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Re: Forum gossip thread by Garraty_47

welcome Not Freud/caskur

Started by Anonymous, November 10, 2016, 09:05:52 PM

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Quote from: "Dinky Dianna"I have been blinded by my deep seated psychological issues over my gender confusion. It's almost funny to watch if I wasn't so sad and pathetic.

Denial is not just a river in North Eastern Africa old timer.


Quote from: "Herman"
Quote from: "Dinky Dianna"I have been blinded by my deep seated psychological issues over gender confusion. It's almost funny to watch if I wasn't so sad and pathetic.

Denial is not just a river in North Eastern Africa old timer.

Can I tell you about my mutta, I am Herr Incontinence Pullups.


Whatever Freud. Postmortems have been done on flame forums long ago. They are not coming back to life no matter how much you want that to happen. Get over it and move on like Crow did.


There I go again. I can't stop lashing out blindly in all my insecurities and issues, you know I have, down there.


Freud, you are like some old Japanese soldier wandering through the jungles of South East Asia fifteen years after the end of WW2. Unaware the war is over, your side has lost, but still wanting to fight.

Flaming is dead Freud and there is nothing you or your friends from trf can do to change that.


Hermie, I literally can not behave or help myself.

The Countess

Quote from: "Oberon"
Quote from: "The Countess"What you people can't seem to get thru that deteriorating old brain is, you're attacking while claiming you don't attack.

Where did I claim I don't attack?

The point, cupcake, is this; this is not a flame forum, and you and the other devotees of a dead game are here to play your flame game.

Some of my colleagues are less familiar with the conduct of flamers who invite themselves to non-flaming sites, and the disruption and general lunacy and ineptitude they bring. I'm merely drawing you out so that they can see for themselves that your presence here is as undesirable as a massive zit on a first date.

The fact that around ten years ago, people like you were regarded and thus treated as the dregs at the bottom of the barrel by myself and perhaps even Freud is just a bonus. But Freud has little option these days but to recruit the former bottom feeders to support his trolling.

Sadly, rather than draw them up to his level, you have appeared to have dragged him down to yours.

He always was easily led, and the fall guy for the big kids of Flametown.

Whoa, hold it right there, I have erectile dysfunction

Ten years ago, my people hacked into your forum and put your private but shady shit on blast for everyone to see. Ten years ago, you were still the same whack ass lame whose pussy prowling got him caught up. You wanna talk dregs of the bottom, Bitch ? Ain't nothing lower than a fucking grown ass man latching on to the daddy issues of a then 17 year old girl. A former COP at that. Youre sitting on your high horse, pretending you weren't driven into exile for something you claim you're innocent of. We all know only the guilty run.



Well, you got the ten years right.

Aside from that you're as close to fact as Hillary Clinton.

I'm not pretending anything, guapo. That old troll stinks of mould and an utter lack of imagination.

Is Freud spoon feeding you trollbait only, or does he help you wipe your own ass?


Quote from: "Fashionista"
I can't understand why it was once alive.


insults and flaming are 2 separate things.

trolls insult and people think that's flaming. It isn't.

Flame Champs run by Brain at the time, had the right mixture... they organized competitions and the brilliant had a go... A reader of matches could enjoy the humour...plenty of thrills and spills...

reading toefactor, blackmuse, pickles, poofer, Brain, Cardy and Oranje, Rebel the Uncanny... was extreme fun...  Joodog was good too.

BH had Oranje who was also a good read ESPECIALLY when he was fired up and going off his nut about something.. Some posters have flashes of brilliance but might use too much profanity or don't have basic ideas about paragraphing (whatever)... or write too much XXX stuff (Danny).. That's not fun... that's just plain sick. Good flaming has little to no swearing in it.

It's art because it causes strong emotions in readers... you're just using words and not a paintbrush or stick of charcoal...

I was attracted to the graphic side... The chops and now I'm a pro-chopper in real life because of it.... I also help people fix their photos in real life and get paid for it.

Flaming can take a lot out of people because you have to think REAL hard inventing new phrases no one has done before... That might come easily for some. I've heard through the grapevine Oberon is verbose. He's irritating for sure and I have found the harpy a sexist as well however, that wouldn't deter me... That's just his way of waving a red flag in front of my face...

"I think having land and not ruining it is the most beautiful art that anybody could ever want."
- Andy Warhol



Why don't you come out and tell the truth.

You mean Freud.

By the way, you unhinged and certifiable harridan, NO-ONE here gives a FUCK about your perspective of "flaming". They have as much interest in that as they do in black and white television.

If it means so much to you, why the fuck are you HERE?


Quote from: "Oberon"Grapevine?

Why don't you come out and tell the truth.

You mean Freud.

No, i saw you being attacked at BH and you begging them to stop.. I think that was the only actual post I read of yours ever before meeting you again at Wicked Kewl...

As for the rest of your post.. just shut the fuck up... be grateful I showed up in the first place... This is another forum on life support and you need all the help you can get....

any other questions Harpy?


"I think having land and not ruining it is the most beautiful art that anybody could ever want."
- Andy Warhol


Quote from: "Oberon"Grapevine?

Why don't you come out and tell the truth.

You mean Freud.

By the way, you unhinged and certifiable harridan, NO-ONE here gives a FUCK about your perspective of "flaming". They have as much interest in that as they do in black and white television.

If it means so much to you, why the fuck are you HERE?

That is a very good analogy Oberon and one that escapes Freud..

Herman has been making this point too..

Flaming is in the past, but Freud and Flea cannot let it go which is why I do feel some sympathy for both of them.


^^Anyone that enjoys so called "flaming" like wasting their time. People like Freud that cannot accept it is finished need counselling.


Only the problem remains I make wanton accusations about those I obsess over Leoparsocks.

Flea and I are a sad lot. To be honest, I've given up on life. TRF forum has almost become a retirement home for weak sorts.

Flamers should all be ashamed of ourselves.


Quote from: "Dinky Dianna"Only the problem remains for you all who make wanton accusations about those who you think are flamers or trolls, as you Flame and Troll like little Leopardsocks.  :)

You're a sad lot. To be honest, you've given up on life. This forum has almost become a retirement home for weak sorts.

You shoukd all be ashamed of yourselves.

yeah... the people here are very rude.

There are a couple of good ones...

"I think having land and not ruining it is the most beautiful art that anybody could ever want."
- Andy Warhol