltimore is a strongly Democratic city whose experimentation with progressive principles has proved unable to lift people out from poverty. Its labor and taxation policies have led to an exodus of well-to-do citizens, white and black, so that Baltimore's population has plunged by about a third, from about 940,000 in 1960 to 622,000 in 2013. The question on the table is how to reverse the population decline, which will only come if the city is a decent place for people of all races to live, work, and educate their children.""> ... ce-problem">

BTW, I'll shoot any messenger I please....especially when they have an agenda that demonizes the wrong people and ignores the culpability of the agenda they subscribe to. You of all people know where I'm coming from personally on this issue. If I come off as a raging bitch on this, it's not without reason. And if you don't like it..... you are free to do me the favor and throw me the fuck out of here. :mad:

Baltimore is a classic example of what happens when the Democrats control civic politics well for decades. The police never had a chance.
gay, conservative and proud
