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Re: Forum gossip thread by Herman

Yazidi Refugees Coming To Canada

Started by Romero, October 26, 2016, 02:27:30 PM

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QuoteWith a freed Yazidi sex slave watching from the gallery, the House of Commons voted unanimously Tuesday to acknowledge a genocide against her people and to offer safe haven in Canada to vulnerable women and girls by the end of February.

Nadia Murad, described by the Conservatives as a victim of sex trafficking at the hands of members of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant, has been lobbying MPs this week on behalf of her hard-hit fellow Yazidis.

She received an ovation from the House before MPs voted 313-0 to adopt a Conservative motion calling on the Liberal government to help her fellow Yazidis within the next 120 days.

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau offered his personal assurance that help is in the offing.

"I am pleased to see Nadia again today and reassure her that in the coming months we are committed to bring in ... vulnerable Yazidi refugees," he said during question period.

The Yazidis, a Kurdish-speaking religious minority who used to dwell mainly in northern Iraq, have been targeted by ISIL militants over the last two years. Thousands of Yazidi men were killed, while thousands of women and girls were carried off, bought and sold in slave markets.">//

Ain't Canada the greatest?


You mean Trudeau is the greatest in your opinion.


Nope, Canada!

Credit actually goes to the Conservative and Conservatives who adopted the motion, and all parties voted for it. Not one Member voted against!


And rightly so.

We should never turn our backs on genuine cases of lethal persecution. Those poor people have nowhere to go, and have suffered terribly.

Well done, Canada.

However, this is NOT the same situation as the queue jumping opportunists who exploit Western philanthropy to infest our shores, leech from our generosity, and then cause social problems when they fail to integrate into our culture and society.

Lance Leftardashian

Yes it is wonderful that Justin Trudeau is helping the Yazhidid's but let's not forget about the black refugees desperately trying to get into Europe. We must not leave them stateless.
I care, you pay


Quote from: "Lance Leftardashian"Yes it is wonderful that Justin Trudeau is helping the Yazhidid's but let's not forget about the black refugees desperately trying to get into Europe. We must not leave them stateless.

I fully agree.

They should be returned to their homeland.


I am not thrilled about accepting large numbers of refugees from anywhere, but particularly the middle east. But, if we are to take any refugees, Christians, and minorities should be given priority.


Quote from: "Oberon"And rightly so.

We should never turn our backs on genuine cases of lethal persecution. Those poor people have nowhere to go, and have suffered terribly.

Well done, Canada.

However, this is NOT the same situation as the queue jumping opportunists who exploit Western philanthropy to infest our shores, leech from our generosity, and then cause social problems when they fail to integrate into our culture and society.

Who? You aren't talking about Syrian refugees, are you? They've been in nearly the same situation the Yazidis have been in.


I hope they build happy lives in Canada.


Quote from: "Herman"I am not thrilled about accepting large numbers of refugees from anywhere, but particularly the middle east. But, if we are to take any refugees, Christians, and minorities should be given priority.

I don't approve of refugees having a pathway to citizenship. It's a slap in the face to those of us who followed the rules and paid fees. Most refugees would not qualify as immigrants. Refugees should be few and far between and temporary. I would prefer we established temporary refugee camps in the Muddle East rather than bring any here.


Quote from: "Shen Li"
Quote from: "Herman"I am not thrilled about accepting large numbers of refugees from anywhere, but particularly the middle east. But, if we are to take any refugees, Christians, and minorities should be given priority.

I don't approve of refugees having a pathway to citizenship. It's a slap in the face to those of us who followed the rules and paid fees. Most refugees would not qualify as immigrants. Refugees should be few and far between and temporary. I would prefer we established temporary refugee camps in the Muddle East rather than bring any here.

I agree. Make them wait at least 7 and perhaps 10 years to get theirs.

Otherwise, why should people who come in legally, with proper documentation, thoroughly vetted, be required to wait so long to get in?

Its like somebody gets to jump the que while the other person had to wait in line.

Its not fair


Quote from: "JOE"
Quote from: "Shen Li"
Quote from: "Herman"I am not thrilled about accepting large numbers of refugees from anywhere, but particularly the middle east. But, if we are to take any refugees, Christians, and minorities should be given priority.

I don't approve of refugees having a pathway to citizenship. It's a slap in the face to those of us who followed the rules and paid fees. Most refugees would not qualify as immigrants. Refugees should be few and far between and temporary. I would prefer we established temporary refugee camps in the Muddle East rather than bring any here.

I agree. Make them wait at least 7 and perhaps 10 years to get theirs.

Otherwise, why should people who come in legally, with proper documentation, thoroughly vetted, be required to wait so long to get in?

Its like somebody gets to jump the que while the other person had to wait in line.

Its not fair

My old lady has a similar opinion to Shen Li. She too says it should not be a backdoor way of gaining permanent residency.


Quote from: "Romero"
Quote from: "Oberon"And rightly so.

We should never turn our backs on genuine cases of lethal persecution. Those poor people have nowhere to go, and have suffered terribly.

Well done, Canada.

However, this is NOT the same situation as the queue jumping opportunists who exploit Western philanthropy to infest our shores, leech from our generosity, and then cause social problems when they fail to integrate into our culture and society.

Who? You aren't talking about Syrian refugees, are you? They've been in nearly the same situation the Yazidis have been in.

Actually, no. Syrians need help and support. Afghans, Pakistanis, Libyans, Sudanese, Moroccans, Sri Lankans, Bangla Deshis, Iraqis, and other opportunists do not.




These scatter-rats are simply exploiting the collapse of their failed States to sneak their way into Western countries.

Add to the list of "Zero refugee intake" countries Russia, China, Japan, Korea, Indonesia, Malaysia (mulsim nations), India, Pakistan (mulsim) and Iran (also muslim).

Now, I do not suggest that these countries would not take them, if they appeared on their doorstep, but the rats don't want to go to these countries because they know they will not get the same handouts and left wing welcome they get from the idiot West.