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Re: Forum gossip thread by Herman

Random Interesting Observation...

Started by Angry White Male, September 02, 2016, 01:30:06 AM

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Quote from: "Dinky Dianna"
Shen hasnt said a pleasant word about me since I've been back and while it's no great shock, the moment I've asked her how her death threat hobby is going, out comes the liquor cabinet key and further bile.

RW and Spectre were having some sort of e romance the last time I was here and she was under his rotten spell. It is what it is. I will not apologize for stating my opinion.

Shen needs to visit AA. That's also an opinion of mine.

You did get in Shen Li's space tonight, she doesn't drink and any friendship between RW and anyone else is none of your business..

Trash talking everyone because they outed the character you play on this board is very uncool and our business..

Gary Oak handles it better when his characters are outed..

If he can do it, I'm sure you can.


Quote from: "Fashionista"
Quote from: "Shen Li"
Quote from: "Fashionista"
Quote from: "Dinky Dianna"

Actually, I'm handling it maturely.

I haven't dredged up this ancient argument but I'm also not standing idly by and letting an angry drunk stir up crap. I've stated who I am and the basics of my life. If you're not prepared to allow me to be myself, like I said, I'll do as it suits me.

I admire your loyalty towards RW but it's undeserved and not cool in this instance.

RW Suckered us is as uncool as it gets..

Now you are lashing out at Shen fact you instigated this with Shen Li tonight..

He's a senile old goat. I have jacked handles, trolled, got outed and I didn't put up half the fucking fuss this old man does.

People that still post on forums use it for entertainment value as facebook and twitter have taken over information dispensing..

For entertainment purposes I would have played along had Dinky Dianna not said it is everyone else's fault his cover was blown..

In fact, I still will if Dinky stops smearing all the people who talked to him on skype.

From what I've heard from many sources that know the senile old fart from many forums is this that is not his style.


Quote from: "Fashionista"
Quote from: "Dinky Dianna"
Shen hasnt said a pleasant word about me since I've been back and while it's no great shock, the moment I've asked her how her death threat hobby is going, out comes the liquor cabinet key and further bile.

RW and Spectre were having some sort of e romance the last time I was here and she was under his rotten spell. It is what it is. I will not apologize for stating my opinion.

Shen needs to visit AA. That's also an opinion of mine.

You got Shen Li's face, she doesn't drink and any friendship between RW and anyone else is none of your business..

Trash talking everyone because they outed the character you play on this board is very uncool..

Gary Oak handles it better when his characters are outed..

If he can do it, I'm sure you can.

White knighting your friends, check.

Let them talk shit about me and it becomes your fact.

Yet when I expressly state my opinions on your friends, it suddenly becomes me and only me trash talking.

See how that works now? I too am prepared to carry on posting happy go lucky stuff for the benefit of TBC community but the trash talking as you put it, or suspicions and or opinions, must be left aside. All parties. Failing that, ban me. I will not go along with being called an old crusty male.

It's a two way street.


QuoteWhite knighting your friends, check.

Let them talk shit about me and it becomes your fact.

Yet when I expressly state my opinions on your friends, it suddenly becomes me and only me trash talking.

See how that works now? I too am prepared to carry on posting happy go lucky stuff for the benefit of TBC community but the trash talking as you put it, or suspicions and or opinions, must be left aside. All parties. Failing that, ban me. I will not go along with being called an old crusty male.

It's a two way street.

Your opinions are childish and silly, but even if they were true what do they have to do with you accusing RW of suckering us?

Again, I do not care what character anyone plays on my board....I will even play along with them..

But, accusing RW of lying because she outed you is beneath you..

I have repeated this a few times tonight, but it doesn't seem to be getting through.



Quote from: "Fashionista"
QuoteWhite knighting your friends, check.

Let them talk shit about me and it becomes your fact.

Yet when I expressly state my opinions on your friends, it suddenly becomes me and only me trash talking.

See how that works now? I too am prepared to carry on posting happy go lucky stuff for the benefit of TBC community but the trash talking as you put it, or suspicions and or opinions, must be left aside. All parties. Failing that, ban me. I will not go along with being called an old crusty male.

It's a two way street.

Your opinions are childish and silly, but even if they were true what do they have to do with you accusing RW of suckering us?

Again, I do not care what character anyone plays on my board....I will even play along with them..

But, accusing RW of lying because she outed you is beneath you..

I have repeated this a few times tonight, but it doesn't seem to be getting through.


Old man Aaron will reply with cheesy insults and outrageous accusations. Deflection, but not recant the lies he said about RW. ac_boring


Quote from: "Fashionista"
QuoteWhite knighting your friends, check.

Let them talk shit about me and it becomes your fact.

Yet when I expressly state my opinions on your friends, it suddenly becomes me and only me trash talking.

See how that works now? I too am prepared to carry on posting happy go lucky stuff for the benefit of TBC community but the trash talking as you put it, or suspicions and or opinions, must be left aside. All parties. Failing that, ban me. I will not go along with being called an old crusty male.

It's a two way street.

Your opinions are childish and silly, but even if they were true what do they have to do with you accusing RW of suckering us?

Again, I do not care what character anyone plays on my board....I will even play along with them..

But, accusing RW of lying because she outed you is beneath you..

I have repeated this a few times tonight, but it doesn't seem to be getting through.


And I've pointed out the inconsistencies despite both of us agreeing that it shouldn't matter who someone is or is not. The ball is in your court now. If I can't state my opinions as fact and compel you or others to accept or go along with them, it can't be done towards me. It's hypocritical and while you may think it's childish of me to have gone about demonstrating the issue the way I have, it's imperative we have an understanding. Do you want me here to post about cool water bottles or pork and lamb roasts or is that contingent of me being abused over the suspicion or opinion

I'm a man which I don't accept?


Quote from: "Dinky Dianna"

Obviously you don't want to consider a different view or narrative and I'm not going to linger on it. I won't however accept being a called a liar because I'm lower in the site pecking order than RW and leaps ahead of Shen. If that means I'm no longer welcome unless I go along with their opinions, I'll cross that bridge as I see fit.

You embarrassing poltroon.

You won't accept? That's akin to a Guantanamo inmate refusing to accept his 11.00am waterboarding session.

Its not offered as an option, sparky. Everyone can see you're not wearing pants, and you're constant caterwauling that you are too, doesn't work. We can all see your noodle dick, and flat ass.

That you cannot accept it is inconsequential. You're the same infantile, attention seeking fringe crawler you've always been, but you've lost your sense of fun along the way.

Accept it or not, turdflicker...its the crop you reap from the silly seeds you've sown.

Deal with it, or fuck off. Personally, I vote for the latter.

But at least I'm giving you a true option.


Quote from: "Oberon"
Quote from: "Dinky Dianna"

Obviously you don't want to consider a different view or narrative and I'm not going to linger on it. I won't however accept being a called a liar because I'm lower in the site pecking order than RW and leaps ahead of Shen. If that means I'm no longer welcome unless I go along with their opinions, I'll cross that bridge as I see fit.

You embarrassing poltroon.

You won't accept? That's akin to a Guantanamo inmate refusing to accept his 11.00am waterboarding session.

Its not offered as an option, sparky. Everyone can see you're not wearing pants, and you're constant caterwauling that you are too, doesn't work. We can all see your noodle dick, and flat ass.

That you cannot accept it is inconsequential. You're the same infantile, attention seeking fringe crawler you've always been, but you've lost your sense of fun along the way.

Accept it or not, turdflicker...its the crop you reap from the silly seeds you've sown.

Deal with it, or fuck off. Personally, I vote for the latter.

But at least I'm giving you a true option.

Shut your hole fuckwit!


Quote from: "Oberon"
Quote from: "Dinky Dianna"

Obviously you don't want to consider a different view or narrative and I'm not going to linger on it. I won't however accept being a called a liar because I'm lower in the site pecking order than RW and leaps ahead of Shen. If that means I'm no longer welcome unless I go along with their opinions, I'll cross that bridge as I see fit.

You embarrassing poltroon.

You won't accept? That's akin to a Guantanamo inmate refusing to accept his 11.00am waterboarding session.

Its not offered as an option, sparky. Everyone can see you're not wearing pants, and you're constant caterwauling that you are too, doesn't work. We can all see your noodle dick, and flat ass.

That you cannot accept it is inconsequential. You're the same infantile, attention seeking fringe crawler you've always been, but you've lost your sense of fun along the way.

Accept it or not, turdflicker...its the crop you reap from the silly seeds you've sown.

Deal with it, or fuck off. Personally, I vote for the latter.

But at least I'm giving you a true option.

Put the hemorrhoid lotion on your bottom's skin.

These random flare ups of yours must be embarrassing for you.


Quote from: "Oberon"
Quote from: "Dinky Dianna"

Obviously you don't want to consider a different view or narrative and I'm not going to linger on it. I won't however accept being a called a liar because I'm lower in the site pecking order than RW and leaps ahead of Shen. If that means I'm no longer welcome unless I go along with their opinions, I'll cross that bridge as I see fit.

You embarrassing poltroon.

You won't accept? That's akin to a Guantanamo inmate refusing to accept his 11.00am waterboarding session.

Its not offered as an option, sparky. Everyone can see you're not wearing pants, and you're constant caterwauling that you are too, doesn't work. We can all see your noodle dick, and flat ass.

That you cannot accept it is inconsequential. You're the same infantile, attention seeking fringe crawler you've always been, but you've lost your sense of fun along the way.

Accept it or not, turdflicker...its the crop you reap from the silly seeds you've sown.

Deal with it, or fuck off. Personally, I vote for the latter.

But at least I'm giving you a true option.

His standard response is to attack the person like he did in response to your post here..

Here is what RW wrote about this.

can see intelligence and quality comment shining through this shit persona Dinky has donned.

This isn't a flame forum and although I can appreciate the creativity, the same games need not be played here."> ... ist#p94329">

While I agree we are not a flame forum, I disagree about creative license..

Dinky Dianna is not the only poster here who exercises that option.


I have been purposely avoiding Freud since Fash let him back in. I knew it would be a short time before he started on the deflection, lies and churlish insults. He is so predictably boring.

Renee was right about forums no longer attracting intelligent, mainstream posters. There are no more good discussions here or on that other board. They have both become warehouses now for aging social retards. We just lost a great poster(Renee) and gave free access to this joint to Dinky Freud the bearded lady, Total Dunce and the phony phinn. The first one is capable of participating in rational discussion, but he wants to relive his flame forum glory days, the second one can't string two coherent sentences together and the third is not sober ten minutes of the day.

I got to think about why I am here now. I have better things to do than be a babysitter for over the hill jackasses. Fash, the ball is in your court. If this is the way it is going to be, I am afraid I can no longer be your mod.


:001_rolleyes: You're like a broken record: He's Freud! He's Gargoyle! He's a wanker! Make him state that he's a liar!  :001_rolleyes:

Let it go. I too am bored with this bizarre witch hunt.


I took a peek at that Third Rail forum when there was a link to it in Reject Rodeo. With the exception of Dove there is not a single poster under the age of sixty including Dinky Freud himself. A real retirement home for burnt flame forum vets. Having said that I would rather read it than VF anyday.


Quote from: "Fashionista"
QuoteObviously you don't want to consider a different view or narrative and I'm not going to linger on it. I won't however accept being a called a liar because I'm lower in the site pecking order than RW and leaps ahead of Shen. If that means I'm no longer welcome unless I go along with their opinions, I'll cross that bridge as I see fit

You feel betrayed because your identity was revealed, that's the narrative..

Once again, I do not care..

But, you said RW suckered us which we everyone knows is not true at all..

She turned you in, that's why you're angry..

I will play along with anyone's character they play here, but I will not play along with calling RW a liar..

You are welcome here anytime, but you're handling this very badly.

I only post on forums for the discussions. I try my best to ignore the characters trolls pretend to be whether it's odinson the supersized viking, Shen Li's angry drunken IC comedy routine or Dinky Freud pretending to be a woman. The discussion not the character is what I read forums for. What makes both SL and Freud different from other troll characters like Gary Oak's Rambo Wong or Lance Leftardashian is that Freud and SL can contribute meaningfully on a wide variety of subjects while none of Oak's handles can.


Quote from: "Fashionista"
Quote from: "Dinky Dianna"
Quote from: "Fashionista"
Quote from: "Dinky Dianna"Shen is stalking someone at a different site and she thinks it's me? That means she's been trying to also stalk me.  ac_toofunny

Actually, she learned about your handle at TRF from RW like I did."> ... le#p124434">



Looks like RW suckered a few people

You didn't sucker any of the people that heard your real voice.

It is no secret that RW and I do not get along. But, she did not make up the conversations she had with Dinky Freud.